It doesn't really work for me either and it really feels like a diet

How come you gained though? Ate too much I am guessing? Pants indeed!
Possibly under eating if im honest. They are so strict at work about what you can have on your desk, data protection etc.....because im really going to write a customers details on a satsuma

So i was having to sneak fruit to my desk and eat it on the sly. We are getting lockers soon so i don't know how thats going to pan out.
Af has probably not been good to me either. I did feel awfully bloated last night and when i get af my stomach is crazy. Im sat wondering Not if its period pain, trapped wind, hunger pain or do i need to go to the toilet. Its crazy. Plus ive been crazy hungry this week, perhaps thanks to af.
So, no more sp, its proper pants. I miss my sw chips and because you cant have pasta, rice etc i always find i eat all my syns at once rather than space them out in the day. Ee is the way forward for me
Today .....
Breakfast = Porridge made with water and sweetener topped with red berries (hxb)
Lunch = scrambled eggs, bacon and plum tomatoes. Ive got the bacon wrapped in foil keeping warm in a food flask, the eggs i can scramble in the microwave at work and also warm the toms up

i will be the envy of the canteen.
Tea = mixed peppers, mushrooms, bean sprouts and green beans stir fried in oyster sauce. With noodles and 2 pieces of salmon.
Grazing on fruit as usual and i have a mug shot for my last break.
Hxa is 4 laughing cow light cheese triangles.
3 crackers 3
Caramel wafer bar 5
Yogurt 3.5
Splashes of milk for teas maybe 1.5
Ee is so much better. I only got yogurts with syns in because i had planned on sp this week and free yogurts aren't allowed.