ok mel heres the labour story for ya
sat down to watch a episode of lost at around 7.30pm on the sun night (13th) after telling the baby i did not want him to be born on the 13th and at around 8pm started getting so pain this hapened every 10 mins for a hour so i said to dh i think they are contractions!
this carried on till about 10pm then they started to get closer together till they were about 3mins apart by this time i was hooked up to the tens machine which took the edge off them.
at 1.00am on the 14th i went into hospital as had had paracetamol and the pain was still bad on arrival i got examined and was 2 cm!! they gave me some pain relief think it was something a bit stronger than paracetamol and sent me home at 3
as soon as i got to our front door i was sick and i sent dh to bed for a bit.
by 4.30 i couldnt cope any longer and went back to hospital where they ran me a hot bath, only the water was far too hot and little man wasnt happy and turned back to back...ouch!!!!
after the bath i had some diamorphine and carried on breathing through the contractions, the baby's heart rate kept ropping so they kept me on moniters and by about 10am they finally gave me gas and air and allowed me to push which i wanted to do a good while before that, as his hr kept dropping thy had to use vontous (sp?) and the cord was round his neck when he was born but he is perfect!!
how do you put pics on here?