Sneaking back in...

LOL wishn we have that in common. My husband always teases me that if I don't have something to worry about I create a problem. Oh boy. I'm going to try meditating this cycle and see if that makes a difference for me. Its ridiculous, I'm already feeling "out" (even though its only CD 2) because my allergies are SO BAD this fall. I'm sure you can still get pregnant with active allergies! But of course, I'm worried my immune system will be over active and my T-cells will attack and kill all the swimmers like stealthy little super ninjas. :dohh: I think I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to TTC
Belle - I sure hope allergies don't cause an immune response to the swimmers! I'll be in for a long couple of months before winter hits if that is the case! Oh how I hate fall allergies. Good luck with your HSG, glad to hear you got that scheduled, and I agree that was pretty quick! It does stretch out though when you are working on a per cycle basis, I called for an appt I think the end of May or mid June, saw the dr the first time beginning of July, had all my ultrasounds done through that cycle in July, but surgery not until after another full cycle in we get to start trying again!

Wishn, sorry to hear about your loss. I know that is something, just like LTTC, that until one experiences, we can't really know what that must be like, but can only imagine which no one wants to go through. Some day you'll have the little special person you are meant to have in your arms. Sad that it has to take so long sometimes.

I'm getting really excited for this coming weekend when I expect to O. It is unlikely we'd get a sticky bean this month as I would expect my insides are still healing, but I'm feeling really good so hopefully all is good inside too! We see the doctor again in just over a week for a "game plan" which I expect will include some Clomid or the like since he wants me to get pregnant sooner rather than later to prevent any more endo. I've got my first exams in all 3 of my courses Fri through Tue, so I'll probably be MIA until I'm done studying (although I'm really good at let's be real, I'm sure I'll check in here :))
Thanks MKayes. So glad your surgery is over and done with and everything is cleared up so you can start TTC again! Good luck with your exams!

Belle...I forbid you to feel like you're out on CD2! lol Do allergy meds help you at all? Or would they just dry up your CM?

AFM...our TTC efforts are hold until after this Friday when DH is repeating his semen analysis and I have a saline infusion sonogram. I'm a bit nervous about it, hope it doesn't hurt too much, and also hoping to be more fertile once my 'dusty old womb' has had a good wash.
Wishn- I didn't think the saline infused sonogram hurt, just a little pinch when they inserted the catheter through the cervix.
Thanks MK that's good to know! They told me to take some advil before hand, and also a couple of days of antibiotics to prevent infection so that made me a bit nervous. Is that how they found your polyp initially?
Yes, the SIS is how they found the polyp, I had zero cramping or anything. Really was just like any of the other pelvic US I had with the exception if being filled with saline so they could see the structure more.
MK I really hope this surgery makes all the difference for you. Clomid is bound to help too! And good luck with all those exams!

Wishn, I'm also hoping the SA goes well tomorrow! I know you've already had one done, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for a good result regardless. Those tests are SO nerve wracking! I also hope your SIS goes well and that it's not too uncomfortable. I'm really nervous for my HSG next cycle. I read about the differences between the two tests and I would prefer an SIS because there is no exposure to radiation. I also don't like the idea that radiographic dye will (hopefully) be spilling into my abdomen to just be absorbed into my body. Medicine is so weird some times.

I'm now CD 5 and still feel out (sorry!). I just feel like there has to be a problem (we are on cycle 13 with NO pregnancies). But they can't figure out what the problem is. Our efforts just feel futile. I hope the acupuncture helps. I'm really stuck on thinking its lining issues. My AF was only 2 days this cycle (same as last cycle).
So I just had my saline infusion ultrasound and they found a polyp! It looked huge on the screen and filled about half the space in my uterus, but was really only 15 x 9 mm. The doctor said it was on the anterior wall, so could prevent implantation and could also cause miscarriage. This little polyp explains a lot! I'm a bit freaked out but so relieved it's something they can fix. The procedure itself was easy, one second of cramping and that's it.

Belle, do you have an option of having a SIS instead of HSG? They can also check tubes using SIS. Both procedures are rumoured to 'clear the cobwebs' and make you more fertile, even if everything looks normal. Are you going to have your lining thickness checked again? I hope you can get some answers about what's going on. I never thought I would actually want them to find something, and I can definitely understand your frustration with being told that everything looks perfectly normal.
Hey Girls! Just checking in, I'm doing great. I always check in on you and pray for your BFPS! XoXoXo
Wishn, isn't it so weird to be happy about something like a polyp? It is like, "finally, answers and solutions!"

Belle - my periods have been 2-3 very light days ever since I went off the pill over a year and a half ago, but when they did my series of ultrasounds throughout my July cycle, everything looked good. I was really worried about the lining because of my light periods (compared to pre-bc pills I would bleed heavily for 8-9 days, though I was also much younger then, went on the pill at 19). So, could be okay still. Though, one of the causes of my endometriosis could be retrograde menstruation where the lining flows back out the tubes instead of through the cervix/ going to be asking the doctor about that on Monday when I go in for post-op.

Sorry you are feeling out Belle, though we all know it is too early to say at 5dpo! My dad's girlfriend is an acupuncturist and she said 75% of her clients were there for infertility, and people have good luck! She actually doesn't think it is the acupuncture itself that resolved it, but the stress relief that occurs and release of tensions. Hopefully it works, it is something I would consider trying, but the thought of needles poking in scares me! I have a friend that carries her own and pops them in her head when she feels a migraine coming on, lol!

It is so good to hear that there are answers coming for you ladies! Let's hope questions are resolved and by the end of 2016 we've got BFPs to celebrate!
Wishn! Holy man that's a big fibroid! That would totally affect getting pregnant! Surgery is a bit scary, but I'll bet you'll have no problems once that's taken care of!!

MK thanks for that feedback that light periods don't equal light lining. I guess I'm just worried because it was only 5mm on CD 15 (day of ovulation) on ultrasound. Doc said he'd repeat it after the HSG. So that's good at least.

And I know I'm being dramatic on feeking out... I'm not even 6 dpo, I'm only CD 6 LOL. Ever since DHs SA results I've been in disbelief that we haven't gotten pregnant. The numbers are more than sufficient, so I feel like there HAS to be something wrong for it to take this long. I keep reminding myself that it hasn't been a year, although with only 2 months to go its sneaking up.

I do carry a lot of stress, so hopefully the acupuncture will help. It's supposed to help improve blood flow to the uterus and ovaries
Ha Belle, lol. I totally missed the CD6 vs 6DPO! Ha! We get to that point though where you just know nothings happening. I get it. I had totally given up, when AF was like 4 days late last month, I was like, WTF? I didn't even try...obviously since all I got was a BFN and a late AF. But, I agree, there is likely something wrong leading to you not getting PG yet. I know I've talked about how great my doctor is, but he really is (highly arrogant as well, but skilled). He doesn't believe that there is such a thing as unexplained infertility, its just that they haven't looked hard enough. And, that if someone hasn't gotten pg in 6 months there is almost always something going on, so why wait until 1 full year, just to have several months of tests and treatment.

Hoping they find something they can resolve with you!
Thank you MK. I also agree that if it hasn't happened in 6 months then there's something going on. It doesn't mean it WON'T happen, but it gets less and less likely every cycle. So I'm not feeling too confident about things anymore. I'm glad we went in a little earlier for testing. It would have driven me mad to be past the one year mark and have to wait 2+ months to get all the testing done.

We have told our parents how long it's been. My step mom told us to come and talk to them if we need IVF because they will help. I just cried after she said that. I want a child more than anything but there gets to be a limit on the cost. We are young (which has its benefits for TTC) but it also means we have far less resources. Both of us only finished school 2 years ago so we've been in debt repayment mode and haven't been able to save. It's a scary place to be. We'll have to take out loans to even do an IUI.
Belle - that is great that your parents are ready to help if you need IVF! It can be so costly, that is great to know that if you end up there (hopefully you get a BFP before that) that you will have financial support.

Pretty sure I failed a test (that wasn't a pregnancy test) for the first time ever today! Had my first pharmacology test of nursing school. Probably the toughest class I will take, but doesn't make me feel better about failing! Most of my classmates did too, so that makes me feel a little better :) I'm super stressed though, my blood pressure was high at my post-op appt this morning. I know stress can impact O, but if I've already O'd I'm hoping since I am pretty sure I O'd this weekend that it won't affect my shot at getting pregnant this month.

Dr. said he'll give us a month then wants to be more aggressive. He left it up to us if this month of surgery counts as month 1 or next month. DH wants to count now as 1 and in we go next month if it doesn't happen. First step will be unmedicated IUI. I'm struggling with the idea of IUI and I can't put my finger on why. I just want to get pregnant the natural way...but don't want to limit my chances and end up with more endo and never have my baby.

Ugh, sorry for the rant. Needed to get it out! Tough day.
MK you are a bit ahead of me in the process, but I have thought a lot about IUIs and I would have a hard time with that one too. I'm just not ready to give up that it could happen naturally for me. I know you are in a very different position so it makes sense to be more aggressive. But that doesn't make it any easier to accept. I will keep my FX for you that this is your month instead!

Sorry about your exam! Sounds like a tough course! Will the curve the results? The only reason I passed stats was because of the curve LOL
Belle, that is so good that you've told your parents and they're willing to help out financially if need be. I really hope it doesn't come to that! My DH still hasn't told his parents anything, whereas I've told my mom everything. It's kind of a weird contrast.

MK sounds like your doctor is proactive so that's good at least! I think I would be tempted to try to conceive naturally for a cycle or two. Maybe the surgery did the trick and you will conceive on your own right away. When I asked my doctor about IUI, he said that IUI success rate is not much better than chances of conceiving naturally. It's a tough call...I totally understand the feeling of wanting to get pregnant the good old fashioned way.

I am really hoping to get a surgery date soon. The doctor didn't tell us not to try but I'm scared to risk another loss. Even though our chance of conception is small, that chance of miscarriage is high. Once my polyp is removed, I think we will try on our own for 3 months. Time is not on our side either...I will be 38 in November.
Hey ladies, just checking in on you all.

Belle, I really hope it doesn't come to that but I hope it's comforting to know you'll have support. The financial aspect of possibly needing to do IVF scared me the most. Thankfully, there are lots of steps between here and that end point. I hope your HSG does the trick of making you super fertile, and all of this other intervention talk becomes pointless. :-)

MK, It's sort of funny how differently I felt about starting the IUI. I was like, BRING IT ON... can we do it now?! Lol. We planned to try until November mostly for my husband's sake before starting IUI because he felt a little odd about it, but I loved the idea of maximizing chances in any way possible, and IUI felt so much less invasive than IVF. But I'm with you, after a surgery or some type of intervention, I would give it at least a couple of cycles before moving forward. That surgery could make all the difference.

Wishn, I'd feel the same in terms of leaning toward trying again after surgery. I would seriously imagine that your surgery will be such an amazing thing for your uterus and make things so much better. You know you can get pregnant, but having a happier uterus will go so far in keeping you pregnant. I hope your surgery date is super soon so you can get the show on the road and not have to stress more about time dragging on.

AFM, I'm still very early on, just 5 weeks 4 days. I can't remember if I updated last week that I had done betas on 3 separate occasions and the rate was tripling every 48 hours across all three tests so that was comforting. I haven't had any other testing in a week now and am getting nervous again. I have my first scan in a few hours-- it'll likely be too early to see a fetal pole or heartbeat, for now they just want to make sure it's not ectopic, but I'm still irrationally hopeful that maybe we'll see something. I'm still craving any reassurance I can get.

**UPDATE: Had my scan and I did get to see the fetal pole and tiny flickering of a heart.So soothing. I go back next week. I'll be getting weekly scans until 10 weeks.
Doc- that's so exciting you see the heartbeat so early! I can imagine that is very reassuring and makes it feel more real!

I started progesterone suppositories today. 2 cycles ago when they checked my levels I was at its think 9.4, dr said he wants it at 20. This could be why my periods have been so light. It's already a hassle to do a suppository twice a day and it's only been one day, lol!
Doc, wow you must have been so relieved and happy to see that heartbeat! Yay!

MK, suppositories sound like a pain, but worth it if it means it makes a bean stick better!

I finally got my positive opk today at CD17. It's exciting even though I don't think we should really be trying until the polyp is removed.

MK, did you have any symptoms of your polyp or endo? I have terrible pelvic pain today...maybe it's just ovulation pain and I'm just hyperaware of it now that I know there's something in there that shouldn't be.
Doc so exciting about the heartbeat!

MK those suppositories would annoy me too. Hopefully they do the trick though! I really do have high hopes for you now that your surgery is out of the way! After your experience with the surprise endo, I'm worried about the same thing happening to me :/ I'm constantly worrying though. It just freaks me out that you could have a problem and not even know it.

Wishn we are totally cycle buddies again! You and I have cycled pretty closely I think right from early on. Have you heard back about when you'll be having your surgery?

AFM I'm likely ovulating either today or tomorrow. I'm hoping some magic happens in the next 24-48 hours.

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