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Stacey Solomon Smoking whilst pregnant

This thread is going to get out of hand!

I dont think anyone has the right to bash what any mother does! I don't agree with what she's doing but I'm sure there are plenty of Mums on here who smoke & you've pretty much bashes every one of them mums too.

You don't know weather that was one moment of distress for her or weather she's puffing on 60a day.. Either way she isn't breaking the law, I personally don't believe it makes her any less of a "good mother" (whatever that is) and I certainly don't think it's our place to judge anyone else.

no one is bashing her, i was jus personally shocked that she did it based on this profle and personality she has portrayed for years (or the media have built her up as), and there are ways of managing it if you are heavily addicted, like using nicotine patches, so at least all the other chemicals from cigarettes (which are more harmful that the nicotine) are not going to the baby. She is on 7 per day, I have known those with high smoking addictions who have coped on patches or 1 to 2 a day at just before or at start of pregnancy and weaned off by middle completely, those are examples of them trying to really give up.

i dont dislike the woman, i was merely interested to find out other pregnant women's views on this and thought fourms were for debate
This thread is going to get out of hand!

I dont think anyone has the right to bash what any mother does! I don't agree with what she's doing but I'm sure there are plenty of Mums on here who smoke & you've pretty much bashes every one of them mums too.

You don't know weather that was one moment of distress for her or weather she's puffing on 60a day.. Either way she isn't breaking the law, I personally don't believe it makes her any less of a "good mother" (whatever that is) and I certainly don't think it's our place to judge anyone else.

no one is bashing her, i was jus personally shocked that she did it based on this profle and personality she has portrayed for years (or the media have built her up as), and there are ways of managing it if you are heavily addicted, like using nicotine patches, so at least all the other chemicals from cigarettes (which are more harmful that the nicotine) are not going to the baby. She is on 7 per day, I have known those with high smoking addictions who have coped on patches or 1 to 2 a day at just before or at start of pregnancy and weaned off by middle completely, those are examples of them trying to really give up.

i dont dislike the woman, i was merely interested to find out other pregnant women's views on this and thought fourms were for debate

I still think its a very self-righteous and extremely judgemental thread. Not just to her but to any mums on here who are trying to give up.
i dont know.. i mean it took me untill week 18 to fully give up with DD.. and i was so anti smoking during pregnancy its unreal. i had cut right down to 1 a day by that point for a while tho.. but either way.. thats what paparazzi try to do with these sort of photographs, scandalize and cause tonns of arguments. do you really think a picture of her walking down the street would have the same effect as this one clearly has? just something to think about :thumbup:

someone can easily cut down from 20 a day to 5 or 2 or 3 or whatever and get ''caught'' smoking still.. every less ciggy she smokes, means less harm to baby and therefor an improvement so think people should really hold off on this.

its such a sensitive subject to bring into a forum like this.. but celeb or not, its just going to turn into a bitch fest, and then probably turn a few members against eachother :dohh:
lol self righteous. I am a social smoker, but obviously not during pregnancy, so im not gunning down smokers.
I have not once said they are bad people. Deary me I now see why we are only allowed to stick to really non debatable sunjects on the forum, as expressing opinions just dont seem to be accepted. Such a shame, coz debates open up and test people's own inner judgements, which can help open their minds, and that includes me!
I agree her body her choice And it dont make u bad mum if u smoke ..... ! I still have the odd fag , if I didn't I'd go insane , well done to all those who have given up , I smoked with my son and daughter and there fine , years ago it was ok to smoke , but everyone's entitled to their opinion !
i dont know.. i mean it took me untill week 18 to fully give up with DD.. and i was so anti smoking during pregnancy its unreal. i had cut right down to 1 a day by that point for a while tho.. but either way.. thats what paparazzi try to do with these sort of photographs, scandalize and cause tonns of arguments. do you really think a picture of her walking down the street would have the same effect as this one clearly has? just something to think about :thumbup:

now im not saying its not a far fetched idea -- but -- how do you know that this wasnt a minor fall back in her quitting, a relapse, because i for one had plenty of those. someone can easily cut down from 20 a day to 5 or 2 or 3 or whatever and get ''caught'' smoking still.. every less ciggy she smokes, means less harm to baby and therefor an improvement so think people should really hold off on this.

its such a sensitive subject to bring into a forum like this.. but celeb or not, its just going to turn into a bitch fest, and then probably turn a few members against eachother :dohh:

yeh i agree its turning not into something very nice on here at all which is a shame. Challenge the opinion not the person comes to mind.
So different from the reaction it got on another forum, people are healthily debating and not judging each other. Shocked me as this forum usually seems to friendly and open about lots of subjects (even the grosser ones lol).
lol self righteous. I am a social smoker, but obviously not during pregnancy, so im not gunning down smokers.
I have not once said they are bad people. Deary me I now see why we are only allowed to stick to really non debatable sunjects on the forum, as expressing opinions just dont seem to be accepted. Such a shame, coz debates open up and test people's own inner judgements, which can help open their minds, and that includes me!

I'm sure there's a debate team in your area. :)
lol self righteous. I am a social smoker, but obviously not during pregnancy, so im not gunning down smokers.
I have not once said they are bad people. Deary me I now see why we are only allowed to stick to really non debatable sunjects on the forum, as expressing opinions just dont seem to be accepted. Such a shame, coz debates open up and test people's own inner judgements, which can help open their minds, and that includes me!

I'm sure there's a debate team in your area. :)

ha ha, not needed as managed to get some varying opinions on here
If people want to starve their unborn child of oxygen then its their choice..i dont think she should be winning any awards for mother of the year.
She will be one of 'them' who smokes while pregnant but wont smoke in the same room as the child incase the child gets ill :wacko:
Too much interest in one woman's pregnancy? How would we like to have every choice we made this pregnancy publicly scrutinized? I'm sure she is addressing the issue with her doc.
I dont agree with smokig during pregnancy but nor do i agree with judging someone who does,its there life there baby.

My friend smoked thru out her pregnancy,i didnt agree with it,her baby had complications throughtout pregnancy,se had him 7 weeks early and es been in and out of hosp since birth with breathing probs...isit because she smoked? Who knows,i do feel for him but hes not my child and as long as indo right by my children thats all that matters to me in the bigger scheme of things.

That being said i dont think the OP needs to be battered for her opinion,yes some ppl may see it as being judgemental but so what,ahe is entitled to her opinion,give ur opinion back and walk away if u dont like it? I do find sometimes certain subjects justcant be spoke about on this site and its sad because were all grown women who should be able to have a civilized conversation without ripping shreds out of someone udont agree with...i disagree with ALOT of things said and done on this site but its none of my business and if i dont like it i walk away...arguing is silly,were all in exactly the same boat.

I dont wanna upset anyone this is just my opinion xxx
only brought her up as it was in news today, im talking about it in general, but in some ways it was also about the fact that she was portrayed in media as the mum to be hence all the awards she has won- bit like Kerry Katona was the Iceland queen and got best mum of year etc, until she was caught sniffing cocaine and then lost all the deals- if my job was to look like the most perfect mum for all these TV contracts, i think i would hide my smoking, esp as paparazzi would have a field day if they caught me!
Just came across this news story, Stacey Solomon was pictured having a fag, and she is seven months pregnant. really shocked me as she didnt seem the type who would continue during pregnancy- she wins all the best mum awards and does the Iceland family adverts but then does this.

Wonder if they will renew her contract...

I dont care if people choose to smoke as adults, but does wind me up when they do it pregnant or smoke in rooms with their kids there, as passive smoking is so much more dangerous than what the smoker breathes in coz at least they have a filter to suck through. Rant over!


I like how we can all express our opinions freely on here without getting bashed. lol

I am entitled to my opinion on this as much as anyone and we all don't have to agree with each other - its called a difference of opinions. The OP was just saying how it winds them up when pregnant or people with children smoke around their children. Whats wrong with them saying that? I happen to agree actually, my dad has young children and him and his wife smoke around them and the room literally stings your eyes its that smokey. So yes i do think its disgusting to smoke around your kids. As for the OP's question - wonder if they will renew her contract? They probably will cos she's not committed a crime but Mother of the year? Hmmmm maybe not, lol.
i dont think the OP needs to be battered for her opinion,yes some ppl may see it as being judgemental but so what,ahe is entitled to her opinion,give ur opinion back and walk away if u dont like it? I do find sometimes certain subjects justcant be spoke about on this site and its sad because were all grown women who should be able to have a civilized conversation without ripping shreds out of someone udont agree with...i disagree with ALOT of things said and done on this site but its none of my business and if i dont like it i walk away...arguing is silly,were all in exactly the same boat.

I dont wanna upset anyone this is just my opinion xxx

Completely agree- has put me off posting anymore tbh. I put it up hoping it would get people talking maturely about their views on smoking during pregnancy, but also about people in the limelight and whether it is their job to hide things better as role models, and its just become a weird argument.
Will go back to just being quiet on this forum me thinks and jus reading stuff now and then. Its a shame, coz we should be able to talk on here without fear people will be defensive, sarcastic or view me as 'self righteous' when I have not once said I am perfect and i know my opinion is only that, an OPINION.
We all judge, just not everyone admits they do lol. Its human nature.

Am sure this thread will be deleted soon anyway :)
I cant stand smoking, i wont let anybody smoke in my house/car and i will avoid being in the same room as somebody smoking, its just not my thing.

I remember when i lost the twins i went shopping in Morrisons and saw a girl outside heavily pregnant smoking, i got so upset and thought "why does crap happen to me when im really healthy etc etc" i know it was wrong to thing that but you cant help it.

I dont think its right to smoke full stop, pregnant or not, but at the end of the day, its her choice, her baby and her body xx
I don't smoke, and dont like smoking but I dont think she is dong anything too wrong. It's her choice to smoke, and I think we all have decisions to make whilst pregnant. I don't really have an opinion on her smoking!
We can say that it's the mother's choice to continue smoking during her pregnancy, but what about the unborn baby's choice? Isn't that something to consider?

Yes, many children are born healthy despite a mother smoking during her pregnancy, but of the children who are not, there could have been some kind of intervention on their behalf. I'm a non-smoker and have never smoked. My choice to not smoke was based on the fact that I never met my father's parents. They both died of lung cancer before my father even graduated high school. His oldest sister had breast cancer twice and died smoking next to her oxygen tank. His youngest sister also recently died of lung cancer.

People have every right to smoke, but it affects everybody around you whether you think of it or not. I can be told I am sitting on a high horse, but this is a strong belief. If you've lost many loved ones to smoking, your opinion would likely be affected as well. I will forever feel sorry for a woman's baby while she is smoking.
It took me 4 weeks after i got my BFP(complete surprise) to give up the little stick...but i did it...and i have to say there is not one day i dont think about having one...but i just keep thinking if i cant give up for my little one ...then who can i give up for??

off all the naughty things i have done in my life..smoking is by the far the one i wish i had never started...it one of the biggest addictions to give up...and society has changed so much from it being promoted to completly frowned upon - it can be hard for everyone else around to understand the full effect that little white stick can have on people.

But as many ppl have stated some times having that one is better then the stress it can put u through.

Yes she is in the public eye...but just think of the lady she replaced... Kerry still has her children and is making money from the 'celeb' world after being found out to be a known serious drug taker?( although i dont know the full story and she may be recieving help) - but not the best of role models.
My sister smoked during her pregnancy. It killed her conscience daily because she felt so guilty. She's very lucky in that her baby is fine, a healthy weight etc.

But then my stepdaughter's mum smoked throughout her pregnancy and SD has terrible asthma, was jaundice at birth (not sure if that is linked though) and a very low weight. There are two sides as with everything but it's not something I personally could risk.

I gave up for my first and for this one just because i couldn't live with the guilt - i would find that more difficult than the withdrawal symptoms.

I have had a couple of maccy d's and don't always make the healthiest pregnancy diet choices, I'm far from perfect.

I am proof that you can give up for your baby, even having been quite a heavy smoker. Not everyone can do it and I definitely do appreciate that, but it's the people that don't even try that really, really p!ss me off.
I don't smoke and I choose to not be around others when they are smoking whilst pregnant. I also don't drink caffeine or alcohol whilst pregnant. What other people do is up to them but I'm going to try my hardest to have the healthiest baby I can as it took 2 years to conceive after I was told I couldn't have any!! she is my miracle child which is probably why I'm being so strict in what I eat and drink xx

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