SMEP success buddies

Ooooh!! I cant wait to see the pics of the swing! Eek!

I meant to nice uz are having a celebratory meal with ur sis and fiancee (!!) Wot kinda food are uz havin?

Aah good idea checking the website! Will do that just now! Thanks!

Im not gonna use a sling...i did buy a baby carrier, u kno the ones that u strap on the front of u? I only really bought it tho because im nervous about walking down the stairs out the flat holding baby and holding brandons hand at the same time!

R u thinking of getting a sling? Lol there really is loads on the market! Maybe the natural parents section would be able to help with a recommendation! Lol there is soooo many things u can get haha!! Xxxxxx
Certain- my mate who had a baby a few months ago was telling me that due to cutbacks in budgets the hospital (at least where we are) don't provide pads for you nappies or formula. She had planned to bf but her ds would not take to it so she had to send her dh out to buy more formula as they wouldnt provide any! Shocking isn't it? The government needs to take a good hard look at itself!!! Sounds like you both have lovely days planned. Didn't have a great nights sleep. Dog woke me up at 4 crying. Think he had a stomach ache so was panicking and being clingy. Thought I was going to have to take him to vets at 5:00 but he seemed to settle a bit. Seems happier this morning. Anyway I am going to get dressed, go to pub to watch the match and thennpack for residential trip. Have a nice day girls. Speak later.
Oh- and thanks for comments on names am hoping I will get my own way without pulling rank too much hehe! Steph- we obviously have very good tast in names- Brandon and niamh. I know it sounds silly but for dh and I it is si hard to find names as a) we are the last of our friends to have a baby so they have taken some of the ones we wanted and with us both being teachers there are certain names we couldn't touch as they remind us of some horrors we have taught.....
Steph - yeah I have been looking into them but im still not sure. I may see how much she needs to be held during the day etc :) Were actually going to go out for a meal so not sure what to have yet...but there will be a small glass of bubbly before we go :)

Hoping - yeah its awful, what if your baby was born when none of the shops were open!? it does say on the website they will provided if needed but maybe i should take the carton i have just in case! I am hoping to bf though!
Aww poor dog :( hope he is feeling better now. Hope you had a lovely day and packing isnt too stressful :) It must be so tricky choosing names when you associate them with pupils - it was bad enough with people we know. :haha:

AFM shockingly we have no heating or hot water!! something wrong with the boliers so they are coming tomorrow to sort it...its brrrrr and its started snowing now!! madness. Lots of blankets for us!
Morning ladies :wave:

Smiley - welcome to ur last week at work :happydance:

Hoping - haha yeah we have fab taste in names! Thats trur about uz being SIL was training to be a teacher and she said that everyname we mentioned reminded her of a pupil! She once had a Brandon who was an absolute wee terror haha! And Brandon is in the top 5 names of children who are badly behaved! Lol not my boy tho! Its strange how its always our OHs who are fussy! Ive really struggled to get OH to agree to any name this pregnancy but we got there eventually! He hated the name Brandon right up until Brandon was born! Bloody men haha!!

Certain - how was ur night out? Hope ur glass of bubbly hasnt caused too much of a hangover :haha: id prob still be drunk the next morning haha!! And that is shocking that u dont have any heating or hot water!! U must be freeeezing!! Hope the guy coming today manages to fix it!!

AFM - i appear to have a new craving...been smelling the clean washing ALL morning!! I washed Brandons bedding yesterday and i can smell it everytime i walk in his to strengthen the smell ive stuck all his teddys in the washing machine! Loooooser haha!!

And, not that its pregnancy related but Brandons done 2 pees in the potty this morning! No accidents so far :happydance: xxxxxxx
Woop steph, what a clever boy! My cousin is really struggling to potty train her DS! Lol I am the same with clean washing, I just love it :)

Smiley - :happydance: last week of work!!

AFM heating etc isback on :) :happydance: can finally have a shower! In the end I only had 2 sips of bubbly as I was driving and not sure how it would affect me. It was a lovely meal but I had an awful night with heartburn :( was awake for 3 hrs around 1am and just couldn't shift it :( not fun. Got a sore chest this morn from it I think. Anyway on the plus side we get to see DD again today- fx she has turned again- oblique is uncomfy!
Ooooh do u have a scan today certain?? HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!! :dance:

Aw I hope she has turned! LoL it would be nice if your last few weeks were as comfy as possible! :hugs: Fingers crossed for u!!

Aww thats rubbish u had heartburn all night! What did u have to eat? I guzzle Gaviscon these days lol!

And :happydance: yay to having the heating fixed! Bet u had an extra long shower haha!! :shower:

What time is ur appointment at? xxxxxx
Sorry didnt reply earlier Steph we had to leave at 12. I had sea bass with new pots, followed by crumble :) very yummy!

So...She has turned she is now head down but I expect thats why I have more heartburn, her bum is right under my ribs :p but at least its not stretching so much :) she had her hand and feet right up by her head! However its still def a c sec and im booked in for the 26/3! the obstetrition is also concerned because my bump is measuring small (32 weeks when im 36+2). Last week at the mw it was measuring 34 so seems to have gone down!? anyway she has booked me in for a growth scan on wed so there is a slight chance they may move the c sec earlier if they think she is not growing properly. Its annoying that they couldn't do it at the same scan as today but todays was a research one and they arent allowed to tell you! oh well not long to wait.

How has everyones day been?
Hey certain :wave:

Glad the little lady has moved back to being head down! Hopefully she'll move down a wee bit more in the coming week & give u a bit of breathing space!!

How exciting that u officially have ur csection date :happydance: how exciting! How r u and OH feeling abt it now its all decided?

Hhmmm...thats strange that ur bump is actually smaller than last week! Did they give u any reason as to why this could happen? Could it jst be down to her changing position? Hopefully its nothing to worry about! Id imagine if they thought it was serious they would have sent u for an emergency scan? U havent been leaking or anything have u (apart from ur boobs haha!!)?

Ah my day has been alright, jst pottered about the house doing washings and ironings! Brandon has done 10 peepees in the potty!! Im so proud of him! I never knew a wee boy could pee so much haha!! But apart from that, not really done much! Still sittin in my jammies haha!

Smiley, u have been awfully quiet...u ok?? Seen u put on facebook that ur struggling?? Hope ur ok and getting plenty of rest!!

Morning ladies,

How are you?

Smiley- all ok? You have been very quiet! Makes me panic! :) :hugs:

Steph- not been leaking I don't think so a bit odd- got my growt scan today so we shall see.

Also in other developments... I went and saw the anesthetist yesterday and now it turns out they aren't happy for me to have an epidural, so it looks like its going to be under a general :( feeling quite disapointed but apparently I should be awake enough to hold her within 45mins of her being born and DH can hold/do skin to skin before then. But it's not ideal :(
Morning girls!

Sorry been a bit MIA the past few days, been SOOOO busy - just not had time to stop and actually write on here. But I did keep checking in to see what was going on, haha - I think i'd break out in sweats if I wasn't able to get on here at all!!

Steph - How is the potty training going? It was very strange, the other day DS asked me to do a wee in his potty... which he did.... then he later asked to do a poo in it.... which he did! I do not even want to attempt potty training yet, but might have to soon :dohh:

Certain - What time is your scan today? I'm sure all is fine and is just the way she is laying now making your bump measure smaller!

Hoping - Are you on away on the trip at the moment? I hope you are having fun!

AFM - Well SPD is really getting me now :nope: I am just in pain alllll the time. I honestly can put up with pain as I know it's not for much longer - but it's stopping me from doing things which is really infuriating. I can't really think about going out anywhere (like shopping!!!!) I can only go places where I can sit... even then it's still a struggle.

BUT - it is my last week at work now - hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait for Friday!!

Oh yeah, and I forgot to say why i've been so busy - the house! We put an offer in and it was accepted on Monday. So it has just been a crazy rush to make sure we have all the funds in place that we said we could. Then iron out all the smaller details etc... Anyway, hopefully by the end of the week we'll be able to calm down on it. Then just gotta hope nothing else crops up and stops the big contract signing (which will prob be next week / week after ish)

Hope everyone has been having a good week so far!
x x x x x
I think we posted at the same time smiley :) glad to hear you are ok. It's all sOoo exciting about the house :happydance: and trust me I know the funds rush/panic but you will get there :) so sorry about your spd, have you tried the codiene yet? Fx lo isn't late and it won't be much longer!
My scan is at 12.15, will try to update as soon as I can. Im not too worried tho :)
Oh I think we did post at the same time :D

Nope, still not tried the codeine - i've got midwife tomorrow so I was going to double check with her before I took it.

Ah sorry to hear that you'll be under general, but 45 mins is pretty good! And as you say, your DH will be there to hold and do the skin to skin straight away.It's not ideal, but will be totally fine! You'll be holding her before you know it! :flower: x
Good morning ladies :wave:

Certain - Ahh...what was the reason for saying he would prefer to put you under general? Thats not ideal but 45 mins is REALLY good! And the fact that DD will be with ur OH is really good! Sometimes with C-sections...even if they dont put u under, the dont hand the baby to parents until the mum is stitched up anyway...I think it depends on the hospital! So you might find you havent actually missed out on anything :hugs:

Really hope the growth scan goes well...please let us know as soon as u can!

Smiley - EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee: Thats such good news about the house!!! Amazing! Aw I really hope that it all goes exactly to plan and uz get ur dream house! :happydance: Are uz gonna try be in before the arrival of Squiggle? Aw im so so so happy for uz!

And thats really good that ur DS asked for his potty! Wot a clever cloggs! My wee nephew is like that...he isnt 'officially' being potty trained but if he asks then they take him and hes doing really well! I just want Brandon done before baby arrives! Hes doing really well! We went out to the shops yesterday for 2 hours and he asked us to go to the toilet so off we went and he did a pee pee in the 'big boys toilet'! And then weve been out for about an hour and a half this morning and he didnt have any accidents! Ive just cut the nappies cold turkey apart from when hes sleeping and hes doing soooo well! Im so proud of him! :cloud9:

So sorry ur SPD is getting worse :cry: I really feel for u! Do u think crutches would help u?? U should go to the doctor and say that u are NOT happy and that u want something else to help the pain! It must be a such a struggle for u with DS about :hugs:

AFM - Well...I dont really think I have much to report! OH has two job interviews on Friday so I REALLY hope he gets one of them! He really deserves it, he HATES working for was purely a way for us to pay the bills after he was made redundant but before we knew...its 18 months later lol! And weve just got a letter in this morning saying that the interest rate in our mortgage is going up in June...which is the same month that Il be going on SMP :dohh::dohh: LoL! "Ah these are things that are sent to try us" as my mum would say! So I really hope he gets one of these jobs!

Ive to get iron tablets a letter in today telling me! Thats about the extent of my exciting news :haha: xxxxxxx
Hi Steph! :wave:

I know, it is really good news about the house - there is still a chance it could fall through before the big signing, but keeping FX. We are not going to be in there before Squiggle arrives though, it needs a new kitchen, bathroom, painting, floors sorting out before we will get in there - so realistically it's going to be a few months yet. But that's fine, we are all ready for Squiggle at the house we're in now, so will just be nice to be able to move when we can!

Crutches probably would help, but only when I don't have DS about I guess. It just wouldn't be practical to use them whilst trying to look after him. I dunno, they seem like such a hassle to use so i'd probably get annoyed and not use them anyway!

That's so good that Brandon is doing so well!!! That'll be a great help if he's out of nappies ready for when the baby comes! I think that's how i'd do it as well, just go proper cold turkey on the nappies (when the time comes) - otherwise I could just see DS getting confused as to whether he's wearing a nappy or not with something like pull ups!

Oh good luck to your OH for the jobs! FX! That's crap about the interest, but you're right -these things are definitely sent to try us!!

I'm off to see the midwife tomorrow at 4pm, so will hopefully get some good news about a scan referral. Though, I don't think the appointment is with my usual midwife and not sure if the one i'm going to see will be as willing to do it!

x x x x x
Ooooooh! Thats so exciting!! I loooooved decorating the flat when we moved in! I really need to get it gutted so we can get it on the market! It just seems like such a job...and I do not have the energy to do it at the moment lol :dohh:!

LoL yeah might be a bit of struggle to get all that done in the next 6 weeks (4 weeks hopefully :winkwink:) But aaah how exciting!! :happydance: LoL im just being nosie now but will u give the boys a bedroom each or still have them share :shrug:? Me and OH were talking about this the other night for when we (eventually) buy a new house!

Aww I hope the midwife u see tomorro still refers u for a scan! Just say ur usual midwife said u would definitely get one!! Were u not meant to get it when ur 35 weeks? Thats next week yes?

And yeah I guess crutches would just be a nuisance with DS about! I had them years ago and they are the most annoying things ever! Poor u :hugs:! I feel so bad for u!

Ive just woke up from a nap and looked out the window and its snowing!! This weather better get better for next month! I really dont want it to be snowing when we have our babies!! :growlmad:


Smiley - :hugs: If you get the crutches you could use them when you dont have DS or somone is around to help, it sounds like you really need them! I hope you get your scan too! Sooo exciting about the house, decorating is great fun!

Steph - so proud of Brandon and I havent even met him :) soo cute! and i will keep my FX crossed for your OH - a new job would be great. thats rubbish about your mortgage, all comes at once doesnt it!?

With regards the general its because they are concerned if the epidural nicks my spinal cord (which isnt too serious in a healthy person) it could cause big problems for me (even paralysis) due to my neurological problem so they dont want to risk it. It is true that at least she will have her daddys support - although he is panicing slightly. He said this morn "i dont even know how to hold a newborn!" bless him!

AFM - so I only got home half hr ago! I had the scan and she is measuring small but not too bad (5.5lb i think) but my fluid is pretty low (5cm instead of 10cm) so they hooked me up to the CTG machine (they didnt tell me i would be on it an hour!) I was sooo bored! Anyway that was all fine so the doc then came and said he wants me to go back in for another CTG on Sunday and then another scan and CTG on Wednesday next week to check the fluid level again. So wasnt a very straight forward day. However if they were really worried im sure they would have said something. I just seem to be spending so much time in the hosp (of course i used to work there so feel like i cant get away from it!).
Hey certain :wave:

God, cant believe u were up the hospital for so long! 5.5lbs is prob a good weight considering shes a girl! Thats strange about ur fluid levels! I wonder why thats happened! But yeah, like u say, if they were worried they wouldnt have let u go home!

Aaw bless ur OH!! Thats so cute! He'll do great! I think the reason for puttin u under GA is very fair! Its not worth thinking abt if the worse was to happen!

Lol ur so sweet, being proud of Brandon haha! Weve had no accidents today wot so ever...and weve been out the house twice!

Im babysitting my nephew tomorrow, hes 3 weeks younger than Brandon...haha this should be hilarious! Im just gonna put the toybox out to the middle of the room and let them go wild haha! Need to take Brandon for a haircut in the afternoon & my SIL asked if i could get nephews done too so im gonna need to walk round with the two of them! Haha if anythings gonna put me into labour, running after two 2year olds should do the trick! And its a full moon 2moro! Haha!

Good Morning!

Certain - wow, you were at the hospital a long time! Glad all was ok though, they would have definitely said something if they were more concerned. It's good they are closely monitoring you though. I can't believe how close you are now to having your baby girl in your arms!!!!

Steph - How's the babysitting going? I looked after one of DS's friends for an hour the other day - it was fine! They are the same age so just entertained each other... haha, this is how I picture my boys are going to be. Always playing and just generally not needing me to do anything!! (slightly deluded I may be now!)

Well it's my penultimate day at work today!! The last day that i'll actually be doing anything remotley work related. (tomorrow will be spent eating and counting down the minutes) - HURRY UP!! I'm leaving at 3 though for the midwife so that will shorten my day today :D

x x x x x

Smiley, baby sitting went well! My nephews a wee tornado but they were generally good together! I took them both out to get haircuts and now nephew is away home and Brandons went for a nap! Lol i could do with a nap myself!!

How exciting is it that 2moros ur last day!!!! Eeeeek!! How did u get on at the midwife appointment? Any news on the growth scan? Xxxxxxx
Haha, I bet you could do with a nap now!! Ah, bet they loved getting their hair done together :D

Midwife went fine, just got home now. She has sent off for my growth scan, so will be looking for a date when i'm around 36 weeks, she said the closer it is to due date the better so it's more accurate. I didn't really want to wait that long but I guess she's right!

She also took some blood to check my iron levels after I told her about the dizzy days. Bump is measuring 32 weeks, but to be honest - that means nothing!!

So yeah, all fine! :thumbup: I still hadn't put on any weight since my 28 week appointment, but she wasn't concerned at all.

Oh and she also felt baby and said he's very almost completely engaged! She seemed v.surprised but said "that will be why your getting so much pressure!!"

x x x x x

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