I don't think the test is for the benefit of the government collecting data
Surely the intention is to flag up 'at risk' babies and offer support to those who choose to accept it?
I personally think it's a great idea, there are obvious flaws in the system but the idea generally isn't a bad one
And I don't think for a minute the test is the so the midwife can 'check if you are lying'
You don't think the govt will collate the data on how many women smoke in pregnancy, how many accept offered help to quit, and how many actually quit? I'd fully expect them to do so, it would enable them to target help better, work out why certain areas might have a higher uptake or lower uptake on stop-smoking services and how to get the message out better etc. I don't think that's what the test is
for necessarily, but I bet it's a useful side-effect from their POV. And if they're going to do it I would hope they were doing something useful with the data!
How can the test
not be to check if the woman is lying? If they just want to know if a woman is a smoker or not to know whether to give her information on smoking cessation, they could just
ask. It's not like you don't know if you're a smoker or not! Would save money and time, and not damage the MW-patient relationship.