Hey ladies, just checking in on you all.
Belle, I really hope it doesn't come to that but I hope it's comforting to know you'll have support. The financial aspect of possibly needing to do IVF scared me the most. Thankfully, there are lots of steps between here and that end point. I hope your HSG does the trick of making you super fertile, and all of this other intervention talk becomes pointless.
MK, It's sort of funny how differently I felt about starting the IUI. I was like, BRING IT ON... can we do it now?! Lol. We planned to try until November mostly for my husband's sake before starting IUI because he felt a little odd about it, but I loved the idea of maximizing chances in any way possible, and IUI felt so much less invasive than IVF. But I'm with you, after a surgery or some type of intervention, I would give it at least a couple of cycles before moving forward. That surgery could make all the difference.
Wishn, I'd feel the same in terms of leaning toward trying again after surgery. I would seriously imagine that your surgery will be such an amazing thing for your uterus and make things so much better. You know you can get pregnant, but having a happier uterus will go so far in keeping you pregnant. I hope your surgery date is super soon so you can get the show on the road and not have to stress more about time dragging on.
AFM, I'm still very early on, just 5 weeks 4 days. I can't remember if I updated last week that I had done betas on 3 separate occasions and the rate was tripling every 48 hours across all three tests so that was comforting. I haven't had any other testing in a week now and am getting nervous again. I have my first scan in a few hours-- it'll likely be too early to see a fetal pole or heartbeat, for now they just want to make sure it's not ectopic, but I'm still irrationally hopeful that maybe we'll see something. I'm still craving any reassurance I can get.
**UPDATE: Had my scan and I did get to see the fetal pole and tiny flickering of a heart.So soothing. I go back next week. I'll be getting weekly scans until 10 weeks.