SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

Grey - I've only just noticed that your picture is a greyhounds nose lol. Always wondered what it was Haha.
Yes I have 2 bearded dragons. They are beautiful little things and very friendly. Surprising hoe much they attach themselves to you though. They know who we are lol.
I also have 2 hamsters :) I would love cats and dogs but live in a flat :( and DF has banned me from anymore pets. But my cat is at home with my parents so I get to cuddle her still and then we have 2 dogs so I get my fix when I go home to my parents lol.
I've always wanted rats but again DF not so keen. If as didn't live in a flat and rent then I would have so many more pets lol.

I'm so excited you bded at the right time. Here's hoping you get that bfp hunni :) when is af due for you again? Think me, A and you are all due witch around the same time so fx for everyone :)

Clara - hope your well hunni :) and not feeling too sicky :hugs:

A - hope you had a relaxing weekend. We are now in the 2ww..... Eeeek :) hope your well sweetie :hugs:

Butt plugs and puppy dancing to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Grey - I've only just noticed that your picture is a greyhounds nose lol. Always wondered what it was Haha.
Yes I have 2 bearded dragons. They are beautiful little things and very friendly. Surprising hoe much they attach themselves to you though. They know who we are lol.
I also have 2 hamsters :) I would love cats and dogs but live in a flat :( and DF has banned me from anymore pets. But my cat is at home with my parents so I get to cuddle her still and then we have 2 dogs so I get my fix when I go home to my parents lol.
I've always wanted rats but again DF not so keen. If as didn't live in a flat and rent then I would have so many more pets lol.

I'm so excited you bded at the right time. Here's hoping you get that bfp hunni :) when is af due for you again? Think me, A and you are all due witch around the same time so fx for everyone :)

Clara - hope your well hunni :) and not feeling too sicky :hugs:

A - hope you had a relaxing weekend. We are now in the 2ww..... Eeeek :) hope your well sweetie :hugs:

Butt plugs and puppy dancing to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yes, it's my Greyhound's nose :)
You've got some great pets! I've had loads of different ones over the years, waited my whole life to have a dog though. I miss my rats, here's a collage of them and maybe show your OH to get him on side ;) :)

(Sorry if it's too much OT)

This isn't the order I had them, but they all meant a great deal to me. Hollie was the BIGGEST personality and died the youngest, Piper was my special girl and could shimmy up my entire body to get on my shoulder!

Hope we're all bump buddies!!!
Aww they are all gorgeous. They just sound so affectionate. Trust me I've tried with DF for ages lol. when I lost my first hammy I begged and begged but the dragons viv is 4ft long so he didn't want a huge cage :( when my first hammy died I got a new cage and got 2 dwarf hamsters but they died after a week :( so I went back to the pet shop moaning and they let ne replace them woth syrians, which was what my first hammy was. But they let me have 2! Lol. I have 2 cages. I got a fluffy ball called Missy and they told me the other one was a male so I called him tango (big ginger ball of fur) was devastated the other day to discover he was actually a she Hehe. But I have been banned from anymore pets :( well for now Haha. DF wants a jack Russell so if he could take it to work with him so ot wasn't left at hone then we would get one, but working on tractors I think little doggy would get hurt somehow.
I'm going to a fun dog show on Sunday in Essex with my 2 and some friends dogs so that should be fun :)

God you shouldn't get me talkin animals.... I don't shut up lol
Hi ladies

Its been a while since I last posted - sorry been manic at work etc!

Clara I am sorry to hear about Gma..... very hard to accept and difficult for your mum and all of you - thinking of you hunni and sending you lots of love and hugs. Hope you are feeling better now and your BP isnt giving you too much of a hard time.

Cookie - cant believe I am back in the 2ww - still spotting though so wondering if this will screw up my chances... who knows. Will have to wait and see and I am definitely not going to test until I am very late. I also said no to symptom spotting but, if I am honest, I have a lot of the symptoms I had last time. Spots like a teenager and very windy (LOL!)..... will have to wait and see..... really want a sticky BFP this month! Would be lovely if all the rest of us could get them this month then we could change to another new thread talking about all our symptoms on the "other side!"

Grey - good to hear you are feeling as bit more positive. Regarding your EWCM if you can stretch between your fingers for more than 2cm and its more clear than anything - thats the stuff you are looking for!

Prepping - thanks for your thoughts sweetie - loving your casual observations... I honestly didnt think for one second I could be preggers when I did my test and got a positive. I mean I had symptoms but in my head I just thought it was me wishing it so much I was causing the symptoms and it turned out it wasnt! Fingers xd for you though hunni

MissH - Cant believe you have to wait until 14 weeks for scan thats boo!!! But on the upside at lease by then you will be well into your pregnancy and know all is good. The time will fly for everyone else when you tell them because they will only have 5 months left before bump arrives! I remember starting to have the sore bbs thing and I have to say I was shocked as to how horrible that felt - always of an evening when I removed the scaffolding getting ready for bed....

Cookie & Grey - if you two had it your way you would have a zoo at your homes!

Sending you LOTS of love, butt plugs and doggy dancing as well as lots of baby dust

Hugs to you all

A xxxxxxxxxxxx
A my sweetie ive missed you. I have everything crossed so tight for you. I no you said that you won't ss but sounding good if you feel how you did last time. I'm praying you get your sticky bean :hugs:

I have no symptoms lol. But yes I would have a zoo if DF let me lol

Clara hope your doing ok hunni :hugs:
Hi lovely ladies

Thanks for all your get better wishes, I've just had a quick scan through to catch up. I've been feeling pretty poorly to be honest, staying conscious is very hard! Been really sicky, dizzy, tired and had a lot of painful tummy cramps. I'm back at work today and feeling bit better but just want to sleep. Am wearing Sea Bands which have helped the nausea a bit. Getting on the tube was a bit scary though, it's so hot and crowded. Had my first appointment with the midwife yesterday. They couldn't get any blood out of my arms (blood pressure?) so I have to go back tomorrow. Other than that it went ok. So many questions! All my symptoms are apparently normal yet extreme. So just gotta put up with it for now. Like you say MissH though, it's for a good cause. Hope you feel more like your old self soon too.

Good to see some 'casual observations' happening! Cookie and Gregirl, I'm with you on the animals thing! When we have a house and garden I'm getting some pets! Prepping, my 'casual observations' came and went leading up to my BFP. the CM you mentioned sounds v similar to my experience too. I don't want to get your hopes up but things sound positive :)

A good to have you back hun! I can so relate to the pain of 'removing the scaffolding'! Fingers crossed for your sticky bean soon.

Anyway back to work :( My boss is aware now so at least I can say that I need fresh air or a rest and he'll understand :)

Love, butt plugs, doggy tanga and babydust to all xx
Clara I'm sorry your having such a rough time but atleast its all normal and will be worth it. Really hope you feel better soon. In regards to pets, you will need them for baby to enjoy too lol.
Hope works looking after you xxx
It's a quickie for me right now as things are a bit hectic at the moment. Will come back for personals when my mind has settled.

So I did it this morning. Against my better judgement, I woke up 2 hrs before my alarm went off and couldn't get testing out of my head. I ended up doing it because 1) I really needed to pee, and 2) I was having waking-dreams where I had gotten up to test at least 5 different times before I even got out of bed. As expected, it was a great big fat glaring negative.

Not out until AF, I know. But really, I've already moved on to next month. Today I am hit with a massive B----- attack. I think I only spoke to DH this morning in growls. So I would say that I can expect :witch: within the next day or so.

But hey, it means I don't have a test burning a hole in my nightstand anymore so I will be a "normal" person next month who doesn't test until she's late. And it will be just in time for my birthday, which is kinda neat. Maybe even meant to be.


p.s. when re-reading my post after saving it, is it wrong that I found that little witch smiley to be super annoying? Look at that smug little smile! grrr.
Aww prepping. Sorry about your bfn :( but love that your looking forward to next month :) a birthday bfp would be awsome too :D

Yea I know what you mean about that smug witch. Goooo awayyyyyy :)
Prepping: sorry you got a BFN but I love your attitude. Enjoy some :wine:

GreyGirl, Cookie and Achelois try and enjoy your 2ww by having all the things you won't be allowed when you get a BFP. Thats what i did last month and it took my mind of things [a bit!].

Clara, I am so pleased you told work as it makes life much easier for you. I would hate to get the tube to work, i did it for a year and I hated it and I wasn't even pregnant! I hope you manage to get a seat on the tube. Hopefully you might feel a bit better when you get to 12 weeks.

I'm looking forward to an early night :sleep:

Missh I hope your resting as much as you can :D just think it will be amazing holding your new baby for the first time. Sooooooo excited for both you and Clara :D

Yea I'm enjoying myself and I'm surprisingly ok. No symptoms and not really looking for them. Lol. I feel pretty chilled and I'm surprised with myself lol. Normally I'm looking for anything and everything but I'm just going with the flow lol.

Hope everyone else is ok.
Much love to you all xxxxxxxx
You guys will love this. Here's me saying I'm just going with the flow....
Yet I just found myself with the argos catalog looking at cots, moses baskets and baby furniture. Didn't even realise what I was doing until it was too late! Haha. well atleast I kinda no what I want now then lol
Ha ha Cookie I've just been looking too! They give you so much marketing stuff at the hospital, this ginormous bag full of leaflets, coupons and samples, most of which I don't want as we want to use products that are as natural as possible so Pampers, dettol and fairy can bog off!

Prepping, sorry about your BFN but I had one just before my BFP and AF hasn't shown her (mean, ugly, smug) face yet so you're still in. Great attitude though hun, love it :)

MissH, yep the tube sucks, I had thought of leaving my job and getting something closer but I need to stay now to get maternity pay! I am praying all this crappiness goes by 12 weeks (before would be nice!) as I just feel HORRIBLE all the time. I so want to just enjoy it but instead I've had to take another day off work as I almost passed out in the street-luckily OH came to blood test with me so he was there to catch me. I feel sick constantly and I cannot stand the sight of hardly any foods. It's an ordeal forcing myself to eat so I don't pass out. Any advice welcome! Even the thought of Ginger makes me sick which is what everyone suggests (I bought 3 boxes of Ginger chews and can't eat them!) at least (touch wood) the cramps are a little more bearable. So sorry for the rant ladies. I just can't wait to be able to get on with everyday things without feeling so weak and sick.

On the plus side, OH has been amazing. He's really looking after me to the point I just feel guilty and lazy as he's happily cooking me meals (preparing food just puts me off before I even try it!) he's done lots of washing, he rubs my tummy when it hurts and is just generally sympathetic, waving away all my 'I'm sorry I'm such a mess' comments. I can't wait to feel better to pay him back. All that and he's not even getting any sex!! I'm just not up to it right now :( God I'm crying now. Hormones I hate you.

Sorry again for ranting. I'm repeating the mantra 'it will all be worth it' in my head.

Greygirl, your ratties are gorgeous! I had a rat called Buddy once. They're incredibly affectionate and intelligent aren't they? Buddy used to sit on my shoulders and hold on to my hair, occasionally wrapping his tail around my neck for balance. I think he liked it up there so he could see what was going on!

Achelois, how you doing? Hope the spotting is stopping so you have a better idea of where you stand. Thanks for your words re: Gma. She's not been have dialysis as she requested and has started to get v tired. Nurses come to check up on her and the hospice people have been in to talk about the next step once she cannot look after herself. Mum said she appears much more relaxed now she's made the decision. I guess it's still a scary prospect though. I'm seeing her at the weekend.

Anyway, thanks for listening lovely ladies. Not sure what i'd do without you xxx

Butt plugs, doggy dust and baby dancing! ;) xx

cookie, way to go on not feeling all symptom crazy. Checking things out is fine enough imo! Actually, just yesterday I was trying to plan the paint colours for our guest bedroom (aka baby room). We're a little ahead of the game I'd say.

missh, oh you bet I'll be having a some wine on the weekend. And hot tub. Always a great pair in the beginning of a cycle. ;)

Clara, okay so as for ginger... have you tried chopping it up and boiling it in water? Makes a nice ginger tea. Or pickled ginger changes things up a bit. There's candied ginger too but I'm not a big fan of that because of the sugar. Also, having it more than say once or twice in a week can get old real fast. Your hubby sounds wonderful! Way to go!
As for gma, just the fact that you'll be there for this weekend will likely mean the most. That's all we could do for my gma and my aunt when they were in hospices. Knowing they always have someone there with them.

I'm good today! :thumbup: stupid mood flare up yesterday morning sucked. All I could do is laugh at myself in the afternoon. Even the cat made me feel bad about it as I pushed him off the counter, he goes flying, immediately comes and wipes against my leg and trots away. Felt like a first class jack arse. :p the negative aura sent a run up my pantyhose first thing in the morning too.
But anywho, today I'm feeling great. Just waiting for AF to show. If it comes tomorrow it means I'm back to my 28 day regular cycle -- so that's alright. I've got the first full week in September to have some good doggy dancing, the Sept 10th wedding drinks and hotel weekend, and I have a paid weekend up in cottage country with a girlfriend (hubby working) on the 24th weekend which will be ideal to either know that I won't be drinking because AF didn't show, or know I can totally have drinks with my best friend because she did show. And of course there's my Bday on the 27th. The timing is really perfect all the way around.

butt dust, doggy plugs, and baby wishes :flower:
Omg prepping I actually laughed my butt off when you saod about your cat going flying off the counter Haha. they are so forgiving. Pleased your feeling so good. Looks like you have a fun packed month ahead of you. I'm also going away on the 24th to a cottage for a week. Can't wait.

Clara - sorry to hear you feel so rotten. I was going to say about the ginger tea but thats all I know. Sorry to hear gma not too good but atleast she seems more relaxed now and I'm sure she's going to be thrilled to see you at the weekend. Annnnnd..... you get to tell your family your amazing news so have that to look forward to too. Big :hugs:

Doggy dancing salsa clubs xxxx
Clara, I feel your pain! :hugs: I am struggling to find things I want to eat. The best advice I can give you is try very plain foods such as toast, rich tea biscuits, ready salted crisps, rice and try to have a little bit of something regularly.

Prepping, me on the oh discussed ttc back in 2010 and I said my ideal due date would be April/May/June 2012. Well my due date is in April 2012 so it was what I wanted orginally [before I got so impatient!]. Hopefully your timing will be perfect for your BFP.

Cookie, my 2 year old loves the argos catalog. We had a lovely time the other day looking at it, him telling me everything he wanted out of it [toy section, fireman sam!]

cookie, yep, nothing like animals to put things in perspective. We have the 2 dogs and 3 cats so there's always at least one of them being a nut. Like my 10 month puppy kept getting in my way when I was getting ready because his ball kept "accidentally" rolling in front of me. So there he is hunched down with his butt in the air in pounce mode looking at ball, me, ball, me, ball, me. How can you get upset at that silly face.

That's awesome to be going away for a week! nice! I'm looking forward to my little weekends away. It's been a busy summer!

missh, so maybe there's something to be said about the 'ideal'. We've never talked about a specific due date range that's best for us... I guess if September worked out and it plunked us into a May/June due date, it would be nice to relax and enjoy the spring turning to summer. Perfect time to be going out for walks. Okay, you've sold me. September it is. :D
Haha missh me and my sister used to sit with it for hours when we were kids and take it in turn to pick something we wanted on EVERY page. God I was a sad child lol.

Thats awsome your due date is what you originally wanted. Hope your doing ok hun xxxx
cookie,yep, nothing like animals to put things in perspective. We have the 2 dogs and 3 cats so there's always at least one of them being a nut. Like my 10 month puppy kept getting in my way when I was getting ready because his ball kept "accidentally" rolling in front of me. So there he is hunched down with his butt in the air in pounce mode looking at ball, me, ball, me, ball, me. How can you get upset at that silly face.

That's awesome to be going away for a week! nice! I'm looking forward to my little weekends away. It's been a busy summer!

aww your pup sounds so cute :) exactly they never lose the puppy eyes, even when their 10yrs old lol. My parents pom x just hits you until you stroke him lol.

Yea i cant wait to get away, sharing a cottage with my parents so get to see them too and the dogs are coming. Last time we went away the pom x was so excited to see me on his holidays he stuck by me every night and came for sleep overs in our room Haha. DF wasn't so chuffed as JD got all the cuddles in bed lol xxxx
Glad you're feeling relaxed Cookie :)

Your OH sounds brilliant Clara!

Glad you're feeling better prepping :)

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