Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

My due date still isn't on the first page with the others :cry:

But my gender is though! :thumbup:
At the ob.....have to go for a scan because my uterus is measured quite a bit smaller than it should be right now. Talked to anesthesiology and I can not have an epidural r sigh
Daphne- yay for low bp! That stinks about the tire. Glad he was able to fix it. and holy hell that's hot!!! I barely tolerate 80 degrees lol!! I'd much rather be cold end bundled up!!

Pam- flu shot is always best around kids and babies! Their immune systems aren't as strong, so Good Job!

Jess- I like your birth plan. I hope you get exactly what you want!

Cheryl- ????!!!!!???? :)

Laura- GL at ur appt! Can't wait to hear an update!

Afm: I just almost passed out talking to my boss (nanny family's mom). Thankfully she's a nurse! I think my blood sugar dropped suddenly or something but I went pale and sweaty and weak in the knees . And had to sit down fast. She gave me a few crackers and water and I felt better slowly after a few mins. My ears were ringing and my vision blurry. It was awful! She says it's bcuz the baby is requiring more blood now and I have to eat more iron rich foods, etc. I guess i don't!? Not too sure what foods have a lot of iron besides beef which I know I don't eat a lot of .. But that was not a pleasant feeling. My head still feels a bit dizzy and hot. Wonder if my BP dropped too?

Has this happened to anyone else??
Jamie, do you have any vits? I was prescribed with iron and calcium supplements starting 2nd tri which im still taking up to now. Hope you feel better soon.
24 week bare belly photos:

And some bare belly progression photos:​

Here's some of the Hershey candy bar birth announcements I've made. I did the pink ones for a good friend and his girlfriend when their daughter was born a few years ago and the blue ones for my friend (who is 2 weeks ahead of me pregnant right now!) the year before last and also made some for my ex husband and his girlfriend when she gave birth to their son this past October. My mom had ordered some from a specialty place when my son was born and they cost a pretty penny I'm sure. I made some myself when my daughter was born. Would like to make some when Cameron's born but I'll have to figure out the printer situation as I've been using the one at work. Maybe some photo announcements at first then I can always make the candy bars later...

Whoah your barebump really looks good. Big big difference when you made the progression, just beautiful.... Love those candy bar announcements very creative.... :D
I take a prenatal plus extra omega supplement but I'm not sure if there is any extra iron in the prenatal. I'll have to look. I did look up iron requirements for pregnant women and I was surprised at the iron % difference for pregnant women vs non pregnant. (18 mg/day vs. 27 mg) and that's a big difference! You'd think the dr would've told me to increase iron. That's good your taking those supplements daphne! I should look into that now Especially since foods that are considered iron rich foods don't even have THAT much iron in them. Broccoli is like 2.5 mg per serving. I would have to eat like 10 servings lol. I have bad enough gas now, could you imagine the gas after 10 servings of broccoli!!!! Yikes! Lol
The prenatals I'm currently taking, now that my bottle of Target UpandUp brand prenatals are all gone, say Virtprex which is generic for Triveen-Prx on the label.

The little white pill next to it is my biotin I take daily. When I asked about a prenatal prescription my doctor recommended I get them from a local supermarket that doesn't charge anything :thumbup: I got the script sent over by him and recently started these ones. The pharmacist said they have DHA in them... not sure if my other ones did or not :shrug: There's 26mg of iron (144% daily value). They are HUGE compared to my previous prenatals but they kinda smell like chocolate coated candy to me and are ssoftgels and go down easily.

Speaking of broccoli... my OH and I had sides of it with our dinner last Sunday while out to eat for Mother's Day with his dad. The next day we spent the evening on the couch ripping ass left and right and waving the nauseating clouds at each other :rofl: It was TERRIBLE! :sick: I'm like 'OMG what normal couple actually does this shit?!' :dohh: We aren't right... We made each other promise to swear off the broccoli for a little while :laugh2:

He started putting the new bedroom doors up yesterday evening. This one is my son's (before he installed the doorknob) and still need to get my daughter's and Cameron's up.

It made such a difference! The doors we had prior were just hollow wood grain and the door jamb was the previous old wood but I painted that white to match the casing and doors :thumbup:
I was taking prenatal vits with iron (after finishing fertilaid) right around my :bfp: and omega 3 capsules for months while TTC up until our very first visit to an OB. She immediately said i have to stop them because i don't need them that early.... she just kept on repeating it and told me to just take baby aspirin (which im still taking). She asked me who prescribed them and told her about our old OB (fertility specialist). I asked her why i should stop them and she said it might affect the growth of my baby i dont want to believe her because i did a research about those still i did what she wanted me to do. But had to change a hospital because i dont feel confident at that place.

You better ask your doc about iron and calcium supplements you may have a prenatal vits but it might not be enough for you and your baby. Also they are way easier to take than to eat 10 servings of broccoli to satisfy your daily iron needs. :haha:

Here's the vitamins im taking:

1. Baby aspirin since first visit with an OB
2. Iron and Calcium supplements since 2nd try

Our current doc told me to continue taking them and the last doc (before this current hospital) she told me the same and when we asked if i could take pregnacare amd omega 3 with them she said i can but theres no need because our son is growing on track and adding more vitamins might make him HUUUUGEEEE. That's why those two supplements were just sitting in the drawer waiting to get expired... :D

Sorry, i was just planning on writing a short reply but it has its own mind. :rofl:
At the ob.....have to go for a scan because my uterus is measured quite a bit smaller than it should be right now. Talked to anesthesiology and I can not have an epidural r sigh

Hope everything turns out well Jess.... :hugs: FX it's just because of your built and nothing to worry about.... Sorry about the epidural issue....
Jess so you're saying you cannot have an epi for delivery, whther it be vaginally or cesarean? I recall you saying there was a different way they can go about numbing you for cesarean... will you be awake for the birth if that's the case?
Thanks ladies! My dr seemed very uninterested in what kind of prenatal I was taking or what was in it as long as it has omegas for baby's brain development. So I checked and mine has sufficient omegas so I didn't really look into if it had everything else I needed. I just bought some iron and calcium on amazon so I should be good once those arrive! What's the baby aspirin helpful for daphne?
Daphne- yay for low bp! That stinks about the tire. Glad he was able to fix it. and holy hell that's hot!!! I barely tolerate 80 degrees lol!! I'd much rather be cold end bundled up!!

Pam- flu shot is always best around kids and babies! Their immune systems aren't as strong, so Good Job!

Jess- I like your birth plan. I hope you get exactly what you want!

Cheryl- ????!!!!!???? :)

Laura- GL at ur appt! Can't wait to hear an update!

Afm: I just almost passed out talking to my boss (nanny family's mom). Thankfully she's a nurse! I think my blood sugar dropped suddenly or something but I went pale and sweaty and weak in the knees . And had to sit down fast. She gave me a few crackers and water and I felt better slowly after a few mins. My ears were ringing and my vision blurry. It was awful! She says it's bcuz the baby is requiring more blood now and I have to eat more iron rich foods, etc. I guess i don't!? Not too sure what foods have a lot of iron besides beef which I know I don't eat a lot of .. But that was not a pleasant feeling. My head still feels a bit dizzy and hot. Wonder if my BP dropped too?

Has this happened to anyone else??

I've had that happen a couple of times. Mine always seems to be from low sugar levels and not drinking enough. Look at for help on foods high in things.

Jess so you're saying you cannot have an epi for delivery, whther it be vaginally or cesarean? I recall you saying there was a different way they can go about numbing you for cesarean... will you be awake for the birth if that's the case?

I can't have an epidural at all. The anesthesiologist was very clear on that, but in a super nice way. They usually go in at either L1 or L2 for epidurals, but with my spina bifida right there they can't. They can't go higher because the spinal cord ends just above L1 and they can't go lower because of the pars fracture at L5 and the fact that it won't numb the right parts. Even without the spina bifida, she said the blood disorder makes things way too risky.

So if I need something for pain, they can do a PAC line which is a line inserted into my arm that has a pump I can use to self administer pain meds. She does have to do some research though because of the allergies I have to a lot of pain medications. If they have to do a c-section they will have to fully sedate me using morphine or fentynol and I would not be conscious. I did almost cry at that but calmly told her how important it was for at least one of us to be present at the birth of our child and she said they could get Ronny before they actually take Luke out but not while they are cutting me open.

Thanks ladies! My dr seemed very uninterested in what kind of prenatal I was taking or what was in it as long as it has omegas for baby's brain development. So I checked and mine has sufficient omegas so I didn't really look into if it had everything else I needed. I just bought some iron and calcium on amazon so I should be good once those arrive! What's the baby aspirin helpful for daphne?

The baby asprin is supposed to help thin the blood. Some doctors say its ok, some say absolutely not. I've heard it go both ways, but I've also heard that you should stop taking it after the first trimester.
Ok so as for the doctor appointment: everything was looking pretty a-ok. Lukes heart rate was at 135 and they weren't too concerned until they did the belly measurement. My fundal height was at 25.5cm so they rounded up to 26. Given all of my issues they were concerned that Luke was small and sent me for an ultrasound just to check on him. He is actually measuring 30 weeks almost everywhere and weighs 3.5 pounds already. I'm just measuring small because Luke is in a really weird position, and still transverse. He's actually in a position that may make it impossible for him to flip later (don't really want this because then c-section is mandatory). The sonographer had a really hard time measuring him with the way he is laying, but I have another full scan with 3D on Tuesday so hopefully he moves a bit so we get some good shots.
As per my prior doc it helps with the blood flow between you and the baby. She prescribed it the very first time she thought baby is not getting the nutrients she needed. When i transferred to another doc she said to continue it when i told her what i was taking. Then this newest doc asked me if i'm taking baby aspirin iron and calcium when i said yes he said the same thing continue and don't add some more... Actually omega 3 is much needed during third tri but my doc told me there's no need. I wanted to take mine but i just followed them.

1. Ferose (iron) 100 mg evening because it causes drowsiness
1. Jusprin "Baby" aspirin 81mg evening (if you plan on takin this make sure it's "BABY" aspirin)
1. Calcivyte 600 mg with vitamin D 125 IU morning.

Please note that you CANNOT take iron and calcium at the same time and must be taken after meals. Ask your doc if it's ok for you to take them.

Oh and BTW, the most important are iron and calcium you can take baby aspirin or not. I just did because my docs want me to.
Glad everything went well Jess. Lukes still has few more weeks to move at most 35 weeks then the chance becomes less than 3% after than and less than 1% days before birth FX he change his position for you to have a vaginal birth.

Oh i cant wait to see Luke in 3D.... :dance:
This is a good article for hospital bag stuff! The numbing spray for your downtown area really seems to help after labor!
And the crib is fixed!!!! :dance: will set it up soon don't want the covers to accumulate dust. :haha: car seat will be done later this afternoon when there's no more sun. It's 13:41 hrs so it's impossible to go outside without getting burned. Next on the list, hospital bag....thanks to the article Jamie...
I've never been concerned about taking extra vitamins/supplements aside from my prenatal... just cause I've never been advised to by my caregiver. I was taking biotin daily to help with my hair and nails, but discontinued once I got my :bfp: and once I got the OK from my doctor I began taking it again, closer to second tri. I joke with my OH that our son is going to look like Chewbacca when he's born :laugh2:

Jess hopefully Luke moves into position soon so you have a much better chance at vaginal delivery! That stinks you'd have to be completely sedated for a cesarean, and I wonder why they won't allow your DH to be present until they begin to pull the baby out? You would think they'd let him sit up by your head, with a big drape hung so he can't see anything until Luke is out? I mean, that's what I've always see on TV, even the real life shows. :shrug:

Daphne the crib is cute! Check that off the list :thumbup: My mom takes "baby" aspirin. She's always called it that then one doctor she saw kept correcting her, saying it was "low dose" not "baby"... whatevs dude :roll:

I was dying yesterday evening! I suddenly got theee worst gas ever while out running errands with my OH. I ran inside the post office to mail the last few invites then let one rip when I hopped back into his truck. He was like "Really?"... then as we took off I hear "Holy sh*t" and look over to him with his sweatshirt pulled up over his nose :rofl: He begged me to roll down my window so I cracked it a teeny tiny bit. He rolled his all the way down and stuck his head out :laugh2: I got him again in the kitchen, so while making himself a bowl of cereal he used whole milk instead of Lactaid (he has a lactose issue) and promised to get me back :haha: I got him again on the couch too :happydance: Poor guy.
Omg jyllian- I am equally horrified/amused at you and your OH fart battles. Lol!!

Daphne- hooray for the crib being fixed!! One thing down, two to go!

I feel like I might have felt the baby last night but I'm not sure! It felt like a little bubble popping in my belly lol. Twice. But then was gone.

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