Sneaking back in...

Ouch I can see that being uncomfortable if the catheter hit the back of your uterus Wishn! I'm hoping my clinic will guide it with an ultrasound. But I'll be honest, I don't know what they do. I've pretty much accepted that we'll be doing IUI. I just feel like we are biding our time for now. Its not reasonable for us to start IUI any sooner, so I guess we'll wait. You get used to that with infertility lol.

MK its entirely possible you have a high pain tolerance! endo can be pretty painful so it sounds like you are one of the "lucky" symptom free ones.

Its pretty amazing how quickly the swimmers get into the tubes with IUI. I wish you could watch it happening like in real time haha
OMG, watching IUI live would be amazing, then continue through implantation. Then we wouldn't have to wonder!

I don't think they need to guide IUI through with US since it just needs to get in to the cervix unlike IVF where they need to go to a certain spot.
I'm sure in the 'future' they will have little nano cameras that they put in with the sperm so that they can see what's happening in there. Or maybe I've been watching too much sci fi!

How are you girls doing? Belle, I'm sorry the witch got you. I hope you got through cycle day 1's always the worst for me.

Any plans for the Easter weekend? We both have Friday and Monday off, and we're not going anywhere, so that's amazing! I'm going to cook Easter dinner for the two of us on Sunday, making a chocolate hazelnut cake on Friday. We'll probably also paint some of our interior doors and do some cleaning to get ready for our painters coming on the 24th. Nothing exciting...I'm just so happy to have 4 days off work!
ooooh I love the idea of those nano cameras lol. I'll bet they'll have robotocized super sperms that you can manually inject DNA into and they'll guaranteed get that egg lol.... which would also be great for lesbian couples! ooh boy haha

Ya the witch is here pretty fierce. Was heavy yesterday and again today. I always find the last day of the cycle the worst for me because I know all day whats coming. Once AF shows I've already let go a bit. It used to be worse for me a couple months ago when I really believed I could be pregnant any cycle.

Those sound like great Easter plans Wishn! I also get a four day holiday so I'm stoked about that! We will be visiting DH's family on the weekend. My FIL is building me a cat "cage" that can sit against the window of our house so that they can pop out of the window and get fresh air whenever the want. Very sweet of him :)
Belle my neighbours have one of those! They call it the cat-io haha.

I had a shit day. Got in a car accident on my way home from work. I got side swiped by a tow truck! The whole drivers side is destroyed. My car is old and not worth much so I bet it's a write off. So add car shopping to my list of things to do this weekend. Ugh. My body is again a toxic soup of stress hormones.
Well the cycle monitoring doesn't sound too intense time wise so DH and I decided to go ahead for IUI for May! I decided to skip the trigger this go around.
That's exciting Belle! Does that mean you're doing just femara for your current cycle and then femara + monitoring + IUI the next one? Would monitoring start after you've taken your last femara? I think the monitoring can be more intense with injectables. But actually, in my case I only had 1 scan and 2 blood tests. Way less than I expected!
ya you've got it. Femara as per usual this cycle. Monitoring IUI and femara next cycle. They will do an ultrasound on CD 10 and based on that will likely have me in again on CD 12. I expect I'll be in the next day for the IUI if my cycle goes as usual.

The monitoring is definitely less intense than what I thought it would be!
Oh wishn, sorry to hear about the car accident! Did you find something new this weekend? That sounds very stressful.

Any new symptoms from femara this cycle belle?
Hey MK, didn't get any SE this cycle with femara. My body must have adjusted to it. Took my last pill yesterday, woo hoo. So we'll start BDing EOD starting tomorrow

How are things going for you? Are you still thinking IVf in June?
We have an appt in 2 weeks with the RE to go over all our tests and we'll go from there. Unless anything in our results would decrease our IVF success rates we'll be starting that at some point this summer, I'm hoping June. I plan to take my nursing board exam by the end of June and get a job by July. Not ideal if I'd have a baby within that first year since I wouldn't be guaranteed time off but not going to worry about that now, I could always get another job if I had to leave one at that point.

This NTNP is great right now though. I did that fall of 2015 too, but still was hoping is get pregnant. Now I'd be happy if it happens (would be alot cheaper than IVF!) but I have no expectation that it will. I'm somewhere in my TWW now, but can't even say did sure what cycle day it is. After last cycle knowing it wasn't possible and having all the same symptoms of hope were pregnancy signs on the past, not going to even fret about a thing! Seriously the least stressed I've been in a long time.

My dad is dropping his dog of in the morning, so in for a long weekend of 2 dogs. I'm glad it'll be nice out so we can get them out for walks and maybe spend some more time cleaning up the yard. Most of my busy work for school is done for the semester. Just some final exams in a couple of weeks and then I'm done!
Happy Friday ladies! How are you girls doing?

Has the BD marathon started yet Belle?

MK, wow you're SO close to being finished school! That must be exciting. Glad your ntnp cycle has been relaxing. The June timing sounds good for your IVF. Hope you have nice weather this weekend and fun with the house full of dogs :)

I'm doing ok. I'm 11 dpo, progesterone symptoms have eased off. Trying to wait till Sunday to test. I woke up super early this morning having to pee...maybe that's a good sign? I found out my car is written off, so I'm getting $4500, which is more than I was expecting for a 12 year old car with over 200,000 km! They gave me a rental car for the week so that takes a bit of the pressure off the car buying. I'm leaning towards a Hyundai Tucson.
Congrats MK on just about finishing up school! That is so exciting! However your family is made I know that eventually you'll get there. In the meantime I'll be here rooting you on!! Hoping the weather is nice this weekend so you can take your dogs out! Last week over Easter we had to contend with six large dogs in the house... there were only 9 people haha but most of us had 1-2 dogs so it sure added up!

I'll keep my FX for you for Sunday Wishn! That is a great bonus that you got so much covered for your old car! Way to go on doing your research and not just impulse buying something!

I'm CD 11 today, so will probably O in 3 more days. We are planning to BD EOD and started on CD 9. I know it sounds ridiculous but I feel out already, even though I haven't even O'd yet. Last night I got all weepy and emotional and anxious. Had to take a melatonin to fall asleep. I'm excited to be starting IUI next cycle, but I think I'm grieving the fact that it didn't happen for us naturally. I know I must sound crazy, but I'm seriously so sad (and also excited) to be going on to IUI. It's like I'm accepting that a part of my journey TTC is over and that now I'm on to the next phase, fertility treatment, and I'm not entirely sure I'm ready for all that that entails. I'm glad I'll have you ladies to listen to my ramblings!
Thanks for the support ladies!

Good luck this weekend Wishn! I hope IUI was the key for you guys! That's great that you got more than expected from your car, and a rental definitely would lower the stress so you don't have to rush into a new car!

Belle, I understand the mixed emotions coming with IUI. Definitely sad if things don't happen naturally. It's so frustrating but starting something new can give a new ray of hope. I hope you have success soon!
Thanks MK, I hope we all have success soon! I think we've all come a long way since we first started messaging each other on this thread
Happy Monday! Hope you ladies had a lovely weekend!

DH is in for guys SA today. Getting anxious for our meeting with the RE next week. I realize that timing is good as AF is due sometime late this week or next weekend. So, if by some miracle we had a natural BFP I'll know before the appointment. I know I seeks I wasn't going to read in to symptoms but easier said than done!
MK, I have everything crossed for you for a surprise BFP! But if not, hope your RE appt goes well and you get the all clear to do IVF in June. Have you started applying for jobs already? What kind of nursing do you want to do?

Belle, the mixed feelings about assisted reproduction are so real! Feel free to ramble to us anytime :) We get's hard to wrap your head around all of it and accept that you might need help, especially when you're unexplained. But I'm excited for you to be monitored and do the IUI next cycle!

So despite the fact that I'm still using progesterone, I started spotting yesterday and AF is here in full force today at 14 dpo. I was pretty sad and weepy yesterday because I just knew she was coming. Today I'm ok. CD1 is CD1. I thought it would hurt more to get BFN in an IUI cycle, but it doesn't feel much different from any other depressing CD1. I am annoyed that we wasted $850 for the darn sperm wash! One cycle off to rest my ovaries and we'll do any IUI with gonal-f in June. I hope they up my dose so I can get 3-4 follies. I'll have DH abstain for 72 hours next time to build up more swimmers.

Wow, we really have come a long way since we started on this thread! I'm sure ducks has had her baby by now and doc must be getting close. We are so overdue for a BFP on here...haven't had one for a while.
MK I am so rooting for you to get that surprise BFP! If I could I'd raise my magic wand around and give us all BFPs. I hope everything at your appointment goes well and that the SA comes back stellar!

Thanks Wishn, it is so good to know there are people out there who get it. I am also glad that I decided to do the monitored IUI. I'm hoping the monitoring will give us some answers.

I'm really sorry that you started CD 1 today Wishn :( They had better up your dose for you for next cycle! That cycle off in between is bound to be frustrating.... but on the other hand, maybe the break will be nice? And maybe you'll end up with a surprise BFP too?

Ya I was thinking the other day that ducks has probably had her baby and that doc must be getting close. A few other friends I made on here have already gone on to have babies as well. Some of the older threads that I'm on have pretty much died out, people either got pregnant or decided to stop ttc. Sucks to be the last person standing.
Thanks Belle. I think the month off will be good for me actually. It will be nice not to have to inject myself and go to the clinic for appointments. Emotionally, the sting of having the first IUI fail will have faded a bit and I will actually be excited to try another one. Just going to try to relax as much as possible this month.
Disappointed with every CD 1 I see. So sorry Wishn. I hope you can really take this cycle to relax and not worry about TTC, it did me a lot of good. I went in to IUI knowing that most people we knew who got pregnant with IUI took 3 cycles, so I didn't get real discouraged until we approached that. Will they do anything differently for your next medicated cycle?

Belle, the monitoring was my favorite part. It actually showed that I think I ovulate late on my own with follicles that are too developed. And I knew my lining was good, even though I barely bleed. I know you've had concerns about your lining so you'll be able to confirm, plus knowing how many follicles is fun!

I haven't applied for nursing jobs yet. If I wanted to do hospital work I probably would, but I want to work in transitional care or nursing home. They want a license in hand before applying. I'm planning on studying for a few weeks and taking my board exam in June. Had my last day of clinical last night. It was good, I only needed help twice!

Hopefully a year from now we are all hanging out on the 3rd tri or parenting boards and looking back here like it was ages ago!

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