Wow I'm so glad I logged in and have seen all your comments!
I think of you all everyday and how lucky we all are to have our precious babies!
Harrison was 4yr on the 28th June. I didn't do egg share and here's a quick reminder of my story....
I was told in Sep 2012 that IVF was my only option as when the consultant went to unblock my tubes she discovered I had 3rd degree tubal disease. Both tubes blocked proximally, distally and stuck to my pelvic wall no where near my ovaries. One BD on Halloween a month later and I was pregnant! Biggest shock of my life!!!
I looked up clinics in the months previous (after HCG and after my op) and I knew the pressure was on as I was 35yr and had to get my egg share done before my 36th birthday!
I cannot believe my baby is going to school in Sep I'm totally devastated! 😭
Firstly Betty congratulation but I'm in total shock you now have 4babies 😱 I'm a Mam to 4 and had 3girls in quick succession 20,21&22 but it feels like that was another life 😂 I hit the big 40 in Feb (sounds so wrong and had a full on breakdown 😬 ) so no more babies for me but I'm still holding onto this one for dear life He cannot grow up! 😂
Tryandwish congratulations on your little girl and nimbec another boy! I breastfed Harrison till he was 1yr was lovely but I think it made him very clingy. Mind it might have been me clinging to him also. Did you find coz your children were harder to conceive and were wanted so badly did it make you more fearful something might happen to them and make you not want to let them go? Or am I the only crazy one?!! 😂
Hope to hear from you soon as miss our chats.... Would love bumski, pcct and gmz3 to join us too 😊 Xx