Try vitamin B complex for that, it should help to lengthen your luteal phase.
Try vitamin B complex for that, it should help to lengthen your luteal phase.
Well ladies the 2nd soy cycle has resulted in.... yep, you guessed itSo onto Soy cycle 3.
It can change your cycle, how long was your cycle before?
You could ovulate as late as CD 21 by taking them on cd 5-9. Did you track ovulation?
It can change your cycle, how long was your cycle before?
You could ovulate as late as CD 21 by taking them on cd 5-9. Did you track ovulation?
Hi my cycle was normally 46 days on average no longer than 49 do not think i was ovulating. i did track but got frustrated with them.
its driving me crazy loads of success stories but not many stories of it messes you up only when you are ovulating!