Sneaking back in...

MK I hope everything goes well with the IUI. Seriously so excited for you!!

AFM I am incredibly sick. I have a horrid sore throat that is moving up into my ears and I woke up this morning barely able to talk. I think it's developed into laryngitis.

Ugh. So sitting at the docs office right now. TTC is literally the last thing on my mind right now
Thanks 2much...stressing a little over the last hour having trouble getting the Ovidrel filled at the moment, but telling myself it'll all be okay. Just like I remind myself when this journey is over it'll all be okay and it'll make perfect sense!

Did you end up getting it filled okay? Mine got shipped overnight both times I've used it and of course Fedex couldn't figure out my work address. It has been stressful but it has worked out. Hoping yours worked out!

MK I hope everything goes well with the IUI. Seriously so excited for you!!

AFM I am incredibly sick. I have a horrid sore throat that is moving up into my ears and I woke up this morning barely able to talk. I think it's developed into laryngitis.

Ugh. So sitting at the docs office right now. TTC is literally the last thing on my mind right now

Oh no! I knew you were sick but it sounds like you are just getting worse and worse. Hope you can get something to help you feel better soon. :nope:
MK - I've got my fingers crossed for you that all goes well on Saturday.!
Wishn- I hope Paris is amazing and a good stress reliever.
Belle - I hope you are feeling better soon. Being sick is terrible.
Miss Doc - I'm glad your little one is doing well and your almost out of the first tri

Afm - the last month has been a roller coaster. I had the SIS and was told everything looked good. I spotted for 4 days after and ended up with a 34 cycle. I'm on cd3 now.

We were officially diagnosed with unexplained infertility (seems to be a trend here). My husband and I fought over our options and what the diagnosis really meant. My progesterone was low (3), I apparently don't always ovulate (even though my temp always goes up), and his morphology was low (2%). I didn't even get some of the test done, like day 3 bloods, because she said it didn't matter with my amh being high. I'm really struggling with feeling like she didn't check everything and that it's just a blanket diagnosis so that their office can make money doing IUIs.
The RE agreed to let us 3 do medicated unmonitored cycles since we have no insurance coverage for infertility. So for now the game plan is 3,3&3. 3 natural cycles, 3 medicated, 3 IUI. The IUIs are 1500 a cycle so this is all we can afford right now.
Our insurance carrier is being changed come January so we have our fingers crossed that they may have some infertility coverage that may help, even if it means changing REs.
Sorry for such a long catch-up and absence! Let cycle 8 begin!
Hey Pleasance so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. We are pretty much in the same boat. Literally NOTHING is wrong except that I maybe have a thinner lining.

We decided to do 3 cycles of natural/TCM intervention before going on to 3 cycles unmonitored femara and 3 IUI

If your DHs morphology is that low and you don't always ovulate how can they call that unexplained? I read that morphology below 4% can make it more difficult to get pregnant. I think morphology is related to lifestyle in some regards (my own DH smoked WAY too much weed and drank too much alcohol which I think affected his morphology, only 10% normal). Might be there are some lifestyle changes and supplements that can help? I think with unexplained it makes sense to try these things out because they may make a difference!

Regardless I feel your pain. I'm here sitting on cycle 15 wondering how I ended up with unexplained infertility. Maybe it's just bad luck?? Lol
Belle, I hope you are on the mend!

Pleasance good to see you again here, sorry you didn't get much for answers!

I think you both have a good plan laid out, I wish we had done a couple medicated cycles before IUI, but really with the endo diagnosis I'm kind of concerned that our chances get less and less as months go on 😐.

I've always said I would adopt if I couldn't get pregnant...I sometimes wonder if that is the plan God has set out for me and these efforts are fruitless. I'm thinking if we do have one of our own, we get into the foster to adopt process in a year or so and still do that after having a bio baby. It breaks my heart the children waiting for families, healthy babies will always find wanting homes, but the older kids and siblings on the other hand just wait and wait 🙁
Hi ladies! We had a great time in Paris! We ate so well, drank wine every day, walked and walked, saw the sights, BD'd whenever we felt like it and hardly thought about TTC! It was exactly what we needed. I don't even know what cycle day I am...haha have to count on my fingers..oh look at that cd13 already.

MK GOOD LUCK with your IUI tomorrow!!! I really hope this is it! Whatever path you take to get there, I'm sure you will be a great mom one day.

Belle, I'm sorry you're sick! Maybe the stress of traveling and moving just wore down your immune system. I often get sick after a trip, really hoping to avoid it this time. How's the new house? Did your puppy move in yet?

Pleasance, nice to hear from you. It seems really strange that they would give you an unexplained diagnosis when they weren't able to confirm that you ovulated. That sounds like an explanation to me! I think I would be tempted to start meds sooner if I wasn't ovulating every month.

2much, how's this cycle going for you?
Wishn, so glad to hear that you are back and that you had a wonderful trip!! Sounds like it was just the thing you needed! Its such a reprieve when you can just forget about TTC for awhile :)

MK, you will be a wonderful mother whichever route you take to get there. I am seriously so excited about your IUI this weekend!!!

AFM, my sore throat and cold symptoms have eased up somewhat, and I'm no longer flat out exhausted all the time. However, I have developed laryngitis and can barely talk at all! I'm hoping it won't take too long to clear up. Tonight I went and picked up our puppy Zola, and our two cats (Felix and Turtle) and brought them home! I had to wait until I was feeling a bit better physically and until we had sufficiently unpacked the house. Everyone seems to be settling in just fine :) Felix and Zola are already best of friends, and Turtle seems tolerant of the situation haha
Well ladies, IUI is complete! DH was frustrated as he didn't "perform" as well as he wanted to and ended up with not much in terms of volume, but they were okay with that. After the sperm washing we had 80% motility and count was "good" on a scale of good, very good, and I'm understanding that to be okay but could be better. I'm wondering if I can now convince him to do some lifestyle changes like eating healthier, cutting back on caffeine, exercising and taking vitamins...(though, hopefully we don't have to and just get a BFP).

I'm not going to test out the trigger shot so I have to wait to test which is good...2 weeks to go and feeling hopeful!

Welcome back Wishn - glad you had a good trip!!
Yay MK! They wouldn't have done the IUI if there hadn't been enough, so I would consider "good" to be "good"! Woo hoo! I don't blame you for not wanting to test out the trigger, that wouldn't be my thing either. 2 weeks, clock starts now!

Well I'm still at that halfway point for my TWW. AF due next Monday. Aside from a little spotting at 5 dpo I haven't had any symptoms. But have probably been too sick for symptoms lol. Yesterday I developed this awful earache in addition to everything else, my throat looks like bacon, and I still can't talk. Only now I have also developed a dry cough. Its like this cold virus just comes up with new ways to torture me! If anything it's definitely keeping my mind off the TWW!
MK yay so glad the IUI is done! 80% motility sounds great! My DH also struggles with 'producing the sample' on demand...did he do it at home or at the clinic? The wait begins...

Belle I'm glad your fur babies are settling in well to the new place. I hope you start feeling better soon. At least your wait is half over!

I think I will also be in the 2ww in the next day or two...had my positive OPK this morning and lots of O pain today, probably Oing today or tomorrow. It's officially winter here...we got a big dump of snow today and more coming overnight. DH just turned on the Christmas lights outside...which we left up since last winter (yes, we are those people!) He is SO excited that it snowed. He took our skis to be waxed today and is researching ski resorts!
How's this for TTC irony: I had so much fertile cm this morning that dh said it was too slippery and he couldn't finish! I guess we will have to try again later tonight but I fear it will be too late by then. :/
oh wishn, i hate when that happens, did you at least get to BD last night? You should be covered if you did!

AFM, my cold has now developed into pink eye FML, happens sometimes apparently. This thing is just wiping me right out. After all of this I'm not sure if there is any chance at all that I'd be pregnant. I'd gladly stay sick as a dog for another week or longer if it meant I was pregnant though
Belle - I do hope your pregnant, but I also hope you feel better soon! Feeling bad so close to the holidays can be especially draining. Hopefully you can get some extra rest this week. How's the new pup doing? Is she letting you sleep at night at least!
We BD'd the morning of my positive OPK, so O-1 is still good timing. But I tried last night and he turned me down! Said he was too tired and 3 times in 2 days is too much. I should have known better than to try after 10 pm. I was pretty annoyed and went to sleep feeling angry. TTC the 'fun' way is not feeling all that fun anymore. I might get on the IUI train sooner than I had planned!
Wishn I was so not into the idea of IUI, but it was seriously so great to not have to worry about timing too much. They still had us BD 2 days before IUI and 1 day after in case they missed it (I know I hadn't O'd the day before though based on my ultra sound).

I'm so tired of pretty much only DTD on a schedule, and then during the TWW I'm on progesterone suppositories so DH has to catch me at night before I take that!

Ugh, can't believe you are still sick Belle! How frustrating! How you are better soon! When are you going to test? Will you make it to CD 14?
MK so glad the IUI went well and happy to hear that it reduced some of the pressure of timed BD! I hear you on that one, I'm so done with BDing on a schedule. It's flat out unenjoyable sometimes.

I think I'm on the mend, still have sore throat, cracking ears and dry cough but it seems to be improving.

I'm not planning to test. I'll just wait for AF, which is due on Sunday. Guess I'll test Monday or Tuesday if AF doesn't show (she's always painfully on time). If it's coming I'll start spotting in the next few days, so I'll be keeping my eyes open for that. That'll be a good enough sign for me I think.

Thanks Pleasance! Our little Zola Bear is doing so well! She's a smart puppy, sleeps through the night, asks to go out and doesn't chase the cats (she's actually afraid of Felix haha). She's a lovely distraction during this time :)
Hey ladies! For those of you in the states, Happy Almost Thanksgiving.

Belle, your puppy sounds precious. What a nice distraction. I'm so sorry your sick this week though, and it sounds like you got it pretty bad, too. That is the worst.

MK, I'm really excited for you and your IUI. Fingers are tightly crossed that this plan is just what your body needs.

Wishn, seriously, talk about ironic. Sorry that the hubby was struggling this cycle. There is nothing more enraging than feeling like a possible pregnancy depends on bd'ing and then your partner not being up for it.

So reading about the bd'ing issues, I'll share what we're experiencing right now. I think my husband is a bit traumatized from the stress that TTC was for us. Sex has been entirely non-existent. He's loving and present and it's not like there's a conflict reason we're not being intimate. At first, I didn't even want to for the first couple of months because I was terrified of loss. But he didn't even attempt, so it was a non-issue. But last week, I tried to initiate and was super into it and he shut me down. He said, "have you forgotten the pressure and what it was like thinking we couldn't get pregnant?" And of course I wanted to kill him, because umm, no, I most certainly haven't. It was my body that was the problem-- it's not something easily forgotten. But he explained that we worked so hard for this pregnancy why would we do anything to jeopardize it, and it just feels like this emotional block for him. Like he feels it puts me at risk in some way, even though he knows logically it doesn't. So I get it. But it also really hurt my feelings and pride, feeling like he's entirely uninterested in physical intimacy with me (even though I know it's just fear and worry). It's crazy the scars that challenges with TTC can leave. We'll ease back into sooner or later, but yeah. Just kind of sucky.
Doc sorry to hear about your post TTC intimacy issues. It really is so draining, and I suppose that doesn't just stop once you get that BFP!

Your ticker makes me want a cinnamon rolls! Lol! Good thing it is Thanksgiving today and I get lots of yummies!

Wishn fingers crossed you that O-1 was good! It only takes 1! How are going to stay busy your TWW? Is life feeling boring after a trip to Paris?

Belle you should post a picture of Zola! I just love doggies! I'm still working on convincing DH for a second one. If this baby thing doesn't work out soon, I'm totally guilting him in to one for my graduation in May!

Pleasance looks like O will be coming up soon, good luck this cycle?
Hey ladies, how are things? Hope those of you in the US are having a lovely thanksgiving! I might make a pie even though our thanksgiving is long since passed.

Doc, sorry to hear about the intimacy issues with DH. Even if it isn't rational, when you ttc for a long time you don't want to do anything to risk your little miracle! I hope you can find your way back to each other. I know when we were briefly pregnant we only did it once and i started to bleed 2 days later so i'm sure we will be very wary of sex when i get pregnant again.

Belle I peeked at you chart and it looks promising...fx the witch stays away!

MK what are we now, 4 or 5 dpo? My life post-Paris was feeling pretty boring and then something happened yesterday that made it worse: i slipped on ice in our driveway and broke my elbow! I spent most of yesterday in the ER, they sent me home in a sling with strong painkillers and an orthopaedic appt next week. So between the X-rays and the drugs, I almost hope we didn't conceive this month!
Doc sorry to hear about the intimacy struggles. I don't think you ever really get over LTTTC. I can certainly understand the fear of doing anything to jeopardize the situation.

MK how has your TWW been feeling so far?

Wishn, OMG So sorry to hear about your elbow!!! Did they put you on painkillers that are okay during pregnancy just in case? Was it your dominant arm? I sure hope not otherwise it could be an extra tough couple of weeks. I hope you have a speedy recovery!

I'm sitting at 11 dpo today (11 dpo I think.... its possible I'm only 10 dpo). So far no spotting, so I'm feeling good about that. Tomorrow and Saturday will be the real test though. I hope more than anything in the whole world that I'm pregnant this cycle. For whatever reason I'm feeling extra anxious about things right now and actually feel like I have a chance. I haven't felt that way in a LONG time. For months now I have just felt "out" almost immediately in the TWW. I don't feel that way this time. I actually had a dream where my best friend sat me down and put her hand on my tummy and said I was pregnant. She wanted me to say it out loud "I'm pregnant" and I couldn't. I was too afraid she was wrong. I will be in for a huge let down if I'm not pregnant and to be honest, I'm too chicken to test. I'm just happy that I know I'll have you ladies here to vent to if it doesn't go my way.

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