Sneaking back in...

Belle, it's so nice to have a cycle buddy! We can wait this one out together. I hope we get to be bump buddies soon!

I read an article today that said something like 50% of women with endo also have polyps. They seem to co-occur, both are inflammatory and estrogen-dependent. If they have to put me out for the polypectomy anyway, I wonder if I could get the doc to do an exploratory laparoscopy. Not that I want to have unnecessary medical procedures, but we will see what the doc says on Wed when I see him I guess.
I had zero symptoms from the polyp or endo. Unless the light periods were a sign of the polyp but I don't think so, I think that's been the low progesterone. I've never had any pain with menstruation aside from mild discomfort from back cramps. I think of heavy painful periods when I think of endo.

That's interesting that endo and polyps co-occur, that makes sense.

Wishn (and actually you too Belle) I would really recommend the laparoscopy to check for it. It is apparently a super common condition and relatively easy to treat. It was about 3 days recovery for me from the laparoscopy in terms of feeling functional then it was about a week post-op before my incisions weren't sore. But totally worth it as I had no reason to think I had any endo. Depends on insurance coverage though too. I think it will end up costing us about $2000 out of pocket. Sadly IUI won't be covered unless I change doctors, I only have 1 clinic in a 45 mi radius that my insurance will cover fertility treatments. I'll have to see how much it I'll be because I would rather stick with this doctor, but we'll see, hopefully I'm looking at a BFP this time next week!
MK that is very interesting that you had no symptoms. So I guess they did your lap because of how long you'd been trying with no obvious other problems? Not sure my doctor will think it's necessary for me at this stage. The thing with our health care system, although we don't pay (well do through our taxes I guess!), it also means that we are less 'in charge' of the kind of care and treatments we can get. I think the doctors have to follow certain guidelines since they are billing the government for everything. We don't have the option of going private for things like surgery.

That's crappy that you have to choose between IUI and your great doctor if you want it to be covered. I have fingers and toes crossed for you this month!
(Copy and pasted from The tww oct testers thread cuz im lazy like that)

Hey ladies! Guess whoes finally back TTC again?!?!? Af due 9th. Testing begins 5th (oct). Im so excited to be bck! Got EWFM and FF app says im right at the end of my OVU window. Bd 4 times within ovu window and bding again today (last day of window). OPKS neg, but with PCOS you never know. Didnt temp this month because we just decided to start TTC again last minute. So. Probably not my month but FX anyways. How has everyone been.
Welcome anon. Hope you get lucky this month even if it was last minute!

Hey MK thats probably really good advice!. For now I'm just taking it one step at a time. Have to do the HSG first! I expect I could get a lap if I requested one since I am at a private clinic. However, I would likely have to pay for it out of pocket. I think it makes sense to have it done though if they are already in there to remove a polyp or something!

Well, I'm definitely in the TWW now. I'm just going to focus on doing other things and not worry too much about symptom spotting. Some months I get no symptoms and others I get loads of symptoms. Its all meant nothing in the past, so I dont think it'll mean much for me now!

I went out and splurged on a new pair of slim cut jeans that I would never be able to wear if I was pregnant (and I probably wouldn't be able to fit into them with a post-pregnancy body either). And by splurged I mean SPLURGED LOL. Its like I'm raising my middle finger to the universe haha
Hi Anon - fingers crossed for you. Happy to have you tag along with us here!

Wishn - I forget how much harder it can be in Canada for healthcare. It is a good example for those of us in the U.S. when we look at the possibility of universal health care here, especially with an upcoming presidential election (not wanting to turn this in to a political discussion here, lol!). My doctor definitely wanted to do a laparoscopy to explore the infertility, and with the polyp from the ultrasound he had enough to get my insurance to cover it. My insurance probably would have covered it for infertility as I have that in my plan, but many do not.

Belle - I hope those skinny jeans are super cute, and that you only fit in to them for another month or so! I've been splurging this weekend too. Hosted a Pampered Chef party this morning and have quite a long wish list once I figure out what my hostess credits will be, and on Friday a friend had a Pure Romance party and I got myself a few things to enhance our TTC BDing ;) DH doesn't know how much I spent yet on Friday, but our mutual friend mentioned to him she and I spent the most, so expecting some questions when he gets home!

So, I'm 7 DPO and really hope I can hold out to test until after next weekend, when AF would be due. I bought a 3 pack on Amazon, so I know they are there...I really don't want to test before AF is due as I'm afraid I'll be devastated by a BFN, but also would be so happy to know over next weekend if we get a BFP! A BFN at that point there is always chance that it will still be a positive later, so I hate the hope that still lingers, just for the witch to show up!

Hope you've all had a good weekend!
MK I know what you mean! I never believe those early BFNs anyway so if figure what's the point lol. It just stresses me out more! I usually try to wait till 11-12 dpo, sometimes I just wait for AF.

Just think, it's only a matter of days now till you find out!! Keeping my FX for you!!
Belle I really hope those skinny jeans don't fit for long! I've been putting off buying new clothes for almost a year since I figured I'd be prego by now and not fit into them anymore...maybe a 'screw you universe' shopping trip is in order!

MK your two week wait is half over! I am SO hopeful for you! Maybe aim to test at 13 dpo? You should get a pretty accurate result on a sensitive test by then. What kind did you get from amazon?

Welcome back anon, I hope it's your lucky month.

AFM...I had a great relaxing weekend, but I woke up this morning in horrible back pain. I'm going to the doc to get some good drugs which I normally wouldn't take in the 2ww, but I really don't feel too optimistic this month. I think I'm 2 dpo today and our follow-up appt with the specialist is only 2 days away!
Honestly wishn, I do a mini "screw you" shopping trip every time AF shows. Its become how I cope. And honestly, its all part of my master plan. If I can't have kids, then I may as well have nice stuff.

MK I'm so looking forward to then end of you TWW! I hope you get good news! I'm here rooting for you!
Thanks for the support ladies! Counting down the days now! I'm trying hard to not symptom spot. I stopped doing that many many months ago as luteal phase symptoms = AF coming = pregnancy waste of time! Plus with the added progesterone I'm sure things will be different.
Smart not to symptom spot. By this point I know better too, but every cycle I google the same damn things lol. The most recent one was the acupuncturist telling me I had a slippery pulse (which I proceeded to google and of course it's THE "pregnancy pulse") lol. I was either 1 dpo or on ovulation day when my pulse was taken so no way does it mean pregnancy. But I let myself revel in the thought for awhile anyway haha
Belle, I had to laugh at your post. Gosh the googling. Every single cycle the same articles. Reading and re-reading the same posts. Lol. So sad. You would think we would learn our lessons. With the BFP cycle, I did NOT get loads of creamy cm, breast pain, high cervix, veins on my chest... none of that that everyone talks about. But I got all of that plenty of times during other cycles I was symptom spotting (BFNs). On my BFP 2ww I had no cm, my cervix was super low and rock hard, and nothing else out of the ordinary.. the same old luteal phase symptoms as always. Now a few days after my bfp I started getting some breast pain, cramping/ligament pain, and nausea... but none of this was in my 2WW. So my body just didn't follow any of the articles or posts I so obsessively read. Lol. And it still isn't. My cervix is low and firm despite all being perfect so far with bloodwork, scans, heart rate etc even though Google tells me it should be high by now. So I don't know what to make of anything anymore in terms of prediction. :-P
I've been a googling queen today! Unfortunately, with the progesterone I think I'm even more likely to have potential symptoms.
Found this:
"Progesterone will make you crazy. Its side effects mimic exactly those of early pregnancy — tender breasts, occasional nausea, slight uterine cramping — but also those of an impending period — bloating, depression, insatiable cravings for carbohydrates."

My breasts are definitely increasing in size, but no tenderness, major bloating and abdominal pain (upper though, not lower). A week can't go by fast enough!
Lol I totally giggled at that MK, especially the insatiable cravings for carbs... I definitely just ate a big poutine tonight haha

You're half way through! You can do it!

If I am not pregnant this month then something is definitely wrong and I give up lol I'm kind of enjoying the ambivalence at the moment.
Progesterone is such a b*tch! The only symptoms I had in the tww which in retrospect may have been pregnancy related were heartburn at night, light cramping that I thought was AF on her way, and one day of pink CM.

Well girls I'm going to send you my share of baby dust for the next couple of months since I won't be needing it. We are taking a break from TTC. We had our follow-up with the fertility specialist today and he booked my polyp removal for Dec 2 and also recommended we use contraception until after the surgery. The sperm analysis was also not good (even worse than the first one!) and they want to repeat. He didn't think my low-ish AMH (5.6) was a big deal but he said we should consider starting fertility treatments (medicated IUI or IVF) right after the surgery. All around...not good news. I will be 38 by the time we can TTC again. Feeling pretty sorry for myself today. :cry:
Oh Wishn I'm so very sorry :( That is terrible news!

I know you might not be at a place where you want to look at the "bright-side yet." So take the time you need to grieve and get angry and cry, but eventually do remember that this will bring you one step closer to eventually having your baby. The fact that you got pregnant once (against all odds!) increases the likelihood that you will have success with IUI and IVF. You will get there! one step at a time :hugs:
Wishn - sorry you're feeling down about everything :( Hopefully you can take the time away from ttc to relax until surgery in Dec. It's a terrible road to travel on. It's seems so far, but praying the time passes quickly!

Hoping we can connect again in the pregnancy forums some day!
Thanks ladies. After having a good talk with my mom and sleeping on it, I'm feeling less depressed today. We're adding our names to the funded IVF wait list now, which is a 7-9 month wait. So 2 months waiting for surgery, 2-3 months trying naturally, 2-3 months of IUI and if I'm still not prego we'll do IVF. I'm SO type A, can you tell? lol

I have my fingers and toes crossed for you girls this month...really hope we get to be bump buddies very soon!
Wishn that sounds like a fabulous plan. With any luck you'll get pregnant long before the point of IVF. These next two months can be like your TTC holiday! Get back to focusing on you and things that make you feel good as a person.

I've thought on it quite a bit and I think I'd be willing to try IVF at the 2 year mark. We are young yet so we have some luxury with time, but I think after 2 years of trying if it hasn't happened, its not going to. This is of course considering the docs find nothing wrong with us. If my HSG somehow shows blocked tubes (no idea why they would be blocked) then we'll head straight to IVF. I'm freaked out I could have endo and not know it. The only thing that makes me think I'm okay is my AFs are on the shorter side 2-3 days. When I think endo I think heavy and painful AF
I got some surprise good news today - they had a cancellation so now my surgery is scheduled for Oct 13! I'm so glad to be able to get it over and done with. What an emotional rollercoaster of a week.

Have a great weekend!

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