Some advice please

I can understand why she is p'ed off. Also why should her garden have to stink because of other peoples pets.

You could keep your cat in for a week and see if there is still alot of poo in her garden. Prove its not just your cat
Hmmm if OP's cat is anything like my 2 younger ones it wouldn't be an easy thing to just keep them in lol they need to go out. I honestly don't know what the solution is though :/
You claim to have done everything you can - have you supplied your cats with a litter tray or an area in your garden for them to crap?! Using the poop she drops off put it on a freshly dug patch in your garden and they'll hopefully start to go there. I must admit I'd be even more peed off that you'd got the police involved over your own cats! Cat owners seem to be so selfish, your cat, your cats crap!
You claim to have done everything you can - have you supplied your cats with a litter tray or an area in your garden for them to crap?! Using the poop she drops off put it on a freshly dug patch in your garden and they'll hopefully start to go there. I must admit I'd be even more peed off that you'd got the police involved over your own cats! Cat owners seem to be so selfish, your cat, your cats crap!

I dont see how I am selfish tbh! Ive got a litter tray outside and they dont go in there. If she comes to the door and I see her Id speak to her but she waits until Im out now and doesnt even bother opening the door when my OH knocks!

My cats scream to go out so I let them. Not going to keep them in and let them cry!

As Ive said I can understand that shes pissed off, I dont care if she is more pissed off Ive got the police involved because if she had spoken to me again and said spray wasnt workinf instead of waiting over a week we wuld have came to another arrangement.
im lucky my cat is an indoor cat so I don't have to worry about this but my mum has the problem of a neighbours cat that craps in her garden, if she see it she scares it away but even so she doesn't come across that much cat poo and tend to just chuck it in the outside bin if she does find it, so there must be more than one cat pooing in the woman's garden if she's finding that much. if the spray isnt working im sure there's some pepper stuff you can get especially if she doesn't have animals of her own its good for keeping all animals from the garden, I remember my mum having it but not sure what its called but my mum said it makes it uncomfortable for them to toilet in those areas. she cant expect you to go pick up crap everyday when you have young children to look after, maybe she has something in her garden that attracts cats as I doubt its just yours. putting cat faeces on your path or driveway is disgusting especially as you have young children, she obviously need to find something better to do with her life than hunt for cat poo. out of interest does she have any pets or children?
im lucky my cat is an indoor cat so I don't have to worry about this but my mum has the problem of a neighbours cat that craps in her garden, if she see it she scares it away but even so she doesn't come across that much cat poo and tend to just chuck it in the outside bin if she does find it, so there must be more than one cat pooing in the woman's garden if she's finding that much. if the spray isnt working im sure there's some pepper stuff you can get especially if she doesn't have animals of her own its good for keeping all animals from the garden, I remember my mum having it but not sure what its called but my mum said it makes it uncomfortable for them to toilet in those areas. she cant expect you to go pick up crap everyday when you have young children to look after, maybe she has something in her garden that attracts cats as I doubt its just yours. putting cat faeces on your path or driveway is disgusting especially as you have young children, she obviously need to find something better to do with her life than hunt for cat poo. out of interest does she have any pets or children?

She has a dog, no children but cant comment if she has grandchildren as I have no idea. x
im lucky my cat is an indoor cat so I don't have to worry about this but my mum has the problem of a neighbours cat that craps in her garden, if she see it she scares it away but even so she doesn't come across that much cat poo and tend to just chuck it in the outside bin if she does find it, so there must be more than one cat pooing in the woman's garden if she's finding that much. if the spray isnt working im sure there's some pepper stuff you can get especially if she doesn't have animals of her own its good for keeping all animals from the garden, I remember my mum having it but not sure what its called but my mum said it makes it uncomfortable for them to toilet in those areas. she cant expect you to go pick up crap everyday when you have young children to look after, maybe she has something in her garden that attracts cats as I doubt its just yours. putting cat faeces on your path or driveway is disgusting especially as you have young children, she obviously need to find something better to do with her life than hunt for cat poo. out of interest does she have any pets or children?

She has a dog, no children but cant comment if she has grandchildren as I have no idea. x

hmm I don't know I would just give her some more repellent a different one or maybe get one of those ultra sonic things you can put in the garden. personally I would try keep the cats in for a week (emphasis on the word try lol) to find out if its actually them before you go out and buy anything though because you shouldn't have to pay out to help keep other cats away
I think I would maybe try and keep your cats in and get them in the habit of using the tray and then slowly move it outside (i.e back door for a week and then maybe closer to where you want it to be)

I really can understand it from both sides. We got to the end of our tether, the smell in our garden, the sight of crap all over it and the fact our kids couldn't play in it. It's not 'more to do with her life than hunt cat crap' but just the frustration of cleaning up after an animal that doesn't belong to you.

It sounds as well though as though there is a large amount.....maybe the cats are 'arguing' over their toilet :rofl: as marking of the property. Poor woman!!!

Bittersweet :lol: I didn't know how else to put it :rofl:
Well the police came and said we were doing nothing wrong. She then went over to the womans house and she came ranting and raving calling us selfish that we called the police. OH said no its childish putting cat poo in a bag and leaving it outside out door. Police told her off and been told we are getting reported to RSPCA & Council as 'I dont feed my cats' and 'are always out'. Yes, my cats go out cos they want to go out. If someone feeds my cats of course they are going to eat it! I do feed my cats anyway.

My cats dont go on litter tray in the house as they are use to being outside now.

According to her, other neighbours have complained to her, so me and OH are going to knock on those ones shes said as we considered them as friends.

Bet our other neighbours loved watching the argument!!
In my opinion I also think you were very thoughtless and selfish to call the police.

I'd be fuming. Cat crap on my garden, she's had enough and letting you know, wanting you to try and help out of desperation and you call the police.

My arse I would see and ranting and raving I would do!!

Again - her methods of dropping if off aren't right. But you can tell that you obviously have not had cats repeatedly shit on your lawn for god knows how long!!
There must be a way for them to be trained not to do it in her garden? I'm probably showing my ignorance here but why can you make dogs go in a certain place but not cats?

I wouldn't be very impressed at all.... I choose not to have cats because I don't want to pick up cat poo. It's even more gross to have to pick up someone else's cat poo. She may have grandchildren coming over and it's very unhygienic. It doesn't sound like enough has been done from your end to stop it.....
I don't think it's selfish you called the police tbh. I own cats and if I didn't know they were doing it and found my neighbour had been dumping shit in my garden I would call the police if it continued. I don't know what people expect you to do. Take the cat out on a lead and walk it? Cats roam everywhere there's nothing you can do and a cat that is used to going out then it's unfair to keep them in. OP has tried repellent and yes cat poo isn't nice but seriously what can you do? =/
I think that if you were in a situation were a cat you never owned constantly did its business, you would be upset.

What can you do? Er....take responsibility for your own animal? Cats are very intelligent, you can train them to use your own garden surely? I mean, yes it takes effort etc....but it can be done?

Surely you expected them to do their business SOMEWHERE? But as long as you don't clean up after it, you're not bothered?

On a serious note, how many times have you cleaned up after your own cat? I've never owned a cat, but I know that me (and my neighbours as yes, we've complained about the cat crap together) have cleaned it up at LEAST 30 times! At LEAST!!!

If you want a cat, you take the responsibility of a cat IMO. Just like dog owners take the responsibility of their dogs.

I picked up my little boy from his friends about two weeks ago and their family also had the same problems with cats. Their kids couldn't play in the garden and their little boy stood in it and brought it all through the house on the carpet. He was distraught at the smell and kept heaving. Why is that fair?
It's a CAT for gods sakes, not a dog, cats cannot be trained! I appreciate it can't be pleasant for the OP's neighbour, but apart from buying a cat repellent for her (which she did), there really is nothing else she can do apart from either a) lock her cats up, which is cruel since they are used to going outside and having that freedom, or b) get rid of her cats to oblige her horrible neighbour. I would do neither.
The consensus on here seems to be she dares to own a cat so therefore it's all her fault. If she were the one pooping on her neighbours garden fair enough, but it's not, it's her pets, who do not know any better!
Next doors dog pooped on my drive, was I slightly annoyed? Yes. Did I go banging on their door and dump it back on their drive? No. It's an animal, it goes where it wants. As it happens next door apologised to me, and I thought that was very thoughtful of them to make a point of apologising to me, when they didn't have to do a thing. I think OP has gone above and beyond what most people would have done in regards to this issue. She's certainly done a heck of a lot more than I would have ever done.
Well I disagree. I think more can be done and responsibility should be taken.

If a cat only did it the once, these things happened. When its every day, every week, its not fair on those who suffer for it.
Train her cat? :shrug:

At least try instead of refusing cos she has her own two children to look after?

Dog owners have to clean up after their mess? I think that because you don't tend to actually go out and walk a cat, its like there is no responsibility for the mess.

However just because YOU don't clean up after your cats mess, doesn't mean that there aren't disgruntled neighbours pissed off cleaning up the cat who pops in their garden, does their shit (even when they are ill and have the runs bear in mind!!!) and does one. And if as that neighbour you one day find out the owner, hell yes, I'd complain.

We only found out who the cats belonged to because of our next door neighbour, who were in the middle of moving!
Its comical really. Her cat does a shit in someone elses garden and its all fine and dandy, 'try and help but then prove its mine' kind of response.

She returns the cat shit, nice and tidy in a bag and the police get called.

Insult to injury!!
You could try keeping them inside with a litter tray for a short while (actually meant to be safer, especially in winter) and then slowly moving the litter tray to exactly where you want it to be in your garden, eventually getting rid of the litter altogether. It's meant to help if you bury their poo where you want them to go in future.
You could try keeping them inside with a litter tray for a short while (actually meant to be safer, especially in winter) and then slowly moving the litter tray to exactly where you want it to be in your garden, eventually getting rid of the litter altogether. It's meant to help if you bury their poo where you want them to go in future.

I think this is a good idea.

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