Sperm Analysis - 5% normal morphology Kruger criteria??

i've not heard that about goji berries. good grief! don't even know if i could find those here!! :dohh: i'm really hoping the fertilaid will make a difference, but i guess we won't be able to tell for a couple more months :shrug: i've read also that for men with low count, they shouldn't ejaculate or no bd'ing more often than every other day b/c the sperm need a chance to re-accumulate, i guess.
pk20f8-I think the motility and morphology sounds fine. There are two different ways to judge morph (adding to the confusion). From what I understand, fast progression sperm are generally boys and slow progression are girls so it may just mean he is more likely to father girls. The count will probably be the obstacle for you but it is also probably the easist to improve. The laptop or anything else that puts heat in that area could definitely be the culprit. Hopefully everything you are doing will help. At least you know and he realizes how important it can be now. FX'd for your BFP soon
thank you, Mrs. Bear...that's very interesting about the fast/slow progression related to sex of the sperm... i didn't know that. hmmm...even more interesting since dh himself is one of 2 boys, and his father is 1 of 2 boys. his mother was an only child. dh's brother also has no children. hhhmmmm...something to think about....

anyway, yeah oddly enough the laptop has been the biggest struggle with him. i'm going to try to find him a good lapdesk this weekend, and hopefully that will resolve the issue. fx for your bfp as well...i see you're also in the tww. :hugs: i'm 7dpo today, and bd'ing was well timed this time, i think, but it's hard to be hopeful knowing what we know now. we didn't have the results back yet at the time. if i had known, we wouldn't have bd'd 2 nights in a row, but i'm trying to hold onto a sliver of hope that b/c it had been about 6 days since our bd prior to the first one at ov time, that that will have made a difference in available count. :shrug: i know it's longer than the recommended time for "holding out" but still....ugh....just so complicated.... :hugs:
Looks like we will be testing around the same time pk2of8. I am 6dpo today (ff ticker is wrong this cycle). Hopefully we will both get our BFPs!

If it makes you feel better about BD 2 nights in a row - when I asked the Dr in the sperm lab (that preps for IUI and does SA) he said that it is better to get more exposure than to wait when you know you are O'ing. Even if the 2nd time had a much lower count it still puts more in the right place at the right time. Better to have fewer at the right time than to wait and have a higher count but miss the egg.

He also said count can vary a lot depending on which chamber they come from that day (don't know the science of it but that is what he said). My DH had 130mill one day and 55 mill two days later so just bc that was his count the day of the SA doesn't mean it was the same the days you BD.

wow, thanks again Mrs. Bear! :hugs: that's so encouraging to me... moreso than anything else i've heard so far. i didn't know that about the "chambers" either... guess i'll be doing a LOT more research! haha yeah, when do you think you'll test? i'm tempted to try tomorrow or the day after. (9/10 dpo) i have 10miu ic's...first time i'll have used them. but i'm afraid to do any testing either...hate seeing the bfn's. :-( my "official" test date would be 12/17 or 12/18. :shrug:
I'm going to try to hold out til 12/19 if I can. My IUI was 12/5 so that would be 2 weeks. I don't want to see any more BFNs :(
i understand what you mean Mrs. Bear. how long have you been ttc?
We have been actively ttc since July but were ntnp for a while before then. I'm feeling a lot of pressure since I already have trouble ovulating due to the pcos and am 37. Plus dh is going to be deploying so I really want a bfp before he leaves.
well the :witch: got me today. so back to square one... :cry: i suppose i expected it though. :sad1: eh well...i'm going to make an appt for dh with a gp, hopefully for the wk after next. we need to get reestablished with a new gp, and then hopefully we'll get a referral to a urologist for followup.

on a side note, tho, good news...dh likes the new boxers. he says they're pretty comfy, and we found a laptop "chill mat" that has dual fans to keep the laptop cool while he's using it, and it keeps it off the "jewels" :haha: so i'm hoping in another couple of months (he's been taking the vits for 1 month now) that we'll see some improvement in his numbers. fxxxx

i hope you get good news this weekend mrs. bear!!! xxxx
Sorry the :witch: got you pk2of8. Glad to hear your dh is transitioning well to his boxers and laptop fan - maybe that will do the trick for you. Good luck and lots of :dust:!

I am still planning to wait to test until Sunday. Haven't really gotten an urge to test yet. I guess in my mind I have Sunday. Plus I really don't want to see a lot of bfns. I have had a lot of symptoms so if I don't get a bfp this cycle then my body is being really mean to me... :devil:
BFN :cry: - DH says he thinks it was wrong but there wasn't even a hint of a line and since am 14dpo I'm not holding any hope for it to turn positive. Dr will prob have me come in the morning to do a bloodtest to confirm then we will move on to another cycle. I guess all my symptoms were from the meds :shrug: so I'm not going to believe those again that is for sure.
oh so sorry for your bfn Mrs Bear. :hugs: i know it's so hard. if you haven't started af yet, it could just be a late implantation or something. i don't want to give you false hope...i know for myself, once i see the bfn, i just want to move on to the next cycle. so if it didn't happen for you, i hope you can move on quickly and get a positive the next time! :hugs: i found out friday that my insurance doesn't cover iui either, so i'm feeling pretty hopeless as far as the possibilities for medical intervention for us. :cry: i just wish it didn't all have to be so hard and complicated. well, i'll be praying for you sweetie, and i'm here for you if you need to chat :hugs:
Thanks pk20f8. Ended up not going to the Dr for the bloodtest. I really think I'm out & decided not to put myself through the needle, paying for the test and waiting for the results just to get my hopes up again. If no AF in a few days I may test again, but otherwise I'm just gonna wait for the :witch: to show. After that I can go to the Dr for the next ultrasound check and see where things are.

I'm not as upset as I was after last month's BFN - I guess I didn't have a lot of confidence in this cycle from the beginning. Hopefully next month will be my month, I am really sick of all the fertility appointments and medications. I know it will be worth it in the end, but it frustrating and gets old fast.

Does your insurance cover the fertility testing and treatments? Mine covers the testing, ultrasounds and medications but not the IUI itself. The cost depends on the office but IUI at mine is only $425. Not cheap, but lots less expensive than IVF. Hopefully the changes you are making will improve his SA enough that it won't be necessary for you after all.
oh wow, that is encouraging for me to hear Mrs. Bear. i think our insurance is the same as yours. i was reading through the booklet the other day, and it says that "some" tests and treatments are covered, but in the "not covered" sections it says ivf and "artificial insemination" are not covered. then there was a new addendum from last year that says fertility/infertility medications are no longer covered, which is bad news, but i guess we'll have to wait and see how that goes with the urologist for dh. maybe they can argue it out and get it covered IF he needs something. or if i do. i'm not sure that i'm all clear yet either. :shrug: but that is encouraging about the cost of iui. i was guessing from other things i've read that it would cost about $1000. that would be expensive, but with a little saving, we could manage it a few times. so that gives me hope. :hugs: one lady on a thread on a different website told me their state requires the coverage on all insurance. i wish that was the case here. :nope:

anyway, i know what you mean about just waiting for af. how long is your lp usually? i hope you get a firm answer one way or the other. it's all the waiting and being in limbo that i can't stand. if we don't get the bfp, i'd much rather just get af asap so then i don't have to question and wonder anymore. for me, every day that af doesn't show at that point builds a little more hope again, and then when af does finally show up, it's just that much harder...
:witch: was here this morning, oh well. Already went to Dr for ultrasound and good news is no cyst this month so we don't have to lose 2 weeks waiting for it to go away again. Back on meds starting Friday. Thanks for the support. I guess I am just sick of this being a technical rather than a personal experience now, and it isn't likely to change.

IUI cost will vary by office but the bigger variable is what medications are covered. Some will cover pill medications like clomid but not the injectibles. If the issue is his SA and you are fine they may not need you to take any drugs for ovulation. I just got my set of meds for this cycle and if you add the actual cost to the IUI and ultrasounds it would total around $1000 probably. Check your insurance website for the specific drugs to see if they are covered and at what level and you should be able to get a better idea of the total cost. Sometimes they will cover one but not another. Hopefully you will never need to, but it will probably set your mind at ease to know what your cost will be.
well i'm sorry :witch: showed up for you mrs. bear :-( :hugs: i know it's hard to keep it as a personal versus technical experience when you have to deal with all of this other stuff. i have recently been reading the book "taking charge of your fertility" and something it mentioned about "babymaking" v "making love" is that it can be more freeing to think that intercourse only needs to be timed during your most fertile time and every other time is just for the pleasure or intimacy of being with your spouse. that was helpful to me to think of it from that perspective.

thanks for the suggestions about the insurance too. i will definitely look into it, but probably not until after Christmas at this point. we just got back from visiting dh's family in SC, and tomorrow we head down to Orlando to spend Christmas Eve with my family. it's been crazy busy of course! :wacko:

i'm glad to hear you don't have a cyst this time and can get right back to trying again :hugs: Merry Christmas Mrs. Bear! :hugs: i hope you have a lovely Christmas and that we both have a wonderful new year with big bfp's!

I'm expecting to ovulate either the 30th or 31st (I think), so i'm hoping we'll get a New Year's surprise! I'm not positive I've been ovulating or that my hormones are all level. i've felt like something is "off" with me hormonally for a couple of years now, but i haven't been able to get my ob/gyn to do the bloodwork. i need to get a new doctor tho, since we moved, so i'm hoping that whoever the new doc will be will listen. anyway, i tried taking soy isoflavones last month, which is a natural herb that acts like clomid. i figured it couldn't hurt me to try it, and i felt that i was more in "balance" all last month, so i'm trying it again this month. i had a much clearer (is that a word??)thermal shift last cycle compared to previous cycles. plus, a couple cycles ago i had this weird thing going on with my opk's where i had like 5 days of positive opk's... last cycle it was 3 days even with the soy, so it makes me think i've got something going on...possibly pcos. i don't know and i know it's not good to self-diagnose...i just feel like something's not as it should be. anyway, i definitely felt ovulation with the soy last cycle, and i rarely (if ever) feel it normally, so i feel like the soy isn't hurting anything at this point. plus, it helps with progesterone, which i was worried was low with not having a good thermal shift before. ehhh, sorry i'm babbling away now. .... talk to you later sweetie!
Hi Noelle, I was wondering how you ended up pregnant? Was it natural. My DH has the same morphology and we recently suffered a miscarriage before finding this out so we are wondering from others how their experience was.
HI Snowglobe,

My DH and I have the same issue. I have PCOS and he has 3 % morphology (Lower than you). My doctor told us that my DH has nothing to worry about and that I just need to regulate my periods. I am in the process of trying to do that right now and its quite frustrating, but the good news is is that my doctor said there is still a great chance we can get pregnant naturally,...cross your fingers for a BFP.

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