Hi Ladies,
I was hoping I can join this thread as I am going through some similar things right now as some of you. I haven't really been on B&B in a while, but have been lurking recently as unfortunately I really have nobody in my life who can relate to me.
A bit about me, my husband and I have been trying since June. Had a feeling something was wrong because nothing was happening despite us doing everything right, so went to my OBGYN in Feb. I asked him to order some tests and he basically told me I was fine, that it can take up to a year and that "odds are in my favor". He said go home and get pregnant. Seriously? Ugh. I was not happy with his answer so I emailed him a month later asking again for just simple tests, like a SA at least and he basically refused. So I sent my husband for his physical with his doctor and told him not to leave without an order for a SA lol Well, he had it done and his results came back horrible. Severely low counts (1.4) and morphology was 0. He is getting a repeat analysis on Friday, but I have a feeling it will be the same, which would mean we need IVF with ICSI. This was such a shock to us, especially since he has a healthy lifestyle, eats well and takes vitamins, no hot tubs, caffeine, smoking or drugs. I even had him take fertilaid a few months back just to boost our chances (had no clue what his numbers were at the time). I don't get it. But I'm glad I didn't listen to my doctor and just "kept trying" because it would never happen naturally for us. Needles to say I've been devastated, and went from thinking that everything was probably fine, still hasn't been a full year, to looking at IVF as our only option. But as some of you have said, at least there is some peace in knowing what the issue is.
Belle, I remember being on the same thread with you back in July (I think?), sucks we are both still in the TTC threads but at least looks like things are moving along well for you in terms of proceeding with treatments.
MKaykes, I see that you have recently finished nursing school, congrats! I am also a new grad nurse, graduated in January. I am sorry about your recent lab results, sounds like we are both in the same boat as far as being new grads and going to pursue IVF. I have been beyond stressed trying to figure out how in the world I am going to fit in my IVF appointments while being a new grad. If you have any tips for me let me know pls
anyways, I hope its ok if I join this thread! I feel like I'm driving my husband crazy with all the infertility talk as it is all I've been talking about lol Would love to be able to talk to people who are going through a similar journey and who can relate.