Started Fertility Testing..Need buddies...

Thankfully I have been 100% distracted from my TWW since finding a dog. I am using all my energy and time to find this little lady a home. So no time to symptom spot or research. Hows the spotting?
A dog? Where did you find him/her:) Are you going to keep the dog or find him/her a new home?

AFM my DH really irritated me today:growlmad: He called me earlier to tell me he was going to drop by his annoying friend's girlfriend to have a short visit with them both. I should perhaps mention that the girlfriend has 2 kids from a failed marriage, I think the boy is about 16 and the girl about 12 (she's 42 and the friend is 38, no kids and he doesn't want any). This was around 5:20 PM. So 8:00 PM comes and I'm wondering where he could be since she lives fairly close to us. So I call him. To my shock, he has eaten dinner with them, they had food ready and served when he came. Did he call me? No. So I first find out now and have been waiting here starving and was looking forward to having a nice dinner with him. So I flipped and told him he should've called me to let me know but he says he'll pick me something up on the way home but I'm still pissed. Am I being a total witch or am I not entirely in the wrong here:wacko: I don't get why the friend's girlfriend would serve dinner right when my DH arrives when it wasn't planned and she knows perfectly well I exist as I've met her numerous times, as if she didn't care about how I felt about it and not even being told until hours after the fact:growlmad:
I'd probably react the same way, I hate it when I expect hubby home at a certain time and then he's nowhere near. I'd definitely be pissed! He could have told you so you don't sit and wait with your dinner because of it, a quick text would have been enough! I'm sure this woman was just being nice and surprising her guest with dinner though, and it wasn't her job for you to get the message about having food.
Still spotting, that's 7 days now and still getting faint lines for this late dpo, I'm sure the pregnancy isn't viable but I'm holding out a scrap of hope it might be ok so I won't do anything unless I start getting pains or red bleeding
I'd probably react the same way, I hate it when I expect hubby home at a certain time and then he's nowhere near. I'd definitely be pissed! He could have told you so you don't sit and wait with your dinner because of it, a quick text would have been enough! I'm sure this woman was just being nice and surprising her guest with dinner though, and it wasn't her job for you to get the message about having food.

I just found it weird she'd have dinner ready for him when he told his friend he'd only stay for 1-1½ hours max and then head home:nope: Probably was a ploy to get him to stay longer:growlmad: Well he can just as well get used to it. Once we have that baby DH won't have all that time for him. Good thing, he's pretty annoying actually and one of the most selfish people. I don't get why his girlfriend told me and a couple of other women that she's planning on having baby #3 with him:wacko: I don't think he wants kids and he'd be too selfish to be a good father:nope: Amazing she doesn't see it.

Still spotting, that's 7 days now and still getting faint lines for this late dpo, I'm sure the pregnancy isn't viable but I'm holding out a scrap of hope it might be ok so I won't do anything unless I start getting pains or red bleeding

Awww I hope it is viable patience but admit it doesn't sound too good that your tests aren't getting darker:( Here's hoping it soon takes a turn for the better :dust:
Cant keep the pup, but getting her out of the kill shelter tomorrow and bringing her to her foster. Fingers crossed for you Patience :hugs:
Khigg, how you feeling??
Cant keep the pup, but getting her out of the kill shelter tomorrow and bringing her to her foster. Fingers crossed for you Patience :hugs:
Khigg, how you feeling??

Ok that sounds good, at least she won't risk not finding a home in time and be put to sleep:happydance:
So it was a bad sign for me to spot at 12 dpiui yesterday, woke up to cramps and bleeding so AF came 1 day early:cry: Tested anyway since the clinic wants me to and it was negative:nope:

So looks like we'll be doing IUI #3:dohh:
Oh boo hun, I'm so sorry :( big hugs for you!

Thanks patience:hugs: It really stinks because I felt like I was having some symptoms but guess I'll really know now to ignore them completely:dohh: Maybe I should just think of it like I'm on extra progesterone next time:winkwink:

But I'm really starting to think we might need IVF:wacko: We'll be referred if IUI #3 also fails and then there's the 4-5 month waiting time where I'll be put through 3 more IUIs:nope:

DH some how manages to remain positive. Not only is the poor guy dealing with being fired but now had a crying wife to deal with this morning:nope: I told him maybe he needs to find a 20-something wife instead that can make babies because obviously he married a dud:nope: He just tells me I'm being super silly when I say things like that:blush: I'm so not looking forward to hearing my narcissistic mother's crap again and seeing my MIL look at me like I'm broken again:argh:

The only thing that helped my mood was ordering a ton of stuff to make earrings which DH will pick up for me tomorrow:thumbup:

Got an appointment tomorrow at 11:30 AM. Unfortunately got a hold of a new nurse that didn't seem to know much and asked when I was originally supposed to test like that matters now when AF is full blown and I have to come in the 2nd or 3rd menstrual day :dohh: Like wht, she ws about to make me wait a few days more to test again and miss out on starting IUI #3? Understand she's new but even I could've figured this out.
Aww :hugs: I've done that with do too, cried about how much of a failure of a woman I am and how I just want to give him pretty babies, he says he wants babies more than anything but he wants me - more - than that, so he will love me regardless. Lots of tears and being happy but sad!

Silly nurse, that stuff is important you'd think they would know the basic things to do! Just stay away from your crazy family I say, I actively avoid anyone with kids now, it's just too painful and I don't care if I look antisocial they can all fuck off with their fertile hips! My happiness is more important than keeping up appearances.
Aww :hugs: I've done that with do too, cried about how much of a failure of a woman I am and how I just want to give him pretty babies, he says he wants babies more than anything but he wants me - more - than that, so he will love me regardless. Lots of tears and being happy but sad!

Silly nurse, that stuff is important you'd think they would know the basic things to do! Just stay away from your crazy family I say, I actively avoid anyone with kids now, it's just too painful and I don't care if I look antisocial they can all fuck off with their fertile hips! My happiness is more important than keeping up appearances.

I just feel like an extra failure, I can't get a job and I'm barren:cry: Like I can't contribute in any way:wacko: But it's nice we both have such nice husbands to help us through our "silly" days :cloud9:

Yes I was truely annoyed that she couldn't figure it out, as if having IUI #2 fail wasn't enough, I had to deal with that:growlmad:

I totally understand about avoiding kids. I won't be in danger of seeing many until maybe April (my eldest BIL has his birthday start of April and I'm assuming his kids will come, my MIL end-April so the kids will be there) but definitely mid-May when my eldest BIL's son has his birthday:nope: Although he actually would make you think twice about having kids because he's so spoiled and being raised poorly so his manners are appalling :dohh: All of our friends with kids have pretty much abandoned us so no problems there. My biggest issues are my mother and MIL, both are insensitive in their own ways. None of my BILs know we're TTCing so no problems with them:happydance: My brother and sister are keeping their distance and never write anymore, they just "like" some of my posts occasionally on FB but nothing else. Guess they're tired of me and feel I'm super selfish and a drama queen. My brother never did apologize for his behaviour last time but I'm starting to think he has narcissitic tendancies and they never apologize :nope: I really should block my sister's updates because she often updates with pictures of her children and it's still hurtful even though the youngest is about 4 now. Her latest was complaining about the mess he made in his room:dohh:
Ooops forgot to update on this thread :wacko:

I'm CD3 today and starting IUI #3:thumbup: Last chance before they refer us for IVF:dohh: So here's hoping 3rd times the charm:happydance: She upped my dose from 66 to 75 IU so here's hoping I get 3 eggs this time:thumbup:

This was a nurse I've never had before but she was pretty nice and we ended up chatting about my unsupportive family (she was shocked that my siblings are using the silent treatment on me now) and my job situation. She could hear that I'd applied to plenty of jobs and was really unlucky with the job I got fired from. She thinks I should apply for more jobs even though I risk being pregnant from almost the start but I told her that employers get really mad and the rule these days is don't get pregnant until at least after 1 year at the job. She's never heard that before but I think she was about early 50s and maybe never had it be an issue. I think employers are worse these days when it comes to their female employees getting pregnant since they see it as a hassle: they pay you maternity leave and have to also find and pay someone to take over for you for the 12 months you're gone. So yeah, they see it as a hassle and can't see the long term benefits: some of these kids will be furture employees and make money for them!

Anyway how's it going with everyone else? patience? jjbubbles28, have you taken an HPT yet? I think your IUI was the day after mine.
Oh, sorry i've been MIA this week ! I've been so run down from working an hour extra each day and two days i started stupid early (even though I then went home earlier, still knackered) i'm glad they're pushing your dose a bit ! One last pump up of those eggies :) we're on the same CD ! (i think, i'm counting monday as cd1 because that's when the red kicked in, the last week was just brown but really i could be anywhere from cd1-cd13 lol)

Your family is so crazy I can't even get my head around them ! I'd bloody shut them all out but that's just me :shrug: about work, what's the worst that could happen ? You think you're unemployable now and will continue to go without work, is that worse than finding a job, and then getting preggers ? Maybe they won't be so crazy, here in sweden they're family mad and supposedly do a lot to accomodate parents. Heaven forbid but maybe ttc will take more time also, i've had to come to grips with the fact I can't put anything on hold "just in case/what if" cuz i've been saying that for 1.5years now, we just don't know what's down the line ! :hugs: I say go for it, all of it :D
Oh, sorry i've been MIA this week ! I've been so run down from working an hour extra each day and two days i started stupid early (even though I then went home earlier, still knackered) i'm glad they're pushing your dose a bit ! One last pump up of those eggies :) we're on the same CD ! (i think, i'm counting monday as cd1 because that's when the red kicked in, the last week was just brown but really i could be anywhere from cd1-cd13 lol)

Your family is so crazy I can't even get my head around them ! I'd bloody shut them all out but that's just me :shrug: about work, what's the worst that could happen ? You think you're unemployable now and will continue to go without work, is that worse than finding a job, and then getting preggers ? Maybe they won't be so crazy, here in sweden they're family mad and supposedly do a lot to accomodate parents. Heaven forbid but maybe ttc will take more time also, i've had to come to grips with the fact I can't put anything on hold "just in case/what if" cuz i've been saying that for 1.5years now, we just don't know what's down the line ! :hugs: I say go for it, all of it :D

Yes I'm hoping it'll give me 3 follies this time:thumbup: It was so close last time so maybe this extra Puregon will help mature a 3rd egg.

It's just hard to. I don't even want to know how that'll look to people. Not many are understanding of being in a situation like mine. I'm sure they'll think I'm just exaggerating and think I'm being horrible if I pretty much drop them.

I still think that my age and the fact I'm childless will be held against me. They'll be afraid of hiring me because they want to avoid a situation that I start and a few months later, I'm pregnant. I read about this woman that worked at the same company for 3½-4 years, got pregnant, pissed off her boss and co-workers, went on maternity leave and 2 months after she got back they fired her. So Denmark isn't very family friendly. I think employers are too interested in making Money and the bottom line. They can't see that it's not in their interest to make women not have so many kids. I actually think this partly explains why the number of children people have is falling.

Plus the nurse did agree with me that my lack of connections will make getting a job, especially in academia, extremly difficult. My periods of unemployment and being fired from my last job will make it that much harder. Add my age (I'll turn 36 in May) to the mix and they'll see no reason to train me when many retire around the age of 65. They'll see no reason to train me when I'll now only be able to work for 28-29 years after my training period. It won't make economic sense for them. They don't like training people on a whole, had 3-4 companies tell me that they didn't want me because they would have to train me and they didn't want to and went with an experienced person. If 3-4 companies admit it, I'm sure there are many, many more that don't admit it because it sounds bad but feel the exact same way - they just say I lack experience. I can't apply for jobs below my educational level because they'll tell me I'm over qualified (been there, done that:nope:). So if you have any suggestions on what I can apply for based on all this, I'm open ears. My main interest is animals but since I don't want to get a 3rd education, there's pretty much nothing I can do that will pay anything. No one in my family has connections and people in DH's family either have no connections or no interest in helping me (DH has a couple of selfish individuals in his family that could help but won't because they see it as my problem).
How are you doing bubbles? How's the rescue? What cd are you on? What's the game plan for March? How did hubby's interview go?
How are you doing bubbles? How's the rescue? What cd are you on? What's the game plan for March? How did hubby's interview go?

Hi Khigg19 :wave:

I believe jjbubbles had her IUI the day after I had my 2nd one. Mine was the 17th of February so think hers was the 18th so she should know if she's pregnant or not by now:shrug: I can see her last activity was on March 6th but no update here or on her other thread about her IUI:shrug: Don't know if that bodes well or not but I hope we soon hear from her because I'm curious to know if hers worked.

AFM my 2nd IUI failed so I'm in the process of going through IUI #3 with an increased dose of Puregon (from 66 to 75 IU). If this one doesn't work, they'll be referring us to a hospital for IVF since it's cheaper for the state if we want our 3 free tries :dohh:

Hope you're doing well:flower:
Khigg! I love your new picture! How are you feeling? You look amazing:) Have you solidified names? Started your nursery?Hows kitty?
This last month has been extra hard on us. Interview for him was a bust. He had to take a day off (no pay) for them to say they called him for something he's not qualified to do. So pay and parking fees for nothing. Then I found this dog and have been preoccupied with trying to get her out of foster. IUI showed adhesions and was extremely painful, had my regular doc appt this weekend and assured me natural conception is possible if I monthly bleed which I do. He said if blood comes out, sperm can go in. So I will do one more month of IUI and take a break next month. I do secretly have an extra month of clomid from my BFF. So next month clomid and no monitoring. A chance I know, but with 2 full time jobs and 4 hours of commuting I cant always take off when the egg comes, you know. So hoping this month gives us something. Then after all this my poor 15 year old dog collapsed on my birthday. We went for a walk and then he became lethargic, urinated on himself , and was really pale. I thought he was dying, so I rushed him to emergency where he has a compressed spinal nerve. So he is on heavy duty steroids and thank goodness he began walking again. So things have been crazy. Just wondering how much more we can take. Waiting for that silver lining.
How is everyone else doing?
Sorry your IUI didn't work jjbubbles:flower: And what's up with them calling your DH into an interview when they think he's not qualified:wacko: Sorry about your dog, that must've been horrible. I know how much I adore my cat, I'd have been in hysterics if that happened to her. Will your dog be ok?

AFM So just got back from the clinic and I have 2 follies, one on each side (first time for that). I think they measure 14 and 16 mm if I remember correctly:wacko: She says I'm ready to trigger so tonight I take one more dose of Puregon tonight so the follies grow a bit more, Friday morning I trigger and Saturday morning they do the IUI. So just about 25 hours from trigger to IUI which I didn't reach to ask about since they normally have me trigger 36 hours before the IUI:shrug: Maybe because I'd already Oed last time and they prefer to inseminate before O????

She says she has a good feeling about this time but could be wishful thinking on her part:winkwink:
Just got back from the clinic and had the IUI done. There were not really any follies to measure as O was just about to happen so they weren't round anymore and had changed shape. My lining looked good. I don't think DH found it particularly enjoyable but he was there and stood next to me. The funniest part was when the nurse asked him if he wanted to push on the plunger to inject the :spermy: :haha: He actually did it but was afraid of doing it wrong. So 2 follies in the process of being released:happydance: The sperm count was BTW 40 million so about 10 million more than last time:thumbup:

So now starts the waiting game:coffee:

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