So it begins for poor royal couple

Besides as stated before this thread wasnt ment as a feel sorry for them or not type thread or what they do or do not cost us.
It was purely as a jokey way of saying why does the media assume due date means arrival date when they could be waiting a while yet. and I hope they had plenty of sarnies :)
Haven't read all this, and actually do t know anything about it, but if alls been well with her pregnancy I'd opt fir a home birth. That way no one will get to see until she's ready!!!!!
I think a lot of the issues with regards to the Royal family and their income, history, etc is down to the vast majority of people being ill-informed due to it just not being taught in schools at any level (socio-economic and political history isn't touched on for any period nearly as deeply as military history and when it comes to the royalty you might get a bit about William I, more on the Tudors and Stuarts but nothing much really-and mostly the bad stuff they did!- and, if you're lucky, a bit about Queen Victoria but on the whole no useful information whatsoever since there was much more interesting stuff going on and so much history that's happened!) and the media is just fantastic at misinformation and just simplifying everything down so much that it doesn't actually even slightly resemble accurate information anymore! Giving an accurate description of feudalism (which is when the royal family would have lived off taxes) is far to big an ask for a forum like this but this hasn't been the case since the inner circle of nobles was expanded to actually be a proper Parliament or at least diluted the feudal system a fair bit, which I believe happened under King John and was part of the conditions under Magna Carta (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!)! The royal family have always lived off land rents though, which they're as entitled to get as much as any other landowner (though this is also what they give to Parliament to get their allowance!)! Really the way the royal family is funded is terribly complex!

Beca :wave:
I think a lot of the issues with regards to the Royal family and their income, history, etc is down to the vast majority of people being ill-informed due to it just not being taught in schools at any level (socio-economic and political history isn't touched on for any period nearly as deeply as military history and when it comes to the royalty you might get a bit about William I, more on the Tudors and Stuarts but nothing much really-and mostly the bad stuff they did!- and, if you're lucky, a bit about Queen Victoria but on the whole no useful information whatsoever since there was much more interesting stuff going on and so much history that's happened!) and the media is just fantastic at misinformation and just simplifying everything down so much that it doesn't actually even slightly resemble accurate information anymore! Giving an accurate description of feudalism (which is when the royal family would have lived off taxes) is far to big an ask for a forum like this but this hasn't been the case since the inner circle of nobles was expanded to actually be a proper Parliament or at least diluted the feudal system a fair bit, which I believe happened under King John and was part of the conditions under Magna Carta (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!)! The royal family have always lived off land rents though, which they're as entitled to get as much as any other landowner (though this is also what they give to Parliament to get their allowance!)! Really the way the royal family is funded is terribly complex!

Beca :wave:

My father was a royal guard so I spent alot of my younger years running around windsor castle in places I really should not have been (was chased by bayonettes a fair few times for sneaking into restricted guard rooms looking for my dad) :) but because of this it created a great interest in the royal family current and historical.
I loved learning about the rituals and ceremonies behind the royals and there is so much I could tell you about windsor castle (myths, ghost stories and legends) that just isnt generaly known about.
I think a lot of the issues with regards to the Royal family and their income, history, etc is down to the vast majority of people being ill-informed due to it just not being taught in schools at any level (socio-economic and political history isn't touched on for any period nearly as deeply as military history and when it comes to the royalty you might get a bit about William I, more on the Tudors and Stuarts but nothing much really-and mostly the bad stuff they did!- and, if you're lucky, a bit about Queen Victoria but on the whole no useful information whatsoever since there was much more interesting stuff going on and so much history that's happened!) and the media is just fantastic at misinformation and just simplifying everything down so much that it doesn't actually even slightly resemble accurate information anymore! Giving an accurate description of feudalism (which is when the royal family would have lived off taxes) is far to big an ask for a forum like this but this hasn't been the case since the inner circle of nobles was expanded to actually be a proper Parliament or at least diluted the feudal system a fair bit, which I believe happened under King John and was part of the conditions under Magna Carta (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!)! The royal family have always lived off land rents though, which they're as entitled to get as much as any other landowner (though this is also what they give to Parliament to get their allowance!)! Really the way the royal family is funded is terribly complex!

Beca :wave:

My father was a royal guard so I spent alot of my younger years running around windsor castle in places I really should not have been (was chased by bayonettes a fair few times for sneaking into restricted guard rooms looking for my dad) :) but because of this it created a great interest in the royal family current and historical.
I loved learning about the rituals and ceremonies behind the royals and there is so much I could tell you about windsor castle (myths, ghost stories and legends) that just isnt generaly known about.

That sounds absolutely brilliant!

My grandad was also a royal guard. I was brought up with his stories. His love for the royal family, because of how they were, not who they are, turned me into a complete royalist.

I have a lovely story that I share with anyone I can. My Grandad was on duty and he met 'Lizzie' out on a walk one day (at Balmoral) she joked something about being in her wellies and said her son had got them for her birthday so she felt obliged to wear them while he was about. My Grandad mentioned that he was celebrating his 50th in a couple of days and he dreaded what he would get as often his kids would buy him what they wanted. She came out a couple of days later, on his birthday with a glass of scotch for him and toasted him a happy birthday.
That's a lovely story! People forget the royals are still real people.

They deserve privacy during a time like this.
I think a lot of the issues with regards to the Royal family and their income, history, etc is down to the vast majority of people being ill-informed due to it just not being taught in schools at any level (socio-economic and political history isn't touched on for any period nearly as deeply as military history and when it comes to the royalty you might get a bit about William I, more on the Tudors and Stuarts but nothing much really-and mostly the bad stuff they did!- and, if you're lucky, a bit about Queen Victoria but on the whole no useful information whatsoever since there was much more interesting stuff going on and so much history that's happened!) and the media is just fantastic at misinformation and just simplifying everything down so much that it doesn't actually even slightly resemble accurate information anymore! Giving an accurate description of feudalism (which is when the royal family would have lived off taxes) is far to big an ask for a forum like this but this hasn't been the case since the inner circle of nobles was expanded to actually be a proper Parliament or at least diluted the feudal system a fair bit, which I believe happened under King John and was part of the conditions under Magna Carta (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!)! The royal family have always lived off land rents though, which they're as entitled to get as much as any other landowner (though this is also what they give to Parliament to get their allowance!)! Really the way the royal family is funded is terribly complex!

Beca :wave:

My father was a royal guard so I spent alot of my younger years running around windsor castle in places I really should not have been (was chased by bayonettes a fair few times for sneaking into restricted guard rooms looking for my dad) :) but because of this it created a great interest in the royal family current and historical.
I loved learning about the rituals and ceremonies behind the royals and there is so much I could tell you about windsor castle (myths, ghost stories and legends) that just isnt generaly known about.

That sounds absolutely brilliant!

My grandad was also a royal guard. I was brought up with his stories. His love for the royal family, because of how they were, not who they are, turned me into a complete royalist.

I have a lovely story that I share with anyone I can. My Grandad was on duty and he met 'Lizzie' out on a walk one day (at Balmoral) she joked something about being in her wellies and said her son had got them for her birthday so she felt obliged to wear them while he was about. My Grandad mentioned that he was celebrating his 50th in a couple of days and he dreaded what he would get as often his kids would buy him what they wanted. She came out a couple of days later, on his birthday with a glass of scotch for him and toasted him a happy birthday.

Haha, my dad was once on guard doing rounds around the ground and came across someone peering in through the the window of one of the staff quarter rooms so he went and confronted them.
Turned out it was Prince Phillip trying to watch the football because he wasnt allowed to watch it inside (he was actualy moaning about the queen not letting him) so he was watching it through one of the windows after saying he was going out for a walk.
About 10 minutes later Mark Phillips comes out moaning about wanting to watch football so the 3 of them stood in the rain peaking in through the window trying to watch it. :)
That's a lovely story! People forget the royals are still real people.

They deserve privacy during a time like this.

I think they do, they just believe what the likes of the daily mail print about them. They choose to ignore what they do for our country, whether it's with tourism or the tours they do!

It's worse up here, in Scotland, as a general rule, people really dislike them and see them as 'English'.
That's a lovely story! People forget the royals are still real people.

They deserve privacy during a time like this.

Agreed. We don't own them and I hate that the press think that we do, in fact they think it about in the public eye.
Why dont we stop directing any anger in this thread there is really no need for it. Its their first baby and I am sure they are excited. Lets not piss on that like every one else is.

I hope these accusations of anger aren't aimed at me as I'm am not angry at all. All I'm saying is that they are only here because of us!..... Okay, so they are more or less self sustained now, but think back hundreds of years ago when they purely lived of taxes! How else do you think they have got to this point now?

Well if they're going to live off our tax money then I don't think they have much choice than just to put up with it!

William is a rescue pilot for the RAF :dohh:

plus the fact that the Royal family generate far far more money for the country than they actually cost, in tourism etc etc etc

So having pics taken of them is all for generating income and tourism :dohh:

I think what people are trying to do is point out that they do not live off tax payers money!!!!!
He's an RAF officer and a pilot, he will be on a very good wage that could no doubt afford skiing!

I've never heard them complain about the lack of privacy, but given what happened to his mum I can understand he could have fears and think we should have a little more sympathy than "oh they live off us so they can deal with us".
I don't understand why people are under the impression that the royal family just live off the tax payer. If we go back in history you will find that king George III surrendered the revenue from the crown estate to the government and in return the royal family receive the civil list for future monarchy. The only estate they got to personally keep was the duchy of Cornwall which if I remember correctly, Prince Charles looks after that estate.
I hope all goes well for Kate during labour be it at home or in the hospital.

To be honest it don't think it's just the UK paps that will be on the edge of their seats awaiting their arrival but literally the whole world is waiting for this baby to be born.

I can't even begin to imagine the pressure and stress she must be feeling :(

You never know, she could have a 'Kate double' on stand by to throw everyone off the scent!
I feel really sorry for them, especially Kate. Royal or not, they're entitled to some privacy and dignity during the birth of their child. I can't even imagine what it would feel like for Kate to know that the whole world is waiting for her doing this, and all those paps outside waiting while she's in there in agony!

I hope it all goes well for them. x
They might "live off of tax payers money" but if it wasn't for them, your tourism would be pretty poor!

Do you know much about the UK? We have an incredibly rich history, beautiful and diverse scenery both in the cities and countryside as well as along the coast and we have a highly attractive capital city in England. Saying that people wouldn't come here if we didn't have a bunch of people who walk about in fancy clothes and wave from golden carts is, frankly, effing ridiculous and slightly offensive.

You don't see any other European countries (or countries like yours) suffering due to a lack of royal family!

Why do people travel to countries like ours? They're attracted to bustling cities, night life, serene landscapes, leisure or sporting activities, architecture, history and culture. The fact that the country has a royal family may be a reason for some, but I highly doubt the majority come here solely for that and wouldn't otherwise. That's just deluded.

What do London tourists actually see of the royals? Their palace and a few guards along with the souvenirs with their faces on.

I've met several tourists from across Europe who've come here to see the lakes of Scotland or go surfing in Cornwall. When I lived up north I met people who'd come to see Sherwood forest because they had a thing about Robin Hood. There are races in Ascot, cathedrals and abbeys all over, spas in the cotswolds, pony treks in Devon, the London Eye and Tower Bridge, all night parties in London, Brighton, Manchester, Edinburgh...I've even met tourists in Portsmouth who aren't even on their way to anywhere, they just wanted to get some piccies of the Mary Rose before they went home.

I'm sick of the "tourism would die" argument. It doesn't hold water. Yes, London is the biggest pull, but London is so much more than the royal family.
It wouldn't die or course it wouldn't, but it does help our tourist industry.
And I'm not denying it, but to say it would be "poor" without them is really from the reality.
The reason the Royal family is so important to British tourism isn’t purely because of the palaces or other physical Royal landmarks, but the fact that they are engrained in our identity, they encompass Britishness and they make us individual. It has taken centuries to build this identity, and while no we wouldn’t become irrelevant if they were to disappear they are what sets us apart and makes us “quirky”, it is much more than the landmarks and pomp and ceremony, they ARE our history. So while tourism as a whole wouldn’t die, I think we would lose much of our identity and that in turn could potentially make us a less appealing country, so yeah I think it is right to put as much pressure on them as this thread has!
They might "live off of tax payers money" but if it wasn't for them, your tourism would be pretty poor!

Do you know much about the UK? We have an incredibly rich history, beautiful and diverse scenery both in the cities and countryside as well as along the coast and we have a highly attractive capital city in England. Saying that people wouldn't come here if we didn't have a bunch of people who walk about in fancy clothes and wave from golden carts is, frankly, effing ridiculous and slightly offensive.

You don't see any other European countries (or countries like yours) suffering due to a lack of royal family!

Why do people travel to countries like ours? They're attracted to bustling cities, night life, serene landscapes, leisure or sporting activities, architecture, history and culture. The fact that the country has a royal family may be a reason for some, but I highly doubt the majority come here solely for that and wouldn't otherwise. That's just deluded.

What do London tourists actually see of the royals? Their palace and a few guards along with the souvenirs with their faces on.

I've met several tourists from across Europe who've come here to see the lakes of Scotland or go surfing in Cornwall. When I lived up north I met people who'd come to see Sherwood forest because they had a thing about Robin Hood. There are races in Ascot, cathedrals and abbeys all over, spas in the cotswolds, pony treks in Devon, the London Eye and Tower Bridge, all night parties in London, Brighton, Manchester, Edinburgh...I've even met tourists in Portsmouth who aren't even on their way to anywhere, they just wanted to get some piccies of the Mary Rose before they went home.

I'm sick of the "tourism would die" argument. It doesn't hold water. Yes, London is the biggest pull, but London is so much more than the royal family.

Don't get me wrong I agree with pretty much everything you have said but I had to laugh at this bit.
I live just down a bit from Windsor and often see one of the royals around and 99% of the times I see them they are dressed in waders, covered in mud and carrying a shot gun and driving around in a jeep :)

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