Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Im sorry because I dont understand the process of getting donor eggs, but does AMH really matter that much if your not using your own eggs??? Why is it so important to have those results before you prepare for a donor egg?
Im sorry because I dont understand the process of getting donor eggs, but does AMH really matter that much if your not using your own eggs??? Why is it so important to have those results before you prepare for a donor egg?

Hi PositiveUs

Our AMH levels are important because we are donating eggs to women who cant produce their own so we have to produce enough eggs to share them 50/50 with someone else. (Minimum of 4 eggs each so we have to produce 8 to stay on an egg share scheme).

I have not researched what the woman receiving our eggs goes through so I dont know if her AMH level is important to.

Hi g3mz and bumski,

Sorry taken me so long to come on and let you know what happened. Been hectic at work for the last week.

Thank you for thinking of me :D I rang on Weds May 2nd and was told that some of my results are back but not all (still waiting for the carrier part) so I asked if I should ring back next Weds as that would then be 4 weeks since the blood test. They said they would ring me sometime in the next 3 weeks :thumbup: It sounded a little like they may have found a match as she specifically said "Once your results are back we will contact the recipient." That gave me the impression they have someone in mind as she didn't say 'we will find a recipient' so I am hoping to have a call around end of next week. Felt a little low straight after the call as I was hoping for more news but instead I was told "wait to hear form us for another 3 weeks, if you hear nothing then ring us." So felt like I am still just waiting......waiting waiting waiting and waiting some more!

Not sure how I would handle it if I was the recipient instead, waiting on a list for 12 months and hoping a match is found to donate eggs to me. Not even going to imagine it! Just think instead that in the next week a woman will get the call she has been waiting a long time for :yipee:

How are things with both of you?

Hi ladies, hope you don't mind me joining. I will be egg sharing for the third time beginning of June! Just started bcp, I haven't got a recipient yet though which is annoying! Anyhow, any questions on it I might be able to help! X
Hi schoolteacher

You're very welcome to join us. :flower:

Sorry to hear your first 2 cycles were unsuccessful. Wishing you all the best for June.

One question (for now), you said you have started bcp. I am only guessing but is that the 'birth control pill'? I am hoping to start soon, just waiting to hear from my clinic that carrier part of my bloods is back for cystic fibrosis and then they will ring me when they have a recipient. Hoping to have a call around end of next week. Do you have any idea when you'll hear about a recipient?....That's made another question come to mind. How long do you have to take bcp? Is it a set time or does it depend how your cycle relates to the recipient? I have asked my clinic but they won't commit themselves to telling me any dates or times. Guessing this means it varies a lot.

Hi try and wish! Yeah im taking birth control pill, in my first and second cycle I only had to take it for 2-3 weeks (the minimum is 2) then came off, had AF and started stimming. The reason for taking it is so they can control when they want you to have AF-very handy for me as I have irregular cyles!
Not sure how long I'm going to be on it for this time as they told me to start taking it even though haven't found recipient yet. The last 2 times I didn't start taking it until a recipient had been found!
In the first cycle they found me a recipient about 2-3 weeks after all my tests came back, so fairly quick! then got started the following month.
I don't have to have the tests again so just waiting for recipient then signing paperwork, then AF whenever they tell me to stop pill! Hoping it will still be start of June, in which case they need to ring me pretty soon with a recipient!
Hope you get some good news soon too! x
Do you have to start bcp any cycle day in particular or does it not matter? What cycle day did you start your stimming? x

Hi ladies sorry to jump in on thread - was looking for a thread for egg sharing and came across this one, I am currently going through egg sharing schem with the LWC in Darlington have had all revelant bloods been on the the pill and been currently injection (superfact)for past weeks got first scan tomorrow to see if all ok then will start with Gonal F hoping to do Ec end of the month I think we are all roughly at the same stage, hope you don't mind if I join in nice to go through this with some one and especially some one who is with the LWC, I so ar have found the LWC in Darlington fantastic saff are wonderfull ad everything as seemed to go s quick and that is coming frm me a VERY impatient person, hope to hear from you soon and good luck to everyone one finger crossed for us all hopefully n few weeks will see BFP on here :hugs: :dust: :hugs:
hi ladies :flower:
how is everyone doing?
im still waiting on the carrier results :growlmad: it feels like iv been waiting forever but in fact its only been 6 weeks since our first consultation so really thinks are moving pretty quickly!!
hi tigerfan i have also found the lwc to be great!! after our consultation i started looking at ivf forums and came across one that was really negative about the support they give you and i was gutted when i read it but i suppose everyone has different opinions and luckily we have got along great with all the staff!! when we had our last bloods my husband spent ages talking about formula1 to the nurse i didnt have a clue as i dont watch it myself lol! im just eager to get the ball rolling now, dont want to annoy them to much as i know the clinic is very busy but i will ring at the end of this week to see how things are going.
have you had your carrier results yet tryandwish?
hope you have a recipient soon schoolteacher!!
goodluck with your scan 2moro tigerfan let us know how it goes :hugs:
Hi Tigerfan - your a little ahead of us as we haven't started any injections yet :) but that means we can ask you about what to expect :D How long were you on the pill?

Hi g3mz - I called them 3 weeks after the bloods were taken and carrier part wasn't back yet but they said they would call me in next 3 weeks. May 9th was 4 weeks since the blood test and I heard nothing so assumed the bloods were all good. Then just waited patiently taking each day as it came waiting for the call (taking a deep breath every time the phone rang!) and while I was at work on Tues 15th (luckily manager had a day off so I had my mobile in my pocket on vibrate) and talking to my colleges I felt my phone vibrate, looked at it and shouted mid sentence "Oh my god it's the clinic!!". It was Anne calling to say my bloods were all fine and to double check my height, hair colour, eye colour, occupation, hobbies and interests. She actually said "well done" for having blue eyes. Apparently a specific couple they had in mind both have blue eyes so they need a blue eyed donor. Does anyone know how it works with contacting a donor? Anne said they are writing to the couple. Is that because they send the couple a sort of profile of the donor or do they need their response in writing? Guessing there must be a reason for using the post but its so much slower than the phone! I'm just being impatient and don't know when I might hear from them again. Just waiting :coffee: waiting :coffee: waiting :coffee: How long until your 4 weeks are up g3mz?

Amazing news tryandwish :thumbup: I'm so excited for you!! It will be 4weeks for me on Tuesday 22nd now I'm finding the waiting hard!! Even more so now coz I thought when you get the call it would be all go from then but to have to wait again :wacko: but I know it's worth the wait and the recipients wait must be so much harder!! My husband dropped forms in the clinic 2weeks ago and it was only the carrier part we were waiting on so fingers crossed it won't be much longer!! I just want to have more of an idea of dates I suppose coz I really want to book a little holiday for just after whenever the TWW will be to either celebrate or take my mind off disappointment! Either way a few days away would be nice after this emotional roller coaster!! Keep us updated!! :hugs:
Hi g3mz,
Checked the post box this morning and got so excited! Peered into the envelope and it was 6 weeks supply of microgynon contraceptive pill. There was a note saying to start taking it on my next cycle day 2. The excitement faded as I'm now cycle day 8!! :( means 3 weeks waiting again before I can start and then got to take it for at least 2 weeks and seems maybe up to 6 weeks :( like you say it will be worth all the waiting but its hard.

A few days away sounds absolutely amazing! Thing of dreams for me though as we have 3 dogs, 7 cats, 6 chickens (soon to be more), 9 ferrets and 3 goats are coming in a few weeks. Hard to get away with all the mouths to be fed every day. But we do live in a really quiet village on a small holding with a river between us and the nearest neighbour so we don't feel the need for time away very often.

Sure you don't need it but good luck for 22nd :) and hope you get your contraceptive pill with better timing than I did!

Hi girls

I hope you don't mind me posting. We will be looking at egg sharing towards the end of this year/beginning of next if our NHS cycle is unsuccessful this time. I was wondering if I can ask how much it is costing you? Especially the lady in Manchester. If you do not wish to share this I totally understand :thumbup: also can I ask if they charge extra if you need ICSI? Thank you so much girls x

Good luck to you all :hugs:
Hi girls

I hope you don't mind me posting. We will be looking at egg sharing towards the end of this year/beginning of next if our NHS cycle is unsuccessful this time. I was wondering if I can ask how much it is costing you? Especially the lady in Manchester. If you do not wish to share this I totally understand :thumbup: also can I ask if they charge extra if you need ICSI? Thank you so much girls x

Good luck to you all :hugs:

Hi Tinks85,

I'm in west Wales (using a clinic in Swansea) and I have had to pay £325 consultation fee, £90 for AMH bloods (had mine done twice!), and I still have £75 to pay for the HFEA license and £750 for the ICSI (which is normally £950 but they knock £250 off for egg sharers.) Hope this helps and good luck for your NHS cycle.

g3mz - Have you heard about your results? Did you have to phone on 22nd or did you have an appointment to go see them? Have you had your microgynon through yet?

hiya everyone hope everything is going well :flower:

hi tryandwish :hugs: i phoned the clinic a day early on the 21st and my results were all back and fine:thumbup: they had written to the recipient and she had accepted and they had sent me a letter a week before that still hasnt arrived :shrug: second letter from them now that has got lost so they asked me to go in to collect my microgynon but i wont be starting it until 5th june! never thought i would actually look forward to having a period!! so for now just more waiting!! i asked how long i will have to take it but she said she dont know yet :shrug:
just said to ring her when i start the pill so hopefully an answer then!! how long until you start yours?? x:hugs:
Do you have to start bcp any cycle day in particular or does it not matter? What cycle day did you start your stimming? x

I know your know the answer to this now but day 1 or 2, I always started it day 1. x

Does anyone know how it works with contacting a donor? Anne said they are writing to the couple. Is that because they send the couple a sort of profile of the donor or do they need their response in writing?
Weird that they write, I have never asked my clinic I presumed they phoned! When Im at the clinic I alway look around to see if there is anyone that looks like me!-even though they are unlikely to come on the same day as they don't have to really come in much anyways.

I just want to have more of an idea of dates I suppose coz I really want to book a little holiday for just after whenever the TWW will be to either celebrate or take my mind off disappointment! Either way a few days away would be nice after this emotional roller coaster!! Keep us updated!! :hugs:
Good idea! I did this too for after the first cycle! couldn't afford it on the 2nd. Think we will be definately need to go away if this 3rd cycle doesn't work....

Hi g3mz,
Checked the post box this morning and got so excited! Peered into the envelope and it was 6 weeks supply of microgynon contraceptive pill. There was a note saying to start taking it on my next cycle day 2. The excitement faded as I'm now cycle day 8!! :( means 3 weeks waiting again before I can start and then got to take it for at least 2 weeks and seems maybe up to 6 weeks :( like you say it will be worth all the waiting but its hard.
Yay! same brand as me. bummer for it arriving on cd 8 though, that is so typical!!! So at least 5 weeks til starting then? 1st cyle I took bcp for 2 weeks, 2nd cycle a full strip which is 21 days and this time 5 weeks!!! Grrrr, because egg recipeient is on holiday mid way through due so I now have to stay on bcp for 2 extra weeks! nevermind.

Hi girls

I hope you don't mind me posting. We will be looking at egg sharing towards the end of this year/beginning of next if our NHS cycle is unsuccessful this time. I was wondering if I can ask how much it is costing you? Especially the lady in Manchester. If you do not wish to share this I totally understand :thumbup: also can I ask if they charge extra if you need ICSI? Thank you so much girls x

Good luck to you all :hugs:
Hi tinks!!! (tinks an I go way back on this other thread thats been going over a year!!!)
Gosh try and wish is paying more than me! no good for you but im at herts and essex and you don't have to pay any consult fees, so its £75 hfea feee and that would be it if you don't need icsi but if you do which we do it £700 I think. We are also having to pay for extras drugs this time aas they and aside from the normal drugs-steroids and heparin which is £40 for 10 injections-need one a day to continue for 12 weeks if I get BFP so that will add up a bit. Princess who you know, only paid £75 quid!!!!!

hiya everyone hope everything is going well :flower:

hi tryandwish :hugs: i phoned the clinic a day early on the 21st and my results were all back and fine:thumbup: they had written to the recipient and she had accepted and they had sent me a letter a week before that still hasnt arrived :shrug: second letter from them now that has got lost so they asked me to go in to collect my microgynon but i wont be starting it until 5th june! never thought i would actually look forward to having a period!! :dust::dust:

5th june be here before you know and hopefully you will only have to take it for the minimum of 2 weeks! x

AFM-come off bcp on 8th and start stimms on 15th with estimated ER on 29th june! :happydance: x
Schoolteacher - Yea I know now I have to start bcp on cycle day 2. Not much longer to wait now until I can start my bcp. I should start mine not long after you finish yours :D

G3mz - I start the microgynon somewhere around June 8th as that will be day 28 of this cycle and my cycles are anything from 28 days to 32 so if you start yours on 5th I will be roughly a week behind you :thumbup: and I have to agree with you, I have also never been wanting AF to arrive quicker :wacko:

my results came back we can go on to the next step :happydance:
was so excited didnt ask what they were lol the fact that they were ok was enough for me!! they have sent me a letter that should be with me 2moro with an appointment for counselling and bloods for next week! soooooooooo excited and glad i phoned them because they had been trying to ring me but must have the wrong number! typical! anyway i am determined to stay positive along this journey so here it goes!
"ASK and Ye SHALL RECIEVE":baby:
How do I find out about the "EGG SHARE" thing? I would LOVE 2share my eggs & give some1 that JOY & LOVE only a baby can bring! I'm PRAYING 4all of U 2get ur PRAYERS & Wishes met! Please KEEP your FAITH!GOD DOES give MIRACLES! Your friend,Marsha
Hi god believer I looked up my local IVF clinic online and found the egg share information on there then discussed it further in our initial consultation :flower:

Hi schoolteacher wow you got your dates must be so exciting!! :happydance: I can't wait to find out mine!! Hope il have more of an idea when I ring the clinic this week!!

Hi tryandwish not long now!! :happydance:

Iv had some bad news this week :cry: we live in a rented property and our letting agent came to tell us Thursday that our landlord is going bankrupt so we have to move out :wacko: no idea on how long we have our agent is hoping another property comes in with him soon for us!! And we are limited because we have pets and need space to park 3 cars and a recovery truck!! We also can't go to far as my daughter attends a local specialist teaching facility and moving her could have dramatic effects.

All this then upset me because just before we started this Ivf journey I went to see a famous psychic. I've seen many psychics in the past some very spot others not so good!! This one was right with a lot of thing like he described my house and even knew the colour I wanted to decorate but he didn't pick up on some major points in my life such as my daughter having disabilities:shrug:
But he did tell me not to bother decorating because i wouldnt be in our house long and that we will move to a detached property that will have a white garage!! At the end I got to ask a question so I explained we had been struggling to conceive and will we ever have a child together? His answer upset me and also made me very angry!! He said that people were assessed to be given a child and I had to much stress in my life so I wouldn't be given a child while that stress was there!!
Yes my life can be stressful who's isn't? But if that was the case why are people who beat their children or take drugs or have abortions why are they given a child and not us women who are trying so hard to conceive a much wanted and loved child!!! It effected my mood for weeks and that's when we thought lets go for it let's have Ivf and prove him wrong!!
Now if we get a call to view a house like he described I will find it hard to keep the hope!! But one things for sure I'm keeping away from psychics from now on!!

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