Sleepless Nights Support Thread

So happy I found this thread. My daughter is 9mos. When she was around 5-6 mo she started to sleep through the night. I would put her to bed around 8:30 and she would sleep until about 6am. Every now and then she would wake up once and then I would nurse her and she would go back to sleep.

For the past month or so, she has been getting up 3 or 4 times in the middle of the night (oh and now she goes to be between 7:30 and 8:30).

This past week, I would put her down at 8pm, she would wake at 10pm (I'd give her her pacifier and she would go back to sleep), wake again at 1am and everytime I try to put her back down in her crib she would wake up instantly and cry. As soon as I pick her back up she would close her eyes and be out or I would put her down and she would sleep for about 20 minutes and then wake up and cry. I was literally up with her from 1am until 5am when finally my husband said to just bring her into the bed with us.

We had her 9mo dr appointment on Monday and the pediatrician said we may have to try letting her cry it out. Well, I tried that for all of 10 minutes and then couldn't take it anymore. I just can't let my daugher scream and cry like that. It made me feel AWFUL! Like I had broken our trust or something. So, currently, I am at a loss as to:

1. how to get her to sleep through the night again,
2. when she does wake up, how to get her to go back to sleep without me having to hold her (and stay holding her for the rest of the night!)
3. get her to sleep in her bed as well as she sleeps in mine LOL!

I would appreciate any advice!

It must be worse when they go from sleeping well to not! I think there's a sleep regression around 9-10 months so you might be experiencing that. I know I could never let LO cry it out either--mind you we live in an apartment so it would be impossible anyway! I don't really have any advice though as we have the same problems. :hugs:

Caroline is having ups and downs now. She actually started self-settling to sleep in the evenings which she never did before. I almost cried the first time she did it, I was so happy. And she's been sleeping for longer stretches in the evenings again, going 3 or even 4 hours at a stretch.

But she's been compensating by getting up every hour after midnight and her naps have dissapeared. She wakes up shouting in the middle of the night and I can't get her quiet. Yesterday all I did was try and get her to sleep, it was awful. We were out wandering around in the pram all day and I didn't even have time to eat as she'd kick up a fuss because she was tired. I think we might be stuck in ww26 now. Still, her sleeping for longer in the evenings is encouraging.
I think we may have hit the 4 month sleep regression. :dohh: Why can't OH wake up and deal with him sometimes? Why always me?! :growlmad:
@ MisMuppet08

Have you tried REALLY loud shushing when she starts to cry? I mean... to the point where you go dizzy!! haha ... it really works and I did read that it doesnt matter how loud you shush, babies love it cos it sounds like the blood coarsing round when they were in the womb!! Also, it's good when you're feeling a bit tense and does LO no harm as they apparently enjoy it!! As soon as they make the slightest peep, drown them out with a SHUSH!! It works with DS. Try this at the same time as patting and it might get your LO to sleep. You have to be patient with it which is difficult at stupid o'clock, but is one possible way of getting them to sleep without having to pick them up!! I usually get OH to do the shushing as he seems to have a larger lung capacity and doesnt go quite as dizzy as me... all those wonderful years of smoking marlborough lights have clearly done me no favours!! lol

Only problem is it doesnt seem to make DS sleep for any longer than a few hours... if anyone has any suggestions on this point, would greatly appreciate!!

Oh, one more thing. I think I have found that if I cut out caffeine, DS sleeps better... just a thought...

Happy Sleeping!!
My oldest daughter Jessica who is 13 months has only started sleeping right through in the last few weeks, before that she was waking every couple of hours due to her teething, we found that calpol and having her dummy just to chew on would help her.

Once we got Jessica settled our second daughter Heidi was born 4 weeks ago and she was premature and we are having a nightmare time at night she won't settle as soon as we put her in her moses basket in our bedroom she will scream and scream and the only thing that calms her down is being fed or being held close by us.

The last few nights Heidi has been better and will now settle in her moses basket and will wake every 1-2 hours for feeds, not ideal but better than what we were experiencing to start off with.
3.45am and I'm still awake. Lo has been asleep since 9.30pm but its me this time. just can't seem to drop off and knowing she'll be awake in a few hours is stopping me sleeping even more. Plus oh is snoring so loud. tomorrow isn't going to be fun :(
Hi Ladies... so, I suspect that part of the reason LO doesnt sleep so well is because Im disturbing him!!!! So... tonight, Im going to try sleeping in a different room. I am so anxious about this I dont think I'll sleep... to the extent that I think I should sleep downstairs so as not to wake OH. I want to check on him ALL THE TIME as I worry... he will only sleep on his tummy so have added worry!! But when I go in to check him or send in OH, he wakes up 2 mins later!! Can someone please tell me to stop being silly and that he will be ok?!?!?!?
Hi Ladies... so, I suspect that part of the reason LO doesnt sleep so well is because Im disturbing him!!!! So... tonight, Im going to try sleeping in a different room. I am so anxious about this I dont think I'll sleep... to the extent that I think I should sleep downstairs so as not to wake OH. I want to check on him ALL THE TIME as I worry... he will only sleep on his tummy so have added worry!! But when I go in to check him or send in OH, he wakes up 2 mins later!! Can someone please tell me to stop being silly and that he will be ok?!?!?!?

you should consider getting a baby monitor with video if you dont already have one. My monitor has a camera in the baby's room and a mini tv in our room. Sometimes I was up paranoid because i haven't heard her in awhile so i just turn the screen on and i can see shes still sleeping and her chest is rising and everything is ok. Our monitor the sound is constant like a regular baby monitor but theres a button on top so i can turn the screen off so its not so bright but just press it again to check on her without disturbing her
Maybe you could get one of those breathing monitors, Rodnabell? I hope it all works out and you get some more sleep! :flower:

I know for a fact our LO needs to be in her own room. She's so disturbable I can't even adjust my pillow without making her stir. We have white noise playing but it doesn't seem to make any difference. Then at some point she's in bed with me and I can't move at all. :( She's a sleep diva, alright!

We've had a bad few days. Hourly night wakings continue and she hasn't napped at all over the past couple days. Just managed to get her down a few minutes ago but I expect she'll be awake within 10 minutes. What is going on with her?? She doesn't seem ill or anything, she just...won't...sleep. I've been trying to follow the No Cry Sleep Solution, it all seems like good advice but no result yet.

I got an email from Boots parenting club saying "Congratulations! Your baby is now six months old and sleeping eight hours a night..." Oh, really? It felt like a personal insult. Sorry for yet another rant but I am totally frazzled anymore! I never expected her to STTN but this is getting ridiculous. :nope:
:rofl: Forgot to mention I did this last night out of sheer frustration. And it worked! LO actually settled back down. A lot better than screaming "SLEEEEEEP!" over and over again. Not that I do, or anything. :haha: We've got neighbours who already want to do us in!
Maybe you could get one of those breathing monitors, Rodnabell? I hope it all works out and you get some more sleep! :flower:

I know for a fact our LO needs to be in her own room. She's so disturbable I can't even adjust my pillow without making her stir. We have white noise playing but it doesn't seem to make any difference. Then at some point she's in bed with me and I can't move at all. :( She's a sleep diva, alright!

We've had a bad few days. Hourly night wakings continue and she hasn't napped at all over the past couple days. Just managed to get her down a few minutes ago but I expect she'll be awake within 10 minutes. What is going on with her?? She doesn't seem ill or anything, she just...won't...sleep. I've been trying to follow the No Cry Sleep Solution, it all seems like good advice but no result yet.

I got an email from Boots parenting club saying "Congratulations! Your baby is now six months old and sleeping eight hours a night..." Oh, really? It felt like a personal insult. Sorry for yet another rant but I am totally frazzled anymore! I never expected her to STTN but this is getting ridiculous. :nope:

Sophie was exactly the same as your LO at about 5 months old. Even breathing too loudly would wake her up, and she would be up every 20 minutes or so. Because of this I was always in such a light sleepstate (if sleeping at all) that every tiny noise used to wake me.

I then decided it was time to put her in her own room, just for her own sake as the not sleeping was making her miserable.

First couple of nights it was a bit harder to get her down, but now she sleeps lovely most nights. She used to wake at least 4 times before we came to bed because she was so overtired and grumpy and then lots in the rest of the night because of us.

Now she sleeps 7pm-1/2am, wakes for a feed. Straight back down and up around 4/5am for cosleeping the last 2 hours. Last night she woke at 2.30am, didn't even want a feed but struggled settling, so came in bed with me and slept soundly without waking until 6.40am!

I found it hard in the beginning for her to be in her own room, but the video monitor is helping me relax and she is sooooo much better during the day now. She's even starting to nap properly.

Anyway, point of my essay, it might be worth for her to sleep in her own room? Or at least try it out?
I wish we could, unfortunately we live in a one-bed flat. We've talked about some way of us sleeping in the living room, or moving LO to her travel cot after we go to bed but nothing seems to materialise. I think it's just going to have to wait until we get a bigger place.

I'm wondering if her recently sleeplessness isn't tied to some development leap. She learned to roll at 5 months, but it's only in the past few days that's she's really been going for it. We have a big play mat but I have to watch her like a hawk or she'll roll right off! She's been lying on her belly more to play--it still gives me a start when I see her head peeking over the top of her cot lol. Hopefully she'll settle down and we'll go back to our usual 2 hour schedule! :)
Aah fair enough! That must be hard :). Hope it gets better soon then!
Finally given in. I got to sleep at 3am (LO been sleeping since 10pm, I went to bed at 12, LO woke for feed at 2am, I think it was eventually around 3 when i drifted off.......damn insomnia...........and then woken up by grunting and farting and nappyfilling at 5. Gave up trying to get him back to sleep by 6. now im forumming at 7am, no point in going back to bed now, and typical, now the wee buggers yawning!!!!
:rofl: Forgot to mention I did this last night out of sheer frustration. And it worked! LO actually settled back down. A lot better than screaming "SLEEEEEEP!" over and over again. Not that I do, or anything. :haha: We've got neighbours who already want to do us in!

Oh Greenlady... so pleased this worked for you!! Unfortunately, our sleep/ routine etc... if you can call it that has been totally disrupted by a nasty cold and conjunctivitis. I now appreciate how much better he was sleeping before!! Fingers crossed this clears up soon for DS. Poor little mite ...
Finally given in. I got to sleep at 3am (LO been sleeping since 10pm, I went to bed at 12, LO woke for feed at 2am, I think it was eventually around 3 when i drifted off.......damn insomnia...........and then woken up by grunting and farting and nappyfilling at 5. Gave up trying to get him back to sleep by 6. now im forumming at 7am, no point in going back to bed now, and typical, now the wee buggers yawning!!!!

Insomnia is the worst...I keep staying up thinking "she'll only be up in a minute anyway". I think I might give up trying to sleep at night entirely! :coffee:

:rofl: Forgot to mention I did this last night out of sheer frustration. And it worked! LO actually settled back down. A lot better than screaming "SLEEEEEEP!" over and over again. Not that I do, or anything. :haha: We've got neighbours who already want to do us in!

Oh Greenlady... so pleased this worked for you!! Unfortunately, our sleep/ routine etc... if you can call it that has been totally disrupted by a nasty cold and conjunctivitis. I now appreciate how much better he was sleeping before!! Fingers crossed this clears up soon for DS. Poor little mite ...

Oh, dear! :( Hope your LO is feeling better soon. My baby was up playing for three hours in the middle of the night a couple days ago, made me appreciate her usual sleep habits all the more!

PS are you really 57 weeks pregnant? I wouldn't fancy giving birth to that one! :haha:
Greenlady ... U r funny!! I don't know how to change the bloody thing and haven't got time to suss it out! 57 wks preggo ... Pmsl!!
Hey ladies. Thoiught I'd join in seen as I've only had one good nights sleep since LO was born 8 days ago! He is an angel thru the day and sleeps after every feed for 2-2.5 hrs like clockwork. Gets to night time and he is groggy and restless, feeds sometimes every hour, which means by time we have fed and settled him and attempted to put our heads down he is after another feed. I think I got 3 hrs last night. Does their feeding and sleeping start to settle on its own? I would love him to go 2-3 hrs between feeds so we could have a chance at sleeping! We aren't very good at napping in the day!
so last night evelyn decided to wake up at 11 just as i went to bed and stay awake till 5am, she seems to have her day and night mixed up. i ended up having a tear and husband tells me i need to find a way to cope, i think im coping i was just over tired and it made me cry, is that normal? xx
so last night evelyn decided to wake up at 11 just as i went to bed and stay awake till 5am, she seems to have her day and night mixed up. i ended up having a tear and husband tells me i need to find a way to cope, i think im coping i was just over tired and it made me cry, is that normal? xx

Well if it's not then we have both got something wrong with us! We've had a few nights like that, and i have cried nearly every evening. I'm coping, but being sleep deprived plays havoc with your emotions!! A friend told me 'tears are normal - it doesn't mean you aren't coping, it just means you're tired, and of course you are - you haven't slept for a week!'
can i join in?

lily has started doing this thing, where she goes down ok to start with but after she has a feed she won't bloody stay asleep!!! she's sound asleep, i put her down, she squirms and wakes up, i rock her for ages, she's sound asleep, i put her down. rinse and repeat until i wake the husband up, who complains. he follows the same process a couple of times until i have to feed her again. again i put her down, she might stay asleep half an hour this time, then she wakes up, so i do it all over again, this time i leave my arm under her and try and go to slleep (we co-sleep), i can get any where from 30 mins like that until my arm goes to sleep, then she wakes up as i have to move it.

i'm currently sat here trying to feed her, she has other ideas as she's popping on and off, is wide awake and keeps hitting me. i've had 1hr 30 asleep and not likely to get much more. the husband is back in bed and likely to start snoring at some point, he'll also no doubt keep complaining how tired he is during the day, even though he's had god know how many hours solid sleep, he may even ask if i mind if he has an early night(!!!), mean while i have to carry on with a few snatched hours in the morning once he's up and can take her off me.


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