Hey girls!
Hows everyone gettin on?
Certain - yaaaay to Eleanor sleepin in her crib!! Long may it continue! And i totally know what u mean abt trusting ur parents more over ur inlaws! I think most people are like that (altho, i get annoyed at my OH for not trusting my mum and dad as much as his lol)
Smiley - aaw sorry Oscars been unsettled! Glad uz had a good nite last nite! How do u put him down to sleep? We need to rock Oliver to sleep, or leave him to sleep in his chair...but ive read this is quite common for refluxy babies! U def dont need to worry abt Oscars feeding...hes def a wee muncher!! Good on him lol!!
AFM - sorry ive not been posting but i had a MAJOR breakdown! I just couldnt cope anymore with Oliver, he was crying all day and all night...i was absolutely shattered, mentally and physically! So MIL took me to my HV wherr i basically sat crying saying i wished i had NEVER had Oliver, i wanted him gone! I didnt want to look at him, touch him, pick him up! Nothing! I know this is terrible of me to say but theres no point me lying! I was horrified at what i was saying but i just felt uttery overwhelmed at the having a baby who was in so much pain and having to look after Brandon too!
So we changed Olivers milk and I have a different baby! He will now lie on his mat for a bit and 'chat' away...or he'l sit on his chair and vibratr away! Hes sleeping through the night again! And i feel more human! He is still refluxing but no where near in as much pain as he was! And he smiles now

so i am def seeing light at the end of the tunnel! My HV said she is gonna keep a close eye on me as she thought i was getting PND but i do feel much better! I literally cried for 3 days straight...OH cried because i was a mess! At one point, i sat in our living room cupboard in the dark and just broke my heart! Ive never felt like that in my life! And i never want to again!
Sorry...i just had to get that off my chest! But heres hoping the milk and gaviscon do the trick and that Oliver outgrows this reflux soon! The HV thinks he has a wee cows milk intolerance too!