Sooo I think I will admit this about Christmas


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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I am a Scrooge!!!! I really don't get it at all. I enjoy spending time with family but the whole commercialisation of it is ridiculous!! I dread the pressure I may or may not feel when LO gets older to buy him all the latest stuff. Am I on my own with this tho???

(I was gonna post this in the grotto section but think I would be strung up ha ha)
a love exmas but a know what u mean with pressure i have a 12 year old who wants all the fasion last year it was converse hunter whellies and a pauls boutique bag the bag alone was 66 quid yes it can be expensive but a do get there them a start exmas shopping in sept gives me enough times to get it all inn.

this year all she asked for was a blackerry but not all kids ask for dear things my 17 year old never bothered she used to just ask for makeup and clothes.
I positively hate Christmas.

For those who believe it's supposed to be a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus, for those who don't, it's supposed to be a day to celebrate St Nicholas.

It's actually about how much stuff people can get, what the latest gadgets are etc. It has become too commercialised and greedy over the years. Many parents don't bother to teach their children the true meaning of Christmas.

I know one family with three Blackberrys two PS2's, an XBox, and XBox Kinnect, Wii, three DS's, two PSP's, four computers and three TV's with TiVo. That's JUST for the children (15, 14, 12, 9 and 8). The mother is also talking about getting another PS2 and XBox. Why? Because it saves fighting. It has never occurred to her to teach her children properly, just uses these toys as a means to parent. Is it any wonder children think they have the right to demand such things and expect to give them?

When I was growing up I always imagined Christmas to be full of greens, reds and golds. A beautifully decorated tree, open fire and family playing games and eating delicious foods. It's a shame that the older I got, the more I saw that this wasn't the case for most of the people who celebrate Christmas.

Personally I would choose not to celebrate Christmas but unfortunately we live in a society where choice regarding this in not feasible. I do not have a religious faith, it's not something I believe in but my family are all Christian and most of my friends are also so Christmas is compulsory. How can I tell my 8 year old sister-in-law that she sin't getting a present of me this year because I don't believe? My husband and I only purchase each other a small gift to exchange with other family members for the sake of keeping up appearances.

When it comes to raising a child, Christmas will be celebrated and I will even purchase a tree and decorate it. My child should not celebrate just because I do not celebrate, s/he will be growing up in a Christian society and Christmas is one of the things to be celebrated. Plus, I do not want the child to suffer when all his/her school friends will be getting gifts etc. However, I shall teach my child what Christmas is really about. About Jesus' birth and St Nicholas. S/he needs to be able to grow up and make decisions on beliefs etc freely but I will not have my child thinking Christmas is simply a way to get the latest games console.

Sorry, this turned into more of a rant than a comment.
Thanks for sharing it seems I'm not alone!!
I love Christmas but completely understand where you are coming from. However I do think that it is possible to turn the whole event into whatever you want it to be. Christmas has always been a special time for us, my Mum always made it very special when I was growing up. However, for us it has nothing to do with spending loads and being like everyone else. It is about spending time together and taking time to sit and realise how fortunate we are.
I hate the comercialisation of christmas but love christmas, spending time with all the family, family that we don't get to see often throughout the year etc, I think it is very important for kids of today to know the true meaning of christmas as it is so easily forgotton now, christmas seems to be all about comercialisation these days.
I'm right there with you!.... Before we had LO we used to bugger off to a sunny country and forget all about xmas! But now we have been guilt tripped by the inlaws over the past 2 yrs to spend it close to home due to LO!!

I am very tempted to bugger off again this yr!

We buy LO one pressie as we know the grandparents will go mad, but every yr we tell them off for wasting money! I don't want my LO expecting lots or expensive stuff when he's older.... if he wants something badly then he can save and we will help towards it!

Also, do you find that as you get older xmas comes rnd a lot quicker!.... It should be every 2 yrs :haha:

I am not religeous in the slightest so not bothered about all that stuff, I hate the commercialism but I do love having a nice glass of mulled wine and a good roast dinner! x
I to am a scrooge. I don't mind getting LO presents, but we have decided NOT to buy adults a present. I usually break that rule and get something small. But what with the costs of everything else at xmas...........its not something I feel is needed. LO can buy her BEST friends a small present. and we will have a tree and we usually have a wonderful meal. But its for me.............the all being together thats the thing. I like everyone in the same house, all warm and happy and full of food watching crap tv whilst trying not to fall asleep. lol

I did used to go to church when we were down in glasgow as relatives do, but OH wont let me take LO to a midnight mass etc and no one else will come with me. They are usually quite fun and very social.
I love Christmas but I do agree with you and say similar things to most of what you've said every year. I must admit I enjoy buying gifts, its just the type of person I am, when I see things I know people will love I want to get it and see their faces. So I enjoy buying presents at Christmas and this year I have got a little carried away. I'm a big kid when it comes to Christmas, but for all the other stuff hat goes long with it. And recently over dinner we asked our 3 boys what they thought of when they thought about Christmas. The 2 year old didn't remember much. The 5 and 6 year old said the music, the films, watching The Grinch with blankets and mince pies, the food, the tree, visiting Nanny and Grandad. We asked "what about the presents" they said we like the presents but the other stuff is better" I hope they hold onto this attitude as they get older. We have taught them about the true meaning of Christmas as well. I hate the way Christmas is soured by the commercialism and used as a way to get as much as you can and sell as much as you can for the stores. My brother in law and his ex-wife use it as a competition like they are trying to prove they are the better parent by buying the most. When I look back I remember the tings we did rather than the presents I got and I hope its the same for my boys.
Awh I love christmas - but more the family side of it :) I get what you're saying 100%! I just like that it gives me a day to celebrate with and spoil my family. x
I love Christmas. I mean as a christian i should do lol but actually i love the festiveness. But i do hate the commercialism of it. We always have a really nice dinner and spend a lot of time with the family but i won't go overboard about presents. We have quite a strict amount that we spend but we buy in the sales etc so the money goes further. If i feel my children are only after the presents then i'll even cut back on that. I would never go into debt of christmas as i think there is more to life than that.

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