Another update guys...
I got my beta level back from yesterday. Yesterday at 14dpo my beta level is only 13. So I am so confused how I have gotten 2 bfp with the digitals which measure 50 and ALL OF the bfp's with the equates.
I feel really hopeless now, like my instinct told me all along something was not right. This has just been to different from my 3 previous pregnancies. 15 dpo today and the equate is a bit darker then yesterdays equate but I know you cant really go off that.. but today the test line is darker then the - line. but a digital today said negative. I had a digital yesterday say negative then a positive one.
Im exhausted from trying to figure all of this out and whatever happens I guess happens but I hate being im limbo wondering what is going to happen!!
Does anybody know anybody who had a low level like 13 at 14dpo and still had a healthy pregnancy?
I am so confused!!! But I know at 14 dpo a beta of 13 is NOT GOOD
I know you are supposed to wait 48 hours to see if it doubles but I am going in to the walk in tonight just to make myself feel like I am at least being pro-active here in trying to fig out whats going on. If they do a hcg beta and its only been 24 hours, does any change mean anything?
I have slight cramping which I've had since yesterday but nothing bad.. and I know cramping is normal. Also had some faaaaaaaint brown/pink tinge on TP but nothing to noticible but its more noticible today then yesterday.
I have a feeling this ones not going to stick
If those darn levels would just pick up all would be good!