Sneaking back in...

Thanks Belle, I'm not particularly hopeful for IB as I think it's too early, at most I'm 6 dpo. No af so far though, cramps have all gone too.

Maybe your pms is something else too! Keeping my fx for you
Hmm, I thought you were a little further along than that! Well, I will keep my fingers x for you either way!

TWW is half way over for me, and you're likely right around the halfway mark too! Soon we will have our answers :)
Hi there ladies - I love how active this thread is, trying to catch up on everyone! I've been with other threads that die down after a week or so, so fun to see regular updates and help support one another!

Looks like most of you are in the TWW - agh the dreaded two weeks! Since I gave up on actively trying many months ago, I realistically hardly even think about it any more, but I'm sure that will change now that we've got the doc on board figuring things out! I have a surgery consult after my next cycle starts (beginning of Aug) the doc is likely going to go in and remove the polyp they found on my uterus and maybe the cysts in my tubes they found last week on US. Going back in for follicular us this week and next to check on ovulation. It feels so good to be doing something!

I know they say 1 year if under 35, 6 months of over 35 before seeing a fertility specialist, but this doc I saw pretty much said he'd see someone at 3-4 months as most people get pregnancy within 4 months if there aren't any issues...I really love this guy! So, MissDoc - I think you are totally doing a non-crazy thing by getting some preliminary tests done to see if everything is working like it should. NTNP is trying in my opinion so as soon as there is no contraception, you are giving yourself the chance to get pregnant. We've all seen the posts on here or elsewhere and I'm sure know many who have "whoops" babies.

I have the benefit of living in a large metro area with amazing health care options. The main Mayo Clinic is just 2 hours away so everyone else I think tries to compete with them. So, sorry for those of you that have to wait for referrals to get in with a specialist. This doc I'm seeing is actually an OBGYN who specializes in infertility, so not an RE, but all the Nurse Practitioners are RE trained. He doesn't take new patients who just call in for him, you've got to have an "in," a family member's husband grew up with his son, so I got lucky!

MrsBeany - how long are your cycles usually? If you are only about 6DPO that would have been early for AF spotting, unless that is usual for you? It may be worth getting things checked out if you are spotting a lot between O and AF, could be nothing, but could be something. Or, if not typical, could be hopeful that it is IB!!

2Duks - do you think it was the raspberry leaf that encouraged your cervix to open? They said at my US that I had the smallest OS they had ever seen, had to use a thing that looked like a knitting needle to open it up to put the catheter in for the saline...makes me worried about the spermies getting in, or if I ever get pregnant dilating properly to give birth!

I know someone asked a few days ago about when everyone tests...I used to test the day AF was supposed to arrive, unless I had an event that would involve drinking the day or two before. AF usually shows up late morning so by evening I'd get the itch. After about 8 months of BFPs, I couldn't do it anymore. Even though I always expected nothing, I'd still cry. So, now 2 months ago, AF was almost 3 days late and I didn't even test! I was so proud of myself, but sad that that was it.
MK that is great that you have a good doctor in your corner to figure out what's going on! I'm waiting for the call from the clinic...hoping I get someone good. Did you find any of the tests painful? I've heard the HSG is not pleasant!
MK your doc sounds great. I think feeling like you're actually doing something is a huge help. Waiting is the killer.

My cycles are pretty irregular to be honest so af could show up anytime although my cycles tend to be on the long side, my shortest since coming off bcp has been 31 days. I'm currently cd27. I'd like to think it could be IB but I'm so used to getting bfns and AF popping up randomly I just don't think it can be. It's more likely to be my weird body doing something strange!
I didn't have an hsg, I did a pelvic us, both external and vaginal, and a saline infused vaginal us...the only thing that was uncomfortable was when they inserted the catheter to put saline in my uterus.

MrsB that's too bad that your cycles throw you for a loop, hire frustrating!
Beany - Hang in there Dear! We all have our FX for you that it is something positive your body is doing!

MK- thats awesome about your doc! I had a doctor when we lived on the other side of the country that I really liked, but she was just a GP, not an OBGYN. I didn't have any blood panels run then but kind of wish that I had taken the opportunity when she asked if I wanted her to. I told her no because I wasn't sure what all insurance would pay for, but now I think I was just too scared to find out the truth after 4 yrs of NTNP. Now at 7 yrs, I want to know.

As far as testing goes, I think I am going to test the day before AF to see if I am even getting CPs or not. For me, this would be another piece of information for my doctor to help analyze what might be going on, once I get one that is... I did test today at 9 dpo because I really wanted a soda at lunch. When we got to lunch, I found out that they didn't carry what I like, so I skipped it and got water. My test was a BFN - stark white, not that I expected anything different TBH. My LP seems to only be 11 days though, so that can't be helping. I did find that when I got home my B-Complex had arrived, so I will start on that this evening and hope it helps within a few months.

My husband is currently getting ready to switch jobs in three weeks, so I don't have a doctor yet. I am waiting to see which doctors we have the option to go to with his new insurance. I didn't want to get one now just to have to switch around pretty much straight away. Did any of you ladies feel odd about seeing a male doc? I have only ever seen a female before and I am quite frankly a tad bit unsure how I feel about seeing a male.
Pleasance - I saw a male for my very first PAP and as an 18 year old was very uncomfortable. Ever since then I've seen females. Even for things like UTIs I always gr to get in with females, men just don't get it! Male doc: "it's just an irritation" Female doc: "why don't I give you a could of refills on this antibiotic so you don't need to find back. "

That being said, since I had great recommendations for this clinic and this guy specifically, I'm okay with it. Without the raving review of "he's known for getting people pregnant" I totally would have found a female!
Good luck Pleasance, finding a new doctor can be a pain but I'm sure you'll find one you like and is right for you.
Pleasance- My first ever OBGYN was a female. I usually only like female providers for everything. I liked her a lot but it was a big practice and I didn't feel they had time for me. The ONLY OBGYN in my town was a male. I decided to switch and it has been really good so far. Plus the practice is so small that it is really easy for me to get same day or next day appointments if I want to talk to him. So far we have only been talking, since i had recent pelvic exams there is no need for him to poke around down there. If Clomid is not successful for me he will be doing an HSG and sending me to a fertility doc.

MK- last cycle I drank 1 cup of raspberry leaf tea a day through my whole cycle to try and help with a stronger period. I got tired of it and the pills are just easier. I have been taking 2 in the AM and 2 in the PM pre-o. This was the FIRST time I EVER noticed an open cervix. I always wondered what the hell women were talking about when they said their cervix was open. I also noticed stronger EWCM this cycle. Now that I am past O I will cut back to one raspberry leaf pill. We are also the same age! Its crazy that in the ttc world we are basically old ladies!
I also much prefer female doctors. I never have male doctors do my pap

In the TTC world even your late 20s fertility starts going down. It's crazy. Our society sure doesn't make it easy to have children any earlier though!
I also much prefer female doctors. I never have male doctors do my pap

In the TTC world even your late 20s fertility starts going down. It's crazy. Our society sure doesn't make it easy to have children any earlier though!

I had a friend in her 20s, who btw is in her 20s and got pregnant the first month of trying, tell me that she needed to finish having kids in her 20s because once you are in your 30s your fertility goes downhill...uh thanks?!?! Does every woman become judgy once they are KU? Its like everyone is so insecure that they think their path is the right path. There are many different ages and places in life where women are ready to have a baby.
MK-- I was really excited for you when reading your description of your appt because it sounds like this doctor is just great. I love that he told you he would be looking at things after 4 months. It's true, most people who are trying in earnest do get pregnant in 4-5 cycles, so we are NOT crazy to be concerned if it hasn't hit the full year mark. But man, opening your os with a knitting like tool sounds less than pleasant! Good thing sperm are microscopic and they probably don't need a big opening to do their job.

Pleasance-- I had male docs until I was 21 or so and then in college I saw a female obgyn and remember thinking, oh this is so much better. Since then I've only seen female obgyns and primary care physicians when I have a choice.

Belle-- You're right about having babies sooner. It's not easy in the US (limited to no maternity support, limited and expensive childcare options, education takes quite a while, etc. Hell, I'm impressed that you're ready in your mid to late 20s. It would have been really hard for me have a baby pretty much any time before the past year or so. Of course it could have been done, but I only recently feel "stable" and "secure" in life. I didn't necessarily want to wait until now, but this just happened to be how long it took for stability and security to really be there (stable career, good home, happy marriage, a few years past being done with all education/training). If this takes much longer though, I'll be wishing I started sooner. But I ramble! I hope the last week of your TWW goes quickly!

Beany-- Sorry your cycles are a bit wonky. How are you feeling today? Any more spotting or cramps?

2ducks-- That girl is a jerk. People aren't so good at being sensitive human beings. To be fair though, if you would have asked 24 yr old me I probably would have said I'd *of course* be totally trying at 26 or 27 and be done by 30-32, because don't you know *know* how fertility drops after 30?!?! LOL. Now, if I'm honest I feel a little self righteous about waiting for maturity and stability and feel like this is totally the best choice (unless I don't get pregnant soon, damnit). I think it must be a bit of defense mechanism. We're all a bit insecure and need reassurance that we're doing the right thing.

Man. I am just thinking that I really hope I see some BFPs in this thread specifically. People here really deserve to procreate!

AFM, I had my appointment yesterday afternoon. I feel a little guilty because she didn't even ask me how long we've been trying because she assumed that we've been trying since my last obgyn visit as at that one we did a pre-conception health check. And let me tell you, I didn't correct her. I feel a little crappy about misleading my doctor, but I want at least preliminary testing. She was very kind and understanding and did a basic pelvic exam, and I go back on Monday (which should be cd 3 or 4 if I start today or tomorrow) for labwork. She'll look at hormone levels and the marker for ovarian reserves (AMH test). Then in two weeks she's going to do a sono of my uterine area to look for polyps or any structural abnormalities. She said this is all the first line of testing/exploration, and in two weeks we'll talk about what we've learned and what to do next. She said upon basic examination, she feels no masses, and my cervix looks normal and healthy, with no substantial tilt or rotation.

I'm spotting, so I know my period is coming. Now I just want it to get here today or tomorrow so it doesn't disrupt me getting labs on Monday (have to be between cd 3-5, so if period doesn't start tomorrow I'd have to reschedule).

So I feel good about my visit. My husband surprisingly thinks I'm nuts though. Because he's been told we need to actively try for a year before doing any tests, he thinks I'm being way too aggressive in wanting testing now. :-( He does not view the NTNP we did for 3-4 months before "trying" as part of our time, probably because we didn't talk about anything fertility focused regularly throughout that window and I didn't put him on a BD schedule back then, lol. In my mind, we've been trying for for 9-10 months, in his mind it's been 5-6.

Anywho, I'm still glad to do some basic testing regardless. :-P
Ah doc it sounds like your appointment went really well. I bet it feels like you're being proactive and getting things in motion. I hope you're able to get on and have tests next week (not often I'd say I hope af arrives soon!)

I've had a few twinges but nothing much and had a tiny dark streak of blood in some cm, but that's it really.

I agree, I really hope we see some bfps in this thread soon, you're all a lovely bunch of ladies and really deserve it!
I also much prefer female doctors. I never have male doctors do my pap

In the TTC world even your late 20s fertility starts going down. It's crazy. Our society sure doesn't make it easy to have children any earlier though!

I had a friend in her 20s, who btw is in her 20s and got pregnant the first month of trying, tell me that she needed to finish having kids in her 20s because once you are in your 30s your fertility goes downhill...uh thanks?!?! Does every woman become judgy once they are KU? Its like everyone is so insecure that they think their path is the right path. There are many different ages and places in life where women are ready to have a baby.

I read an article that female fertility your late 20s and early 30s is about on par. This was surprising for me because I always felt a lot of pressure to start having kids before my 30s, despite there being little societal support for that once the child actually gets here.
Beany and Doc I'm sorry about the spotting. I get spotting before AF too. It drives me nuts! I'm trying to get that spotting to stop with B6.

Doc it sounds like your appointment went really well!!!
I also much prefer female doctors. I never have male doctors do my pap

In the TTC world even your late 20s fertility starts going down. It's crazy. Our society sure doesn't make it easy to have children any earlier though!

I had a friend in her 20s, who btw is in her 20s and got pregnant the first month of trying, tell me that she needed to finish having kids in her 20s because once you are in your 30s your fertility goes downhill...uh thanks?!?! Does every woman become judgy once they are KU? Its like everyone is so insecure that they think their path is the right path. There are many different ages and places in life where women are ready to have a baby.

I read an article that female fertility your late 20s and early 30s is about on par. This was surprising for me because I always felt a lot of pressure to start having kids before my 30s, despite there being little societal support for that once the child actually gets here.

The concept of "being in your 20s" and "being in your 30s" is completely a societal construct. Your ovaries don't say "you just turned 30, let's stop working so damn hard"! I graduated with my master's degree a month before I turned 30. I now have a very stable career, make decent money and we have a kick-ass house! I am glad we waiting but if I knew I had PCOS I would have stopped BCP years ago to regulate my body in preparation. Hindsight is 20/20....:shrug:
Totally agree 2ducks! Had I known it was going to take so long, I would have started earlier too. I'm feeling hopeful for you though that it will just be a matter of time now that you are ovulating! There are so many pcos success stories on here that it gives me hope that even with numerous barriers, you can still have a positive outcome!
9 dpo ladies. I usually start spotting at 12 dpo if AF is coming so not long now. My temps are looking good. But I'm not getting excited because they always peak at this time in my cycle.

I'm happy because I finally get DH home again! He was house sitting at his parents farm and taking care of their animals while they were on vacation all week. Definitely gets quiet around here without him! Plus I always fall asleep on the couch watching TV at night and actually need him to tell me to go to bed haha
Your 2ww seems to be going by pretty quickly Belle, although it maybe doesn't feel that way for you. I feel like my cycle has slowed right down now, think it's the waiting and the fact that everytime I go to the toilet I'm being extra vigilant for signs of spotting/af/etc' Bet you'll be pleased to see dh.

It's always nice to see them again after they've been away, even if it's just for a little while. I love my DH to pieces, but if I've not seen him for a little while I appreciate him even more!

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