Sneaking back in...

Welcome to the TWW Wishn!

Hopefully this will be your month and you can forego the investigation. If not, at least you have some peace of mind in knowing that the next step is in place!

Nothing too exciting going on here, only 4 dpo.
Hi there, ladies, I just went through and read/stalked this whole thread. It so rare and so comforting when you read a thread where you feel like people get it!

Kaye, is the new (fantastic!) doctor you went to an RE? I think I missed that part. And how long did it take you to get in?

Ducks, it really sucks that the nearest fertility clinic is 2 hours away from you. I have not had any fertility treatment, but I do see how extensive the appointments are, and I can't imagine how hard it would be to do that in your shoes when you have a job. I can get away from work for an hour here and there, but definitely couldn't take the half days required to travel 4 hrs round trip and see a doc. Sheesh that's rough. Hopefully it doesn't come to that and you don't have to figure out how to manage it.

Beany, I feel you on the if you *knew* there wasn't a problem and would conceive sooner or later you'd feel (possibly) better. I feel the same way. But the idea that something is looming that is preventing it despite our best efforts makes me nutty. Hugs to you and lots of hope that you'll be "put out of your misery soon" (become pregnant, not euthanized, lol).

Belle, I can sympathize with you on feeling like you're past the average but not far enough into trying to really be in the problem category. We only "officially" started trying this year, and only the past few months in major earnest (temping, multiple brands OPKs, CM, CP, you name it). But in the last chunk of 2015 and first part of 2016 we were NTNP, so it feels in my head like that's part of the time I've been "trying", even though I guess it's not as I wasn't consistently temping or tracking, but BD definitely fell within plenty of fertile windows during cycles, and nothing ever happened. It's frustrating. I o regularly and have normal cycles almost all of the time (some wacky ones occasionally).

And like you all, everyone I freaking know is becoming pregnant, with their second child usually, pretty much as soon as they start trying.

Currently I'm in my 2ww, 8dpo, and I've done the pineapple core and brazil nuts thing, because, well why not? Trying whatever I can and hoping this is it, but feeling mostly like it's not going to happen this time. I am having hot flushes, but I think it's because I'm getting sick. Bleh. If this cycle isn't it, I think I'm going to change up my plan next cycle in regards to BD timing. And maybe add in vit E and B complex?

I think if nothing happens by the end of Sept I'll start looking into medical support.
Welcome MissDoc! Your chart is looking good, I hope this is your month!

I bought some brazil nuts yesterday actually! I have no idea how they are supposed to help implantation, but I figure it can't hurt and they are a tasty snack.

Since we found out my husband's sperm count is somewhat below average, we've cut back our BDing to every other day to allow time to generate more swimmers. No luck yet...
MissDoc thank you for the lovely note! The best part of these forums is knowing that I'm not alone.

I hope we all get our BFPs sooner or later! Fingers crossed that this will be your lucky cycle!

I've never tried Brazil nuts or pineapple. For my TWW I'm continuing maca, I've stopped EPO and I'm taking 100mg of B6 to try to stop my premenstrual spotting.

Also taking vitamin C, D, fish oils and calcium, and a prenatal. DH is on a concoction too lol
Yes, thank goodness for this forum, keeping me semi-sane!!!
Wishn, hopefully the brazil nuts work for us. I too started taking them on 2 DPO. Something about boosting selenium and it helping build up the uterine lining to make it a nice cushy place for a fertilized egg to implant. I think the pineapple core is supposed to do the same thing, just by different mechanism. We've been bd'ing every day in the supposed fertile window, but it is sort of stressing us out and clearly isn't working. So next cycle, we'll start every other day starting day 8 or so, and then every day my opks seem positive. Maybe that'll stress us out less. Each month the daily bd'ing is fun the first 3 days, then we're sort of burnt out. Lol.

Belle, I too do the calcium, fish oil, C, and D, plus folic acid and coq10. I don't know anything about maca root. I'll have to look into it. This is my first month adding in the pineapple core and brazil nuts. I'm sure each month I'll keep adding on more and more natural remedies until something works, haha! But I'm thinking I might actually need vit E as my nails are brittle and peel easily and having lots of hair breakage, and the vit B seems like it could help bolster the luteal phase to give the eggo the best shot to implant. So maybe next cycle.
Ah another kindred spirit MissDoc! I've read about the pineapple core but didn't realise brazil nuts were helpful too. Might have to stock up on them, I love brazil nuts! I'm not great at taking supplements so am keen to try anything natural and in food form that I can, although I am managing to take vitabiotics Pregnacare conception tablets.
Ah BD burnout...yes we've definitely felt that. By 4th day in a it gets so boring!

I'm taking a multi, vit D, folic acid, ubiquinol and fish oil daily. My DH is taking fertil pro, pine bark extract, fish oil and L-arginine. There's so much focus on the woman's health when TTC, and yes we are the 'lady garden' where the seed will be planted but it takes two to tango!
MissDoc welcome to ttc#1. Thank you for your lovely and well thought out post Its nice to have a place where people get you! Plus, everyone on this thread is extra cool and isn't like "my nipples are tingling, this never happens, am I pregnant?" I hate those posts!

I am doing the pineapple core thing. Who knows if it helps but I love fresh pineapple. I also do coq10, b complex, b6, cal/mag/zinc combo, EPO, royal jelly, L-arginine, vitamin E and pre-natal. I also have started red raspberry leaf pills this cycle and I take an expectorant daily until O b/c Clomid can try up CM. It is a lot of pills! I just bought new prenatals and realized after I bought them that the dosage is two pills twice daily!
You ladies will have to let me know if the pineapple trick and brazil nuts work! I may give it a go next cycle.

Doc I'm the same, I always add something new each cycle... somehow it makes me feel better, like I'm increasing my odds or something haha.

Take a look into maca, it is supposed to help balance hormones naturally. When I first started taking it, I noticed it gave me a huge energy boost! DH found it increased his drive, which was definitely helpful for our BD marathon haha. Its supposed to be good for men too with their swimmer counts. This is only our first month taking it, so I'll let you know how it goes!
Beany, brazil nuts feel pretty easy to me, because I just grab 2-3 with my coffee in the morning. If I get a pos this cycle then I’ll be singing the praises of pineapple core and brazil nuts. Lol.

Wishn, oh my goodness, “lady garden”…. Haha! True enough that nearly all intervention is aimed at us. Good for you for having the hubs take stuff, too! Next cycle I’ll be harassing mine to join me in the brazil nuts and be more diligent about a multivitamin at least.

Ducks, holy cow that is a lot of pills! I would hate anything that I have to do twice a day. I feel pretty proud to remember things once a day. LOL. Anything in your lineup you feel really strongly about recommending? Yeah, I get where you’re coming from on the super symptom spotters. I’m not above noticing all the little things in my body and wondering, but those things happen during the LP in general so I know better than to assume every change in my body means pregnancy. I’m tired, crampy, grouchy, sensitive, achey, and bloated in most luteal phases, so it’ll take something more than that symptom wise to convince me I’m pregnant. But that won’t keep me from making note of all those things in fertility friend and tracking them like a fiend! Haha!

Belle, me too! It helps me a lot to feel like I’m doing something, making some change. It feels less like pure chance to me that way. I’ll look into the maca for next cycle. When in the cycle are you supposed to start taking it, or can you just start up any time? If I get pregnant this cycle then I’ll believe that everyone should do pineapple and brazil nuts.

9DPO here and feeling antsy. What do you ladies do about testing? Do you wait until your period is supposed to start, or do you test sooner? I typically start testing 9-10dpo with wondfos. I’m starting to get that slightly heavy crampy feeling that typically precedes my period for 4 or so days, so I expect to start AF this weekend, but I'll be testing until then anyhow.
2ducks, I hate those kind of posts too!

Or the ones that are like "omgzzz we weren't even trying but I think I might be pregerz!!!" They somehow always end up pregnant.... WTH! lol
2ducks, Belle, I hear you on that! Any post that ends with "could I be pregnant?" gets me...because I mean if you are TTC, of course you COULD be pregnant, that's the whole point! I also can't handle reading posts by women TTC their 4th, 5th or even 6th child. I mean clearly they know how this is done by that point! Can I have just one pretty please?

MissDoc, hope you're wrong about AF on the way. I usually wait until 13 dpo because the stark white BFN's break my heart every time. I've heard so many sad stories about chemical pregnancies...I'm not sure I would want to know about a 10 dpo BFP followed by AF a few days later.
Doc I hope you are wrong about AF coming!!

There is no way I could test early. I used to do that when I first started trying and it always left me feeling completely defeated to see that stark white test. I much prefer just waiting for AF.

I've also seen lots of squinter posts and I think having a squinter would drive me nuts . I'd rather get my answer all at once then get a really early "maybe." I feel like those squinter tests aren't really answering the question of whether or not I'm pregnant so I'd rather just wait .

And if I'm honest, I sort of just expect AF to show lol. I'll be flat out shocked if I ever get a bfp.
I'm the same with testing, the first few cycles I tested pretty early (although it was mostly guesswork with having such irregular cycles), but now I usually just expect to see af turn up! I tested last month as I had quite a strong feeling we might've got lucky, but it made remember how crappy it is to see a negative test
Wishn, I feel that way too about the people with lots of kiddos. I mean, I'm happy for them, but really it's hard for me to have sympathy when it's taking awhile to conceive #5. I'm too jealous to be legitimately sympathetic in that case. :-P

So you ladies do not test frantically? I wonder what that would be like! I do not expect a positive anymore, but I still test. Because I don't expect the positive, I'm not all that disappointed by the stark white negatives. What does get me sometimes are the squinters, where you get line eye and start thinking you might see something. That happened this morning. And I looked, and relooked, and relooked. Nothing was there, I had just fooled myself into thinking just maybe... there for a moment. It's a catch 22, because the short-lived enthusiasm that comes with a maybe is sort of pleasant to me and switches up my standard mood of skepticism, which is a nice change, even if it only lasts a few moments. It's like, I never really believe I'm pregnant ever and would be shocked if I actually was, so for a few moments to believe I could be, it's kind of nice. When I realize I'm sort of kidding myself, I feel a little down for the next hour or two. Oh what a roller coaster TTC is.

Hoping these last 3-5 days of this 2ww zoom by for me. How are you all doing with the TWW this go round? Keeping busy, not thinking about it, obsessing, etc?
I totally got flamed by a few users a few weeks back for nicely reminding a poster who was ttc#4 that she was posting on the ttc#1 board. For the most part I don't care if someone who has other kids gives good advice but for someone to come to the ttc#1 board and say "I'm so sorry you are having a hard time with your first, I'm having a hard time with my fourth" that really irked me.

MissDoc- Some of my supplements are for PCOS, some are for migraines and some are for fertility. Probably the pre-natal, b complex, evening primrose and vitamin C are the best for fertility. For the most part I don't mind taking pills. Last cycle I tested early a lot. I am going to try my best not to start testing until 12dpo, the stress of testing is too much.
2ducks, I saw that thread and thought it would be best not to get involved. I thought that person was pretty rude. It also bothers me when I hear about people struggling to have a 4th child. I have a cousin like that. I come from a big family and everyone has like a bazillion kids. I never thought I would have problems or that it would take so long. Here I am wondering if it will ever happen.

I think I would feel better about having a hard time TTC a second or third child. To fear that you may never get to be a biological mother is a horrid experience. I was always glad that I was born a girl, because I wanted to know what pregnancy and birth were like. I always thought men were missing out on an amazing life experience.

I hope we will all get to experience pregnancy, birth and motherhood. Even if the birth is scary and painful, I'd take that any day if it meant I got to be a mother
2ducks, I remember your post....I think I thanked you for it! I was glad to see others did too, as I think you were right to post that and perfectly polite about it.

As for me, I had a dr appt today and I have officially been referred to a fertility specialist! At first he was like, try for another six months and come back, but I reminded him I am 37 and he agreed to refer. I am kind of relieved and kind of we just wait for the phone call for our first appt. I am also nervously waiting for my pap results because I realized I haven't had one in 3 years and a few years ago I had some abnormal paps with dysplasia. It turned out to be nothing but I worry about it coming back and derailing our TTC plans.
I hope you won't have to wait long for your appointment Wishn! Its nice in a way that your doc still didn't sound too concerned! But good to get the ball rolling either way :)

I can understand feeling terrified though. That's definitely how I would feel. I'm too much of a chicken to go to a doc right now, lol. I'm giving myself till the end of September. I figure that should give it enough time for those lifestyle changes to start to work. I think I would like to enjoy my summer and not worry about further testing at this point.

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