SMEP success buddies

Hiya certain :wave:

Have u had a nice weekend? Huuuuuge well done on getting in all your xmas prezzies!! Im getting the rest of mine next week! Aww thats lovely uz have the crib now too! Eek how exciting!!

I wouldnt worry too much about being more emotional than normal! Im an emotional wreck quite a lot of the time! Im either really high or really low! I guess its just part of the pregnancy thing lol! Just make sure you get lots of cuddles from ur DH when ur feeling down...and chocolate too haha!!

Your mat leave sounds really good! I get 13 weeks at 90% of my usual wage and then the rest is SMP! I too can take 3 months unpaid but that depends on the financial situation we are in at that point! OH kind of has a new job on the horizon but wont know for definite til the New Year! But I still have plenty of time to decide what I want! But Im def taking the 9 months off!

Kbkb - How the heck has the moving went? I hope ur sitting enjoying a nice wee night in your new home! Aaaw!

AFM - Well...Im a gumtree addict! Hehe! OH and I sat for a few hours tonight taking pictures of things and putting them up! And one guy is coming to collect tomorro afternoon! Woooo! Its only making us £5 but thats a fiver in the baby fund that wasnt there yesterday! Eeek i love it! Im working at 7am tomorro morning so I really should get to my bed but Im all hyped up and excited trying to think of what else we can sell haha!! Im ridiculous haha!!

Good Morning!!

Steph - I didn't see your responses the other night!!! Haha, you definitely did not go to bed did you. I can't believe you have to get up so early - what a pain! But yes, I did order my changing bag and that code was for the actual website. :D

Certain - Glad you are feeling better! Being pregnant is such an emotional rollercoaster isn't it... sometimes I know i'm being more emotional or irrational and I still can't stop myself!! That's nice you get some months with your wage topped up!!

I am planning on taking the full year. But all only at SMP, so the last 3 months of that will be unpaid... Not quite sure how i'm going to manage this. But I have been really saving to try and make it possible. I just don't want to come back any earlier than I have to!!! I hate the people I work for!

Haha, Steph - Gumtree is so addictive isn't it!! There is a group on Facebook that is similar to Gumtree and it's just for the very local area that I live in and it's amazing . . .there is a lot of crap being sold, but I always keep an eye on it and have grabbed a few bargains!

Ok, girls - can you stop being so organised please??? I have not bought one single christmas present. I don't know what i'm getting!! I am so bad at present buying!! Can you all please tell me what I should get for:

Dad -
Step mum -
2 little brothers (5 and 6 years old) -
My OH -
My SIL -

Ok, think they're the only ones I have problems with!!

Oh, and my boobs are starting to leak :dohh: which prompted a crazy dream about an electric breast pump which I was using now and storing up lots of milk.... just to be prepared! Oh dear!

x x x x x
WHAT!!????!!! Your boobs are leaking at 19 weeks!!!!! :saywhat: Ok i need to start reading more baby & expecting books. I didn't realise they could leak that early
WHAT!!????!!! Your boobs are leaking at 19 weeks!!!!! :saywhat: Ok i need to start reading more baby & expecting books. I didn't realise they could leak that early

Haha yep!! Oh the joys!! I'm sure they didn't first time round, but they most def are now. Not like a huge amount, nothing that needs watching or a pad putting in my bra or anything - but it is weird! x
awesome, another wonderful body anomaly to look forward too. However speaking of boobs my nipples are supper itchy today. Staying in my sleeping bra, can't face changing to another one......ouchies
I have just found a pram I want on Gumtree... STEPH, THIS IS YOUR DOING!!!

If I want it, I have to sell the one I have though. Hmmmm.... can I be arsed?? I do reeeaallllyyy want a new one! :D x x x

:happydance: :happydance: we have just been told we have had our mortgage approved!!! soooo excited! :) sparkling shloer for me tonight.... (wish it was champers!)

Oooo smiley, mine are also leaking sometimes, mainly at night - very strange! I will have a think on your pressie list :p but I always find and firebox a useful place :)

TrAy - isnt it awful when they ar eitchy?! I find it so hard when im a work and need to have a little scratch :haha:
I have just found a pram I want on Gumtree... STEPH, THIS IS YOUR DOING!!!

If I want it, I have to sell the one I have though. Hmmmm.... can I be arsed?? I do reeeaallllyyy want a new one! :D x x x

Hahahaha! Sorrrreeeeeeeeee:blush::blush: But wooooo! Of course u can be bothered selling the one u have! It means u get a new pram!! Wooo! Wot pram is it u want?? Well...since 11pm last nite, weve made £25 through Gumtree! I know its not a huge amount, but thats better than crap sitting in my cupboard! Woooo!

LoL r u talking about Facebay? I have it too!! It really is a lot of crap that gets sold lol!

And OH has said he will (against his will) get my changing bag for xmas!! :happydance::happydance: So we will use that code! Now i just need to decided what one I want...:wacko:

And OMG!! Cant believe ur nippled are leaking!! Mine didnt leak at all last time and they havent yet this time! Fingers crossed they dont!

Certain - :happydance::happydance:Yaaaaay on the mortgage being approved! Thats fab!! Such a relief! Now uz can properly think about moving in! Yaaaay!

Tray - LoL i remember being in work one day and literally wanting to scratch my nipples till they fell off! Do u wanna know my cure? Lettuce!! Put it in the fridge for a few hours then stick some leaves in ur bra! Its great!!!!:thumbup:

Oh yeah Smiley...forgot u asked for advice on xmas pressies!

Have u tried Firebox? I love that website!

Ive got my dad the angry birds board game cos he loves the app haha!
My MIL we are getting some sort of zumba dvd boxset thing lol from Boots!
I dont have a clue about ur wee brothers...its been a long time since I had to buy for 6 year olds! xxxxx
Certain - YAAAYYYY for the mortgage!!! Soo pleased all that is sorted :happydance:

Thanks for those links, I haven't looked on there but I shall do that now!

Steph - It's the My4 pram from mothercare in green. I think that's the link? You have to buy the chassis and the seat separately if buying it new, but this girl is selling it all for £100. I really like the look of it - she says she barely used it and it comes with all the extra bits etc. . . . Ooooh I do want it!!

Yay to your OH buying your changing bag!!! :happydance: Haha i've just got home and mine has arrived... it's SOOO pretty!!!

x x x x
YAY certain wooooohoooo on your mortage approval

And um lettuce???????? Anything is worth a try, im on fire today. Except no lettuce in the house. If they are still ths itchy tomorrow i'll get some when im out. And now i keep checking inside my top like every half hour to make sure they're not leaking :dohh:
Oooh smiley!!! R u just in love with ur bag?? How exciting!! I cant wait for xmas morning now! There are a few that i really like so i mite get OH to just pick a wee suprise!

That is an absolute bargain on gumtree!! And the pram is sooo nice...its not too different from the one we have! Ooooh! I love it! Is it in black? Or one of the colours? Lol wots ur OH saying to uz gettin a new.pram?

Tray - honestly try the lettuce trick! It was a midwife who told me about if and i honestly could have kissed her at my following appointment! It really does take the burn away! Lol ur nips will start leaking wen u least expext it! After id had brandon...everytime i came out the shower they were like wee water pistols shooting milk all over the house hahaha!! Xxxxx
Yep, I am sooooo in love with my bag :haha: Can't wait to start using it - haha!!
Yeh, they are all lovely so it will be nice for you to have to surprise as to which one your OH picks!

The pram is a bargain isn't it, she said it's got all the liners, foot muff, rain cover, parasol etc... So i'm going to go and have a look / get it tomorrow evening! It's the green one with the pattern on the inside!

OH said it's fine to get a new one, as long as I do all that work!! Ie, sell the old one and sort out getting this one....which i would've done anyway. He just thinks it's a lot of hassle when we dont need a new one, so long as he doesn't have to do anything then he's happy.

Oooh that is a good tip with the lettuce leaves. I shall remember that if my nips give me grief! I'd heard of cabbage leaves but I think that's for when your milk comes in and they are sore?! Haha, yeh - I remember milk just coming from everywhere - for some reason I just wasn't expecting that, so it came as such a shock!! At least this time I am more prepared for milk explosions!

Eeeek, got my scan on Sat morning - Can't wait! :happydance:

x x x x x
Oooooh Smiley!! Not long til Saturday! How exciting!! Getting to see ur wee baby boy again! I need to wait til 1st of March :brat:!!

That pram is green is sooooo nice! Eek! I hope its in a great condition and u can get it!!:happydance: LoL im such a spend-a-holic!!

Haha! Yeah I remember it being such a shock when my milk was shooting everywhere! I still remember OH's face when he came into the bedroom and there I was spraying all over him hahahaha!!

AFM - I have had theeee longest day ever at work! It totally dragged in! And my feet are absolute agony these days because I need to be on them all day at work! Its really starting to take its toll! LoL just having a wee moan! But I came home this evening and walked in on Brandon 'rocking' his Bob the Builder teddy saying "aaaw baby bob" :cloud9: How cute is that?? I really hope thats a sign of things to come!! LoL!

Is anyone else having MAJOR nosebleeds? Im getting so sick of them!! xxxxxxx
OMG!! That bag u got is no longer on the pink lining website!!!! xxxxxx
OMG!! That bag u got is no longer on the pink lining website!!!! xxxxxx

That's strange!! They do have the same pattern in the yummy mummy one, just not the mama et bebe one!? Maybe it'll come back?

Ah Steph, your Brandon sounds so cute! Does he know he's getting a brother now? Is he excited?

Hmm I haven't had any nosebleeds actually (*touch wood*) I bet they are a real pain though!!! x x x
LoL no he really isnt getting that theres a gonna be a baby! He comes and gives my tummy a kiss but when I ask him if he is excited about the baby coming he says "No baby...SANTAAAAAA!!" LoL so maybe I need to wait til after xmas haha! How about ur DS, does he know? Its a difficult thing for their wee minds to understand!

And HAPPY 20 WEEKS SMILEY!!!! Wooooooooo!! Ur a cantaloupe!!! :happydance::happydance:

And Im a banana!!

Hahaha! Well you can't blame him can you, Santa is very exciting!!!! Yeh, maybe wait till Jan then try again :D

Ummm he is and he isn't! He pats my tummy and says baby, but then the other day we were all at OH's family's saying mummy having a baby etc - then he said "grandad baby" and patted FIL's tummy :haha:

Eeeek thank you!! Can't believe i'm 20 weeks!!! CANTALOUPE WEEK!! Happy banana week to you as well :happydance::happydance:

x x x

Happy Cantaloupe smiley, happy banana day Steph :) so exciting!

Im loving all our bargain hunting girls, go us! :) So pleased you got the pram smiley, we really should start thinking about that sometime.

Steph - sorry you are so tired after work, put your feet up :) Your nosebleeds sound nasty, I havent had any actual nose bleeds but its bloody when i blow (TMI sorry) so it may well happen, FX they clear up for you soon! aww Brandon is so cute! I love SANTA too!! :xmas6: Im am so so so excited about my advent calender tomorrow - DH has bought me a thorntons one! :)

So I had a horrid day yesterday :( I was :cry: all day on and off - I had a big run in with my boss who is a :witch:, she even said I was making more mistakes now im preg!! which is not true! and that go me started, then each little thing set me off - not very good. HR have told me I cant take all my holdiay before MAT leave so Im only allowed 8 days now - means I will have to move my paid MAT leave earlier as I really dont think I can cope with working after 36 weeks.... so not a good day...FX today is better!!
Aw Certain :hugs::hugs: Ur boss sounds horrible!! Its awful tho when u start crying...that really is you for the rest of the day :cry:! U poor wee lamb! Tbh, my bosses are leaving me alone but thats because I walk about with my face tripping me and when they come to me with a problem...i may have told them that I really couldnt care if Sainsburys burned to the ground and then walked away :blush: If you can, just try not let it bother you! I dont take on any stresses that I used to, and when its time for me to finish, I finish!

Thats pretty rubbish ur now having to move your maternity leave forward but you need to do what you feel is best! With Brandon, I had planned on stopping at 38 weeks but when I reached 35 weeks I was knackered so told them I was moving it all forward 2 weeks! Just as well I did, as I actually went into labour on my original date for mat leave! So I would def stop at 36 weeks this time to make sure you get at least a few weeks rest before baby comes! It also lets u organise any last minute things that you havent quite managed yet!

And yeah these nosebleeds are actually doing my head in! I was sitting it the office yesterday and just all of a sudden theres a big drop of blood on the paper in front of me! :dohh: Then its like the river Nile haha!

Ooooh and advent calendars tomorro! Woooo! Yum yum! Weve all got one each this Brandon a wee milkybar one as Im not a huge fan of him eating chocolate! I finish work at 3 tomorro and OH is off and the decorations are going up 2moro too! I kno its a bit early but Brandon is so excited so I just wanna get Christmas started! Eeeek!

And Smiley that is so cute what ur DS did!! Patting his grandads tummy! Too cute!! xxxx

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