hi ladies. Hope alls well with you guys
Shawnie: Be sure to follow docs orders. Are you dilated or is your cevix thin? How did you find this out? Hope you get your computer!!
DMN: Sorry about dh, sounds like he is being quite a spoiled brat, hope that is gets better for you...
Kelly: Your bump is getting ready to pop out, you can tell a difference from the first one. Your scan is beautiful...
AFM: Went in for our 13 week screen. Baby is soooo much bigger. Just flippin' and wiggling around in there. The nurse measured the baby and said that we were just right on the brink of being able to do the test, the baby was almost too big, lol. We were there about 20 min looking at the little one, had it's back to us, she needed it to flip to measure from the front and they babe wouldnt do it. So we left went to lunch and came back about an hour later and got some of the most beautiful profile shots!! Kept putting it's fingers to its mouth and crossing its feet, how fabulous!!!
I would put pictures on, but I don't know how to do it...... Any one have any advice?