SMEP success buddies

Hello :wave:

Steph - hope you've had a lovely day!!! Enjoy date night, you deserve it! :hugs:

Certain - so glad you have a nice time away and that Eleanor seems to be getting better with her tummy! A food diary is a good idea, let me know if you stumble on anything that seems to give problems.

AFM - Well Oscar has been having a very unsettled couple of days now. All yesterday he was very unhappy and couldn't sleep. Every time he dropped off he would startle awake... He kept trying to go back to sleep but he would just keep startling. So frustrating.Then he seemed to be having big time wind issues, he would be really fussy and crying, then let out a massive fart and be really calm. But half hour later we would be back in the same situation again.

This continued all through the night last night. I am tired today!!!

I don't know if it was something I ate or what, but he is having problems. Today he has been marginally better, but still seems like hes got painful wind and is finding it difficult to sleep - which just puts us into the nasty overtired cycle. Exhausting!!

I have purchased some Colief today though, so going to try that in his next feed to see if it helps at all. I have also tried to stay away from any food with a flavour today... I think i'm going to have to work out what upsets him by process of elimination.

x x x x x x
Hi ladies!!

How hope all is well with everyone!!

Steph - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! YAY!!!! :cake: I hope you are feeling better and enjoying your day!! Have a good one!!!!

Smiley - Awww, poor Oscar! Okay, so I've never breastfed before and didn't know that whatever I eat will affect the baby. :doh: That sounds a little scary. I see problems in my future as I am not the best eater. Ugh! Okay, got to do better!

Certain - Glad you're finding things to do in your spare time and making new friends. Sorry poor Elenaor (sp?) wasn't having that great of a time. Glad you and family are doing well, though.

AFM - I'm still a fatty! LOL! 33+4 weeks! In the middle of a move, daughter graduating from Kindergarten and finishing up school for the year, preparing for baby, and other stresses of the world. Goodness! When is maternity leave????? I need it now!!! LOL! I ride the city bus in to work each day and 9 times out of 10 there are not seats and the bus is packed so, I've been spending most of my mornings trying to hold on for dear life on the city bus for about 20 minutes until someone decides to give up their seat. There has been some wonderful people who gives up their seat right away once they figure out I'm pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I'm big as a house but it's so crowded on the bus that sometimes people don't see me. So once I come in to view, I usually get at least one offer to take their seat. I didn't realize there were so many nice people in the world. Or maybe they're just worried I'll go into labor on the bus and make them all late for work. LOL :rofl:

Well that's my little's lunchtime!!

Have a good one everyone!!!

Certain - thanks so much! It means a lot that uz all care! I think its lovely how weve all never met and yet i do genuinely care for u all :hugs: Thats so good that Eleanors windy troubles are getting better!! Long may it continue! And well done on getting her into her crib! Did uz do anything different to get her to do it? And i def think ur doin the right thing by gettin out and meeting new mums! I wish i had done it when i had brandon!

Smiley - :hugs: how has Oscar been tonight? Hopefully not as unsettled as the past few nights! The startle reflex is an absolute pain in the arse!! I cant remember when they outgrow it, can u? Every wee noise brandon makes, Oliver flails his arms about and thats him awake! Do u feel the colief has worked any? I hope so!

Beauty - oooh not long for u at all! Eek! 7 weeks and u shall be announcing ur new wee arrival! Eek! Lol ur hilarious, i bet ur not a fatty! And its so nice to hear people do still offer up their seats!! Haha who cares WHY they give up their seats!! :haha:

AFM - well OH phoned in sick to work today to stay at home and make sure we are all ok! He has a day off tomorrow anyway and on friday my mum is coming back to stay with us! So i only had today to cope with and i couldnt even do that! So OH phoned in sick! Im glad he did tho becos ive had an awful day! And Olivers reflux has been worse than ever (OH agrees so i kno im not being irrational) I have never heard a baby scream the way he did tonight! I actually considered taking him to hospital he sounded so sore! But hes now settled on me sleeping so im just lying on the couch with him while OH plays some XBox! I feel he could do with some 'him' time, hes been truely amazing! I dont know where he gets his strength from! I feel so bad for him, feel like a burden and now he has 3 of us to look after! It cant be easy for him!

Anyway, health visitor is back out tomorrow to see how im doing and im gonna need to see if there is anything else we can do for this reflux! Fingers crossed she waves her magic wand! Xxxxxx
Beauty...just wanted to let u kno, ur journal has got me thru the night feed! Xxxxxx

Yeah, Oscar had his worst night to date (the night before last) literally up every half an hour because he couldn't get off to sleep from the startling!! That was the first night i've had to take him to my OH (he's been sleeping downstairs during the week) to deal with for half an hour. I'd not been to sleep at all.

But yesterday we made a bit of a breakthrough, the Colief / gripe water combo seem to be working. I also have managed to swaddle him and then use another muslin to pin him down - with another blanket rolled up beside him and that's helped the startling issue. He still does it and wakes up, but he can get back off to sleep 9 times out of 10. I can't remember when the startle reflex buggers off, I didn't have this problem with DS1 (one of the only probs we didn't have with him I think!) But it's not just startling for noises, it's silent and he still does it - something to do with the sleep transition? Who knows, but it's a pain!!

Anyway last night was a much better night and I think (hope) we're back to where we were! Hooray!!

Steph - Ah that'll be nice to have your OH at home again today. Then your mum will be with you, how long is she going to stay for? Good luck with the HV today, let us know what she says. There is much more that can be given for reflux so hopefully you can get him started on that! Have you tried giving him lactose free milk?? We had that for DS1 in the end (when he was a bit older) because he had really bad diarrhea (for weeks and weeks and weeks!!) so I actually think this was the problem causing the reflux pains when he was little. No doctor would give it to me though so I just bought it and when I told them it made him better they finally listened to me and gave it me on prescription. Worth thinking about?!

x x x x
Aaw so glad uz had a better night! Lol i swaddle Oliver to within in an inch of his life! Did the same with Brandon! Hopefully thats the end of it for uz and uz can go back to gettin some sleep!

And happy 1 month to Oscar and a happy 1 month of breastfeeding to u!! :happydance:

We have been given a prescription for a milk called not sure if its lactose free! The HV said shes seen some really good results on it so hopefully it works! He was really bad this afternoon with his reflux but tonight hes been fairly settled so far! Will wake him for a feed at 10pm and hopefully that'll be him down for the night! Hes started gettin up again for a bottle at night these past few nights, think he might be going thru a growth spurt! Hes seemed starving today after 4 hours whereas he normally seems like he could wait longer! Ah well...we shall see what the new milk brings!
Oh i've heard good things about that milk - FX for you and Oliver! When did you start using it? Hopefully the results are fast! Yeah there is a growth spurt around 6 weeks so sounds like he could def be in that - are you upping his feeds? Has he been weighed recently?

I need to get motivated to go into town today but I can't.... Ugh!

Certain - all ok with you? I saw Eleanor is poorly, hope she's ok!

x x x x

Steph- so glad you have been given some milk to help! like smiley said, Fx it works quickly! I hope you are feeling a bit better :) :hugs: i think a growth spurt is the norm at 6 weeks :)

Smiley - glad you had a better night after the bad one. can i ask how much gripe water you give and how you give it? 5ml seems soo much! I wis we could have swaddled Eleanor, she just hated it! congrats on 1 month bf!!! well done :)

Beauty - thanks :) dont worry about the bad foods with bf, you need the calories and its healthy stuff that makes it worse e.g broccoli, oranges.... :haha:

AFM - yeah Eleanor is a bit under the weather :( just a cold i think but shes snuffly, grumbly, sicky (she never is normally) and wont sleep anywhere but on me, when she will actually give in... (typin g 1 handed..) so had a rough night :( yawn!! oh well, some calpol seemed to help earlier but its wearing off now. Ive sent DH out to get a better thermometer as ours keeps dying and is rubbish- i want to know its working ok!
Got 1st jabs on tues.. :( scary!
Certain - I do give him 5mls, which does seem a lot - but he takes it and I figured it has to be the full dose to do anything? I use a syringe, we have about a hundred knocking around from all the Nurofen we've bought since having DS1. (They come free with it) Wow, can't believe you are at first jabs already!! It's not nice, but they very quickly forget! Have you had her weighed recently? Aww I hope she feels better soon! (good old Calpol!)

x x x
Hey ladies!

Hope ur all having a good weekend!

Certain - how is little Eleanors cold now? Hopefully all gone! Did u give her anythin for it? Oliver has seemed really bunged up the past few days...i feel he needs somethin to clear out his nose! How has her windy pops been lately?

Smiley - how is Oscar doing? Has he been more settled? I hope so! :hugs:

AFM - We only managed to get Olivers milk yesterday...the pharmacy had to order it then their delivery didnt come in! :dohh:! So he hasnt even been on it yet for 24hrs! I dont see any difference yet, hr had quite a bad night with his reflux! But im puting all my hope into this milk, i hate seeing him in so much pain! So fingers crossed! bloody stinks!! I dont know how he can drink it, it smells disgusting!

What has everyone been up to? Xxxxxx

Steph- oh no, how annoying about the milk but lets hope it starts to work soon!! tbh lol about the smell, poor kid! How are you feeling? sorry it was a bad night- hope you can catch up on some rest soon! We just gave some calpol and once we used the aspirator but she was never competley bunged up, just really snotty and sneezy.

Smiley - Hows things? having a nice weekend? Thanks for responding re gripe water. Ive just started using it, we used it once in devon but i think i gave it a bit quick and she chocked on it and it scared me and I just got my courage up again yesterday and have now started giving it with a syringe. She seems to like it but we just have to take it slow when giving it. last night wasnt too bad so fx it will work!!

we are now doing a routine in the eve around 8-8.30pm just with bath, massage every other night, sleep bag and boob or bed for bit depending when she last ate. she is still in her basket most of the night (only coming in if tummy really bad). the only thing that changed was that it was pitch black in our room down south whereas we had been leaving a nightlight on at home. so we have now turned that off and its worked! woop!
I was wondering have your los ever had bad nappy rash? Eleanor has had it acouple of times and this time its really nasty :( i have some yellow cream from the doc and we try to have nappy off time before her bath every day but i know its hurting her :( any tips?
I must admit im wondering if we have breast thrush as ive had really itchy boobs and some shooting pains. I cant see any white on her mouth but i think the nappy rash is a sign!? might go to the docs.
Hi girls,

Steph - how annoying you've only just got the milk, glad you've got it now - FX for fast results!

Certain - ah bless her, yeah best to go get her checked to make sure.

AFM - well I'm at the hospital with Oscar. He kept getting worse and from yesterday evening he was literally screaming in pain every 5 mins. This carried on throughout last night, he was desperately trying to sleep but every time he moved he would let out an awful cry. This morning he also felt on fire so we bought him to the hospital. He has now got a line in his tiny hand (the process of getting that in was v.distressing) and being pumped with antibiotics. He's having some tests done and hes been admitted overnight, potentially 2mrw night as well. :cry: keeping fx it's just something viral. I just feel so awful for him.

Poorly babies all over the smep thread at the moment :-(

x x x x
Oh no!!! Smiley!!! I feel so bad for you, poor Oscar! and there was me complaining about wind and nappy rash :( so sorry for you and im def praying its just something minor they can sort out soon, poor thing! Does he have a high temp etc? :(
Really keeping you in my thoughts and please do let us know when you can!
:hugs: x
Were all thinking of you Smiley! Praying that Oscar makes a super speedy recovery!!

I cannot begin to imagine what u are going through! But babies are strong little creatures and once he starts to recover, he'l do it really quickly!!

I know from personal experience just how terrifying meningitis can be! But please take comfort in the fact that he is in the best place and will be getting the correct medicine!

I really wish i could wrap my arms around you :hugs:

C'mon oscar!! Feel better!!

OMG!!!! Smiley, I am praying for your little man! Meningitis is scary!! I hope he recovers very soon. God Bless him, you and your family!!!!! :hugs: Please keep us updated! :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Hope you are all managing to get some enjoyment from the sun!

Smiley- I'm sure things are manic! Was good to see on fb that Oscar could come home. How is h now? And how are you!? :hugs:

Steph- how you feeling? Are the meds helping? Make sure you get lots of the boosting sun :)

Beauty- hope you aren't tOo uncomfy in the heat!!

Afm- we are good Eleanor had her jabs on tues. was Pretty horrid I won't lie, bad night then slept all day we'd then not much on we'd night but seemed back to normal last night thank god! Loving the sun but constantly worrying about how hot/cold she is!!

Aw Certain :hugs: i hate it when they have their jags! Think its def more traumatic for us!! Glad shes back to her usual self!!

It is ridiculously warm isnt it? Im totally paranoid abt Oliver! Hes struggling to sleep at night because its so warm! Hes normally swaddled but havent been doin that cos its 25 degrees in our room over night!!

AFM - the nutramigen works!!! :happydance: he hasnt had reflux is nearly a week now! Wooo! Wot a change! He is a totally different baby! And hes started smiling too! Hes jst too cute!

I feel a lot better towards him! A lot, lot better! I still feel low in myself, but ive def bonded with Oliver now! Thank goodness!

Hope everyone is doing good!

Smiley - how is little Oscar doin? :hugs: xxxxxxx
Wooo steph that's great!! So pleased something has worked!! When can we see a pic of these smiles? :-) now just keep taking some time for yourself and it will improve :-) :hugs:

I know it seems even hotter today! She's just in her nappy at the mo and she has a cut little dress to wear when we go out later. But she is just so grumpsy in the heat :-(

Sorry haven't been on to fully update, just been crazy busy. Yep was able to take Oscar home!!! After telling us on Tuesday that we were looking at a 3 week stay as it was looking like bacterial meningitis (the really bad kind), we were then told of weds that his 2nd lumbar puncture showed he was getting better and it was viral meningitis, then anther test result showed that it was the least serious of all the viral ones so we could go home there and then! I was in happy shock, we literally packed our stuff and left in about one minute flat!

They had taken his canular out his hand earlier that day as it had gotten too swollen/bruised so he escaped getting another one of those put in. Such a relief to get him home and away from all that! Honestly, seeing him in so much pain so many times over those few days is the most heart breaking thing to have to watch.

Anyway, thank god he seems to be fine now! Have had to keep giving him Calpol as hes not quite 100% and he'll have to have some follow ups to check his hearing and development closely until hes about 2 but other than that, that should be it. He's made such a good recovery! He is back to his chilled out sleepy self :D

Thank you all so much for thinking of us when he was in hospital :hugs:

I can't believe the weather we've been having! Ive kept Oscar in just a nappy day and night - at night time ive just been using a muslin to tuck him in (he doesn't sleep unless he's tightly secure).

Hope you've all had a lovely weekend!

Steph - I'm so happy that the milk is working for Oliver! And so good to hear your bonding with him :D hopefully not much longer and you will be feeling much better in yourself as well!

x x x

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