Someone please help !!

I went to my midwife appointment and she tried to reassure me that hopefully everything will be ok when I go on Friday but obviously she couldn't say for sure. She said as I've got no pain that is a good sign and that an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage is a lot of blood and clots and pain were as mine is a normal type of period amount of blood sometimes a bit watery and the clots are quite small and some are stringy but still really dark red and the blood is bright red.

She's told me to stop googling and try to relax as much as I can and I just have to wait for Friday 😔 I can't help thinking maybe this is a chemical pregnancy or something though !! I don't know what to think I want to prepare myself for the worst bit also don't want to let go yet it's so hard. I just keep looking for any postive stories of ladies with heavy bleeding and clots and everything turned out fine but then I google it and also find horror stories.

My other half is trying to get home tomorrow as I'm just a mess - thank you all so much for talking to me though your all helping and I really appreciate it

Some people do have bleeds every month as if they are having periods and babys are fine. Stay positive hunni xxx
I have 3 friends that bled horribly during every pregnancy. One friend bled every month like a period. All of their babies were born at term and healthy. Your bleeding could be from any number of things other than mc. I know it's so hard but try to focus on my 3 friend's success stories. And talk to that little bean. It was advice that was given to me this weekend when I was freaking out worried about a 3rd mmc and I think it helped calm me.
I am trying soooo hard to be postive and all I keep thinking is surely no pain is a good thing !!

Did any of your friends have any pain or bleeding with clots and they were fine ?

I am trying soooo hard to be postive and all I keep thinking is surely no pain is a good thing !!

Did any of your friends have any pain or bleeding with clots and they were fine ?


I'm not sure about pain but small clots yes.

How are you? Any changes?
No changes at all still bleeding and clots but no pain ... I honestly think this is it now the more the bleeding stays. I've even taken a test again and it's come up with hardly any line at all now which is just scaring me more 😔 by Friday I'm gonna be a nervous wreck and it's making it worse coz my little girl keeps asking about the baby which is breaking my heart and I just don't know what to say to her !!

I'd do anything for everything to be ok and I keep praying with everything I've got that the bleeding will stop and Friday will be good news !!!

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I've had 2 losses myself. It's awful and I know nothing anyone says can help.
You just want someone to say everything is ok but no one can right now !! 😔

Oh hun my heart breaks for you, waiting for news is just the worst feeling. I had a big bleed at 8 weeks with clots and thought for sure it was over but it was ok in the end. You asked in an earlier post if anyone had experienced pain& bleeding and if it was all ok, that's what happened to me. Maybe 5/6 hours before my bleed I had a terrible sharp pain in my uterus, so bad I had to lie down for half an hour, I knew something was wrong then, and of course hours later the blood showed up. I had a separation of the sac to the uterus, it caused a huge bleed and took until 20 week scan to completely disappear. From 8 weeks I bled (brown blood) up to 20 weeks. Would you be up for testing in the morning with fmu? Try not to let this take over your thoughts until Friday it will drive you insane, get lots of rest and try to take your mind of it. I wish you the best of luckx
When you were bleeding was it heavy bright redand had dark clots ? I've had no pain what so ever apart from the odd cramp every now and again but nothing that I'd class as painful or how people are describing as a loss.

I was thinking of doing a test tomorrow morning only problem is the only tests I've got are the really cheap eBay ones and the positive lines on them were really faint when I did them it was only when I did a clear blue digital that I actually believed it was happening. I suppose I can't feel any worse by doing one in the morning the worst that can happen is there's not even a faint line 😕

Everyone on here is so lovely just you all talking to me I feel so lonely my other half can't get home till tomorrow and I'm trying to be so strong in front of my little girl so talking to you all does help so thank you all 💞
If they are cheap tests idk if I'd take it. Last week when I was stressed worrying about another mmc I took a cheapie (I'd been taking 1or 2 a day so had many to compare) and got NO LINE. Took a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th all with the same FMU and got diff colored lines. It was just because they are cheap tests.
I'm not a big fan of them a lot of people have raved on about them but I don't rate them either I should be 5 weeks and 3 days and Saturday it still struggled to bring up a faint line I questioned whether it was just an evaporation line on loads of them.

I might go and buy a proper test tomorrow and wait till the following morning to try it ... I just don't know !!!

Sorry you're going through this, it's so scary! I would personally get some first responses as I find them the clearest to see. I got really faint lines with the cheap ebay tests. So sorry your OH is away too, I hope he is home soon. I hope you get some answers soon xxxxx
If I have suffered a miscarriage your hcg level doesn't drop straight away does it ? I'm scared of doing one incase it comes back postive but the worst has happened.

I feel like my stomach feels empty today as silly as that may sound my boobs aren't sore anymore either I do still have a headache but I think that's coz I'm stressing out

Yes it can start dropping prior to a mc. Sorry 😓
Mine did drop right away in my early losses. I'm sorry you are going through this :( big hugs :hugs: I hope all turns around and ends up ok.
I have been so wrapped up in myself that it was only after speaking to my mum today that Friday it will have been 12 months since a close family friend died and it's my mums birthday !!! I feel so bad I had completely forgotten and if we get bad news on Friday now I'll feel awful. I also checked my little girls baby book and I had an early 6 week scan exactly 4 years yesterday because of bleeding but from what I can remember it wasn't this heavy.

I'm not sure if these are good signs or not I'm just keeping everything crossed that someone is watching over us and will make this all ok

The bleeding is less today and seems to hopefully be stopping I've got slight cramps but nothing painful or uncomfortable. I'm really clutching at straws now that everything is going to be ok I keep going hot and cold and felt really shakey today


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