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Stacey Solomon Smoking whilst pregnant

I just listened to Loose Women and I have to say that I find it odd that she is saying now that she has been "found out" she is more determined to stop. Presumably she continued to smoke because she didnt have the determination to stop in the first place so why it would make any difference just because other people have an issue with it baffles me.

I smoked 20 a day for 20 years and gave up when I became pregnant. My doctor told me that the whole "dont stop cause it could be more stressful for the baby" is complete and utter nonsense and I cant say for one minute that I believe it. I would also bet that no doctor on the planet would put that in writing.
Yeah, she just seemed guilty because she's been found out and will hurt her image. She didn't even say how she'd tried to give up, she just said that she's looking in to things. I wouldn't be surprised if she gives up for her career and not her baby. x
I don't get this it's my body my choice thing it's not her body anymore there is another human inside her that depends on her to look after it? I don't approve of smoking at all but that my own opinion I don't no how anyone can compare having a McDonald's and smoking?





I don't get this it's my body my choice thing it's not her body anymore there is another human inside her that depends on her to look after it? I don't approve of smoking at all but that my own opinion I don't no how anyone can compare having a McDonald's and smoking?






I agree. I think there are close to 4000 chemicals in a cigarette plus poisons and nicotine. Not sure how that compares to an unhealthy meal. :dohh:
The whole "my baby, my choice" thing enrages me. What about the Father of the baby? How does he feel about smoke in his babies lungs? What about the baby himself? How does he feel to be poisoned by mommy? And to the people comparing McDonald's to smoking, really? There is no argument. If smoking is bad in and of itself, smoking is even worse for a developing baby. But go ahead, it's your choice, and that is what is important, right?
Maybe something like this will raise awareness for mums who want to quit smoking. It isnt an easy thing to do when you are pregnant and worried about your baby. I smoked when I was pregnant at the start with William, made me ill thinking of what I was doing. I cried lighting one for the guilt I felt. I wouldnt have smoked in front of any one as I would have felt ashamed. I stopped smoking cold turkey , the will power was my baby. You really do need will power. It wasnt easy and I smoked a lot before I was pregnant and failed loads of times when I attempted to give up. I think help instead of public lynching should be given, we all know its not ok to smoke, the mum knows that to that all said its not that easy for everyone. I know its easy for people to say her body her baby and it is just between her and baby at the end of it but you cant blame other mums for caring about that baby its only human we do care about others. I am not even a fan of this girl by the way she annoys me however she is a pregnant mum to be thats how I see her.
U no I love u dragonfly but if u cried while lighting up then why light up?

I was a smoker before Zane and quit cold turkey the second I found out I was pregnant, it drives me insane when docs tell ppl to quit like that might be too stressful :dohh:
I went thru the worst time of my life while pregnant with Corey and if he can get thru that stress then the mother being abit stressed because she's quit smoking is nothing.

Drives me nuts when women smoke during pregnancy but at least most cut down atleast and this Stacey smoked 4 in 2 hours. She's already done the damage so her thinking of quitting now that's shes been caught is a joke
Maybe something like this will raise awareness for mums who want to quit smoking. It isnt an easy thing to do when you are pregnant and worried about your baby. I smoked when I was pregnant at the start with William, made me ill thinking of what I was doing. I cried lighting one for the guilt I felt. I wouldnt have smoked in front of any one as I would have felt ashamed. I stopped smoking cold turkey , the will power was my baby. You really do need will power. It wasnt easy and I smoked a lot before I was pregnant and failed loads of times when I attempted to give up. I think help instead of public lynching should be given, we all know its not ok to smoke, the mum knows that to that all said its not that easy for everyone. I know its easy for people to say her body her baby and it is just between her and baby at the end of it but you cant blame other mums for caring about that baby its only human we do care about others. I am not even a fan of this girl by the way she annoys me however she is a pregnant mum to be thats how I see her.

I agree with what you're saying :thumbup: BUT so many mums to be do not have the same out look on cigarettes, a lot of people are just like "well, blah blah smoked when they were pregnant and it never harmed them" ...That has been 100% explanation for smoking out of the few people I've known who smoke when pregnant and it's crazy. Well done for giving up, I too tried to give up smoking so much and never succeeded but managed it once I had the motivation (getting pregnant)
U no I love u dragonfly but if u cried while lighting up then why light up?

I was a smoker before Zane and quit cold turkey the second I found out I was pregnant, it drives me insane when docs tell ppl to quit like that might be too stressful :dohh:
I went thru the worst time of my life while pregnant with Corey and if he can get thru that stress then the mother being abit stressed because she's quit smoking is nothing.

Drives me nuts when women smoke during pregnancy but at least most cut down atleast and this Stacey smoked 4 in 2 hours. She's already done the damage so her thinking of quitting now that's shes been caught is a joke

That's what I don't get! The stress of feeling guilty along with the smoking can't be good. Pregnancy is stressful enough, I can't even imagine having that massive guilt of smoking too x
U no I love u dragonfly but if u cried while lighting up then why light up?

I was a smoker before Zane and quit cold turkey the second I found out I was pregnant, it drives me insane when docs tell ppl to quit like that might be too stressful :dohh:
I went thru the worst time of my life while pregnant with Corey and if he can get thru that stress then the mother being abit stressed because she's quit smoking is nothing.

Drives me nuts when women smoke during pregnancy but at least most cut down atleast and this Stacey smoked 4 in 2 hours. She's already done the damage so her thinking of quitting now that's shes been caught is a joke
I quit to but soon as I found out I was pregnant I didnt know how I would feel about smoking till I went to smoke. My mum smoked when preg with all of us and around us. Not that I didnt believe bad things about smoking I was asthmatic. I wasnt the person I am now parenthood changed a lot of my views and even in pregnancy I stopped smoking and I know how hard it is., My partner still smokes never around me or in the house but smelling it off everyone was so hard. I think I done very well to stop some people never got that far. I look at william and wonder did I do harm even the ones I smoked before stopping, it dosnt appear but you cant see these things I know that. Always will feel crap over it. I wanted better for my kids than what I had I wasnt going to do it to my kids knowing there was danger. I breastfed to knowing that would keep me away from cigs after William was born. Never ever went back on them or looked back. It was a small sacrifice for my kids. I also got no help to stop I had to do it on my own. Really its up to the mum anyway .
Doesn't bother me personally, her baby and her body.
I'm not a smoker but I do appreciate how hard it is to give up everything when pregnant, smoking is just another thing to add to the list.

I don't think it reflects upon her ability to be 'mum of the year' and Iceland kept Kerry Katona for months even when they knew she was on drugs. She only got sacked when pictures came out! So I don't think her job should be questioned either there's worse things she could have done.

This thread has got people quite riled up but I couldn't care less personally it's just another womans choice.
I wondered how long till a thread was made about Stacey Solomon, the trouble in this world is people think they have a right to poke their noses in other peoples business and be judgemental about other peoples decisions, im sure that paparazzi thought he had hit gold when he got that picture!!
That mum of the year thing has me gold fishing every year.
What a shame. I was a smoker for 10 years and quit almost 6 years ago so I know that quitting is a very a hard thing to do....but with so many studies showing the harmful effets of smoking, I can't imagine why anyone would smoke while pregnant.

DH and I were walking into the birthing center for one of our classes and one of the other ladies from the class was standing outside smoking...it just looked so wrong
Oh ok so it is true, sorry to 'the people,' she has obv not been bothered up until she got papped. Now she is ashamed so she is saying she will look at options on giving up.
I know she isn't that bright, but everyone knows smoking is a bad idea, pregnant or not.
I TRY not to judge people.........
Ive Just seen her on loose women,i think shes a lovely girl and obviously loves her children to pieces and for someone to presume otherwise is absolutly insulting.

Ive cut down from 20 - 2 and i am SO proud of myself.

Im getting a nicorette inhailer tommorow to kick the last 2 hopefuly by friday!

I quit cold turkey straight away when pregnant with oscar i thought women who smoked when pregnant were disgusting,and now i am in that situation in finding it extremelly hard, i feel terrible for presuming it was only chavs and selfish horrible people who smoked when pregnant.

Im trying my best and im proud of myself,and if someone implied to me i didnt love my children,well they can shove that comment up there arse quite frankly!
People will always have opinions, especially when it is something which can have the consequences smoking does. For me, when you decide to ttc you should get into the best physical shape and stopping smoking is a big part of that.
i smoked when pregnant with my son i had given up when i had my girls but when i feel pregnant with my son my mum had just passed and i suffer with anxiety and that was so high the doc told me to keep smoking but cut it down i did but to be honest by the time i gave birth i was on 20 a day i was lucky my son was born healthy and still is but i regret that i even smoked so when i feel pregnant with brooke i stopped i went from 20 to nil for the whole 9 months unfourtnaly i had started again but most important i didnt smoke with her being inside.

funny enough brooke was smaller than zack at birth and i had zack earlier due to anit e.

docs do say its to much stress to stop all i know is i would never smoke again being pregnant.
I dont think its the best thing to do, but i dont judge her. I know lots of people who smoked (my parents, my husband parents, friends) and none of there kids have medical problems, breathing problems.. There is soo much than can cause the same issues they put on smoking that its really hard to judge.

I dont look at her any different.
no one is saying she is a bad mother, but eating one egg or smoking 7 a day is quite different.
its just a topic of debate. I find it interesting to see what people will and wont try to do for other people (eg their kids), its sociology and human psychology.

And people's reactions, certainly on here, are even more interesting to analyse

Do you have medical science that prove that? Your one egg, could kill you (chances are slim but its there) and really there is not enough medical science to prove that smoking has caused bad effects. YES, they say it CAN, thats it, because there are a lot of healthy people who parents both smoked.

Both mine smoked, they smoked around us at all times, hell id say they are chain smokers. But, I have no breathing issues, no health issues they say people get from smoking. I dont smoke, never smoked a day in my life. I'm also very athletic, and made good choices for myself.

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