soy iso and pcos



Hi I have read so many things about soy. However, I have never found any reviews or any experiences on people with pcos using soy .

Did it affect you? Mess up cycles? Get a bfp?

I think that for women with pcos in specific it is not recommended. You may want to read these links and do a bit of research. Agnus castus and maca are both better options for pcos as they don't mimic any hormones but stimulate your pituitary gland to balance your homones on it's own.

First link is about soy isoflavones and at the bottom it references pcos and the second link is about AC. Good luck!
Hello, thank you for your reply.
I use maca already but I was specifically meaning to you soy like Clomid, so days 3-7 to stimulate ovulation.
I also use inositol to balance hormones.

Thank you for the links though :)
Hello, thank you for your reply.
I use maca already but I was specifically meaning to you soy like Clomid, so days 3-7 to stimulate ovulation.
I also use inositol to balance hormones.

Thank you for the links though :)

Have you tried vitex (angus castus)? It is highly recommended for pcos where as soy is not. There is actually a great thread about fertil aid (agnus castus product) and pcos that is current on the boards now. I cut a link out of an article on a pcos website that better explains why it can actually hurt fertility for women with pcos in specific.

Soybeans are a major dietary source of the isoflavones - genistein and daidzein. Both are phytoestrogens, plant molecules that are structurally and functionally similar to mammalian estrogens. Phytoestrogens in soy are not true hormones, rather they are similar structurally so they act like hormones and can cause endocrine disruption. They can bind with hormone receptors and can interfere with the production of hormones. They are 1200x less potent than human estrogens. But if you are eating large quantities of soy it can become a problem. Soy phytoestrogens are not weak. Drinking even two glasses of soymilk daily for one month provides enough of these compounds to alter your menstrual cycle. Although the FDA regulates estrogen-containing products, no warnings exist on soy.

Those women with PCOS who are trying to conceive will be interested in this study. According to a study involving humans, the soy isoflavone genistein has been found to impair sperm as they swim toward the egg. (5) Even tiny doses of the compound in the female tract could destroy sperm. What’s more, researchers explain avoiding soy around a woman’s more fertile days of the month might actually aid conception. Moreover, what was surprising and telling about soy’s harmful effects on human health was that it took smaller doses of genistein to create infertility problems in human females than in mice.
I took soy iso with my previous cycle and it made it a really really long cycle. I think my dose may have been to high. I tried it again with this cycle. I'll let you know how it turns out. I did get a positive opk on cd 22 which is normal/good for me.
Hi Ladies,

I have just started Soy Isoflavones.

I bought them from Tesco, they are 40mg, so I have taken 2. I plan to do: 2, 2, 3, 3, 3.

I was on the depo injection for about 8 years.

I will let you know how I get on :)
I'm back here for an update!!! I had a BFP with soy and having PCOS!!! This cycle I took 180mg on days 3-7. I took this much because when I got pregnant with my son I took 100mg of clomid and I read you have to double the soy to get the same results and 180mg was the closest I could get too it with out taking waaaay too much! The first cycle I took 240mg on days 3-7 but I had horrible side effects and it made my cycle VERY long! Almost 68 days that cycle. So I decided to give it one more try and did the 180mg this time.
I took soy for one cycle before starting clomid. It was my first and only 28 day cycle. My cycles are usually 6 months.

I had a clomid baby tho x

I wouldn't let anyone scare you. For some it works, for some it doesn't. Just to add my opinion, I believe soy can be harmful if taken for a long period of time but for only 5 days, I don't think that it matters too much. I have pcos and got pregnant with soy, it wasn't meant to be though. I am on clomid now but I still believe in the ovulation stimulating power of soy and would try it again.

I wish you all the best!

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