Just a heads up using cous cous in that way is known as a tweak which means a free food is being used in a way which may make us over consume it therefore giving it a syn value. Like those sw crisps, i made them, they were great but again over consuming potatoes. Its something to do with the free food losing its filling power. Type in tweaks on the sw sight and it will tell you more.
(Early post, on the bus traveling to work )
These things they dont tell us initially at sw until you've had a gain or a maintain then the consultant breaks the news to you. I know its on the website but until you know what a tweak is how would you know to look it up?
Very true but I don't think they keep it back deliberately but rather there are so many basics they need to tell us first, that this maybe too much at first to also get our heads around. It is all a learning curve and from what I can tell you are doing very well
Yes i felt different in the new year. My clothes are a bit loser now and the other day i tried a size 14 jeans on in tesco. Fastened them no probs but they were tight on the waist. But i fastened them whereaa pre sw a size 14 wouldnt go over my bum
My IBS is almost non existent but i reckon most of that was caused by stress and anxiety, my dad died suddenly from cancer 6 months before our wedding. We knew he was terminal but ddnt expect him to go so soon lung cancer, he got admitted to hospital on a monday with breathing trouble and we got a call on the wednesday morning from the hospital saying we needed to come, got there and he'd gone as we were on our way to him. He went peacefully though.
But yes im in a much better place now mind and body
I hope i can keep this off, i have a good loss one week then either a maintain or a small losa the week after.
I am so sorry about your dad, how heartbreaking and shocking that must have been with so little time to prepare.
As for your loss pattern, I think that is pretty normal and most ppl lose like that rather than big losses every week. Seems to depend on how much you have to lose though. Ppl with a lots to lose seem to do it faster at the beginning but they too then slow down later.
I am at target and have been for a while. Ideally I would lose another 5 to 6 lbs but I am happy where I am.
Is this your first week? How is it going so far?
Yes I think planning ahead is crucial, especially also for your syns. If I don't, I am all over them!
I also have a kitchen scale for my cereals and a measuring jug for my milk. I measure my allowance out every morning and then take from that for my coffees.
I drink a lot of coffees (decaff) and usually treat myself to a cappuccino at caffe nero after dropping my boys off at school. So I switched to Alpro Unsweetened Almond Milk cause we can have a whole litre of that. So in the morning I measure out 500ml (3 syns) into my jug and then I can have a medium skinny cappuccino for another 3 syns which then makes up my daily HExA. But Almond milk is not to every one's taste, I know.
Anyway I think it is very crucial to measure Healthy Extras and write down syns as soon as we have them, or we forget.
Hope that helps Good luck
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