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Stacey Solomon Smoking whilst pregnant

If we can smoke during pregnancy we should ignore all the other nhs advice on what certain type food we can eat, alcohol etc.

I do not really care if she smokes as it is her baby she is harming, it is not my baby. Do I agree with her on smoking-no but I will never understand an addicts mind as I never been addicted to smoking.
i dont think the OP needs to be battered for her opinion,yes some ppl may see it as being judgemental but so what,ahe is entitled to her opinion,give ur opinion back and walk away if u dont like it? I do find sometimes certain subjects justcant be spoke about on this site and its sad because were all grown women who should be able to have a civilized conversation without ripping shreds out of someone udont agree with...i disagree with ALOT of things said and done on this site but its none of my business and if i dont like it i walk away...arguing is silly,were all in exactly the same boat.

I dont wanna upset anyone this is just my opinion xxx

Completely agree- has put me off posting anymore tbh. I put it up hoping it would get people talking maturely about their views on smoking during pregnancy, but also about people in the limelight and whether it is their job to hide things better as role models, and its just become a weird argument.
Will go back to just being quiet on this forum me thinks and jus reading stuff now and then. Its a shame, coz we should be able to talk on here without fear people will be defensive, sarcastic or view me as 'self righteous' when I have not once said I am perfect and i know my opinion is only that, an OPINION.
We all judge, just not everyone admits they do lol. Its human nature.

Am sure this thread will be deleted soon anyway :)

Yes it is a joke that if you have a negative view point people will jump on you. Everyone must have the same opinion or else!
No your right, the baby doesn't get a choice. But then my baby doesn't get a choice in my diet, and then fact that I have continued to drink alcohol. I don't expect to be judged on my choices as I don't think it is anyone else's business to be honest. She has clearly thought through her decision and is happy with it, so in my opinion that's down to her x
for me the issue here is that Stacy chooses to keep herself in the public eye. Therefore she has a responsibility as she is seen as a role model (someone mentioned mum of the year award). The issue I have is if people who dont realise the dangers to a baby of smoking in pregnancy, see these pics and think its ok because she's doing it.

It sends out a message and not a positive one.

If Dr's say you shouldnt do it because its bad for your baby then its your choice to take that on board or not. Some people could look at Stacy and think "oh well mayeb the guidelines have changed/ she's doing it therefore it cant be that bad" etc
I definitely take issue with smokers. Smoking is one of the most vile, disgusting things you can do to your body and then, to force it on others as well especially your children, makes you despicable in my eyes. I am sorry, I know that I shouldn't judge but I was brought up by a mother who smoked around me all day, everyday from a very young age. She quit while she was pregnant with me and took it right back up again after and you know what? I have been in and out of the hospital since age 2 because of her. She has since apologized for her actions when I was little, but it doesn't reverse the damage that she made on my lungs or my emotional state. I will forever wonder why I wasn't important enough to her to put down the cancer stick or at least take a step outside, away from me.
This, as well as drinking while pregnant, SHOULD be seen as a form of child abuse. If you can't give something up for 9 months of your life for someone you should be willing to risk your life for, then you are an extremely selfish person and, in my opinion, don't deserve to have that child. There are plenty of women in the world who can't get pregnant, who would do ANYTHING to have a child and you can't even quit your bad habits for 9 months? I could never look at myself in the mirror again.

ETA: I don't care if you take offense to this post. I am not going to argue with people over this subject because this is my opinion, it's not going to change, therefore there is no use in trying to argue with me or attack my post. I did not attack anyone's post or anyone in particular and do not wish to be the target of an attack. This is a forum where people are allowed to express their viewpoints and this is an issue that I have personal experience with and am allowed my opinion as such.
I find it soo hard to not be biased. I had been a heavy smoker for years. I started really young cos I hung out with older people and wanted to look "cool" and by the time I turned 18 I was smoking almost a whole pouch of tobacco a day I was that hooked. I still managed to quit the day after I got my positive test. I just threw everything in the bin that was to do with smoking and promised myself I wouldn't smoke :nope: it can be done and it's truly sad when someone can't find the will power to quit whilst pregnant.

But I eat McDonald's, chocolate and sweets etc on the occasions so I'm still not giving my baby the best start in life therefore really try hard not to bash pregnant women who smoke....

Some people do get the "go-ahead" from their doctor. No doctor agrees with smoking obviously, there just are some circumstances where the withdrawal symptoms could do damage to the baby. I used to find smoking relieved my stress (now I realise it was just the breathing motions in the 'fresh' air) and worried that my quitting would cause me to stress out too much therefore lose my baby. As it says in the article, Stacey needs help not criticism x
I definitely take issue with smokers. Smoking is one of the most vile, disgusting things you can do to your body and then, to force it on others as well especially your children, makes you despicable in my eyes. I am sorry, I know that I shouldn't judge but I was brought up by a mother who smoked around me all day, everyday from a very young age. She quit while she was pregnant with me and took it right back up again after and you know what? I have been in and out of the hospital since age 2 because of her. She has since apologized for her actions when I was little, but it doesn't reverse the damage that she made on my lungs or my emotional state. I will forever wonder why I wasn't important enough to her to put down the cancer stick or at least take a step outside, away from me.
This, as well as drinking while pregnant, SHOULD be seen as a form of child abuse. If you can't give something up for 9 months of your life for someone you should be willing to risk your life for, then you are an extremely selfish person and, in my opinion, don't deserve to have that child. There are plenty of women in the world who can't get pregnant, who would do ANYTHING to have a child and you can't even quit your bad habits for 9 months? I could never look at myself in the mirror again.

ETA: I don't care if you take offense to this post. I am not going to argue with people over this subject because this is my opinion, it's not going to change, therefore there is no use in trying to argue with me or attack my post. I did not attack anyone's post or anyone in particular and do not wish to be the target of an attack. This is a forum where people are allowed to express their viewpoints and this is an issue that I have personal experience with and am allowed my opinion as such.

I dont find your post offensive ( i mentioned drinking alcohol earlier) as it is your opinion only, so it's just one view. Of course you wouldn't choose to drink or smoke if you couldn't then look in the mirror again, but those that choose to smoke or drink can clearly live with themselves .

My mum is very against smoking as she was brought up in a household where both of her parents smoked. She spent her entire childhood living in a house where she couldn't see across a room properly because of the amount of smoke that was there. My nana stillk smokes- when I popped round to her the other day (I'm heavily pregnant now) and with my toddler, she didn't stop, she just continued to smoke fat after fag. It wasn't particularly pleasant but i was round her house and had obv made the decision to go and see her. I was pleased to get out again though!
although I do feel for stacey as I can imagine she feels completely rotten and embarresed about this article I cant help but think if you are chosing to smoke whilst pregnant and your a celebrity who KNOWS they will get papped then why is she smoking in public? even if it is in an alleyway she should know by experience that paps can hide anywhere?

Like a lot of ladies on here have said its her body and her baby Im not going to be judgemental about her but again I agree we are all entitled to opinions and this is a strong subject so can understand why some ladies feel upset about seeing a pregnant lady smoke.
I've grown up around smokers, but never had any inclination to take up smoking. I know from other peoples experiences that it is a hard habit to break, and from reading the article Stacey Solomon has tried to cut down/trying to stop (apparently her 'doctor' said that it would be 'more stressful' on her body if she gave up altogether) :shrug: I think my doctor/midwife would tell me differently if I was her. At the end of the day it is her decision to make - and if she felt strongly enough to give up I am sure she would do, but I can't speak for her.

I think personally for me, it would be an easy decision to make, but then again I've never been a smoker, but we're all different, and she's a grown women who has her own responsibilities and if she didn't want to give up from day dot, then she's certainly not going to give up now.

I witnessed a pregnant mother at my son's school, puffing away quite obvious to everyone and anyone every morning, having one cigarette after the other. When you physically see someone in a very pregnant state puffing away it can really be quite shocking. :shock:

As I said, each to their own and I'm not one to criticise someone who does smoke [during their pregnancy], I just think its a shame that for a few short months to have their needs put aside for the sake of the health of the baby during pregnancy. Everyone has a choice in what they put into their bodies, so this isn't to slate people who do or don't, everyone will have their own opinions (good or bad).
This issue is always going to cause conflict regardless of who is doing the smoking as opinions on both sides are so strong... personaly I know 1st hand just how hard giving up can be as I started smoking when I was around 14yrs old yet found it easy to stop with my 1st child as I 'went off' them and the smell made me feel sick but 8 years later when pregnant with my son I found it so hard not to smoke and craved it constantly but never allowed one puff to pass my lips as yes its my body, my baby, my choice but how the heck could I make the choice to have one and give in to me own needs over the risk no matter how small that that choice could affect my child...this my my own opinion and Im not pushing it on others what so ever but the only thing I found that helped was to imagine a new born baby lying in a pram/crib and me taking a drag of a cig then leaning over and blowing the smoke into that babies face, instantly I would be disgusted and resist the ciggy but this was a day in day out struggle for my whole pregnancy... does it make me a better mum than someone that gives in and has that cig, No but it does give me a proud feeling and piece of mind knowing I did what I believe to be the right thing as does telling you all that I have never smoked in my car or in my home as I share these with my children who should be able to remain non smokers untill they are old enough to make the same choices for themselfs.
If this view hurt, upsets or offends anybody then Im sorry but it is my view and the choice that I made for my baby who by the way didnt have any choice at the time!!

I gave up smoking when my son was around 6 so it isnt an issue this time around thankfully :)
For me, the 'her body, her baby, her choice' excuse doesn't really wash. Does that same principle apply to people who beat their children? Emotionally abuse them? Choose to take them rock-climbing in a poor carrying case with no protection?

Bottom line is yes, you can do whatever you like, ravage your body until it's an ashen shell, but once you are home to another human being, it's no longer 'your choice'. It's 'a' choice and if you're the kind of person who can live with the idea of causing damage to your unborn child, that's your business.

But with all the women in the world who are desperate for a baby, who struggle to conceive and who cry daily over it (as someone I know does), it must be pretty galling to see a woman abusing her baby before it's even born.
If you read the article, it actually says
"But she says her doctor told her it would be “more stressful” on her body if she gave up smoking *altogether."

I was also told the same, When I found out I was pregnant, I was a smoker, And when I saw my doctor he advised me to slowly cut back but not stop altogether as it would be harder on my body.

I stopped altogether after about 2 weeks because it was one of the things that made me feel physically sick(the taste/smoke)

But its like people have said, we don't know the full story, and we should not judge her on what she is doing.

She tried to do it up a allyway so she didn't get seen because she does feel bad.

But those of us who have been addicted to anything, be it fags, drink, drugs, all know how hard it is to give up without being pregnant...
So to add being pregnant in the mix(which we all know is a stressful experience for some) it will be even harder (and it is)

All I'm trying to say is, people need to be less judgemental. Yes have your opinion which everyone is entitled to, but do it in a good way.
All you need to say is yes I agree, or I disagree.
No need to get so nasty about it.

If it was anyone else, pregnant and smoking in the street, she wouldnt be posted all over the paper, so why should Stacey get all the Sh*t thrown at her?
Personally I find it disgusting. I was a heavy smoker for years and gave up cold turkey as soon as I got my BFP (not that it is possible for everyone) but if you try then I personally believe you can give it up by the time you're 7 months. I swear she didn't smoke in I'm a celebrity either, weird. xo
Oh and that prawn comment! Ridiculous. Reminds me of when OH's SIL was heavily pregnant smoking a fag in a pub and drinking a vodka and coke saying how much she missed eating brie and pate and how much you need to 'give up' for a baby. I could of rammed that fag and drink down her throat!! xo
Oh and that prawn comment! Ridiculous. Reminds me of when OH's SIL was heavily pregnant smoking a fag in a pub and drinking a vodka and coke saying how much she missed eating brie and pate and how much you need to 'give up' for a baby. I could of rammed that fag and drink down her throat!! xo

That made me remember a situation I was in a couple of weeks back... went for a meal with a group of friends and the egg that came with my gammon was a little runny but I continued to tuck in (and yes it was good lol!) then a friend around the same stage as me in pregnancy made a huge deal about me eating the egg whilst drinking her way through half a bottle of wine that she was sharing with another friend :haha: Did I say anything...No as I wasnt asked my opinion on drinking whilst pregnant but I did think she had a cheek lol!
Who knows when that pic was taken, note that you cant see her bottom half.......I'm not saying its ok to smoke when you are preggers, but ladies do we really believe this tabliod crap?!
Maybe she is smoking maybe she isn't it hasn't got anything to do with anyone else, and I certainly wouldn't trust 'the people' as a realiable source, if I cared that it is....
Any one watching loose women? (Sad, I know!) but she's about to address this article apparently x
Yes and she has confirmed it now. She is smoking whilst pregnant and the doctors did not advise her that. She is looking into methods to try and quit, hello? should she not have done this the day she found out she was pregnant?! Not just because she has been found out. She acknowledges she feels guilty but not guilty enough to have tried harder. xx

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