wannabe could your dh not have a word with her? I think she's being totally out of order, I'd be fuming! It's totally your decision whether or not you want visitors right away, and she should respect that you want time as a family together. we aren't allowing any visitors for 48 hours, we want to spend those first couple of days as our own little family. I think dh's mum might have kicked up a fuss but luckily she lives in Spain so it's not like she could be there right away anyway. There was some mention at some point of her coming to sytay for a couple of weeks around my due date to which I promptly said no way! My parents understand and I know they'll be at the door as soon as we give the go ahead lol! Anyway, as far as I know all labour/postnatal wards have very strict visiting - ie. all the doors have strong security measures etc, so people can't just get in. I'm sure if you told the receptionist/midwives you want no visitors except for dh they would tell her she can't come in.
Sorry this has turned into a bit of an essay, but it's got me all worked up lol! I think your dh needs to ahve words with her and tell her in no uncertain terms that he'll be stood there barring the door! Can't she just wait in the canteen and your dh can go get her when you are ready?
ooh west, exciting have the date booked!
kelly fingers crossed for your test results