Wishn thats really good to hear about the referral to the urologist! If its a motility issue then I'll bet IUI does the trick for you right away if you do end up having to get to that point. I'm glad the doc gave you the go ahead to try on your own for another 5 months before starting IUI thats pretty similar to the timeline I've given myself.
Ducks good to hear from you again, glad everything is going well!
MK I know what you mean that you just expect it to be a BFN. This was the first cycle where I really have just given up hope. I didn't even bother hoping or wishing for it. I feel like that BFN is inevitable. That being said, I do still hope for you and that you will get lucky, and if you end up having to go the route of IUIs then I hope you'll get quick success with that. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for eventually needing IUI so having you lay the groundwork for me will actually be really helpful (if you end up needing it that is, FX that you don't!). I'm rooting for you every step of the way!
This week has been really tough on me. Between catching DH smoking weed again and having him lie to my face about it (how dumb does he think I am! I can fricken smell it!) and being in the last week of the TWW it's been alot. I've been pretty depressed and angry all week long. I started spotting today, right on time, so I know I'm out this cycle.
DH and I have been in screaming matches all week. Today I was finally able to have a calm conversation with him. I explained the plan.... start meds in january, IUI in June, IVF in January 2018, and then I explained the risks and the costs of all the procedures. I explained that IUI with injectibles has a higher success rate than IUI with femara, but that the risk of twins or triplets is also higher and that if we had triplets that he would be a full time stay at home parent (I earn over double what he does and have a professional license to maintain so its not an option for me). I also explained what happens with ovarian hyperstimulation and how it can be FATAL. But for whatever reason the fear of triplets seemed to do it for him and he's agreed to quit weed (again) starting now and that we will both renew our efforts for healthy living so that we can put our best foot forward in January when we start meds.
Cycle 15 here I come