Sleepless Nights Support Thread

Morning ladies I'm sooo tired the last 3 nights ryans decided he wants to get up at 1/2am Give him some milk he goes back down then wakes at 5am and refuses to go back to sleep Ahh hope this passes soon I'm like the walking dead lol xx
Ugh. Zoe is starting to sleep longer and longer at night and you'd think I'd be getting to bed earlier to enjoy the extra couple of hours but nooooo. Here I sit, on the computer: sleepless. I tried. Oh.. I tried. But thoughts of events to come flood my mind and I find myself tossing and turning. This sucks.

I'm in the same boat, ladies...

It will pass though and someday I will wish with all my heart that he needed me as much as he does now :)
We're playing this "Let's go to sleep for 20 minutes and then wake up all crabby." game. I don't like this game. :(
Dear Zoe,

Been up for 19 hours, Mommy needs sleep. Please stop being so uber cute and smiling at me when I go to put your nuk back in when you decide to get up every 20 minutes and either want to play or be crabby. I'm going to fall over. Can you do a few hours for me, please?

Love, The walking zombie that feeds you
oh god i am beyond tired, i have a hundred things to do, and i had a massive argument with my mum this morning (and i just Know she wont talk to me, or acknowledge me in any way for the rest of the day now, brilliant)

jacob is still waking every 2 hours, sometimes every hour, screaming for 20 minutes and going back down... feel awful, but feel even worse because it feels like he is waking for something, i just dont know what it is :cry:

i hope it passes soon!!!
I highly recommend Dana Obelman's 'Sleep Sense Program'. Don't want to jinx myself but we went from our 7 month old co-sleeping and BF every two hours to our little guy sleeping on his own, in his crib, no soother, no waking up, no nursing from 7pm to 7am.

For those of you who do not want your LO to cry at all when trying to fall asleep, this may not be for you. There may be some tears, and it will take having a consistent routine (I had none prior to the program), but for me it was well worth it when Will slept 12 hrs straight on the second night.

Good luck ladies...I know how it feels to be completely sleep deprived!
Help!! My 3 day old has been awake and crying since midnight! She's had a couple of short feeds from the breast and I hand expressed into a cup which she took nearly all of. She's been changed and winded. What do we do now, she's still crying!!!
Help!! My 3 day old has been awake and crying since midnight! She's had a couple of short feeds from the breast and I hand expressed into a cup which she took nearly all of. She's been changed and winded. What do we do now, she's still crying!!!

Oh honey :hug: At 3 days, this is 100% normal and I'm sorry I have no other advice except to wait it out. Are you swaddling? She very likely requires you to recreate the womb for her, being free in this wide world is scary, a very tight swaddle lots of rocking, shushing, jiggling. She goes through growth spurts and growing hurts, literally, so she will do this as she also does not know day and night. I wish I could do more for you but you'll need to take turns holding her and sleeping. She may need to "marathon nurse" all night, try laying down in the bed with your breast out and her beside you.
Thank you so much hun! She eventually settled down St 3 and slept for five hours straight so maybe this'll be her routine?
I've looked for lullabies for relaxing both baby and mum, but so much of what you find is not really gentle, or has too many high pitched sounds that jar the LO...
Hi Ladies!! Can I come in please???? *YAWN* and does any of you have the direct number to the sleep fairy???

I've always been lucky and said Ellie's a good sleeper only waking up once in the night as a new born..... oh my gosh I shouldn't of cursed myself!!

In the past 4 weeks she's been waking up 3-4 times a night (after we've gone to bed) also about 3 times before we go to bed and I actually feel like i'm loosing the will to live lol

I've tried following advice from HV and online but nothing's working!!

I feel sorry for Ellie as during the day I'm just too tired to play with her lol plus she's sooo grumpy because she's tired and refuses to sleep during the day!!

Just really hoping and praying that it gets better soon as I go back to work in 2 weeks and I'm not sure how I'm going to manage it!

Hope you've all had a better night sleep!
hello fellow non-sleepers.... I dont know where to go to talk about this in a non-judgmental way but I dont know how much more I can take of these restless nights

I actually feel like i'm loosing the will to live lol

this is where I am- this morning was was 5am and she had been eating and screaming since 3am and finally I put her in the bassinet and just let her scream! while I tried to catch about 20 minutes of sleep- then she woke up my 3 year old so I have been up ever since!
raaaar! Arrghhh! *bangs head against wall repeatedly* That is all.
Sooooooo - I already think its going to be one of those nights tonight!

Ellie's been in bed since 7.30 and has been stirring and waking every half hour..

Part of me knows I should go to bed but the other part is thinking I'll be woken up so might as well stay up a bit longer lol

Oh well - fingers crossed you all sleep well ladies!! :sleep:
im in here! my baby is only sleeping 2 hour naps and at 4 am is up in cat naps! lol and during the day she is so alert! doesnt like napping!
Hi Ladies, please may i join you too?

Mine is an odd situation, and im constantly raking through threads on bnb to find a similar, so if anyone has had this problem id love to hear how you got past it!!!......

Ruby seems to love her sleep, but in the night, normally 2 or 3 times, she will cry out, and when i go into her she is sat up at the end of her cot crying. If i lay her back down and put her dummy in (if its fallen out) she goes straight back to sleep again. As she isnt waking for bottle or cuddles, why is this??

She has also developed a hatred for being put in her cot awake for naps as well as bed...could this be linked?? If perhaps she falls asleep in my arms, then wakes up in the night in her cot, is it confusing her??

Im not sure if its cos shes learnt this new skill fairly recently, but she gets stuck and cant figure out how to get back down, i just wish shed stop sitting up!!!

Any ideas?? Thanks ladies! x
Rubys never STTN
Shes 11 months now and the most shes ever done is a 5 hr stretch
the last few months shes woken every 2 hrs

when will it end :( she was doing 6-7 hrs at a time then she hit 6 months and its been getting worse ever since

please tell me im not the only one with an 11 month old who wont sleep!

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