Smoking while pregnant.. is it child abuse?


Mummy to a beautiful baby
Mar 4, 2009
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As the subject says really. Do you think smoking while pregnant is child abuse?
I saw a story online about a 2 year old smoking, every one seemed to be up in arms about it.
Me and my friend were talking about it, she said 'the only way that's different than a pregnant woman smoking is that the child has a choice.'

Do you think children should be more protected from cigarette smoke? Say if a child went to school everyday stinking of cigarette smoke, should the teachers alert social services?

Is it okay to smoke in a car with a child/baby with all the windows up/down?

Do you think pregnant women should have nicotine screening?

If a baby is born with health problems due to the mother smoking, should that mother be punished?

Why is it illegal to smoke inside pubs/shops/clubs due to the human right of not having to breathe harmful smoke in, but it isn't illegal to force the smoke upon an unborn baby?

Just a few things I'm interested in :flower:
Keep it friendly :flower:
I think its horrible but pregnant women and girls should not be vilified due to their addiction as many try to give up and don't receive the help they need. They need support not judgement.

If you smoke and you're pregnant and you simply don't care about the well being of your unborn child then that's a different matter.

I used to be a heavy smoker and stopped when TTC :dance:

I am THE WORST ex smoker tho, i hate hate hate it. I hate people smoking when im walking Evie in the pram i hate the smell it leaves. I must have been 1 smelly person!!

I know how hard it is to stop but to just keep smoking during pregnancy and not giving a monkeys really pissees me off......
Do you think children should be more protected from cigarette smoke? Say if a child went to school everyday stinking of cigarette smoke, should the teachers alert social services?

No - anymore than I'd say that SS should be involved if a child goes to school smelling of chip fat or writes in their diary that they go to McDonalds every week

Is it okay to smoke in a car with a child/baby with all the windows up/down?
Obviously it's not OK, but how far do you take controlling other people?

Do you think pregnant women should have nicotine screening?
No - it's not illegal to smoke :shrug:

If a baby is born with health problems due to the mother smoking, should that mother be punished?
Don't you think the fact that her child has health problems would be punishment enough?

Why is it illegal to smoke inside pubs/shops/clubs due to the human right of not having to breathe harmful smoke in, but it isn't illegal to force the smoke upon an unborn baby?
Because unborn babies have no rights - that's why the thing we are not allowed to mention is legal

Just a few things I'm interested in :flower:
Keep it friendly :flower:

Our overstretched and underfunded social services can't even manage to protect children who are at immediate and obvious risk - like baby P and that poor little mite left in front of the gas fire :cry: That's wrong obviously, but it's a fact :shrug: Are you advocating that otherwise good and loving parents should have their children removed from them because they smoke? What happens to the children then? Are they placed in the 'Care' system to be abused and unloved?

We live in a free country - smoking is not illegal and nor will it ever be ... because the Gov't makes too much money from tobacco taxation to ever ban it completely. Yes smoking around your kids is not ideal - but there are lots of things that people do with and around their kids that aren't ideal.

In all honesty I've really tried to keep my answer friendly, and I'm pretty sure I've not managed it :( I'm sorry :hugs: I was just getting so angry :nope: at the persistent idea that we have the right to enforce our will on others in the 'name of the children' :growlmad:

However much I HATE smoking am extreame of anti-smoking and pretty much want to shoot anyone I see smoking over a child.

No. It is an addiction, however much I think its disgusting and horrid and people who smoke when pregnant and damagin thierselves and child.

Im not saying its okay for women to do anything during thier pregnancy lik drug etc or do anything that isnt in the best interests of thier child but.

I think being exposed to smoke is better than 16 years in care and a few other options.
However people think about it personally the law states that the mother is the person who comes first until a baby is born. So in a life or death situation the mum is the one first to be saved. Given this I would say that legally the same would (and should) apply to the pregnant mum that smokes or drinks or whatever. Once that baby is born the rules change but until then the baby basically doesn't count. Sorry if that sounds harsh. I think it's vile too but I believe that Mum's have enough pressure when pregnant. We have to allow Mums to be the people they are. If that means that whatever they have been doing leads the baby to be taken into care well then that perhaps is part of a choice they make, but addiction of any sort is more complex than right/wrong.

Personally I think smoking in cars with children is really disgusting and as dangerous if it's the driver as using a mobile phone so perhaps could reasonably incur a fine like with using a mobile. Of course that could only apply to the driver so wouldn't go very far to protect children.
I don't think smoking in pregnancy is right but would never liken it to child abuse.
Absolutely. Abuse is defined as any overt act that compromises the physical and/or emotional wellbeing of the child. Smoking has been shown to endanger the foetus and therefore falls within this definition. Yes babies in-utero are not considered as holders of legal rights but IMO this should change. I think in a bid to accomodate everyone we are leaning towards a dangerous level of liberalism where the wellbeing of the indefensible is compromised in the name of upholding the mother's rights....
...yeah pregnancy is stressful etc but IMO if you do decide to bear children then their health and wellbeing should be paramount. If you saw a child being fed alcohol that child would be in care instantly with the mother being criminally prosecuted but for some mind-boggling reason it is different just because the baby has not taken "its first breath". As if the fact that they are in-utero negates their existence. Its bananas! Btw excellent thread I have been hovering waiting for a good debate x
What a can of worms, if this is ever classed as child abuse the effect after it on other things like formula feeding, smacking and other things would be dragged into it also,. Not that I think they are by the way. In this day and age a mum knows smoking is bad we are not in the days where they thought it was good for mums so there for she is putting HER child in danger and HER body. Encouragement and support is more needed than being called an abuser.
huggermomof2 I liked your comments, I dont have anything else to add :)
I deffo don't think it's child abuse. Smoking is an addiction not a crime. When I was pregnant I gradually cut down on smoking until I eventually gave up (started again a week or so after giving birth though). I smoke around Isaac... but only outside and I make sure the smoke doesn't go in his direction. I would never, ever smoke in a car with Isaac, even with the windows down. I have nothing against smoking during pregnancy as long as they're actually trying to cut down/quit. Smoking 20 a day when preggo is very wrong IMO, but I'm not one to judge other people. As someone (can't remember who) said earlier in the thread... smokers need support, not judgement.
Well i can see it from both sides.

I smoked before i was pregnant and i wasn't planning a pregnancy but when i found out i was, i found it very hard to stop at first. My midwife said STRESS IS A BIGGER PROBLEM in pregnancy and if you can not give up with out it then don't, just cut down. I did give up when i was pregnant to give my child the best start and for me luckily it was very easy when i actually did it as i knew it was best and i haven't smoked since but it is an addiction.

I would never call it child abuse unless basically the parent doesn't care what they are doing to the child. As i said, if you can not give up safely then just cut down as the stress it gives some people will be more harmful. But for the parents who say 'my mum smoked when she was pregnant with me and i was fine' OR 'i smoked in my last pregnancy and they were fine' i think they are the ones that are in the wrong.

I have a terrible addiction also to diet coke! i can not get through the day with out it and when i was pregnant i switched to the caffeine free but was i a bad mum for still drinking it as it contains aspartame?!
I also believe that smokers should be supported to overcome their addiction, but that doesnt make smoking when pregnant any less child abuse. An example is like a parent who physically abuses their child probably does so because thats how they were raised and this person needs the support (eg therapy, parenting classes etc) to become a better parent but in the interim, sanctions must be placed to safeguard the child. The same should go for smoking when pregnant.
I also believe that smokers should be supported to overcome their addiction, but that doesnt make smoking when pregnant any less child abuse. An example is like a parent who physically abuses their child probably does so because thats how they were raised and this person needs the support (eg therapy, parenting classes etc) to become a better parent but in the interim, sanctions must be placed to safeguard the child. The same should go for smoking when pregnant.

I do agree with you here. What else do you class as abuse out of interest.
ps like your sig, its very true.
Addiction or not its still knowingly putting your child in harms way, therefore i class it as abuse.

Just like i would think if i seen a parent smoking away in their car with the windows up and children inside was abuse, to me in the womb is no different
My honest gut reaction is yes.

I dont understand why people can smoke whilst pregnant, i know it is a addiction but i would walk on fire to protect my children :shrug:
I stopped smoking when I fouund out I was pregnant and all my meds I was on. I was ill but I couldnt do it to a baby and If I can give up anyone can as I was a train smoker. I still crave one now and again but I cant. Lifes better without them. My mum snoked when pregnant with all her kids and smoked in the car with my gran and me in the back choking, I used to feel sick and have a headach getting out of the car. I wold get barked at for causing a draft opening the window for air. Apparently in the 80s they knew no better. Aye. But I ended up smoking at about 14 and my mum bought me cigarettes. I would have kicked my own ass if I where my parents for smoking but look what I was raised with. My kids will never smoke I will make sure of it.
i really dont like seeing a pregnant person smoking, i was a major smoker until that day i found out i was pregnant then that was it i gave up straight away and never went back. I have always wanted a baby and did everything they say to do and not to do in my pregnancy, i would never have risked my baby. What worries me in this day and age is that we are so clued up on the risks of smoking in pregnancy, i just dont understand how people can still do it.
As the subject says really. Do you think smoking while pregnant is child abuse?
I saw a story online about a 2 year old smoking, every one seemed to be up in arms about it.
Me and my friend were talking about it, she said 'the only way that's different than a pregnant woman smoking is that the child has a choice.'

Do you think children should be more protected from cigarette smoke? Say if a child went to school everyday stinking of cigarette smoke, should the teachers alert social services?

Is it okay to smoke in a car with a child/baby with all the windows up/down?

Do you think pregnant women should have nicotine screening?

If a baby is born with health problems due to the mother smoking, should that mother be punished?

Why is it illegal to smoke inside pubs/shops/clubs due to the human right of not having to breathe harmful smoke in, but it isn't illegal to force the smoke upon an unborn baby?

Just a few things I'm interested in :flower:
Keep it friendly :flower:

As someone who never smoked cigarettes I find it all too easy to pass judgement on people who carry on smoking while pregnant. If they try to give it up, even if they just manage to cut it down then fair play, I have no problem, but if they just carry on and dont even try? Thats wrong. I think if a woman doesnt even try they should definitely be held responsible! Unfortunately I think it would be too difficult to police such things.

I do feel VERY strongly thought that smoking with a child in the car should be illegal! xx

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