My mum smoked with me when she was pregnant, she said she 'cut down' but I have no idea how much. Luckily I turned out fine, I don't know if times have changed since the 21 years since my mum was pg but I would never dream of smoking whilst pregnant. If anything went wrong I'd completely blame myself. The last time I smoked was the day I got my bfp, since then I havn't touched them at all and I don't plan on going back on them because I want to bf for at least a year (although even if bf doesn't work I still won't start again), plus the fact that the money I'll be saving can be better spent on nice things for LO. Not to mention the health benefits for not just me but the people around me.
Oh gave up about a week after I did and I'm so, so proud of him. He's found it a lot more difficult than I have and whereas I could stop cold turkey he needed help in the form of patches, and now he uses an e-cigarette. Hopefully eventually he'll be able to give that up too.
Just my opinion but I wouldn't start up again, that would be like undoing all your hard work to get to this point in the first place, and you've done so well to get this far
It's completely your choice but I really recommend at least trying with patches or even an e-cigarette, they have worked wonders for my oh and I really didn't think he'd be able to give up as he has a really addictive and indulgent personality, I really can't express how happy I am that he's managed to do it. Another thing to consider is do you want your LO's to grow up thinking of smoking as the 'norm'? I really do think part of the reason I started smoking was because I grew up seeing my mum light up, I kind of had the mentality of "if my mum does it then it must be ok" kind of thing. That wasn't the only reason I started but I do think it was a contributing factor. At least if you can stop, then you can be safe in the knowledge that if they did ever smoke, it's not because they followed your example and gave them the impression it was ok, iykwim.
I hope I didn't come accross as preachy, that really wasn't my intention. Just wanted to give you a bit of advice, I know you've already made your decision to start smoking again eventually but please don't completely discount the idea of not starting up again