Slimming world advice please :)

My friend makes this and it makes LOADS get the tupperware ready. Hehe
Have you tried it? Is it ok tasting? And does it help her lose more?
I weighed myself and I've put on a pound!! Don't know how and I know I shouldn't have. But I'm due on my period so I do feel a little bloated.
Got to remember that some people's bodies will lose weight one week and gain the next even if you do exactly the same!

I've never tried the speed soup, might give it a go!

Mmmm bet the diet coke chicken was yummy!
It will be water retention due to AF. I often feel bloated too and lots of ladies in my group gain or maintain during AF.
I think I am going to skip the soup. I read a little more about it on an old diet forum. Apparently it doesn't do all that much even when you eat it twice a day for a week (:wacko:!! never meant to do that anyway) but does give you a windy tummy. But I will try and find more recipes like the cauliflower cheese last night where you naturally have more super free.
I've not tried the soup and I'm not sure whether my friend does ser a great difference. It can be a bit hit n miss taste wise!

Bailey AF will have something to do with your gain grrr as if they weren't annoying enough as it is!
Look how long our thread is..... 17 pages! Wahooo! Lol.
I've got to go to a friends birthday tonight, what's the lowest syn drink? Not alcohol as we will have the girls with us so I won't be drinking!
Usually I would drink coke or lime and lemonade! Or j20. Water all night is going to pretty boring, what do you all drink?
I've only had 4 syns today so have them left?

I've just eaten an omelette & salad so I won't eat from the buffet (that's going to be so hard lol)
Do you like diet coke? Any diet drink is free, diet lemonade maybe?

Don't best yourself up though if you do get tempted by the buffet, just make sure you choose sensibly, but obviously avoid if you can!

I don't know what's wrong with me this week I'm so hungry in the evening! I'm gonna have to make myself something to eat again once dd goes to bed coz I'm starving!
I'm out tonight also, I shall be alternating vodka and diet coke and plain diet cokes. I've not been out drinking in over a year do I am being cautious haha!

Try to stick with diet stuff nicki, cordial and soda might also be an option?
I always only drink diet coke anyway as I don't like the taste of alcohol. You can have something from the buffet I am sure and now that you are more sure of which food is which I am sure there will be something you can enjoy! Hope you have a great time anyway :)
I came home at 9:30 as Charlie had a huge meltdown because she couldn't use the dj's laptop lol. It was a nice evening tho, Charlie was trying to dance with the other children which makes a change as usually she doesn't want to interact with others, her autism gives her huge socialisation struggles.

I was good and had a pint of diet coke and some carrot sticks!!!
Left my oh there with his friends only he forgot to take his key so I'm sat waiting for him lol. My own fault as I insisted he stay and enjoy himself! I'm sat with a cuppa catching up on coronation street with my danced out girlies sound asleep in there beds!
Aw sounds like you had a good time, and well done on the diet coke and carrot sticks. You have more restraint than me! I ate a big bag of popcorn, this isn't an excuse but I'm having a very stressful time at the mo (I've asked df to leave as he has a gambling/spending problem) and I just needed something to cheer me up so I ate the popcorn :-(
It was nice though lol! I intend to have wine tonight too as dd is at my parents, and with AF due I'll be lucky if I don't gain this week!! But it's par for the course I guess, gotta take the rough with the smooth haven't we and I won't let it put me off plan or give up.

Well done to Charlie for socialising btw that's great Hun!
Aw well done for the diet coke and carrot sticks! And for Charlie socialising :). I have another online friend who has an autistic daughter, but who is a little younger than yours, I doubt she could take her to a party like that. She would have a meltdown with that many people. I guess they are all different but that makes me think that Charlie is doing well? Hope so anyway. :)

baileybubs I am so sorry for what you are going through! How heartbreaking and aggravating. Do you think he will seek help? And well done you for not giving up on slimming. Cause in the end that is something you are doing for you. But yes, sometimes one just needs a treat! :hugs:
thanks hun, he says he doesnt need help he can stop by himself, but after weeks amd weeks of him getting subs from his boss from his wages its clear that he cant. I can only help him so much if he isnt willing to help himself so I asked him to leave, I think he thought I didnt mean it at first but now he gets it. Thing is he's not begging or pleading to stay either so that makes me sad. Hence the popcorn lol!
:( then he is in it deeper than he thinks. If he would rather leave and gamble than be with you and your LOs, then it is indeed better this way. Easier said than done but I am really impressed with your resolution and mummy bear protective instincts. Stay strong!
Charlie is doing really well, she is a different child to what I new this time last year! She couldn't speak a word and now I can't keep her quiet lol. It all depends on her mood as to whether I can take her to busy places, some time she will just freeze, cover her ears and scream no and refuse to go into somewhere because its to much, we were in luck yesterday as we were the 2nd people to the party, as it was a surprise we had to get there early so there was no people, no music etc, it started gradually, music started low and then got higher as people turned up and then the lights off and Charlie didn't notice it fill up! Fab night and she slept right through aswell! Bonus! Lol.

I'm sorry to hear your having it tough bailey. Hopefully once he has spent sometime alone he may realise what he is missing. Hopefully be the kick up the butt needed.
I think you done well with only a bag of popcorn, I would be having a feast in your shoes!! Still good to keep yourself focused and keep up with sw for yourself.
Aw she sounds like she does really well in social situations Hun, not that I have much experience with autism at that age but I know a lot of people I work with just can't stand being in any social situation. How old is Charlie? Sorry I'm sure it says in your siggy!

And thanks guys, I went way off the wagon today. I completely just forgot to eat breakfast! I thought I had eaten but realised I hadn't! I then ate some soup but couldn't be bothered making tea as dd is at my mums, and then I drunk a bottle of wine, so not been very good at all!

And my df is still ignoring me and won't talk to me about our issues, so not having the best time! But I'm sure it will all be ok in the end.
Charlie will be 4 in December, she has had an assessment done recently and they put her social level at 8-20 months and noted it was nearer the lower end so I'm finding it hard that her sister being only 15 months has a higher level of social skills (its also quite evident when they are together) so it really makes my day when I see snippets of her trying/progress!

Bailey tomorrow is a new day! You can get back on track, did he leave when you asked? Or is he still there ignoring you?
Sadly you have to wait for him to realise he has an issue before he can try and fix it, until then your talking to a brick wall. I hope things start to look better for you and he thinks about you guys.
Lost 3lbs :) Would have FINALLY gotten my 1st stone sticker today but had to rush off and couldn't stay for group. But just losing 3 pounds makes me feel so much better already! :)

How are you ladies?
Any news from OH Bailey? Nicki is right, you can only help when he wants and accept help. But I know how horrible you must feel, especially in regards to your LOs. Tons of :hugs:! Look after yourself xx
Well done angel! I can't wait to hit a stone, you must be so pleased! Shame about the sticker but there is next week to get it.
Do you have a goal in mind to how much you want to lose?
I couldn't stay for group last week and have ran out of sw bars and really miss them! Can't wait to get more Thursday.

Hope your doing ok bailey??

I've been up the docs today with my little ones rash and it turns out she has had an allergic reaction to something! Stumped as to what tho?!!
Sorry for being MIA ladies, my df, well i guess I should say my ex, has told me that he doesn't love me. So I've gone from a possible temporary separation to a permanent one. It's broken my heart really. I know I wanted him to leave to sort himself out and we had our problems but I was hoping we could work on them and I still love him despite all of his reckless behaviour. But apparently all the arguing and fighting has made him decide he doesn't love me anymore. So as you can guess I have not stuck to plan at all the last couple of days, and yet still I lost 2lb and got my half stone sticker!!! No idea how!!!

Angel well done on your stone!! That's awesome!! It feels great when you get a little certificate doesn't it?
I got slimmer of the week again, think coz I was the only person who had lost weight last week too as well as losing 2lbs this week.

Nicki aw it must be so nice when you see Charlie coping well in situations like that. I bet you were so proud of her.

I've been naughty today and had pizza with goats cheese on it!! My friend took me out for tea coz my ex had the day off work so he had the kids all day (at my house coz he's only staying in someone's spare room). I couldn't help myself I'm feeling all the emotions under the sun and I just wanted a treat lol, again! I will be back on plan tomorrow though, I'm not gonna let him take my weight loss away from me too. It's the only thing I seem to have control of at the moment.

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