Sneaking back in...

WOW Wishn!!! That is absolutely fabulous news!!!! Will you plan to try naturally afterwards for a little while or head straight for IUI?
Thanks Belle! I'm thinking we'll try naturally 2-3 cycles and then move on to meds and/or an IUI in the new year if nothing's happening.

Belle, our 2ww is half over...I'm hoping for a thanksgiving BFP for you! Now THAT would be something to be thankful for!

MK, have you tested yet? Would LOVE to see some more good news on this thread.
Oh my goodness Wishn, don't even make me hope for a thanksgiving BFP, that would be far too sweet :)

I'm just trying not to think about it LOL

Its great that your new surgery date will give you some options! I'm so happy you can try for awhile on your own terms afterwards before having to start treatments! And I'm keeping my fingers crossed extra tight that you'll get lucky on your own terms too and get that BFP soon!!
Sometimes it's easier to hope for my friends than it is to hope for myself!

Christmas will mark one year TTC for us...I feel like we will have given TTC naturally a fair shot by then and I will be at peace with taking it to the next level. New year, new game plan. Yes there's that type A coming out again.
I'm in full research mode's bad.

Has anyone heard of electro-acupuncture? I had it done on my felt awful. But I would even consider trying it if it could get us our baby!
Wishn I can totally relate to that type A personality!

I've never heard of electro-acupuncture but I have heard acupuncture in combination with IVF can improve positive outcomes. I've been using acupuncture this cycle and I'm hoping it's the thing to push us over the tipping point
Wishn, how great that your date got bumped up! It's so nice when timing actually works out more favorably than expected. :-) But electro acupuncture? Ouch! I've had regular acupuncture, but that sounds a little like a torture experiment. :-P

Belle, how is this TWW going for you? Feeling on the antsy side or waiting it out in peace? I hope you don't have to wait much longer!
Thanks MissDoc. It kind of was like torture! I remember watching my shoulder muscles twitch and contract. They gave me a little button so I could increase and decrease the frequency. Yuck!

Belle, I hope the acupuncture helps you! May I ask which part of your body they put the needles in?
Hey doc thanks for asking :)

I don't really expect anything anymore so I'm not feeling too antsy. I'm at about the halfway point, 7/8 dpo. I have to have the HSG next month. In some ways I'm excited about it and in others I'm really nervous. Worrying about that HSG has kinda taken my thoughts away from symptom spotting so thats good in a way :)

Wishn they put a needle directly between my eyes, the top of my head in my hair, 3 in my lower abdomen (a little above hairline), and a couple in my lower legs/ankles. Sometimes they'll put them in my toes. I don't get a good look at the lower ones because I'm usually afraid to sit up or move my head when I have needles in it haha. If anything it is relaxing, and I look forward to it each week.
Ooh Belle between the eyes?! Wowzers. It's good if it relaxes you. I'm thinking about seeing a naturopath for fertility, try to 'optimize' my hormones and nutrition and increase our chances of conceiving naturally. The one I'm leaning towards also does fertility acupuncture.

Is your HSG going to be done on a certain cycle day? Will they be able to re-check your endometrial thickness at the same time? Here's hoping everything is good and you are super fertile after the HSG. The waiting and wondering and worrying sure does suck though.

I found a book about infertility at the library called "The Art of Waiting". Yup that pretty much sums it up.
The HSG will be done between CD 6-11, but I have to call on the first day of the cycle to get it booked. I hope I get it around CD 6 with my shirt cyckes though.

He's planning to check the lining thickness at our next appointment, which hasn't been scheduled yet. I imagine they'll schedule it after I'm done the HSG.

The one between the eyes isn't bad because they stand behind you to put it in and you don't really see it.

Ya the art of waiting sounds about right. Well I'm done with waiting. It's time to get back to my life and put TTC on the back burner (it's just something else we do, just another piece of our lives)
TTC has definitely taken over my life and I hate it. I hardly see my friends, I avoid making plans for the future. I don't even know how to back burner it, I hope you have better luck doing that than I have!
Its really hard Wishn, I also have been avoiding certain friends (who have babies). I'm trying to reconnect with some of my childless friends right now. It's really sad.

I think its probably hard for you because you have a plan in place, you know what your next steps are.

For me I'm in no mans land. Sure I'm waiting for my HSG, but there aren't any long term plans. Even the diagnosis of unexplained infertility is kind of meaningless. So I guess I just feel like I'm drifting right now, which makes it a bit easier to check out from TTC. I might feel differently in a month or 2 when we have an actual plan with our RE. I guess I'm a little in shock. On the cycle of grief I think I bounce between denial and anger quite a bit. Every AF I get depressed because I have to accept reality once again. I'm really hoping its just a lining issue and that estrogen will help. But in the mean time (if thats what the issue is), I feel like all my efforts are futile. It doesn't even matter how hard we try or what we do because its NEVER amounted to anything in the past, so why would it now. Isn't that the definition of insanity? Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. TTC is insanity.
It is insanity and I also feel in shock. Like is this really happening?

'Unexplained' infertility is a crock. Just because it hasn't been explained YET, doesn't mean there isn't some explanation, just might be something outside the typical obvious things that cause most infertility. I think your gut instinct that it's a lining issue is probably right and makes sense with your shorter cycles and lighter periods, and especially since everything else has been perfect. Keep on your doctor to cover all the bases. I am rooting for you! Don't give up!
Thanks Wishn! It feels really good to know there are people out there who are hoping positive things will happen for us. I am really hoping good things happen for you too.

I agree unexplained is even more of a crock when you are young and supposedly in your fertile prime. I started TTC when I was 26, I call bull that there is nothing going on. I think when you are young a diagnosis of unexplained is even more unlikely. There is almost always something going on if you are young and can't conceive

I'm feeling really irritable and angry today.... PMS. Which means AF is right around the corner.

DH actually had the nerve to tell me that my temper was the problem and the reason why we haven't conceived. Oh my! Did I see red after he said that!!!!!! Yes, my anger is SO POWERFUL it has the ability to kill our unborn child. "Rolls eyes"

I'm just pissed today that this is happening to us.
Oh Belle, what a silly silly man your DH was in that moment. What a foolish thing to say to you. That's just hogwash. I hope he doesn't actually believe that and only said it in a moment of annoyance.

Wishn, oh the art of waiting. That sounds right on. I can't even wrap my mind around the utter insanity that constant "wait and see"ing causes when TTC isn't working out the way we want or expect. I don't think there's really anything that compares to it.

I know that for neither of you egg health/egg reserve is a problem like it was for me, but I've seen a lot of women online (anecdotally) have success with using an "egg health" approach even if they weren't diagnosed with a problem or had unexplained issues. I have no clue if it was the thing that did it for me, but we finally conceived about a month after I started on a plan to boost egg health. I followed the stuff in "It Starts With the Egg", stuff like a high dose of the active form of coq10, eating more greens, only drinking water, and literally switching all products to natural/non-endocrine disrupting products (tooth paste, make up, face wash, lotion, mouthwash, dish soap, hand soap, laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner... everything). It sounds crazy, but I did a crap load of reading about how certain ingredients are endocrine or developmental disorders, and found that if you go online there are literally product warnings on the product's websites if you dig. Some of them straight up say may disrupt fertility. WTF? How did I not know any of that before. The website became my BFF, and I looked up safe beauty products (EWG Skin Deep Guide) and household products (EWG Guide to Healthy Cleaning). My poor husband thought I went nuts throwing everything out, lol. BUT, that was finally the month we conceived. Maybe there's something to it, maybe not? Who knows.
Hey ladies! I've been working on big school assignments, and a night away at our cabin with some friends. I guess maybe I'm glad I have a lot going on with school and working part-time as I can't be too consumed with TTC, though some days are worse than others!

I haven't tested yet...I'm kind of struggling with when to do it! I intentionally didn't this weekend just in case anyone asked about me not drinking. I knew if I had gotten a BFP I wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret! One of our friends who was with us is 4 months along, so it would have been easy to just have it slip out while talking pregnancy. They aren't super close friends and have been married for 11 years. The only time having kids had ever come up with them was a couple years ago and they were "undecided" so I wasn't sure if this was planned, if they had stuggled for a while, or if it was a surprise. Turns out they were trying, but they had success on month 2. I had to change the subject pretty quick there so I didn't get emotional!

Now, tomorrow I'm meeting up with a friend and she likely will ask how things are going with TTC, so I kind of want to wait until after that. Kind of wish everyone around us didn't know, but it just got too hard to not talk about it so we are so open about it, just now people ask about updates so we'll probably end up telling people too soon when we finally get a BFP.

I'm intrigued by this egg health, it just sounds like so much work to find the right products and get rid of the bad! I know sugar is a big no no when it comes to hormonal health, but I just don't know if I can do it. It is my only addiction. But, I did go 2 weeks this summer as an experiment, so I can do it again! I did notice I felt like I ovulated earlier than usual, so it likely had an impact.
MK I admire your self control in not testing already! Are you going to wait until AF is due? I'm sending you lots of BFP vibes.

I've been thinking I should cut out sugar's really hard though to avoid completely. It's in everything. And it's so delicious!

Belle I don't know how you didn't punch your DH when he said that. Infertility causes anger, not the other way around! My DH said something similar to me a few months ago about maybe me being so stressed was preventing us from conceiving. Um yeah he got a piece of my mind!
Hey Doc thanks for that info I'll have to check it out! I've been on egg health supplements for a couple months now so if they were going to do anything they should be having an effect by now!! I also don't wear many cosmetics and don't use hair products (aside from shampoo & conditioner) so I should be okay for chemical exposure (I used to use a natural shampoo and conditioner, maybe I'll switch back). Something new I tried out last AF was 100% cotton pads, unbleached with no nasty chemicals sitting right next to your lady bits. I actually really liked them and will continue using them.

MK it sounds like you had a relaxing weekend! I would have gotten emotional too if I was with someone who was 4 months pregnant who didn't take very long to get there! Hell, I got emotional just finding out my friend quit BC this month to start TTC. I just know she's going to conceive before me :(
Belle, has DH apologized for his comment? I think it's hard for both partners, and no one wants it to be their fault, so easier to blame the other. I think infertility had got to be one of the hardest things in a marriage. It stresses me much more than DH, which in turn stresses me more because I feel it is unfair that I do all the work of taking and timing, making and going to appts (with the exception of the SA) and he just shows up when I tell him it's time to BD!

Some day all of this will be a memory, we just have to do our best to get through it!

I'm going to try my best to hold out to test until Fri. Last cycle was long so going with the chance I O'd later than I thought. I don't think I'll actually make it till then though, but we'll see!

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