So angry and frustrated

Mummy to be x

The 4 of us...♡
Jun 28, 2010
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I've just been to see my doctor about my worries and concerns, this is my fourth pregnancy but I've had two miscarriages and I have a lovely daughter, so I went in to see her and expressed all my concerns and worries and she basically just shrugged me off, told me that doctors do not do blood counts to check HCG levels and there is nothing they can do it's all the midwives job, I was so upset, I basically told her I need something doing at least as I can't bare the worry etc, all i got off her was "don't worry it's no good for pregnancy" I mean wtf?! She was so god dam rude I was so upset. :cry: I came out of her office feeling so little and low :( all I wanted was a small amount if reassurance, even if it was a few kind words but no, nothing!!

So now what do I do? She told me my midwife will do all this but I thought doctors checked your HCG levels with blood? I dunno :shrug: I'm so upset right now I'm not sure what I should do next? :cry:
Your normal doctors won't do bloods as the way they see it, it doesn't really tell them any more than a normal HPT you best bet is to try your local early pregnancy unit and express your worries and they should agree to a scan but this can't be done until your 6 weeks plus. If you can afford to you can pay privately for HCG blood tests but believe me you'll only worry about the numbers when you get them.

Doctors are very unsympathetic and it all comes down to cost. That being said if your not bleeding then assume everything is progressing nicely and enjoy xxxx
Your normal doctors won't do bloods as the way they see it, it doesn't really tell them any more than a normal HPT you best bet is to try your local early pregnancy unit and express your worries and they should agree to a scan but this can't be done until your 6 weeks plus. If you can afford to you can pay privately for HCG blood tests but believe me you'll only worry about the numbers when you get them.

Doctors are very unsympathetic and it all comes down to cost. That being said if your not bleeding then assume everything is progressing nicely and enjoy xxxx

If an HPT can detect HCG levels, then why can't a blood test? Reading your post has me so confused >< lol idk what is real anymore!!!
Sorry mummy :(

it would have been nice just to have a bit of sympathy and kind words I imagine rather than just a blase 'shoulder shrug' and out the door you go.

I guess they dont want to check BHCG due to cost as it isnt going to change outcomes, as cruel and horrible it is to us, if BHCG isnt doubling in a woman, it isnt gonna change what the doctor does at this early stage- they are not going to scan you sooner and they cant change the outcome if a woman is going to miscarry.

Not great for the poor worried woman who has been through this in the past and is frantic with worry.

DOnt really know what to say. I guess the only option is to wait things out or maybe book a private scan in a couple of weeks' time?
Big hugs and positive thoughts xx
Sorry you had a rubbish appt, ive never heard of gp in uk doing hcg levels. If you was in hosp for example for some reason i hear they do it then. Country works weird at times.
Mw took a series of blood tests at 8w appt.

Think only option is private early scan to see how everything is progressing i did this x
Thanks ladies. I don't want to book a private scan as last time I had two perfect ones and a week later we lost the baby, so yeah I guess you ladies are right, if it's going to happen there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, I just want to know if there is something wrong with my body and it can't sustain a pregnancy? But then I have my beautiful daughter so maybe I've just suffered bad luck? I dunno :dohh:

I guess I'm just going to have to ride this first trimester out until I can breathe and relax :cry:
I never really had my question answered. I am really confused by blood tests. Here in the US at least, from what I know they are the quickest way to test HCG to see if you are pregnant. Even before an HPT can. I know I can go to a gynecologist here and get a blood test whenever I feel like it. Can someone please explain what you guys are talking about exactly? I am just a bit confused.

Oh and one more question, what exactly is a midwife? I thought that was something they only used back in the 1800's (lol shows how much I know). So, what does a midwife do nowadays? Are they the same as a doctor? What is their purpose if you can just go to the hospital?

Sorry I am really new to all of this.
Here in the uk a midwife is someone who cares for you right through out your pregnancy and delivers your baby at birth.

I didn't realise until today that the doctors here in the UK won't do blood work to check HCG levels they will only do a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy, but to me I can do that myself.
Here in the uk a midwife is someone who cares for you right through out your pregnancy and delivers your baby at birth.

I didn't realise until today that the doctors here in the UK won't do blood work to check HCG levels they will only do a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy, but to me I can do that myself.

Oh I get it now. So is having a midwife standard in the UK? I never ever see anyone in the US with a midwife. Most people here just go to the hospital. They treat you like Queens lol.

That is pretty sad they won't give you a blood test. It is one of the quickest ways to find out you're pregnant. Even earlier than some of the most noted HPT. Do you know why they wont give blood tests? That seems kind of weird to me.
Here in the uk a midwife is someone who cares for you right through out your pregnancy and delivers your baby at birth.

I didn't realise until today that the doctors here in the UK won't do blood work to check HCG levels they will only do a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy, but to me I can do that myself.

Oh I get it now. So is having a midwife standard in the UK? I never ever see anyone in the US with a midwife. Most people here just go to the hospital. They treat you like Queens lol.

That is pretty sad they won't give you a blood test. It is one of the quickest ways to find out you're pregnant. Even earlier than some of the most noted HPT. Do you know why they wont give blood tests? That seems kind of weird to me.

Dont you get OB in US?
you should get in touch with your early pregnancy unit. Who dealt with your previous pregnancies? they will have a record of your history.

Because of my history i have been monitored from week 4, and all i did was ring the early pregnancy unit and let them know that i had a bfp and a few days later i had a phone call to come for hcg bloodtest and they ended up doing a scan.

You are completely right to feel how you do, you need support and proper monitoring because of your history. Its just a matter of finding out who you need to contact to get that support.

It's really hard being pregnant after losses, and i would be climbing the walls right now if i was just left to my own devices till 12 weeks.
I have seen a heartbeat and it has helped me enormously. Whatever happens in the future is out of my hands, but for now, am i getting the reassurance i need.
It sounds like you need this too.
Yes midwife is standard here everyone has to have one.

I've no idea why they won't do blood tests, I don't want it to confirm my pregnancy I wanted it to check my HCG levels as I've already confirmed my pregnancy with a HPT, doctors here are rubbish in my opinion they've done nothing to help me xx
you should get in touch with your early pregnancy unit. Who dealt with your previous pregnancies? they will have a record of your history.

Because of my history i have been monitored from week 4, and all i did was ring the early pregnancy unit and let them know that i had a bfp and a few days later i had a phone call to come for hcg bloodtest and they ended up doing a scan.

You are completely right to feel how you do, you need support and proper monitoring because of your history. Its just a matter of finding out who you need to contact to get that support.

It's really hard being pregnant after losses, and i would be climbing the walls right now if i was just left to my own devices till 12 weeks.
I have seen a heartbeat and it has helped me enormously. Whatever happens in the future is out of my hands, but for now, am i getting the reassurance i need.
It sounds like you need this too.

Thank you :hugs: I will call my early pregnancy unit then but I'm unsure of what to say, or should I just wait til Thursday to see my MW and for her to put me in touch with them? :shrug:
Here in the uk a midwife is someone who cares for you right through out your pregnancy and delivers your baby at birth.

I didn't realise until today that the doctors here in the UK won't do blood work to check HCG levels they will only do a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy, but to me I can do that myself.

Oh I get it now. So is having a midwife standard in the UK? I never ever see anyone in the US with a midwife. Most people here just go to the hospital. They treat you like Queens lol.

That is pretty sad they won't give you a blood test. It is one of the quickest ways to find out you're pregnant. Even earlier than some of the most noted HPT. Do you know why they wont give blood tests? That seems kind of weird to me.

Dont you get OB in US?

Do you mean OBGYN? Yes we have those, its actually kinda required. I guess you could call the OBGYN our version of a midwife? They are a doctor tho. I am not sure on this, do you guys have OBGYN's in the UK? My mind is totally blown right now lol learning new things about how the world works in other countries.
Here in the uk a midwife is someone who cares for you right through out your pregnancy and delivers your baby at birth.

I didn't realise until today that the doctors here in the UK won't do blood work to check HCG levels they will only do a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy, but to me I can do that myself.

Oh I get it now. So is having a midwife standard in the UK? I never ever see anyone in the US with a midwife. Most people here just go to the hospital. They treat you like Queens lol.

That is pretty sad they won't give you a blood test. It is one of the quickest ways to find out you're pregnant. Even earlier than some of the most noted HPT. Do you know why they wont give blood tests? That seems kind of weird to me.

Dont you get OB in US?

Do you mean OBGYN? Yes we have those, its actually kinda required. I guess you could call the OBGYN our version of a midwife? lol I am not sure tho, do you guys have OBGYN's in the UK? My mind is totally blown right now lol learning new things about how the world works in other countries.

Yes from my understanding thats your carer and ours is midwife.
Only we attend local hospital for scans where ive heard scans be performed there and then at your appts.

High risk pregnancy go under consultant led care.
Here in the uk a midwife is someone who cares for you right through out your pregnancy and delivers your baby at birth.

I didn't realise until today that the doctors here in the UK won't do blood work to check HCG levels they will only do a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy, but to me I can do that myself.

Oh I get it now. So is having a midwife standard in the UK? I never ever see anyone in the US with a midwife. Most people here just go to the hospital. They treat you like Queens lol.

That is pretty sad they won't give you a blood test. It is one of the quickest ways to find out you're pregnant. Even earlier than some of the most noted HPT. Do you know why they wont give blood tests? That seems kind of weird to me.

Dont you get OB in US?

Do you mean OBGYN? Yes we have those, its actually kinda required. I guess you could call the OBGYN our version of a midwife? lol I am not sure tho, do you guys have OBGYN's in the UK? My mind is totally blown right now lol learning new things about how the world works in other countries.

Yes from my understanding thats your carer and ours is midwife.
Only we attend local hospital for scans where ive heard scans be performed there and then at your appts.

High risk pregnancy go under consultant led care.

Yup ^^. Here we have regular scans done at the OBGYN. We even have to visit the OBGYN on a yearly basis while not pregnant for "checkups". Thanks a lot for explaining this to me. I am learning so much!!
It would do no harm to give them a call anyway, and if you just explain to them about previous losses and tell them how worried you are, there is a chance they might get you in for reassurance bloods/scan. They may tell you to wait to see your midwife next week, but either way there is no harm in trying.

Update and let me know how it goes! :hugs:
I never really had my question answered. I am really confused by blood tests. Here in the US at least, from what I know they are the quickest way to test HCG to see if you are pregnant. Even before an HPT can. I know I can go to a gynecologist here and get a blood test whenever I feel like it. Can someone please explain what you guys are talking about exactly? I am just a bit confused.

Oh and one more question, what exactly is a midwife? I thought that was something they only used back in the 1800's (lol shows how much I know). So, what does a midwife do nowadays? Are they the same as a doctor? What is their purpose if you can just go to the hospital?

Sorry I am really new to all of this.

The reason HCG tests are routinely done in the US is because of money. Your health insurance pays for it, like everything else. Over here we have the NHS so everyone in the country receives free healthcare but we're not routinely given same amount of tests/scans (unless you pay for them privately). If a HPT came up negative but your period was late, a doctor would do a blood test to confirm/rule out pregnancy, but once an answer is established that's it.

Midwives were commonplace in the US up until the 1950s, when women starting giving birth in hospitals rather than at home. Then doctors took over. In the UK, midwives continued to be the main care-givers except in high risk pregnancies. Plenty of women in the US still choose midwives over OBGYNs, but sometimes they have to pay out of pocket because their insurance company doesn't cover it. In my opinion there's no right or wrong choice, it's just whoever you feel comfortable receiving care from.

To the OP, I'm very sorry you were left feeling so defeated after seeing your doctor. I know how heartless they can seem, I've dealt with a few like that myself. I really hope this is your sticky rainbow baby!! Big hugs :hugs:
I never really had my question answered. I am really confused by blood tests. Here in the US at least, from what I know they are the quickest way to test HCG to see if you are pregnant. Even before an HPT can. I know I can go to a gynecologist here and get a blood test whenever I feel like it. Can someone please explain what you guys are talking about exactly? I am just a bit confused.

Oh and one more question, what exactly is a midwife? I thought that was something they only used back in the 1800's (lol shows how much I know). So, what does a midwife do nowadays? Are they the same as a doctor? What is their purpose if you can just go to the hospital?

Sorry I am really new to all of this.

The reason HCG tests are routinely done in the US is because of money. Your health insurance pays for it, like everything else. Over here we have the NHS so everyone in the country receives free healthcare but we're not routinely given same amount of tests/scans (unless you pay for them privately). If a HPT came up negative but your period was late, a doctor would do a blood test to confirm/rule out pregnancy, but once an answer is established that's it.

Midwives were commonplace in the US up until the 1950s, when women starting giving birth in hospitals rather than at home. Then doctors took over. In the UK, midwives continued to be the main care-givers except in high risk pregnancies. Plenty of women in the US still choose midwives over OBGYNs, but sometimes they have to pay out of pocket because their insurance company doesn't cover it. In my opinion there's no right or wrong choice, it's just whoever you feel comfortable receiving care from.

To the OP, I'm very sorry you were left feeling so defeated after seeing your doctor. I know how heartless they can seem, I've dealt with a few like that myself. I really hope this is your sticky rainbow baby!! Big hugs :hugs:

A midwife sounds nice, but the problem with that is the OBGYN here go to school for 8+ years. Where as from what I know of a midwife, they do not have any license of any kind in the US. Do they in the UK?

I feel bad for people who are forced to have a midwife. I know for people like me who are paranoid and want every question answered in extreme detail, a midwife does not sound like an option. I guess I feel more comfortable with someone who went to school for it than someone who did not. I know that probably sounds so bad.
Yes midwives have to do three years at a university, I will be doing it myself next year.

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