Started Fertility Testing..Need buddies...

Ahh super crap, sorry hun :( I was gonna say if you've got 4+ months but 3 IUI then you could have a break from all this, but maybe save your break for the summer. It's the same thing we face, we'll be pit in queue and Sweden shuts down during summer so nothing will happen :( big :hugs: time for some wine! Or pick n mix and chocolate if you're me :haha:

Thanks patience:flower: I don't know why but it hit me a bit hard. Think the thought of 3 IUIs going wrong has me concerned and that it may not work for us. There's also the fact that another member close to 40 got her BFP on her 1st IUI on Clomid, she was TTC #1. Then there's another lady that didn't seem so interested in having kids, it was just so her and her DH felt they weren't living a selfish life, she actually has crappy eggs and was afraid she may never get pregnant but got pregnant 8th month trying:dohh: Not only that she's being semi-picky and hoping it's a boy so she's all excited about finding out the gender tomorrow:nope: I was otherwise so supportive of her when she was about to give up hope (since her and her DH didn't want to do IUI or IVF) and when she got pregnant, no support for me, she just gushes about her pregnancy when she checks in every 1½-2 weeks or talks to the other pregnant ladies:nope:

Yes going to save my break for there. My problem is I'm so stubborn I otherwise won't get a break, I just want to keep going. Think the fact that I'm turning 36 on May 1st is really driving me as well.

I checked and the hospital closes for 3 weeks in July and they wrote for the very unlucky it could mean 2 months forced break:dohh: Yeah, you're waiting period was about the same as mine, right? My RE said 4-5 but the website is saying 3-6 months:shrug: So hoping we get lucky and can start after the 6th IUI or max only have 1 month break. Otherwise there will be a break between my last IUI and when I can start IVF.

I'm already into the chocolates and chips:dohh: Will treat myself to a vanilla coke as well tonight and see about trying to eat extra healthy the next few months and try to get some exercise by walking every 2 days around the neighbourhood. I've been having issues going out because my cat is so attached to me and gets upset when I start to get my jacket on so she knows I'm about to leave her:( I also was naughty and ordered a couple more things to make earrings with as an extra little pick me up.
:haha: I have an attached cat, I can't let him rule my comings and goings though, he'd have me on lap and food dispensing disposal 24/7! She'll manage just fine till you're back from a walk, lots of treats and snuggles as a reward for both of you doing well :)

Yeah mine says 4-6 months, but we wait 4-6 weeks first to see when our appt will be and for actual waiting time once we're I'm queue. I guess it's always going to be a bit open cuz it depends how many people only need 1 ivf and those who need 3 :) we'll just have to get in queue and hope the ladies before us hurry up and get preggers :haha:

I know what you mean about birthday, I've survived 2 since starting ttc and it's awful :( yeah nothing worse than selfish pregnant people, it's like they forget they were even trying! I won't say a word to my ttc friends once I finally get a sticky cuz I know the pain! I'll never forget that once I'm pregnant
:haha: I have an attached cat, I can't let him rule my comings and goings though, he'd have me on lap and food dispensing disposal 24/7! She'll manage just fine till you're back from a walk, lots of treats and snuggles as a reward for both of you doing well :)

Yeah mine says 4-6 months, but we wait 4-6 weeks first to see when our appt will be and for actual waiting time once we're I'm queue. I guess it's always going to be a bit open cuz it depends how many people only need 1 ivf and those who need 3 :) we'll just have to get in queue and hope the ladies before us hurry up and get preggers :haha:

I know what you mean about birthday, I've survived 2 since starting ttc and it's awful :( yeah nothing worse than selfish pregnant people, it's like they forget they were even trying! I won't say a word to my ttc friends once I finally get a sticky cuz I know the pain! I'll never forget that once I'm pregnant

I think it's harder for me to leave her because she was abused from around kittenhood until she was about 1 years old when we adopted her from a local cat shelter 3 months after our previous cat died. Seems her owner was horrible and definitely hit her since she shied away from our hands the first few weeks we tried to pet her:( The old owner came in with my cat plus another one and told the shelter people that if they didn't take both cats now, they'd be left on the streets to fend for themselves:wacko: So yeah, she can still make me feel guilty by half hiding when I'm about to leave and looking at me with those huge yellow-green eyes:dohh:

Same issue for us. The hospital writes they can handle 350 couples in active treatment and it all depends on how quickly these women get pregnant when they can take new people in:wacko: I just hope either we luck out and the line isn't long or we have a number of super lucky women:winkwink:

Yeah this'll be my 2nd. My first one was after about 7 months TTCing but I'd very recently had my chemical so no fun. This time it'll be a whole other level of no fun if I'm still not preggers:nope:

I won't either but maybe you have to have been trying for a good deal longer than the average before the pain really registers. I can just imagine me being super careful of other's feelings on here and having my pregnancy tickers hidden under a spoiler. I read somewhere that the average time it takes people to get pregnant is 6-8 months but 1 year still being considered within the norm. Don't know what's up with that one with the crappy eggs:nope: I get that she's super excited since she was really negative about her egg quality being like someone in their mid/late-40s but still, wow. The other one I haven't had much contact with but was stalking her thread and went into shock that she nailed it 1st try at 38-39 on Clomid:wacko: Then there was another one that got pregnant 2nd natural cycle trying at age 36, almost 37.

It just gets me down sometimes that women my age or even older are lucking out while I'm striking out. Story of my life, in everything but love and the great father I had and my great pets, I struck out miserably every time while everyone seems to be lucking out all the time. At this rate my youngest BIL's girlfriend will get pregnant before me and they aren't trying or near that stage:nope::dohh:
Appointment went fine and they're keeping my dose at 75 IU Puregon since she felt I respond well to it and saw no reason to increase it. No cysts:thumbup: I go in again on Friday for U/S #2 to see when I can trigger. DH came with me and got to ask a couple of questions to the nurse which is good, also because he can answer any questions his parents have and "defend" me if they start conveying worry over my lack of ability to conceive. He also managed to remember to ask her about referring us to the nearest hospital for IVF since there's a long waiting period and she said she'd get that done today:happydance: So we're set for IVF if the next 3 IUIs don't work out either.

The nurse doesn't think it's my eggs though, she kept talking about how timing is everything so guess ours wasn't optimal the last 3 times:(
Sounds like a shit excuse to me, they're the ones timing it! You certainly weren't too late, and it's not like you were celibate the week up to IUI either. Sorry but that seems bad of her :/

Is 75 the dose you had when you had to take it for 5 more days in order to be ready?

Got any nice plans for the weekend? Im gonna do as little as possible after a long week at work and 3 gym sessions, I'm totally exhausted and could sleep for a week!
Sounds like a shit excuse to me, they're the ones timing it! You certainly weren't too late, and it's not like you were celibate the week up to IUI either. Sorry but that seems bad of her :/

Is 75 the dose you had when you had to take it for 5 more days in order to be ready?

Got any nice plans for the weekend? Im gonna do as little as possible after a long week at work and 3 gym sessions, I'm totally exhausted and could sleep for a week!

I think she meant the timing of the actual IUI which is completely in their hands. I don't know how much room for error there is. Although for my 3rd IUI DH and I hadn't BDed in almost 3 days so that probably didn't help things. I didn't understand it like she was blaming us, just telling us it's all a matter of timing. Might explain why it takes longer for some couples to conceive that the timing wasn't 100% with their BDing. It'll be interesting to see how they plan this IUI to imrpove our chances.

Hmmm that must've been one of the other times because I remember that at my 2nd U/S I was ready to trigger and they asked me to do so the day after since I needed one more Puregon shot to get the follies a bit bigger.

Don't think we're planning much other than the usual, watching a bunch of our series and some movies. I'll need to see if I can get DH to relax this time since he used most of his weekend last time to write job applications:wacko: I think he really wants to find a new job but he really should be having his weekend in peace to relax and enjoy himself. At least next weekend he'll be forced to have longer breaks away from his laptop job hunting since his big brother is having a small birthday/Easter get together on the 5th of April:thumbup: I really should be going to the gym myself, just need to find something I can get DH to go along with that isn't too high impact since I'm not in the best of shape plus don't think it's good when you're TTCing anyway:wacko:
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend:flower:

Didn't succeed in keeping DH away from the laptop, he's writing job applications as I write this:dohh: I don't know why he can't just take a break during the weekend, I know I rarely wrote applications during the weekend to get a breather.

Anyway we never did get a wish list from his brother so DH was out yesterday and bought him a whiskey:haha: My DH is a huge whiskey fan and has a collection of different ones. I have also had whiskey on occasion but of course since we're TTCing, I only will have a sip or 2 from his once in a while. Funny enough, I prefer whiskey to e.g. cognac, I don't know why (even the really smokey whiskys taste better to me than cognac). I indulged in a couple of glasses of red wine last night and 1 non-alcoholic beer on Friday night:wine:

How's everyone doing? TTC-wise not much to report other than I started my injections Friday night:shrug:
Sorry I have to abandon you hun, hubby has decided he doesn't want kids at the moment so I'm leaving BnB :( good luck I hope your treatment works for you <3
Sorry I have to abandon you hun, hubby has decided he doesn't want kids at the moment so I'm leaving BnB :( good luck I hope your treatment works for you <3

Oh no, I'm so sorry patience, what happened:( Does he really mean it or is he just feeling frustrated right now and needs a break?
Patine what happened? I am so sorry! I am sure he is just frustrated with the process. Who wouldnt be? Sending you hugs...
Hi jjbubbles28,

Hope things are going well with you:flower:

I checked out this thread that tells what happened with patience and her DH:

Seems she didn't want to update here on what was going on, hope it's ok with her I'm referring to this other thread:wacko:

So sorry patience. If you read this: I truely hope he changes his mind but I think you should take some time and consider how you'll feel if he decides to never have children. If you feel it's something you'll resent him for later on in your marriage then it might be better to part ways. But it's all up to you, just saying you should think about that during this break and decide if being childless is something you could live with later on in life if he refuses to have children. Wishing you all the best, whatever that may be:flower:
Heya, sorry I was trying to get away as soon as possible, but I've been on that thread nearly as long as I've been ttc:ing :flower:

As I just updated them, he's changed his mind again under a few conditions, no Dr and NTNP. Long stort short at least, he's been going for months saying he does, then asking do I really? Then saying he doesn't, then going but don't I? And now after this past week he's realised he was freaking out a bit but now we will be changing things to remove the stress, no more obsessing for me, no more drs cuz he really hated the thought of ivf, and we'll just see what happens, he'll be happy either way. Compared to 3 years of no ttc at all, ntnp is a dream come true! So I'll still be hanging around, I'll just have to hope my body does it on its own :) really we need a break now anyway as I just resigned from my job to sign with someone else and will have 6 months trial period!

I'll see what I've missed from you now!
Yay patience, that's great news:happydance::thumbup:

You haven't missed much from me:winkwink: I'll be going in tomorrow for my 2nd U/S and see how many follies there are and if I can trigger over the weekend:thumbup: It's always exciting to see. I'm just hoping my "Golden Egg" is there this time:haha: My guess is that if it all looks good, they'll have me trigger Sunday morning and do the IUI Monday morning.

Problem is we're going to DH's big brother's birthday/ Easter lunch on Sunday so I've told DH that if our IUI is Monday morning, he's not allowed to drink very much and he wasn't too happy. He was looking forward to having a cosy afternoon with the family drinking beers and snaps:dohh: But he sees my point and says he'll keep it to a minimum. I'm sure someone will ask him why he's not drinking more (typical Danish:dohh:) but we can just as well be out in the open about the IUI since they all pretty much know by now:shrug:
I know we won't get preggers naturally any time soon, it'll actually be a miracle if it does happen so in a way that's kinda good, it would be bad timing now but if it happens it happens, removing that slim chance we have is just too much !

Glad your IUI is soon ! :) I think in regards to swimmers though, they are made quite a while before they come out aren't they ? So what he eats/drinks shouldn't matter much the day before :)
I know we won't get preggers naturally any time soon, it'll actually be a miracle if it does happen so in a way that's kinda good, it would be bad timing now but if it happens it happens, removing that slim chance we have is just too much !

Glad your IUI is soon ! :) I think in regards to swimmers though, they are made quite a while before they come out aren't they ? So what he eats/drinks shouldn't matter much the day before :)

Yeah, it's not very encouraging but it could still happen. I'd be a bit worried though with so many chemicals, you might need to find out why they occur. I've heard that more than 3 signals an issue. Did you ever ask the RE what might be causing them?

It's just because I read somewhere that drinking an energy drink 1 hour before BDing/IUI can help give the :spermy: a boost of energy so I was thinking that maybe alcohol would dull them:shrug: I don't think it's a good idea for him to get drunk the day before either and I know what happens when he starts with snaps and he's "allowed" to drink as much as he wants:wacko: Don't think I want to risk anything in case it does affect them.
Never heard that about energy drinks :D would be nice if that one works though, hubby loves them ! Lol. Danes are worse than swedes when it comes to drinking, good luck ;)

All the Dr told me was that they weren't real pregnancies so she can't do anything with that information. Useless as always, maybe the IVF department would have been better but that's all on hold for now anyway, we will revisit the IVF idea down the road once we're both earning more.
Never heard that about energy drinks :D would be nice if that one works though, hubby loves them ! Lol. Danes are worse than swedes when it comes to drinking, good luck ;)

All the Dr told me was that they weren't real pregnancies so she can't do anything with that information. Useless as always, maybe the IVF department would have been better but that's all on hold for now anyway, we will revisit the IVF idea down the road once we're both earning more.

Can't hurt to try :rofl: They really are:nope: I remember on 2nd Christmas Day at the in-laws, I sat next to DH's big brother and he asked me if I wanted a beer. I was already being a bit naughty having some of my FIL's homemade snaps so I declined and he was weirded out and asked "Are you sure???" like I was nuts:dohh: He didn't know at the time we were TTCing but wow:nope: It's too bad I can't take some alcohol free beers with, the Erdinger ones are pretty good:winkwink:

Very odd, in the US I think they would get you checked to find out what's going on. Once you start going active TTCing, you could try insisting on them being more proactive with that. You could also try switching Dr's, maybe find someone that listens better? That's what I'd probably do.

AFM got back from the clinic and there's only 1 follie this time, in my left ovary (plus a couple of small ones in my right):wacko: But if it's a special, prime quality, "Golden Egg" type follie then it's alright with me:haha: She wants me to trigger at 1:15 AM on the night between Saturday and Sunday and the IUI will be Monday afternoon at 1:15 PM. I asked her about the trigger being at 36 hours this time since last time they wanted me to trigger 24-25 hours before. But she said I was around CD16 those times on IUI day and this time I'll be about CD12 so we can trigger at 36 hours before this time since the risk of Oing earlier is minimal. So here's hoping she's right and that that made sense, I'm not always good at explaining things:wacko::haha:

BTW I wrote to my cousin a few days ago to let her know IUI #2 and #3 failed and we were proceeding with #4. Also let her know DH got fired and is looking for a new job. Her response:
Dear you both, I wish you both well, Happy Easter! Love, (insert her name here)

Not only that but she hasn't been nearly as actively liking my posts on FB. Have noticed though that my brother and sister and very active with each other's FB profiles and my cousin has been fairly actively liking their posts. She used to like pictures of my cat (plus a couple of other things) but nope, no one has liked my recent pics. I know it's totally silly but I just feel like it's a clear sign my cousin is aligning herself mostly with my brother and sister and that they're all 3 are semi pushing me away. No big surprise, my cousin and her DH have been on many exotic trips with my brother e.g. the Bahamas, trips DH and I couldn't afford without saving up for 1-2 years.

I don't know, my family just really gets me down sometimes and I just wish they could be more supportive of me, especially when they know I'm going through assisted conception. But i won't say a thing, I don't need my brother to accuse me again of being "so obviously absorbed in self-obsessive thinking" or something along those lines when I mentioned to him almost 6 years ago I was a little sad he wasn't going to be in Denmark for longer other than 2 days before my wedding and then take off for Germany 2-3 days later to see some from his wife's family. This was also the same email he told me he was deeply embarrassed that I hadn't been to the US to see his daughter within the first year of her life (his wife's family found it odd) despite the fact that DH and I just couldn't due to him being involved in various projects at the company (many that required him to travel at short notice and be away for 1-4 weeks) plus we didn't have the money for it. His exact words:

Imagine me fielding questions from (insert wife's name here) family about why sister (haven't) come over to see (insert daughter's name here) in over a year&#8230;I doubt you have indulged in this thought experiment but I can tell you that it is personally embarrassing to me, not that it would matter to someone who is so obviously enclosed in self-obsessive thinking.

Yet again the same email he told me when I mentioned I was a bit sad he hadn't met my DH before the wedding:

Your comment about (DH's name here) is also beyond the pale and totally ridiculous. Until (DH's name here) proposed to you, he was of absolutely no interest to me. He was just a boyfriend at that point.

This despite the fact I'd met his wife a few years before they were to marry since he told me it was a serious relationship and he wanted me to meet her.

I don't know, I can still look at this email he sent me were he's being totally out of line (very long email so won't share the Whole thing but you get the jist from these 2 quotes) and feel sad. Our relationship was better before his marriage and I don't know why (his wife is otherwise really nice). Other than his wife's rich family has gone to his head. Sorry for the long post, it's just that my family gradually rejecting me and semi pushing me out of their lives gets me down:(
So my IUI went well today. DH's count was 30 million and the follie was starting to change shape and release the egg so we caught it earlier this time. So here's hoping:winkwink:

How's it going for everyone? Hope everyone had a nice Easter:flower:
Sorry Ive been MIA. Second IUI a bust and started round 3. Heres hoping that April is all of our months...
Good luck with both your IUIs :) hoping this month does the trick !

I ate so much candy last week that I still feel nauseus from it ! No more ! I decided to over-do it so I could be repulsed my it now, well that worked :haha: now to get back to my diet and gymming !

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