spotting all the time

well my doctor said today that he believes its due to hormones. He's sending me to a gynocoligist to see if I can't get things straightened out. I can not take any hormonal kind of birth conrtol so I don't know what I'm gonna do for now...yikes!! good to hear from you ladies. I hope all is going well. And if it isn't well...I hope you all get things straightened out soon!! THIS SUCKS!!
Well update!!

Since my last post i've had no bleeding at all... which at first I was pleased about but my body seems to have gone on strike completely and now seems to not want to give me a period but the symptoms!!! grrr

Its been about a month since the bleeding stopped and for the past 2 days had that dull ache in your stomach (you know what you normally get before full blown period pains) bloatedness, the need to stuff my self with chocolate! - you know the usual stuff and nothing at all... (maybe TMI) but a few times when i've been to the toilet and wiped, theres been abit of blood..but thats it!!

If it doesn't come then I think I'll go back to the Dr's lol.. especially if I still get this period ache as its getting annoying!
I get that dull ache all the time while im bfeeding, and never actually get a proper period....sooo frustrating! Well i ended up in hosp on sat as was on erythromycin for a strep c infection(or so my doc said) Anyway, i took a high dose of 500mg 4xdaily (yuk) and by 48hrs in was feeliing horrendous, vomiting, temp fluctuations from 34 degrees up to 40, aching boness, and my heart was doing 180bpm!!!!!I immediately thought i had endometritis despite the fact my spotting is minimal... While there they took a white count which was normal, and sent me up to gynae who didnt think it was sepsis (awaiting new swabs) The consultant thought i had an alergig reaction to the medication, and like strep b, strep c only needs treating in preg so looked like i took them for nowt!!! still a bit achy, and getting strange tummy pains, but i guess i can put that down to hormones also. GRRRRRRRR. hope you are all well. x x
well I went for 2 weeks with no spotting, but its back,.....just enough to drive me crazy. I can not wait to see the gynocologist...
Just an update for you ladies!!

A couple of weeks ago - was getting fed up of the bleeding and was just sure something wasn't right!! off I go to the Dr's (who by now I think is thinking I'm paranoid) she said she'd do some swaps - I called back a week later for the results and they said I had an infection and had to have antibiotics..

Another 2 weeks later nothings changed and I'm still positive that something is not right at all!! soooooo back to the Dr's we go...

Got to the Drs (we have an open morning surgery where you turn up and wait) and my normal Dr isn't in - so I see this other Dr that I've never seen before..

I go in.. tell him about all the bleeding and the 'infection' and its still going on... and he admits that somethings not right! he asks for more swaps but says he can't do anything until he stops the bleeding and so gave me tablets to take and I had to go back in a week to have swaps done and an internal examination..

That was today!! - so more swaps and an internal examination that was something like out of a carry on film and....

I have Cervical Erosion!

and thats whats causing my bleeding!! he said it will clear up on its own in time!

I'm please in a way that obviously I knew something wasn't right! so yeah just a (little) update!!! haha
thanks hun. Im still having spotting, and bad discharge, but all my swabs are paying for a private us scan later this week. What cause cervical erosion, and what are the symptoms...mayb thats what i have too? x x x
Well she said that its really common - but she said Smoking and using tampons are a big cause (I do do or use any of them) so she said it could just be a natural thing.

I text my sister telling her what I had and she said she's had the same for the last 2 years aswell! (shes very secretive!! lol) and since I found out, found others that have!

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