Aw I bet that will be great when you can go and buy all those new clothes in your new size katerz! I can't wait for that!
My dd is a great sleeper, she sleeps 7-7 but that's only been since she was about 6 monts. Before that we had night wakings and a phase of waking for the day at 5.30! She was quite colicky though and demanding during the day. Ds on the other hand is a dream during the day, so laid back and easy going (although naps are stating to become a pain coz all of a sudden he's needing movement to fall asleep), but at night he sleeps 8-1 and then wakes every 1-2 hours coz he wriggle so much be wakes himself. If I cuddle him or move his position he calms down half the time but the rest I need to either give him a bottle or rock him in the nursing chair. I'm definately the same with the sleep deprivation and bickering with df, I then comfort eat. I also tend to start feeling a bit isolated and cabin fever coz I never go out and df works evenings so I eat coz I think it's the only luxury I have, can't even get a shower or bath these days most of the time lol!
I just tried the rocky road hi fi bar and it's yummy! Prefer the double choc one though I think.