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Smoking breath test for pregnant mums?

I actually was made to blow into a carbon monoxide reader when I went for my booking in appointment - I thought it was standard procedure? I told them I had quit, and then made to blow into the reader. I had actually stopped so it didn't bother me, but I totally thought everyone was made to do it!
I got made to do it and it came up with the number 20 for carbon monoxide but I don't smoke and never have done, and I hadn't been round a smoker either so I was abit gob smacked when the midwife questioned me about it. I'm not sure if I agree with the new test only because the midwife looked at me like I'd lied to her about me not smoking which wasn't very nice it's almost like being judged for something you haven't done :/
I stopped in holiday when I found out I was pregnant. At that time there was a 50 incentive for stopping during pregnancy bit by the time we got back and I went to the chemist my levels were too low to qualify. The chemist actually told me I should have kept smoking until I had been seen. Ironic or what. I missed out on tje incentive because I stopped too soon
I was given this test when I was pregnant with my 2nd and I think its utter crap!!
I posted a thread on here about my experience too.
Ive never been a smoker, so I agreed without hesitation to the test. But was shocked when the midwife stated that my reading was higher than hers and thst she was a heavycsnoker and she even did the testIin front of me and then implied that I was lying!!
When I was adament that I definitely do not smoke, she sent me away with leaflets on carbon monoxide poisoning babies ect!
I spent days crying and worrying. I had someone come and check my house for carbon monoxide leaks, I had my car checked, I was then urged to go to my drs to retest..who laughed and noted the midwifes name down, showed me all the patients results hed had in that day (he was a stop smoking specialist) which mine was significantly lower and as he described, a normal reading for a non smoker living in a city..
All that worry in my early pregnancy for nothing.
If I ever have another baby, ill refuse it!
I am a non-smoker, have never smoked, and think smoking in pregnancy is terrible. I would decline this test. It's patronising, pointless, and says they think I'm lying. There's the risk of a false positive too, and being labelled a smoker when I'm not. It's nothing like all the other tests we have in pregnancy, as the woman can tell if she's a smoker or not, she can't tell if she has protein in her urine or gestational diabetes or any of the things the ultrasound checks for. The other tests are for the benefit of the patient, the smoking test is for the benefit of the government collecting data and the MW checking if you're lying. Well actually it's not anything to do with the govt or the MW, it's my baby and my responsibility, just like it will be once the baby's born - would people be happy with spot checks on people's homes to measure CO levels in the room or on your clothes, say once a year until the child is 10?

It's yet another example of the system forgetting it's a SERVICE, it's on offer for patients, there is nothing compulsory about it - all tests, procedures and guidance can be declined, ignored, adapted if the patient chooses to.
I don't think the test is for the benefit of the government collecting data :shrug:

Surely the intention is to flag up 'at risk' babies and offer support to those who choose to accept it?

I personally think it's a great idea, there are obvious flaws in the system but the idea generally isn't a bad one

And I don't think for a minute the test is the so the midwife can 'check if you are lying'
I don't think the test is for the benefit of the government collecting data :shrug:

Surely the intention is to flag up 'at risk' babies and offer support to those who choose to accept it?

I personally think it's a great idea, there are obvious flaws in the system but the idea generally isn't a bad one

And I don't think for a minute the test is the so the midwife can 'check if you are lying'

You don't think the govt will collate the data on how many women smoke in pregnancy, how many accept offered help to quit, and how many actually quit? I'd fully expect them to do so, it would enable them to target help better, work out why certain areas might have a higher uptake or lower uptake on stop-smoking services and how to get the message out better etc. I don't think that's what the test is for necessarily, but I bet it's a useful side-effect from their POV. And if they're going to do it I would hope they were doing something useful with the data!

How can the test not be to check if the woman is lying? If they just want to know if a woman is a smoker or not to know whether to give her information on smoking cessation, they could just ask. It's not like you don't know if you're a smoker or not! Would save money and time, and not damage the MW-patient relationship.
and let's not forget the bonus payment a GP surgery gets when they refer someone for smoking cessation services.
and let's not forget the bonus payment a GP surgery gets when they refer someone for smoking cessation services.

GPs receive payments for referring into most services though, not just Stop Smoking services.
I don't think the test is for the benefit of the government collecting data :shrug:

Surely the intention is to flag up 'at risk' babies and offer support to those who choose to accept it?

I personally think it's a great idea, there are obvious flaws in the system but the idea generally isn't a bad one

And I don't think for a minute the test is the so the midwife can 'check if you are lying'

You don't think the govt will collate the data on how many women smoke in pregnancy, how many accept offered help to quit, and how many actually quit? I'd fully expect them to do so, it would enable them to target help better, work out why certain areas might have a higher uptake or lower uptake on stop-smoking services and how to get the message out better etc. I don't think that's what the test is for necessarily, but I bet it's a useful side-effect from their POV. And if they're going to do it I would hope they were doing something useful with the data!

How can the test not be to check if the woman is lying? If they just want to know if a woman is a smoker or not to know whether to give her information on smoking cessation, they could just ask. It's not like you don't know if you're a smoker or not! Would save money and time, and not damage the MW-patient relationship.

It's not really a case f me not thinking they will collect and use data though, of course they will, just as most services collect and use data for a whole range of things. I work as a volunteer on a helpline and we have to get feedback from each call to collect and gather data to ensure we continue to receive funding

My point was more that it is not the primary function of the service
and let's not forget the bonus payment a GP surgery gets when they refer someone for smoking cessation services.

GPs receive payments for referring into most services though, not just Stop Smoking services.
And I'm sure if they can find a way to refer pregnant women to other services they'll do that as well.
I had to do a breath test, I didn't realise it was to see if I smoked, I thought it was to check that I wasn't exposed to harmful levels of carbon monoxide.
Oh I'm glad this has popped up again, I have also had it done since I last replied and as the PP says it's to check your carbon monoxide levels, it's not simply to "shame" pregnant women if they're smoking or to see if they're lying, but because people don't realise the dangers of second hand smoke it's a good way of showing what your levels are if you're in a smokey environment if for instance your partner smokes around you some women might not realise the impact. I think it's a good idea. Oh and not just smoke but if you're suffering from any other kind of monoxide poisoning and not realising such as a faulty boiler.
They can't tell if you smoke or not. I didn't smoke and I tested higher than normal for carbon monoxide and was told its due to air pollution etc.

It's no big deal. It's a totally inexact science but it will flag up women with dangerous levels, whatever the cause. What's wrong with that?
No i dont think its right to breathe test a mother.

Ok i think smoking when pregnant is wrong(i gave up the day i found out i was pregnant)

However it is a mothers choice,rightly or wrongly to smoke.
They should just give quit smoking advice to everyone who comes in and not just single out smokers? I quit when I found out I was pregnant but it took me two weeks. FOB and all my friends smoked and they weren't always nice and left the room. Some thought it was sufficient to just stand far away but seeing them smoke made me smoke. It wasn't until moved home that I was able to quit, because there's no smokers here.

Honestly of you're not a smoker and never been one you can't really say that there's no excuse for smoking during pregnancy. I don't agree with the test. I think, like I said above, the quitting information should just be given automatically. I'm 99% sure I was given info on other stuff that didnt pertain to me during pregnancy so why not smoking?
They should just give quit smoking advice to everyone who comes in and not just single out smokers? I quit when I found out I was pregnant but it took me two weeks. FOB and all my friends smoked and they weren't always nice and left the room. Some thought it was sufficient to just stand far away but seeing them smoke made me smoke. It wasn't until moved home that I was able to quit, because there's no smokers here.

Honestly of you're not a smoker and never been one you can't really say that there's no excuse for smoking during pregnancy. I don't agree with the test. I think, like I said above, the quitting information should just be given automatically. I'm 99% sure I was given info on other stuff that didnt pertain to me during pregnancy so why not smoking?

That just sounds like a monumental waste of time, I've never smoked a day in my life and don't want to listen about it I have taken time off work to go to my appointment and don't need it to be longer than necessary, smokers should absolutely be singled out. Whether it's difficult or not isn't the issue either way it's incredibly unsafe for a foetus so the advice should be tailored to the right people and not wasting medical staff's time or non smoking mums' time just so smokers' don't feel singled out (they're not victims). Obese women and those who drink will experience the same in different ways. As well as medical conditions that aren't caused by lifestyle choices.

Anyway as has been stated the test isn't about identifying smokers, there's much more to it than that.
I'm not saying they should hold a whole appointment on quitting smoking, but giving pamphlets could be done anyway. Not every mother wants to come out and say they're smoking but a silent pamphlet may be all they need for that last push.
]They should just give quit smoking advice to everyone who comes in and not just single out smokers?[/B] I quit when I found out I was pregnant but it took me two weeks. FOB and all my friends smoked and they weren't always nice and left the room. Some thought it was sufficient to just stand far away but seeing them smoke made me smoke. It wasn't until moved home that I was able to quit, because there's no smokers here.

Honestly of you're not a smoker and never been one you can't really say that there's no excuse for smoking during pregnancy. I don't agree with the test. I think, like I said above, the quitting information should just be given automatically. I'm 99% sure I was given info on other stuff that didnt pertain to me during pregnancy so why not smoking?

Really? I mean really?

Of course they should single out smokers, as it's smokers who need the help/advice/support

What an absolute waste of resources to target every mother rather than 'single out' the ones who actually needed it :dohh:
It's your opinion that they should be singled out, and its mine that they shouldn't :).

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