My son is 5 and a half months old, about 2 and a half months adjusted age. He only weighs 11 pounds and I'm wondering if this is OK or not. It never really bothered me before because he eats on demand and he's otherwise a very content baby. But he had a NICU buddy who was born on the same day as him, but is gestationally 2 weeks ahead. He is nearly 14 pounds and is only 2 and a half months adjusted age but is wearing 6 month clothes! (My guy is in 3 month clothes.) He has never lost weight, and his doctor doesn't say much, just that she wants him to gain at least 1/2 ounce a day, which he more or less does.
How much did your 2 and a half month old (adjusted) weigh?
How much did your 2 and a half month old (adjusted) weigh?