Sleepless Nights Support Thread

That sounds good. I've not noticed anything after growth spurts, well I don't think I have anyway! My LO has pretty much been a 2-hourly waker since birth. Occasionally we'll get 3 hours but rarely! I'm just hoping with age it will come. Especially since on odd occasions he'll settle himself back to sleep, this is new so any progress is good!

Im must admit i have been very fortunate with my LO, only waking at 3/4am for a feed until quite recently and now its knocked me for six!!!!!

My HV recommended Grip water today to help with his wind, and so far he hasn't woken since going to bed at 6pm, so we are keeping everything crossed for tonight, otherwise im going to feel even worse tomorrow :wacko:
touch wood i put finley down at 8 he settled himself which is great because the last 2 nites ive had to b in the room with him it only took 5 mins for him to be asleep and he hasnt stirred yet

probs spoke to soon
Well, so much for the good sleep the past few days. I've got a cold coming on and soon he will too. Last time he had one, I stayed up for 48 hours straight with him.
aww poor you

last nite was much better bathed him at half 7 fed him he went straight down woke at half ten for a feed went straight back down woke at 2 babbling but went straight back to sleep then woke at 4 for feed so all in all a much better nite
Aliss I hope you both get better soon

Me and M are both ill too, so she went down last night at 8 and we had to resettle her a few times before 11. Took her in with me and her temperature was high (40.1) so we sat up with her trying to get her to cool down until 1:30, and she woke a couple more times before we got up at 8. It's certainly not the worst night we've ever had, but being ill sucks!
Hope everyone feels better soon :flower:

Well things were looking good until 1.30am, 2am, 3am and finally 3.30am where i said to my husband to bring little one to our bed and then we co-slept untl 7am where LO only woke once very quickly. Thankfully we have a super king size bed otherwise i would have kicked hubby out :haha:
Thought I'd join here, been awake with Max nearly all night.
OH somehow manages to sleep thought the whole thing! and is still asleep now at 10:20am!
my hubby is like that too but hes gotta be up at 5 for work
i am SO SICK of hearing about how babies 'should' be sleeping through the night at 4 months old! Yeah, and i should be 8 bloody stone but that's not happening either! Grr...
Ive had 6 hours sleep since sunday, does that mean i qualify to hop in here :blush:

firstly... i would like to apologise...when i first joined this forum i looked at this thread with a smug look on my face and thought im so glad Abby has slept through since 6 weeks...i wouldnt cope without sleep....well Karma just bit me on the ass and her name is Ailah and she is 5 months old and hates milk and sleep!!!! lol...

Secondly.....HOW DO YOU LADIES COPE!?!!? there is only so much coffee i can drink!! lol xxxxx
i can't even drink coffee because i'm breast feeding! Last night felt like a good night, he slept in his cot from 11.20 till 2, 2.40 till 4.30 then 5 till 5.30 when we were up for 3 hours. He's now asleep and has been since 8.30 but he's on my lap so i can't get any sleep myself! What does that add up to? 5 hours? That's pretty good for us, just a shame it's so broken up!
now i feel bad for complaining lol...My problem is if Ailah wakes up and screams, it wakes Abby....I get Ailah to sleep...get Abby to sleep...crawl back int bed will take aaaaages to get to sleep myself (ive got pnd and not sleeping is part and parcel of it for me) then Ailah will wake again....i just seem to go round in circles!
Last night she was screaming away for almost an hour at about 2am...then just stopped and started gurgling and wanted to play!! grrr, i dont function properly without sleep :( xx
i am SO SICK of hearing about how babies 'should' be sleeping through the night at 4 months old! Yeah, and i should be 8 bloody stone but that's not happening either! Grr...

It annoys me when i bump in to people and they ask whether LO is sleeping through yet, and when i say no, they start telling me what i am doing wrong and how i should be doing it their way :growlmad:
On a good note though - LO went to bed at 6pm, woke for a natter and feed at 21.30, bed again at 22.00, then woke at 2.30, then 5.30, but not for long, then slept in till 8am!!!! So pleased with that but not sure if it was a one off or not :shrug: But why when you had a better night are you still ssssoooo tired
ailah slept pretty much straight through 3 nights in a row a couple of weeks ago and i felt on top of the world now i feel like i imagined it and i havent actually had a decent sleep in about 3 years lol xx
janidog, it annoys me too! im like 'dont you think i wish he was sleeping through, but i dont have majoc wand i can wave to make it all better!'
bit of a bad night here lastnight. charlie went bed just before 8pm. i heard him screaming at 9pm, but it was a few mins before i went to him as i was on the phone to my mum. when i went in hed gone quiet, and he was sleeping on his tummy! hed rolled over and i think that woke him, but must have self settled when he got comfy on his tum. he then woke at 12.45am, tried to settle him but ended up having to feed him. he downed the whole bottle and went to sleep. he then woke agaon at 2am ugh! settled him, and then he woke again at 5.30am! i treid to settle him, but he was having none of it. i noticed his tummy was rumbling and making funny noises, so i gave him some water and he jumped on the bottle and then started to cry when he realised it was just water. i ended up doing another bottle at 6am as i could not stop him crying, and he downed the lot and went back to sleep till 8.30. so he must have been hungry.
i think maybe were entering the 6 month growth spurt maybe? he hasnt really had much milk in the night for ages, only a few ounces at about 4am, but lastnight he was HUNGRY!
hi ladies,
thought id come say hello to the other zombiefied mummys!
my 4th baby - 3 girls and finally i am blessed with my little boy, and hes a right monkey already at 10weeks old!!
a good night for me is 4.5 hours sleep. i have a nocturnal baby that uses me as a human dummy :(
im breastfeeding on demand and he feeds every 2hourly - the past 2 weeks he has managed to stretch to 2.5/3 hours a few times! me and hubby have even resorted to sleeping in seperate rooms as he is a roofer (needs to be fully awake at work!) and gets up at 5am every day.
my health visitor told me today if i want him to sleep longer i should try formula.... does this work?? i fed all my girls breast till 1year and then they had cows milk so ive never used it!
any advice on coping, please share :)

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