SMEP success buddies

Steph- showing ignorance of firsttime regency... but why you are you not allowed in midwife unit and what is vbac? Like your determination .... He will be here by then! Made me smile!!! Glad your bp better. Think is your body relaxing now you have decided to leave work. Subconsciously you most probably feel more comfortable and hence this has had a positive impact on your body!

Certain- your dd likes to keep you on your toes or maybe she is reassuring you that you made the right decision going for c section.

Smiley- you finished all your ordering? Online shopping is great not having to leave the comfort of the sofa.

Thanks for all your words of reassurance. I was at the hospital to pick up some results from a test I had done at Xmas and I decided to pop into antenatal clinic. They were helpful and said they will try and get my part time midwife to contact me before I go to derwent. Gave me a couple of pointers on residential. Said to not do any activities strenuous than what I normally do and def no absailing!!! We shall see if I get a call tomorrow. Said I will normally get a booking appointment at 8 weeks and scan and bloods by 12 for downs etc... Must laugh I am worrying about my lack of symptoms - dh thinks he is having them for me as he has had stomAch cramps and nausa!!!! Hehehe!!!!! They are so funny!!!! Seriously thanks for reassurance girls it does help .....
Morning :wave:

Hoping - hopefully u get a call from the midwife 2day! Its so exciting once u get ur 1st appointment! Makes it feel so much more real! Eek! Lol ive heard of men getting phantom pregnancies when their wife is pregnant! My OH actually complained of leg cramps this mornin haha!! Welcome to my world!

Lol sorry hoping, was totally rambling forgettin that ur only just here :-) i had an emergency csection last time with Brandon due to slow progression and fetal distress! So a VBAC is a 'vaginal birth after cesearean'. So i cant be in the midwife unit becos i need to be closely monitored because there is a risk (altho, extremely small) that my csection scar could rupture thru contractions! So they jst need to keep a close eye on me!

Hows everyone today! I think ive woke up in a nesting mood! Ooooh! I think im gonna tackle Brandons room today and 2moro...gonna clear out his toys and books & rearrange some furniture! Well, direct OH as he rearranges the furniture haha!

Whats everyone else up to this weekend? Xxxxxxxx
Okay!! Pictures!!

The first one is of Babys scan yesterday! He has his arm up over his face so u can see his fist where his forehead should be lol!

The second one is my 34 weeks bump pic when I was pregnant with Brandon.

The third is my 34 week bump pic with this baby! I know ive got the jammies up like Simon Cowell but didnt think uz would appreciate the stretchmarks :haha:

The fourth is Brandons bump picture that he wanted taken :rofl:



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Good Morning!!

Hoping - Ooh FX for your midwife call soon! Haha, that's very nice of your DH to take your symptoms for you :D I would happily pass on mine to my OH now if I could!

Steph - YAAAAYYY PICTURES!! You look loads smaller this time than with Brandon! Haha, his bump picture has made me laugh - he's such a cutie! And HELLO baby - nice to see you again :D Eeeek, the next time we see a picture it will be an actual photo now :happydance:

Yeh I think being off work and not having the stress of everything must be helping you. You've got time to relax and not have to think about anything else!

Oh nesting, I was having a proper nesting session on Monday - I can highly recommend it!

Though I am STILL paying for it :cry: I've had to take some pain killers today already, owwwwwwwww. All this week I have woken up in as much pain as I went to bed with, whereas before now the mornings were fine and it only really started to hurt towards the end of the day if i'd done too much.

I can't wait for this to go!

I didn't manage to order anything for my bag yesterday, work got in the way and I was too busy. But I have my list out now and am going to get on it :happydance:

x x x x
Aw smiley...when do u have the physio next?? I really do feel so bad for u! I cant imagine how sore it is! Wot painkillers r u takin? Does heat or anythin help? Like the wee heat pads u can get? One more week of work & u can put ur feet up and jst relax! And dont be nesting too much if its gonna make u in this much pain! Easier said than done but take it easy!!

How dare work get in the way of ur shopping! How rude!! Im gonna get my last few wee bits this weekend...jst some more maternity pads and a few vest tops for labour!

Ive to go into work at half 2 for a meeting with my HR manager so i can find out what to do regarding next week! I really hope they let me just take it as sick pay! But if i need to take it unpaid then so be it! It just means next month will be tight!!

Btw...i cant beleve we havent discussed that BITCH on.OBEM the other night that didnt want her husband in the room!! Xxxxxxx
I had an appointment the other day, but it was just a follow up really. More of the same - yep the pain is there, deal with it, haha! They told me to put ice packs on the pain (she said heat will make it worse, even though heat sounds like it would be heaven!!) - we have no ice packs so a bag of frozen peas it is :D

I can't wait for that first Monday when I can do nothing allll day!

They should just let you take it as sick pay, if they dont i'll be surprised!! Good luck though, don't take no shit! haha!

OMG - I totally forgot about OBEM. What a bitch!!! Even when the baby was born she was saying to get him out - Errrrrr what is wrong with you?!?!

Well we have had some potentially exciting news - it's a long story but we might get the opportunity to move to a lovely house in a little village near us. (our ideal house basically - we've always said we want to move to a village etc) OH's dad has been looking for a little project and wants to buy this house and build another house on the land. But we would live in the house that's there for relatively cheaply. We would NEVER get an opportunity to get in a house like this by ourselves and I've been trying not to get too excited about it - I haven't told anyone, and didn't want to write it down cuz i'll be gutted if it doesn't go through and I get built up for it!!

But we're going to look at the house tomorrow morning and FX take it from there!

x x x x
Aaaw smiley!! How exciting is that??! That would be amazing! Im so jealous lol! U need to let us know how uz get on! Id love to live in a wee village, where everyone knows everyone & people say hello to u as u walk down the street! Where i live, people only speak to u if they wanna buy drugs! Bit of an exaggeration but u know wot i mean! Eek! Is it a bigger house too? How exciting!!

The girl on OBEM was jst awful wasnt she? I felt so bad for her poor husband! He never even got to hold his daughter! I cant imagine doing that to OH!! meeting at work was okay! Ive had to start my maternity leave as of Sunday because this week that ive been off sick has had to be put thru as holiday! It turns out, its 29 weeks here where they can stick u on mat leave if u go sick! Bloody ridiculous! But ive moved all my holidays so im not due back til the middle of January! It was originally the start of Feb i was meant to be goin back so not that different!

I didnt do any nesting today lol! Will be doing that 2moro! Exciiiited!

Smiley :happydance: :happydance: oo im so excited for you, what a great opportunity - let us know how the viewing goes!! Hope your pain is a bit better today, do take it easy -are you able to take any painkillers? I have to say heat is always better for me than cold so I would try it anyway :haha: Im sure other ladies on here have been told heat packs are good for SPD.

Steph - how do you feel about the work situ? it all sounds very complicated and I am suprised they can put you on it at 27 weeks, I thought it was government rules about the 34 weeks...very odd. But at least you are sorted for now and can just relax!

Oh my OBEM was shocking - so fair enough if your culture and you feel uncomfy having a man there but to send him away when the baby was there?! thats soo unfair - makes you wonder a bit doesnt it? and the mum was so annoying.

AFM - Here are a couple of pics to keep you ladies going :) I think its really cute but its a shame there isnt a hood with it. This is just to go down in the living room for daytime naps :) we have a swing crib in our room too.
Im now starting to panic at what I should take to the hosp now that its a c sec - Im guessing just more of everything! I think I need to get some more sleepsuits for LO but its so hard to know what size! Although the mw did say she thought she would be smallish (both me and DH were fairly small babies as well).
Im starting to get really uncomfortable with DDs movements :( I think its partly due to her position but its so painful sometimes..esp when im trying to lie on my side! Just got to keep thinking...another 3 weeks!! (ahhhhhh!)
Morning girls- thank god is weekend. Only just woken up. Think I needed the sleep after a busy week and especially with view that I anm on the residential trip next week.
Certain- loving the Moses basket and baby simba. It is my all time favorite Disney film!!! Just think 3 weeks and then your dd will be snuggled u to it. Sorry you are uncomfortable but just think it is your dd letting you know she is ok and is getting excited about meeting you.

Steph- loving the bump picture. Think you current bump is smaller than your last one. Brandons is very cute too- made me smile. Scan picture beautiful - maybe you gave a model in there as striking a pose for you!!!! I don't think I have told you but if we have aboy his middle name will be Brandon after my dad who passed away a year and a half ago, especially as period was due on my dads birthday and I found out I was pregnant 2 days later!!!! Sorry to hear about starting maternity earlier but remember your health and ds is much more important! You never know you might win the lottery and be able to give up completely!

Smiley- sorry to hear you are in pain. What is spd? Is there nothing they can give you to ease the pain. You finished your shopping yet?

Afm- still not feeling any symptoms. Can't tell if tiredness due to busy week. Boobs fine and nipples too .... I think. Can't remember what they were like before. Think I have had nausea but convinced it is in my head. Only think is I seem to be peeing more but wouldn't have thought that would gave kicked in yet. Keep debating whether to do another digi to see if conception indicator has changed but read a thread on here about them being inconsistent. Also no call from midwife so couldntceven ask her and see if I could have an earlier scan to put mind at rest. Silly I know.... Watched obem she was horrible felt so sorry for her husband. Mother was si annoying to but did put her in her place a few times, even she was pissed off that she kept applying makeup. Had to laugh was it me or did her labour pains sound mire like she was having some fun in the bedroom?????? Other couple were lovely- however I thought you weren't allowed to dye your hair when pregnant. Anyway going to get out if bed- suppose I better take dvantage of these lie ins as I won't get many of them in the future! Xxx
Forgot to sat smiley- how exciting about house. How dud viewing go? Fx it works out for you xx

Certain - LOVE your moses basket, how cute is that!! And the little Simba is adorable :D Oh yeah, I spose packing for a c-sec makes things a bit different - how long will you be in hospital for?

Steph - Ah that's a bit of a pain that they've made you start it earlier than planned, but . . . . NO MORE WORK!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!! I guess the rules up in Scotland are diff to England then... I am pretty ignorant when it comes to knowing the differences over the UK - Ha, I just think we all have the same. But clearly not!

Hoping - Yeh after so long I think the conception indicator can go a bit awol. So it's prob best to leave it. You ARE pregnant :D Don't worry, the symptoms will come! Oh yes though, the frequent toilet trips kicked in v.early for me!!

SPD is symphasis pubis dysfunction. (prob best to google it) but basically it means PAIN!!!!!!!

I can take paracetamol and codeine - but I haven't taken any codeine yet. I don't even feel comfortable taking paracetamol. But i've taken some today and it's done absolutely nothing :nope: I really don't want to take codeine but I might have to.

Well went to see the house with OH and his dad this morning and we are putting an offer in!!!!!!!! Gahhhhh!!!!! He's gone down to do it right now. It's all moving quickly cuz this house came up a few weeks ago and his dad was interested but it sold. Something fell through though so it's back on the market and def do not want to miss out again! We were the first to view it today but there was another couple there waiting to go in and there's another couple later on this afternoon - so got to move quickly on it.

I'm SO excited!! It needs a bit of fixing up inside, but the space is amazing! We live in a 2 bed now - the rooms are a decent size, but it is small. This house is HUGE! it's a 3 bed, but could easily be converted into more. The lounge and kitchen are massive and it has a dining room... so yeah, i'm still being a bit reserved in case something falls through. (we've got to make sure we've got the funds to put in etc) but ... Eeeeekkk!! Just got to wait for them to accept the offer [-o<

x x x x x
Good afternoon ladies :wave:

Smiley - aaaaaaaahh that is soooooo exciting :happydance: it sounds amaaaazing!! A dining room would be amazing!! Eek! Im so excited for u! Got all my fingers and toes crossed for u that uz get it! Do u rent at the mo or would u need to sell ur place? Eeeek!!

Sorry abt the pain ur SPD is causing u!! So rubbish! My doctor told me that taking codeine in *early* pregnancy can cause heart problems for the baby! But squiggles wee heart is all formed so i dont see why codeine would be a problem at this stage!

Certain - oh my god i love ur moses basket! Its so cute!! And i loooove that comforter! I wanted it for Ollypop but my local disney store didnt have it anymore and its not on the website anymore! Soooo cute!!

Hoping - u take it easy this weekend! Get as much sleep as u can, especially if u have another busy week ahead of u at work! U could end up being one of these lucky ladies that doesnt get a lot of symptoms! Or hopefully nothing too severe! I never had the whole peeing loads (until these past few weeks) but i drank loads!! I have been ridiculously thirsty this entire pregnancy!

Im sorry to hear abt ur dad :hugs: but lovely that ul give ur boy his middle name (if u have a boy)! And of course i think Brandon is a lovely name! U dont hear it a lot! Have u and ur OH started discussing names? Do uz think uz will find out the sex of the baby? Eek!

AFM - well, the boys room has been well and truely rearranged! It looks soooo much bigger now! Il take some pics and put them up later on! I love it tho! Been sitting in it all day haha! We got a new hoover too...the dyson with the ball but it has all these cool i was hoovering the ceiling at one point this morning!! Hehe nesting is fun! I need to buy a BIG toybox with a lid and preferably wheels so i can sort out all Brandons toys! So if uz know anywhere that does that kind of box can uz let me know? I seen one in a shop in Glasgow but it was abt £30 so if i cant find anythin cheaper then we can get that!

And weve decided to properly potty train Brandon this coming week! Im jst gonna keep him in the house and crack it! OHs mum is away to spain so we dont need to take him over to see her so might as well do it! Lol panic! Haha!

Aw having a wee excited day!! I cant wait to have my baby boy!! :happydance:

Certain...sorry! I never even commented on ur hospital bag! Im trying to think how much i needed for everything! Ul be in for 3 days minimum id imagine! I was in for 4 nights becos Brandon was very jaundice but id stick with 3 days as a rough guide & if u need more then ur OH can bring more up!

Id make sure that any trousers, jammy bottoms and underwear that u take in for after birth dont sit where ur scar is gonna be! My OH had to go get me new high sitting underwear becos mine were sore sitting on my wound! Id also consider taking in a breastfeeding pillow! It was a real life saver as it cushioned any wee kicks that Brandon gave me while i was feeding or cuddling him! Il have a good think tonight for u and if i remember anythin else then il let u kno :hugs: xxxxxx
LoL sorry ladies but Im bored so Im just gonna bombard u all with pictures :D

Here are some pics of my boys room now its all rearranged :happydance: LoL I could sit in there all day and look at it! It looks so different now :cloud9:

I know its sad that Ive hung up bibs but I think they are sooooo cute, especially my wee bandana bibs! They were Brandons and they were such a godsend! He was such a wee sicky baby & they stopped the spit ups going down his vest!

And check out my nappy & wipes drawer! Im seriously impressed with myself haha!! Weve got 27 packs of wipes :haha::haha: I cant stop myself when I see them on offer haha :dohh::dohh:


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Steph - Room looks lovely. Is that the last of your nesting done or are you going to find something else to sort. We have discussed names but not massively. DH wants to find out sex so most probably will. I love the name Jayden so can be shortened to jay and with middle name would be Jayden Brandon. For a girl we both like Niamh (possibly as a middle name). I like Elena as a first so Elena Niamh. However, other half doesnt like Jayden and isnt mad on elena so we are going to have to do a lot more thnking, disussing and arguing.... How about Ikea for a toybox?
Smiley - fantastic news on the house. Cant wait to hear if your offer is accepted. I have everything crossed for you.
Certain - Got your hospital bag sorted yet?
Aaaw Niamh was our girls name!! I love it! I like all ur name choices! And the men never get last say!! Lol! My OH didnt like Brandon at all until he was born lol! And ive fiiiinally managed to convince him to give Oliver the middle name James lol! We know what our babies feel like haha!

Ohh noooo im nowhere near finished! Need to do inside the boys wardrobe then think il start on the kitchen cupboards! Need to make way for bottles and formula! Eek im soooo excited! OH goes back to work on Monday and i am gonna organise like mad while hes at work! Woo!!

And good idea to try Ikea! Never thot of their! Im gonna check out their website jst now!!

Check us up late!! Lol!


Steph - ooo your nursery looks soo cute - I love the bed spread my DH would be jealous :) wonder if they come in a double :p also i meant to say how absolutley adorable Brandon is joining in your bump pics! Btw, with the bottles and formula...I am planning on bf but have 2 bottles and a couple of cartons in case and also for when i express - I was looking at sterilisers yesterday (for dummies, pump etc) and Ive gone for a microwave one - do you think that would be ok? the electric ones are so big and expensive!
Thank you so much for your input about the bag and its a good point about the pillow - ive been given a wigi pillow so will take that. I will prob have a bag for DH to bring in for the both of us (me and DD) after the 1st day as well, I dont think it will all fit in one! Im still not sure how many sleepsuits I will need....madness! Im planning on getting big pants and nursing bras this week so that should be ok.

Smiley - I am so excited for you! its almost nice that it needs more work because you can make it yours and pop your mark on it! eeek keep us updated! Im not totally sure how long i will be there I think its between 2-4 days. Hard to know really :) Hope you are able to rest today -I understand about your worry with the pain killers I feel the same. But paracetamol is supposed to be fine now. I expect codeine will do the job - im allergic to it so hate the stuff but I guess the occasional one to help you sleep wont hard LO. They certainly wouldnt give it to you if it would.

Hoping - how you feeling? hope you are feeling a bit more rested. I love your names :) we had decided the boys name by the scan but not a girls...I have to say my DH was very decisive on names he didnt like so FX you will be able to persuade yours :) Getting there on the bag, would be ok if i needed to take it now but think I need some more pants etc :)

Whats everyone up to today? Ive a fairly busy one, off to church this morn (trying one out, havent been for a while) then got friends over for tea a cake this afternoon then my sis and her fiancée!! are over for a celebration this eve, were going out for a meal! :) looking forward to it!
I dont know about you girls but my boobs are going mad!? I am leaking so much, having to wear pads all the time and last night i forgot and i leaked all over the bed :( is this normal!?
Morning :-)

Certain...yeah a microwave steriliser would be fine too! My SIL used one and she bottle fed the whole time! If u havent already bought the steriliser, u should check out ur nearest sainsburys cos they were selling a big tommee tippee steriliser for £10! I bought one...u kno... Just incase! Haha!! Does ur hospital provide formula? Im really worried that mine doesnt! Im too nervous to ask incase i seem cheeky!

With regards to sleepsuits...are u planning on putting DD in sleepsuits throughout the day? If so, id maybe take 2 for during the day and one for night! It may seem like ur packing far too much but Brandon used to get his clothes changed sooo much because he would spit up or pee out his nappy lol! He was a nitemare lol!

Aw cool, hope u like the church ur going to! I promised OH a long lie today becos its his last day of his holiday off work & hes been so good to me lettin me sleep loads!

Were goin to OHs mums for sunday dinner cos shes flyin out to spain on Tues! And before that Im gonna spend the morning with the iron & then gut out and organise the boys wardrobe!

Thanks for all the advice! I def need to get some more sleep suits, I just hope she isn't too big now if I buy newborn! The mw didn't think she would be. aww thanks for the tip but I have already got one but it was only £12 on amazon so not too bad :) re formula, I know my hosp don't provide it unless there is a medical reason e.g I intended to bf but couldn't or LO won't take a breast. If you don't plan to bf you have to take your own. It said on my hosp website so maybe have a look?

Enjoy your lunch- nice being cooked for! And enjoy the sorting! It can be so rewarding can't it? Me and DH finally put the baby swing up yesterday(photo to follow) :)

Do any of you ladies use a sling/plan to use one!? There are so many!

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