Sleepless Nights Support Thread

=RainbowGift, have you read the No Cry Sleep Solution? I highly recomend it.

Yes, this is one of the many books I have on the subject but thank you very much for taking the time to recommend it to me. :)
Hi.:wave:....*eyelids pinned open*...:wacko:

I'm new to this thread, hope you don't mind me joining on, but i'm at the end of my tether:cry: My 10 week old sometimes gives me only 1 1/2 hours of sleep and then i'm up getting my 5 yr old dressed for school..... i try and catch up throughout the day but then nothing gets done :( OH is out of the house at 6am and back at 10pm so its mainly just me...shouldn't she be sleeping at least 6 hours by now??!! AARrrrrrrgggghhhh! It's nuts, my first DD was sooo easy in comparison!
My neighbour is on my hit list, poor woman. :haha: Today my husband took the baby out and managed to get her to sleep just as he was coming home. Our neighbour came out of the building and exclaimed how cute LO was. Bing! Baby awake. Then later I had LO out and the same thing happened. I ran into her and she said hello and Bing! LO wide awake. I think she was offended by my trying to shush her. Lol, have a baby who wakes hourly and you might understand why we're obsessed with her sleeping! :rofl:

Baby is now firmly in the "wide awake and let's play at 4am" club. :wacko: Good times! :coffee:
Joining you lovely ladies here...Millie is a nightmare come nightime and although sh's only almost 3 wks old I'm really starting to dread ''bedtime''. She was an angel up until 5 nights ago, when she decided sleep is for losers lol. 12am till 3-4am is spent trying to get her to sleep, then she's up every 2 hours to feed.

Last night was a mini breakthrough as she went down at 11.30pm until 2.30am, but then she was up until 4am, 7am and then woke at 10am. I was up from 6.30am with my elder children and I feel like a blinking zombie.

My partner stays up late so I can sleep but come 2am he's fast asleep and I do it all, but he's back on earlies now for work, so tonight I'll be doing it alone from the onset :(

I neeeeed some sleep... Or at least some matchsticks for my eyes lol.
Dh is next to me, snoring away. Eliott is sleeping on my chest, but the minute I put him down he wakes up. Also I've got a cough and on the off chance he does decide to sleep, my constant hacking wakes him up. By the time I get to bed its going to be about time to wake up to feed him:( good thing I don't have anywhere to be tomorrow
Hi ladies this is my 1st posting on this thread and I'm shattered, my little 1 is 5mths and both me and oh r like walking zombies. My wee man wasn't to bad when he was born but is a disaster now. He goes to bed at 7 and then up at 2 gets a feed and I bring him back up at 3ish 1/2 hr later he's up cooing away my poor oh then gets up to let me have a bit of sleep but then he goes to wrk shattered. We've only just managed to get dd to sleep through the nite and she's up at 6.

Has anyone got any ideas to help him sleep longer, we've already started weaning he's on 3 meals plus 5 7oz bottles a day
... according to my ds. And to make it worse, all 7 of my friends whos babies r the same age report that their lo's sleep through. Last night ds went to sleep at 9 and was then up at 12, 2, 3 30, 4 30, 5 30 and 7. For his first 6 wks of life all he did was sleep. And I complained!! pah!! Now he's 15 weeks and he fights it all the time.

We have made some progress having sorted out his windy issues, discovered that he likes to sleep on his tummy; hates his back and put him in his cot as he also hated the moses basket. Now just have to get him sleeping for longer periods!

I am bf. And when he wakes up, hes only awake for 10 mins with a quick feed and hes usually straight back to sleep. But I think Id prefer no sleep to broken sleep and suspect much of it is habit as he cant possibly be hungry!! Feeding him loads during the day as this is supposed to get them sleeping better. Am yet to see this.

Any suggestions/ sympathy/ words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!
yawwwwwn Im still up every 2 hours ish with my 4 month old.

He goes in his crib well at 7 but every night without fail hes awake at 10.45pm and then I have to go to bed because he wont settle in his cot after that. We then co-sleep...

Does anyone find because they are co-sleeping LO is constantly looking for the boob? I think when he wakes slightly his natural reaction is to search for it and when he cant he cries.. so whats the answer? to leave a boob out? :wacko:

I guess there are no answers - im just so tired!

omg, this is me!! have u found any solutions yet??? please g-d say YES!!!!!!!
... according to my ds. And to make it worse, all 7 of my friends whos babies r the same age report that their lo's sleep through. Last night ds went to sleep at 9 and was then up at 12, 2, 3 30, 4 30, 5 30 and 7. For his first 6 wks of life all he did was sleep. And I complained!! pah!! Now he's 15 weeks and he fights it all the time.

We have made some progress having sorted out his windy issues, discovered that he likes to sleep on his tummy; hates his back and put him in his cot as he also hated the moses basket. Now just have to get him sleeping for longer periods!

I am bf. And when he wakes up, hes only awake for 10 mins with a quick feed and hes usually straight back to sleep. But I think Id prefer no sleep to broken sleep and suspect much of it is habit as he cant possibly be hungry!! Feeding him loads during the day as this is supposed to get them sleeping better. Am yet to see this.

Any suggestions/ sympathy/ words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!

I can definitely offer sympathy! Your LO sounds like mine down to a T. It was about 11-12 weeks that her sleep went off and she still hasn't gone back. I've given up asking why she's waking so much--habit, hunger, who knows? I just pray it ends sometime!

Actually we've had two good nights in a row. LO slept for 3 1/2 hours which is unheard of with her. And she's managed to self-settle herself better than normal. I don't want to jinx myself but fingers crossed for tonight.
... according to my ds. And to make it worse, all 7 of my friends whos babies r the same age report that their lo's sleep through. Last night ds went to sleep at 9 and was then up at 12, 2, 3 30, 4 30, 5 30 and 7. For his first 6 wks of life all he did was sleep. And I complained!! pah!! Now he's 15 weeks and he fights it all the time.

We have made some progress having sorted out his windy issues, discovered that he likes to sleep on his tummy; hates his back and put him in his cot as he also hated the moses basket. Now just have to get him sleeping for longer periods!

I am bf. And when he wakes up, hes only awake for 10 mins with a quick feed and hes usually straight back to sleep. But I think Id prefer no sleep to broken sleep and suspect much of it is habit as he cant possibly be hungry!! Feeding him loads during the day as this is supposed to get them sleeping better. Am yet to see this.

Any suggestions/ sympathy/ words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!

I can definitely offer sympathy! Your LO sounds like mine down to a T. It was about 11-12 weeks that her sleep went off and she still hasn't gone back. I've given up asking why she's waking so much--habit, hunger, who knows? I just pray it ends sometime!

Actually we've had two good nights in a row. LO slept for 3 1/2 hours which is unheard of with her. And she's managed to self-settle herself better than normal. I don't want to jinx myself but fingers crossed for tonight.

Thanks for the sympathy greenlady... its much appreciated!! I took LO to be weighed at clinic today. There were 2 women stood talking about how well their babies sleep through the night. I shot them the dirtiest look and this went some way towards making me feel better today!!!! Gotta get ur kicks where u can!!! Anyway, DS can soothe himself to sleep - no problem - when he first goes in the cot. But after 45 mins he will wake up and that will be that! Incidently, there was another woman at clinic today whose 2 and a half year old is still not sleeping through the night. Lord have mercy!! I also shot her a filthy look and let her know that I didnt find that helpful!!!! :growlmad:

I hope you have a good night tonight Greenlady. I will certainly keep you in mind every hour from now until 7am tomorrow morning :wacko:
... according to my ds. And to make it worse, all 7 of my friends whos babies r the same age report that their lo's sleep through. Last night ds went to sleep at 9 and was then up at 12, 2, 3 30, 4 30, 5 30 and 7. For his first 6 wks of life all he did was sleep. And I complained!! pah!! Now he's 15 weeks and he fights it all the time.

We have made some progress having sorted out his windy issues, discovered that he likes to sleep on his tummy; hates his back and put him in his cot as he also hated the moses basket. Now just have to get him sleeping for longer periods!

I am bf. And when he wakes up, hes only awake for 10 mins with a quick feed and hes usually straight back to sleep. But I think Id prefer no sleep to broken sleep and suspect much of it is habit as he cant possibly be hungry!! Feeding him loads during the day as this is supposed to get them sleeping better. Am yet to see this.

Any suggestions/ sympathy/ words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!

Yep, I can empathise with that. My LO is 4 months today and his routine and sleeping have been shot to pieces last few days... :coffee: he's sleeping on my chest now, having gone down at 10pm, woken at 11pm, refused to re settle in crib so came in with me, very unsettled sleep til 2am, feed, again refused to go back in crib so dh took him - then awake again at 4am for another huge feed! Fed for 45mins (usually 10mins) so will see what happens next.....

This is instead of usual down at 10pm, sleep til 3am, quick feed, back to sleep til 8am. Arghhh! I don't know how you ladies do it long term - I feel like crap after a few nights! How he can be sound asleep on me, then, ping! awake as soon as he's put down is beyond me...

I'm thinking either growth spurt....or the dreaded four month sleep regression. :nope:

It's my birthday tomorrow - dyu think LO will give me the night off? :haha:
... according to my ds. And to make it worse, all 7 of my friends whos babies r the same age report that their lo's sleep through. Last night ds went to sleep at 9 and was then up at 12, 2, 3 30, 4 30, 5 30 and 7. For his first 6 wks of life all he did was sleep. And I complained!! pah!! Now he's 15 weeks and he fights it all the time.

We have made some progress having sorted out his windy issues, discovered that he likes to sleep on his tummy; hates his back and put him in his cot as he also hated the moses basket. Now just have to get him sleeping for longer periods!

I am bf. And when he wakes up, hes only awake for 10 mins with a quick feed and hes usually straight back to sleep. But I think Id prefer no sleep to broken sleep and suspect much of it is habit as he cant possibly be hungry!! Feeding him loads during the day as this is supposed to get them sleeping better. Am yet to see this.

Any suggestions/ sympathy/ words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!

I can definitely offer sympathy! Your LO sounds like mine down to a T. It was about 11-12 weeks that her sleep went off and she still hasn't gone back. I've given up asking why she's waking so much--habit, hunger, who knows? I just pray it ends sometime!

Actually we've had two good nights in a row. LO slept for 3 1/2 hours which is unheard of with her. And she's managed to self-settle herself better than normal. I don't want to jinx myself but fingers crossed for tonight.

Thanks for the sympathy greenlady... its much appreciated!! I took LO to be weighed at clinic today. There were 2 women stood talking about how well their babies sleep through the night. I shot them the dirtiest look and this went some way towards making me feel better today!!!! Gotta get ur kicks where u can!!! Anyway, DS can soothe himself to sleep - no problem - when he first goes in the cot. But after 45 mins he will wake up and that will be that! Incidently, there was another woman at clinic today whose 2 and a half year old is still not sleeping through the night. Lord have mercy!! I also shot her a filthy look and let her know that I didnt find that helpful!!!! :growlmad:

I hope you have a good night tonight Greenlady. I will certainly keep you in mind every hour from now until 7am tomorrow morning :wacko:

Lol, I was talking to a neighbour who has kids and mentioned how poor her sleep was and his jaw literally dropped open! I don't think about how rough we've got it (or try not to), it just seems normal for her. Hopefully this won't last until the toddler years, or Mummy is going to buy a one-way ticket to the Bahamas! :winkwink:

I spoke too soon as well, she was back to her old habits last night. Oh well, that'll learn me! :haha:

Happy birthday Mistyscott! I hope LO gives you the night off! :flower:
... according to my ds. And to make it worse, all 7 of my friends whos babies r the same age report that their lo's sleep through. Last night ds went to sleep at 9 and was then up at 12, 2, 3 30, 4 30, 5 30 and 7. For his first 6 wks of life all he did was sleep. And I complained!! pah!! Now he's 15 weeks and he fights it all the time.

We have made some progress having sorted out his windy issues, discovered that he likes to sleep on his tummy; hates his back and put him in his cot as he also hated the moses basket. Now just have to get him sleeping for longer periods!

I am bf. And when he wakes up, hes only awake for 10 mins with a quick feed and hes usually straight back to sleep. But I think Id prefer no sleep to broken sleep and suspect much of it is habit as he cant possibly be hungry!! Feeding him loads during the day as this is supposed to get them sleeping better. Am yet to see this.

Any suggestions/ sympathy/ words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!

Have you tried a binkie? When my baby wakes up at night when he hasn't been asleep for long i just pop the binkie in and he falls right back asleep. I used to get up and try to feed him and i noticed he wasn't really eating, more just comfort nursing. It's helped me, you might try it?
Greenlady ... I thought of u last night and this morning ... its nice not to feel alone!! We had a better night ... up three times although it took an hour at 5am to get ds back to sleep...

luz ... he has a dummy... is that what u mean? The problem is he sleeps on his tummy so can be dfficult to find his mouth in the dark when its fallen out and unfortunately he seriously objected when I accidentally jabbed him in the eye with it :blush: ... oopsy!! Incidentally, I have ordered some binky pacifiers as I couldt find one he would take and then did. Don't know if these will make any difference tho... fingers crossed they might do when they eventually arrive!!

Here's hoping we all get more sleep tonight. Would be great to hear from you all again :)
I feel like a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e crap!

Millie is still being a nightmare and doesn't even start settling until around 1am which is just rediculous :(
Only got 2 hours of sleep last night, swapped her bottles today for different ones in the hope they might help a little as I'm giving up with the BFing due to just being used as a dummy and not a food source, but nope she's still wide awake with no signs of even being tired.

I can't even put her down to sleep until she's in a deep 'milk coma' and that only happens after copious amounts of milk, once she's in one she will sleep anywhere but she will not go down unless this occurs.

I suffered with bad PND with both my boys, and I can feel it creeping back again, been in tears the past few days and just trying to offload her to her dad all the time, I feel like the worlds worst mummy at the moment :cry: Going to make an appointment to see my doctor asap I don't want to get in too deep like I did with my sons.

I just feel like giving up right now, she was sleeping so well.
Sophie never went to sleep before 2am for about 5-6 weeks. Then she slowly started to sleep earlier and earlier until she got herself to a 7pm bedtime.

There is hope :), Millie is still so young.

I really hope you won't get PND again and that Millie sleeps better for you sooner rather than later! :hugs:.
Thank you for the positive words :) Last night was aweful again, she didn't go down until 2.30am, then was up from 5.30am till 7am.. Missed my alarm and made my kids late for school...Again!
It must be so hard with older kids. I think I only managed alright because Sophie is my first baby.

I really hope it settles down for you soon, so you can get some proper sleep!!
It's definitely harder, also the fact I can't nap when she naps as my youngest is only in nursery full time 2 days a week and 1 half day, luckily once they're both down for the night that's it. So it's only her I have to deal with at night, makes it that little bit more bearable!

Thank you x
So happy I found this thread. My daughter is 9mos. When she was around 5-6 mo she started to sleep through the night. I would put her to bed around 8:30 and she would sleep until about 6am. Every now and then she would wake up once and then I would nurse her and she would go back to sleep.

For the past month or so, she has been getting up 3 or 4 times in the middle of the night (oh and now she goes to be between 7:30 and 8:30).

This past week, I would put her down at 8pm, she would wake at 10pm (I'd give her her pacifier and she would go back to sleep), wake again at 1am and everytime I try to put her back down in her crib she would wake up instantly and cry. As soon as I pick her back up she would close her eyes and be out or I would put her down and she would sleep for about 20 minutes and then wake up and cry. I was literally up with her from 1am until 5am when finally my husband said to just bring her into the bed with us.

We had her 9mo dr appointment on Monday and the pediatrician said we may have to try letting her cry it out. Well, I tried that for all of 10 minutes and then couldn't take it anymore. I just can't let my daugher scream and cry like that. It made me feel AWFUL! Like I had broken our trust or something. So, currently, I am at a loss as to:

1. how to get her to sleep through the night again,
2. when she does wake up, how to get her to go back to sleep without me having to hold her (and stay holding her for the rest of the night!)
3. get her to sleep in her bed as well as she sleeps in mine LOL!

I would appreciate any advice!

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