MK-- I was really excited for you when reading your description of your appt because it sounds like this doctor is just great. I love that he told you he would be looking at things after 4 months. It's true, most people who are trying in earnest do get pregnant in 4-5 cycles, so we are NOT crazy to be concerned if it hasn't hit the full year mark. But man, opening your os with a knitting like tool sounds less than pleasant! Good thing sperm are microscopic and they probably don't need a big opening to do their job.
Pleasance-- I had male docs until I was 21 or so and then in college I saw a female obgyn and remember thinking, oh this is so much better. Since then I've only seen female obgyns and primary care physicians when I have a choice.
Belle-- You're right about having babies sooner. It's not easy in the US (limited to no maternity support, limited and expensive childcare options, education takes quite a while, etc. Hell, I'm impressed that you're ready in your mid to late 20s. It would have been really hard for me have a baby pretty much any time before the past year or so. Of course it could have been done, but I only recently feel "stable" and "secure" in life. I didn't necessarily want to wait until now, but this just happened to be how long it took for stability and security to really be there (stable career, good home, happy marriage, a few years past being done with all education/training). If this takes much longer though, I'll be wishing I started sooner. But I ramble! I hope the last week of your TWW goes quickly!
Beany-- Sorry your cycles are a bit wonky. How are you feeling today? Any more spotting or cramps?
2ducks-- That girl is a jerk. People aren't so good at being sensitive human beings. To be fair though, if you would have asked 24 yr old me I probably would have said I'd *of course* be totally trying at 26 or 27 and be done by 30-32, because don't you know *know* how fertility drops after 30?!?! LOL. Now, if I'm honest I feel a little self righteous about waiting for maturity and stability and feel like this is totally the best choice (unless I don't get pregnant soon, damnit). I think it must be a bit of defense mechanism. We're all a bit insecure and need reassurance that we're doing the right thing.
Man. I am just thinking that I really hope I see some BFPs in this thread specifically. People here really deserve to procreate!
AFM, I had my appointment yesterday afternoon. I feel a little guilty because she didn't even ask me how long we've been trying because she assumed that we've been trying since my last obgyn visit as at that one we did a pre-conception health check. And let me tell you, I didn't correct her. I feel a little crappy about misleading my doctor, but I want at least preliminary testing. She was very kind and understanding and did a basic pelvic exam, and I go back on Monday (which should be cd 3 or 4 if I start today or tomorrow) for labwork. She'll look at hormone levels and the marker for ovarian reserves (AMH test). Then in two weeks she's going to do a sono of my uterine area to look for polyps or any structural abnormalities. She said this is all the first line of testing/exploration, and in two weeks we'll talk about what we've learned and what to do next. She said upon basic examination, she feels no masses, and my cervix looks normal and healthy, with no substantial tilt or rotation.
I'm spotting, so I know my period is coming. Now I just want it to get here today or tomorrow so it doesn't disrupt me getting labs on Monday (have to be between cd 3-5, so if period doesn't start tomorrow I'd have to reschedule).
So I feel good about my visit. My husband surprisingly thinks I'm nuts though. Because he's been told we need to actively try for a year before doing any tests, he thinks I'm being way too aggressive in wanting testing now.

He does not view the NTNP we did for 3-4 months before "trying" as part of our time, probably because we didn't talk about anything fertility focused regularly throughout that window and I didn't put him on a BD schedule back then, lol. In my mind, we've been trying for for 9-10 months, in his mind it's been 5-6.
Anywho, I'm still glad to do some basic testing regardless.