Spending time with other mums makes me feel crappy!


Mum of 1
Mar 15, 2010
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Is it just me? I always come away feeling like I'm failing! Other mums talk about feeds at set times and how baby only wakes up once now at night and blah blah blah and I can't help but think I'm doing something wrong!

We have a bedtime routine which starts around 6.30pm but other than that we have no routine, I feed LO when he's hungry and put him down for a nap when he shows signs of being tired (when I say put down, I mean nurse to sleep). Sometimes LO will sleep 5 hours when I put him down at night, sometimes he'll wake every 2 hours, every night seems to be different but I nearly always nurse him when he wakes up, usually because it's the only thing that will settle him. When he wakes after 1am he's normally very hard to settle so we co-sleep and then the morning starts when LO looks awake enough, sometimes 8am, sometimes 9.30am.

I've tried nudging him towards a routine but he ended up grumpy, tired and so did I! I'm doubting my instincts which are telling me to carry on as I am but it's difficult when your gut feelings differ from every bit of advice you're given and everyone else seems to be so much more sorted by taking a different approach to you.

My LO is 7 months and other than the frequent wakings he's an absolute delight.

Sorry for the long post!! Feel better for getting that off my chest! Please post if you can related, I could do with some solidarity right now :flower:
You just keep doing what feels right for you darlin, sod what others say and do, your baby your rules.

I am routines bitch, but that's just my character full
Stop, i get comfort from k owing what's coming and kitty is the same but that's us!!

Hugs xxx

Yep - I'm happy with how things are with my LO but I sometimes come away from other mothers feeling like a total amateur.
I say go with whatever is right for you. We dont have a set routine either really. She has her lunch etc at roughly the same time every day but other than that we go with the flow. Shes been having trouble sleeping because of teething so we often end up co sleeping half way through the night.
Go with your instincts and half of these mums that say lo is sttn etc are often quite frankly bulls****ing.
A good friend of mine told me her lo sttn from 5 weeks old then let slip last week that she hasnt ever sttn.
sounds like you are doing a grant job to me :flower: Im baby led too and my nights are different (some times he wakes a few times,sometimes only once) but mornings he does wake early :wacko: you have got it lucky :winkwink: personally i wouldn't worry bout every one else (thats if they are telling the truth any way :haha:) as long as you are ok with what you are doing and it feels right and your lo seems happy,that's all that matters imo :flower: like you say trust your instincts xxx
We don't have any routine for our LO and she's 6 months.

She feeds and naps when she wants, i've given up trying to get her into some kind of routine. You are not on your own and certainly not doing anything wrong.:thumbup:
My LO does STTN but during the day we completely go with the flow :) the entire day depends on when she wakes up either 6/7/8 so feeds just follow roughly 3hr ish! Sometimes it's a 30 min nap in the morning, sometimes it's 2 hours! To be honest I can't be bothered trying to get into a set routine! We do a nightie routine anytime between 7 and 8 depending on last feed etc :)

Just go with what is right for you! Like someone else said, your baby, your rules! :) c
Ah chick, don't worry about it, I'm sure you're not a crappy mum. Pretty much everyone I know seems to be doing a better job than me, and have such well behaved babies. I've tried to get Holly into a routine but she isn't interested in the slightest. I don't even have a bedtime routine. However, this could be why she's a total diva who squawks til she gets her own way, won't sleep at night, and refuses to drink her bottles unless she's flat on her back and kicking my arms out the way :rofl:
Mherkes I keep doing crossed posts with you - weird huh! x x
Every baby is so different and as a mum I think you just have to go with the flow of whatever suits your baby and yourself.
Hun, Evan is 7 months and also only just about has a bedtime routine haha! His routine consists of brekkie lunch and dinner with bottles in between, he can get up anytime between 7am and 10am, naps all over the place.

But hey thats us and it works so bah to anyone else xx

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