SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

A I'm praying for you too. In fact, Cookie, Greygirl, Prepping, Ananya, SHump I'm praying you all get your BFPs soon! Doggy butt plugs by the way, now there's a thought!

How are you all doing? Prepping I hope you manage to avoid too many baby enquiries and hang in there for your 2ww. A, so you'll be in the 2ww any second and Cookie too! Looking forward to *NOT* symptom spotting with you all! Cookie I hope you're enjoying your day off, don't waste it all on housework! ;)

MissH I just pray your MS is not this bad! How are you doing? Does your DS know yet and how will/did you tell him?

I feel so sick most of the time, I'm temporally relieved right now as I just had a cornflatbread veggie tortilla for lunch with lots of guacamole and hot spicy sauce! I feel so ditzy, I just made a bit of a c*ck up at work too cos I'm finding it hard to concentrate. Also I'm STILL having AF like pains. I've read this is normal but I was hoping to avoid these for a few months until the mother of all pain happens around week 40!!

Anyway! Back to work in a sec, hopefully I won't mess anything else up!

Have a fab day everyone, sending love, babydust and mutt plugs! Xx

Sorry you're feeling so sick, hope it and theaf pains clear up asap! :hugs:

I've been really weepy today. Don't know when I'm ovulating and it's still scaring me (so much for relaxed!). Still having some trouble getting hubbie in the sack, hoping for some tonight or tomorrow morning because I'll probably either ovulate tomorrow or day after, depending on if clomid works still after missing a day.

Also, I've tried to convince my hubbie to let us foster another Greyhound. I love the one we've got and think he'd enjoy a friend. The charity he came from is in crisis and desperate. I haven't said this to my hubbie yet, but a reason I want to do this is I feel so helpless because I can't get pregnant and want to feel like I make a difference in the world and can help with something rathen than feel useless. I'm crying as I type this because I feel so wretched and unable to do anything about my situation. I just want to hold my baby, I should have an 8 month old by now and I have nothing.
Oh hunny! I know it won't help a great deal but I'm sending you a huge hug.

Greyhounds are such beautiful, loving creatures, a friend of our family used to work for the West of england greyhound rescue and some of the stories she told us of circumstances they were found in was heartbreaking yet they are still so trusting. Amazing animals to have around.

Having said that, I can understand you saying you're upset and hurting as you would have been holding your 8 month old. Hun, you're allowed to cry and get angry, you're human and this is bound to upset you when you're low. I'm sorry, I feel I've been talking too much about my woes, believe me I know I am lucky but currently petrified over every little development as I worry it will all go wrong. I guess what happens in life is like a knife edge, sometimes it falls the way we want, other times it doesn't. I'm sure it will happen again for you Hun, hang in there. Be strong but get the pesky tears out too.

We're all here for you to listen to your rants, your worries and your pain as well as the beautiful happy things that will also happen. Give that beautiful doggy a cuddle (they are fab when you're upset) and then do something nice for yourself, you deserve it. Also I don't know if you have a faith or not but I find it helps saying things out loud (I choose 'the universe' or my own version of 'god') to talk to and ask what I want from. I say thanks for the good things too, it helps remind me that there are good things.

Anyway, sending you love and a huge hug, here's a smile too for when you feel like using one again :) xxxxxxxxxxxx
Omg A! Oing at the same time is awsome :) come on girlies we can do it :p
I've got ewcm today. Not great with it all but does that mean im gonna o tomorro?
A I'm pleased all is well with you, I've missed you :( doggy dancing in the morning sounds like a plan :)
Oooo I'm so excited for you. Hoping you get your sticky bean hunni and that your friend is ok and relaxes and enjoys being pg :)
I think Clara is right Grey......

So sorry you are feeling so down hunni. Try not to think about what might have been, but focus on the future - you will get there in the end. It sounds like your doggy is very lucky in that he has a lovely home with you & Clara is right when she says they are great for cuddles when you are feeling down. CHOCOLATE is also always good accompanied by a LARGE glass *bottle* of wine??!??!

I hope you feel better soon.....

Clara - pls dont feel bad about talking about your bump - thats what you are meant to be doing - being all excited and wanting to talk about all the stuff happening (we know you feel lucky!) and thats what this forum is all about!

Cookie - where are you laydee?

LOVE to all xxxxxxxx

& big super hugs for Grey x
Greygirl I'm sorry your feeling so low :hugs: the greyhound plan sounds like a good idea. As Clara said, you can make a huge difference to a little doggys life. Work on the hubby lol.
I'm sorry about your little one :( again, as Clara said so well, have a cry and a vent. we are here for you hunni :hugs:

Clara, your getting baby brain lol. Hope you feel better soon sweetie :)

Grey, Extra extra big :hug: coming your way. Aw hun, I wish I could say something to make it all better, but all I can say is that I hope that you're able to find a peace within. The past is hard, but there's always something good to come out of every bad thing that happens in our life... even when it's hard to see what that good may be. That's how we get stronger and truely learn how to appreciate the wonders in our lives. As difficult as it may be, try not to carry the past on your shoulders or you're just re-living it constantly and it makes it so much harder to look forward or even appreciate what you have right now.
About the pup, not a bad idea. It would be something that would be a very good distraction too. And if you can get a rescue that does not have the behavioural problems that could be difficult to manage, then that is ideal in a home that expects a new human pup at some point.

Clara, Have you had accupuncture before? I hear that it is a great method to help with the symptoms that come along with pregnancy as it balances the hormones. When I'm preggers, I will definately be using it myself. I'm distracted enough at work just thinking about pregnancy sometimes... I will have to do my best to hold it together when it is a reality!

Cookie, when it comes to CM, my only way to figure is to just get at :sex: whenever I see it. Apparently it can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. That's why some people use preseed -- apparently supposed to help it along. I've also heard of just drinking more green tea. Who knows. :shrug: Hope you get a good chance with hubby soon! How do mornings work out for him? Maybe he might be into waking up a little bit early to have a kickstart to the day? :winkwink:

Achelois, I so so so so so want it to happen for you this time around too! From what I hear, you may end up being just a bit extra fertile being the first month after. Throwing wagons of baby dust your way.

I had pinching today that lasted pretty much the whole morning. Not symptom spotting. :blush: :haha:
Lol. Prepping I love your "not symptom spotting" lol. Crossing everything for you.
Hmmm.... mornings aren't really an option atm, he's leaving at like 5am and I'm not really a morning person lol. So yea gotta just pounce on him tonight ;) spoke to him hour ago and he's due home soon so fx no combines break down right now :)
GreyGirl, I agree with the other ladies and just want to say that I am going to keep everything crossed that your BFP is just around the corner. I hope you can talk your OH round over the dog because it sounds like a great idea :hugs:

Cookie, I had no EWCM so I used pre-seed last month and it obviously helped :winkwink: If I was you I would dtd as much as possible and remember that :spermy: can live for up to 5 days so even if you don't :sex: on the exact day then you still have a chance as long as you do it around the time.

Achelois, I have also heard that the first month after a loss means you are extra fertile. I really want this to be your month and I admire your choice to wait to the end of sept to start testing. Keeping everything crossed for you.

Prepping, when are you going to test? Hope that you enjoy that glass of wine at the wedding as it might be your last one for a while :winkwink:

Clara, I am not suffering that much this week. Last week I found it difficult to eat or drink. When i was pregnant with ds I was never sick but I didn't feel sick and off my food for the first couple of months. It should get better when you hit 12 weeks but until then try and eat little and often if you can. Also sleep when ever you can because your body needs it.

Not told ds yet because I'm not sure he will really understand. When we have the scan picture it will be easier to explain it to him.

I told my boss yesterday and I am really pleased that I did. He was really great about it and now I know that if I need time off or am sick then it has no affect on my sick record.

I had my first appointment with the midwife today and she told me that I am classed as high risk as I had to have an emergency c-section with ds. She told me I won't get a scan until I am least 12 weeks because they now only do it between 12 -14 weeks so that they can test for downs syndrome. It will probably be the start of Oct. I then have to go back to the midwife at the end of Oct.

My EDD is the 12th April 2012 :happydance:

I am keeping everything crossed for all you lovely ladies, I have a good feeling that we will see some more BFPs soon.

Sending you all a ton of :dust:
Missh that's great that you had ur first midwife appt. And EDD 12th April! :happydance: that will be here before you know it :) pleased your not feeling too ill and that ur boss is being supportive :)
Ewcm has never been a problem for me lol. Just never knew what it was but now I know what it means - doggy dancing salsa club helllllllllo :p
cookie, Dancing doggy dust your way!!!

missh, there you go getting all my hopes up with this glass of wine on the weekend possibly being my last in a while. LoL I won't be testing until I'm at least one day late for AF which is due between Tues and Thurs next week. I only have the one hpt burning a hole in my nightstand and I don't want to waste it. That's awesome about having your first appointment. It wouldn't even matter to me how uneventful an appointment may be, I get all warm fuzzy and pink bunny at the thought of it! :cloud9: Love to hear!

I sneezed and it caused a cramp. How am I supposed to *NOT* symptom spot that? LoL
Lol.... sometimes those pesky symptoms are throwing themselves at you :)
So your gonna test if af hasn't shown on Friday. Fx fx fx for you :)

dusty doggy butt plugs a dancing phahahaha
Thanks everyone for your kind comments :) Congrats on your EDD, that's great news! I hope when the time comes DS will understand and be excited!
We didn't even get to talk about a Greyhound foster yesterday...meh.
I don't know if today is going to be much better, this morning alarm went off at 6.10, hubbie then does snooze til about 6.50. I rolled over and asked if he wanted to fill the time between alarms with 'stuff' which he shrugged his shoulders! I've had the shrugging shoulders when I tried to initiate things before, but it's really starting to bother me. I asked him if I'd pressured him too much in our 'relaxed' month and he said no. I said I felt I had because I still feel the panic of 'have we had sex enough around fertile time'....He then preceded to tell me maybe I should "give up & it'll just 'happen'" and his head is messed up because he's still on probation at work and not fully confident he'll get it.
I can understand stress - I'm trying to make a person by myself! But I also am gutted. I have a horrible feeling this is leading to not trying and preventing, even though he said we'll still be ntnp...
Really don't know what's going on. Today or tomorrow should be O day if my previous clomid months are anything to go by (why on earth did I give up temping and peeing on sticks?!)...
Grey, :hugs: I hope you're able to find some sort of balance. Sounds like you're going through a rough time.

cookie, you'd think I'd learn to just ignore everything thrown at me... but no. So I'll just call them "Casual Observations" instead of symptom spotting. :D

how's everyone else doing?? Hope you're all having a great day!
Grey, :hugs: I hope you're able to find some sort of balance. Sounds like you're going through a rough time.

cookie, you'd think I'd learn to just ignore everything thrown at me... but no. So I'll just call them "Casual Observations" instead of symptom spotting. :D

how's everyone else doing?? Hope you're all having a great day!

Loving casual observations Haha. Well sometimes you can't just "ignore" them lol.

Grey i really hope you feel better soon :hugs: please vent and rant here as much as you want, tgere will always be a hug or 10 waiting for you here :hugs:

Well I've been stressing all day today. Managed to get DF in the mood last night :) warning you bow, tmi coming up shortly.... don't say I never warned you :)
As we were, let's say, getting in the mood I got Sharp pains like af on my right side. It was crippling me, but as it was bd time I just tried to ignore it lol. DF was really up for it and, here comes TMI time, let's just say, I was enjoying myself and completely forgot saliva kills spermies :cry: I've been annoyed at myself all day :( then, we doggy danced :happydance: but the pain was still there. After puppy dancing :happydance: I laid back with my pillow, strategically placed might I add lol, the pains came back with avengance :cry: it hurt to raise my right leg and I basically ended up wriggling round fighting the pain. So yea, so much for laying still with my pillow prop. I feel so annoyed, had amazing sex but ruined it all woth saliva and tossing and turning. And what the hell was that pain about. never had that before :( feeling a bit frustrated girlies.

Sorry for the essay just frustrated.
I hope your all ok. Xxxx
Cookie do you think it could of been ov pains? Don't worry about the salvia. I'm sure it didn't kill all of them! If you did it doggy the spermies won't of had as far to swim so I would't worry about lying with your legs in the air either. Anyway, maybe you can go for a repeat tonight :winkwink:

GreyGirl, maybe you could try a different tactic. You could light loads of candles in your bedroom and give OH a massage. Hopefully some relaxing might set the scene for some :sex: The important thing is that it only takes one time and sperm can live for up to 5 days. If you need to rant this is the place to do it :hugs:

Prepping, 'Casual Observations' are good because when you get your BFP everybody will want to know what your symptoms were, so just think that your doing it for the greater good!

Achelois, hope your getting some doggy action :winkwink:

Clara, hope your feeling a bit better today :hugs:

I have been working today so I am so tired and I can't wait to do this :sleep:

:hugs: and :dust:
Thanku missh. I dunno, felt that it could be a lucky month as we puppy danced with ewcm. Will just have to wait and see but yes I'm def going for round two tonight. I'm currently cooking a nice lasagna for when df gets home..... and I don't cook lol.

Aww hunni tired from work :( hope you have a lovely nights sleep. :hugs:

Thanku missh. I dunno, felt that it could be a lucky month as we puppy danced with ewcm. Will just have to wait and see but yes I'm def going for round two tonight. I'm currently cooking a nice lasagna for when df gets home..... and I don't cook lol.

Aww hunni tired from work :( hope you have a lovely nights sleep. :hugs:


I think it is going to be your lucky month and your df is a lucky man tonight!


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